A/N: Notable differences - Rogue is 14 not 17. Rogue is good with computer. Logan's memory is not fully gone just piecemeal. Closer bond between Logan and Rogue as friends. More similar to father / daughter relationship. NO SHIPPING involved.

WARNINGS - mentions child abuse. Violence. Language. Spoilers - x-men movie - no real spoilers except mentions of events near the end of the movie only.

*X-MEN "world"*
*with Logan*

Logan was straining so much trying to break Magneto's hold he almost over-shot slashing the machine when the hold finally broke. The only thought in his mind was destroy the machine. One slash. Two. As he went to swing for a third time there was a brilliant white flash. Bringing his arm up to shield his eyes he suddenly felt himself falling and reached out desperate for something to grab.

*in the NCIS "world"*
*Gibbs POV*

Gibbs sighed to himself and walked toward his desk. Standing a few feet in front of it he glared at it. After the last attack they were officially on lock down. Well mostly. Most agents or staff had the ability to go home when they got off provided they used a buddy system. The MCRT team wasn't so lucky. Being the main target they were stuck here until they had more information. Gibbs' thoughts briefly flashed back to Ari. Nope, not going there. Shaking his head to clear it he took a step towards the desk. Before he could get any closer there was a sound of shattering glass. He ducked his head covering his face with his arm.

The glass breaking was followed by the sound of a hard impact before the noise finally started settling. Cautiously Gibbs raised his head a little and peered over his arm. Blinking several times at the sight he finally dropped his arm and straightened. Gibbs looked at the body that had crashed down onto his desk one more time before glancing at the sky light.

"Boss! You alright?"

"Better than he is DiNozzo."

"You know who he is?"

Gibbs glanced back at Tony and glared. How the hell was he supposed to know who the man was? It's not like people dropped through skylights onto his desk every day. Turning back to the man Gibbs set his coffee on a filing cabinet and knelt down to check on him. Spying a dog tag Gibbs carefully lifted it. 'Wolverine'. Dropping the tag he turned back to inspecting the man. The man was unconscious and looked pretty beat up. The desk didn't look like it had fared any better. Actually, the desk looked pretty dead along with the mangled remains of the computer monitor. Checking for a pulse he found that the man was still alive. Miraculous actually, just going by how he looked.

"Help me get him to Ducky, DiNozzo."

Gibbs grabbed the new arrivals feet while Tony bent down to grab the shoulders. "Geez Boss, this guy weighs a ton."

"Ya think," Gibbs asked straining against the weight himself. They lowered him back down to the floor. Gibbs looked around finally stopping a cluster of agents staring at the scene. "You two," he said pointing at two of them. "Help us get this guy down to autopsy. Tim, you go check out the roof and see what you can find."

"Got it," Tim replied turning to head for the roof.

*Ducky's Lab*

"You think they'll find something soon?"

"As much as I would hope so, I doubt it, Mr. Palmer."

"Do you think," Palmer began before pausing as the doors slid open.

Ducky watched as a group of agents carried in a scruffy, battered looking man in and laid him on one of the autopsy tables. Once they had him finally on the table Gibbs finally turned and spoke.

"Patient for you Duck."

"Where did we acquire our new friend?"

"Crashed through the skylight and onto my desk. Friend might be a bit strong this early. Don't know anything about him yet."

"Well let's take a look and make sure he's doing alright." Walking over to the new comer Ducky stared down at the odd clothes. "First we're going to have to remove this... suit."

*Tim POV*

At first he didn't see anything. He wasn't quite sure what he expected to find but he figured there might be a parachute or a harness at least. Something to help explain how the man had made it through the skylight alive. Not spotting anything he moved to the right a little as he approached the broken skylight. Suddenly a foot came into view and he stopped. The foot shifted slightly and Tim broke into a jog. As he neared he saw the back of a woman's head.

Tim hadn't been sure of what he would find near the skylight but another person would have been at the end of the list. She had brown hair with long white bangs. He couldn't see much of her face. "Freeze, don't move," he announced as he neared. The woman got to her feet and wobbled slightly. "Don't move," he called again. As he reached out to put a hand on her shoulder the woman bolted. "Damn it," Tim muttered before giving chase. She was fast but she stumbled a few times allowing him to catch up with her. As soon as he was close enough he tackled her.

*Rogue POV*

Rogue had no clue what was going on but the last thing she remembered was the machine. Well, the machine and the pain. When she woke up she saw the broken skylight next to her. She was trying to figure out where she was when she heard a voice. Panicked, she ran. Or she tried to. Her balance wasn't doing well and she struggled to keep from tripping over her own feet. She searched for somewhere to go and was tackled. She twisted jerking an arm out from under her and elbowed the man behind her. When his weight shifted she rolled until she was out from under him and struggled to get back to her feet. Before she managed the stranger reached up and grabbed her wrists.

