So these are a continuation of the story from chapter 8, where the brothers bought the stuff from Walmart. This was a suggestion from the reviewer Wannabefangirl. I thought it would be an interesting idea so here it is. As a reminder Germany bought brownies, sleeping pills and laxatives. Prussia bought a kiddy pool, Pepto-Bismol and mayo

Germany sighed and lay his head down on the desk. The latest meeting was a complete disaster. Italy wouldn't stop crying, Romano wouldn't stop bothering Italy making him get upset, and Spain was pissing off Romano making him pick on Italy. France didn't even care anymore and was watching porn with the volume on on his laptop, England was trying his best to ignore it and not look but was bright red and sweating pools. America has started hunting ghosts with his evp materials and kept on screaming every 2 seconds, making Canada jump and had grabbed his hockey stick for protection, and swung it against furniture every time America screamed, causing for giant dents. Russia had decided to braid China's hair and was currently putting some shiny string and beads into it. Japan had found his old electronic dancing game in the closet and was beating his high score.

Germany didn't know what to do anymore. In desperation he called Prussia.

"What's up West!?"

"Prussia, help me please, the meeting's a disaster. Everybody's doing whatever the hell they want, they've too far gone! I can't take it anymore!"

Prussia snickered. "Still got your special brownies from Walmart?"

"Prussia, no, I-I couldn't" Suddenly America yelled so loud surely even the deaf on the other side of the world heard it. Canada smashed a chair in half.

"Bring them" he growled into the phone.

"Hey hey hey! What's up losers? The awesome me comes bearing treats!" Prussia sang as he kicked the door open.

"Food?" America asked instantly removing his heat seeking goggles.

"Yeah, awesome brownies! Fresh from, uh, anyways fresh brownies!"

"Prussia! Get the hell out of here!"

"Make me West" Prussia taunted.

"I'll change the wifi password. And put parental controls on all the electronics in the house"

"No, please don't West!"

"Then leave!"

"Fine, let me just get a brownie"

"No! Just get out!"

"Fine, fine. It was unawesome here anyways"

Meanwhile everybody stopped what they were doing and ran for the two trays loaded with gooey brownies, which were smothered in in thick, fudgy frosting. Everybody popped one brownie after another.

"Germany, aren't you going to have one?" asked Italy with his face covered in frosting.


Suddenly his phone rang.

"Yes, this is him. What? What? Are you serious? No way. Of course. I'll be there immediately" Germany sprinted out of the room.

"Ve, Germany left"

"Good. With potato bastard gone there's more for me"

After they ate all the brownies they sat down.

"I feel so sleepy" yawned China.

"Me too dude"

The Italies and Spain were already out and shortly everyone else was too.

All the nations were deeply asleep. America felt his stomach turning and knotting up. He winced in pain in his sleep and curled his legs up. Russia also felt an uncomfortable pressure in his stomach, however he felt he couldn't do anything about it and hoped it would pass soon. Japan felt the all too familiar pain in his belly and groaned in his sleep. England felt a huge urge to fart, so he did. He felt a little better, so he did it again. Italy's normally cheerful face was scrunched up in pain, however as soon as he released what he took for a little gas he felt better. As the pressure in France's lower stomach became unbearable his eyes suddenly popped open.

'My god, I have to get to a bathroom right now!' he thought as stirred awake. However it seemed a bit too late for that. France felt his face grow superhot and he decided he needed to leave the room as fast as possible. As he was leaving he tripped, causing much clamor and for the nations to stir awake.

All the nations came to and realized what had happened to them. They all awkwardly sat there burning red.

America finally spoke up. "How about we just go home and never speak of this to anyone?" Everybody nodded in agreement.

Germany returned the next day. "So sorry that I ran out like that but Prussia tried mugging somebody and I had to go over to bail him out. Anyways, how was the remainder of the meeting?" Everybody glanced at each other. Finally America spoke up.


Austria was sitting in his living room and watching tv. Prussia giggled as he peeked in.

"Guess what West, he wears pink bunny slippers"

Germany ran over to confirm that. "Huh. Anyways get over here. This was your idea"

The brothers walked to their car and pulled the kiddie pool filled with the light pink concoction out.

"Careful, don't get it on the seats" They hauled the pool over to Austria's front step gently not to spill its contents on the ground.

"Now for the perfect note" Prussia thought deeply. "To go with your shoes"

"What? No, then he'll know we were spying on him"

"You think of something then West"

"You're the one who blogs 24/7 and always signs off with catchy phrases"

"Ugh, how about I leave a note saying it's a new kind of sandwich spread"

"Why? To poison him? And I'm pretty sure he's aware spread isn't sold by the pool full"

"Got it. I'll write a note saying this stuff is magic lotion and will make you look decades younger. And sign it from me with happy early birthday"

"That's better I guess"

Prussia wrote the note and placed it on top.

"There, perfect. Wait, one more thing" Prussia unzipped his pants and pulled them down along with is boxers and stuck his butt in the pool.


Prussia ran to rinse himself off with the hose and ran back.

"Now we ring the doorbell and hide while laughing" Prussia rang the doorbell and they ducked by the side of the house.

The door opened.

"Oh, what's this?" Austria mumbled as he read the note. He then glanced around for Prussia but didn't see him. Sighing he drug the pool in. He wasn't just going to leave it there for someone to step in.

Austria was walking around his house with a light pink face mask.

Hungary laughed. "What's that on your face?"

"Only the latest in rejuvenating crèmes. Prussia gave me a pool full of this. It's surprisingly good"

Hungary nodded. Wait, did he just say pool full?

One last time to the fantabulous reviewers:

St. Helena: What? You never plan on driving? Girl, (or boy) you crazy XD

AnotherPsychoReader: I don't know if I'll ever do a 30 day thing again due to being too busy soon. I'll still make more German brothers fics though. I'm happy you liked this!

EricaHarp: Is the bonus chapter everything you hoped for? XD And yes, I do plan on making more German brothers fics. Thanks for reading it!

Well, it's over. What ever will I do with all my free time at 3 a.m. now? Thanks again for reading and bearing with this story. Stay Awesome!