Rogue froze. She had forgotten she didn't have her gloves on. Squeezing her eyes shut she waited for the inevitable. The stranger behind her stood and she felt something hard around her wrists. By the time she processed they were handcuffs she was too shocked that the stranger was unaffected by touching her to move. She shook her head to clear it.

*Tim POV*

"Calm down. No one's going to hurt you." Tim turned the woman to face him and did a double take. This wasn't a woman, this was a child. She couldn't be any older than fifteen. What was she doing up here? Did she know the man that had fallen through the skylight? Question after question raced through his mind.

*Rogue POV*

She tried desperately to remember how she got here. Was she the only one here? She

glanced back at the skylight. If she didn't break it, who did? Who else had been near? Magneto. Rogue started to panic again. If he was here she had to get away. She started to struggle again before remembering Logan had been near as well. If he had fallen through the


The stranger appeared in front of her. Quickly she jerked her head forward and bashed her forehead into his nose. As soon as he let go to grab his face she ran to the skylight. Peering down she tried to find any signs of Logan. As soon as she saw the mangled desk she winced. Twisting her head trying to get a better view she felt the stranger grab her shoulders and jerk her up.

*Logan POV*

The first thing to cut through the darkness was the pain. His mind worked frantically trying to remember where he was and why everything hurt so much.

'I've been through worse.'

'No you haven't.'

He tried to move but nothing seemed to work right.

"I think he's waking up."

He could feel his lids moving as he tried to open his eyes. Slowly the darkness started to ebb away.

'Heart rate two hundred.'

'BP two-sixty over one-eighty and rising.'

"So he's going to be alright?"

'Erase his memory.'

Logan sat straight up as his eyes shot open and for a moment there was only a brilliant white light.

*Ducky POV*

The movement was too sudden for him to react in time. By the time Ducky saw the arm coming at him it was already too late. He was being shoved backwards so fast he bounced off the wall freezers behind him. Turning back to the commotion he watched Tony and one of the other agents move in to subdue the stranger. The stranger used one leg to kick the other agent in the chest, sending him backwards. Following through with the kick the stranger jumped off the table. As Tony moved in to intercept him the stranger spun and caught Tony in the chest with a fist. Tony staggered. At least Palmer was far enough back not the caught up in everything that was happening.

"Call security Duck," Gibbs shouted as he ran into the fray.

Gibbs and the second agent rushed the stranger trying to tackle him high and low. The stranger got one leg loose and stomped on the second agents shoulder driving it into the floor and breaking his grip. After freeing his legs he did some kind of martial arts move Ducky didn't recognize and managed to fling Gibbs off of him. Gibbs went backward hitting the first agent as he was finally regaining his feet. Ducky winced as he watched the two impact.

Tony grabbed the edge of the table between him and the stranger and swung his legs under it catch the stranger in back of the knees. The stranger hit the floor on his knees and twisted punching Tony in the jaw. The second agent who had tried to tackle the stranger with Gibbs twisted on the ground and brought a leg around to kick the stranger in the side of his head. The stranger slid sideways with the impact and bounced back to his feet. Although it wasn't immediate, the blow should have stunned him at least for a few more moments than it did.

The stranger sprung forward and, using his hand almost like a hammer, he slammed it into the top of the head of the agent who had just kicked him. He spun back towards Gibbs as the agent fell bonelessly to the floor. Gibbs rushed him with a body hook and the stranger turned and smashed into Gibbs shoulder with his fist. The fight then seemed to evolve into a grappling match instead of the all out brawl it had been.

Ducky thought as quickly as he could. There had to be something he could do. Suddenly an idea struck him and he ran to a cabinet. Pulling out a bottle he opened a draw just below the cabinet and grabbed a syringe. By the time he had it ready Gibbs and the stranger had were on the floor grappling, both trying to get an upper hand. Ducky edged closer trying to get a good opening. When they rolled sideways he saw the opening he needed and took it. He had just enough time to inject the stranger in the butt and remove the needle before they rolled again. Ducky backed up and hoped it would take affect quickly.

*In interrogation with Tim*

"No one here is going to hurt you. Just tell me what your name is."

When she refused to answer Tim sighed. Not knowing anything about her or why she was here, or on the roof, he took her to the first secure location he could think of. Sitting in the interrogation room Tim was racking his brain for a way to get the girl to open up. Finally he was forced to admit that probably wasn't going to happen any time soon. Exiting interrogation he stopped and agent walking past.

"Guard this room and don't let anyone in or out."

The agent nodded and Tim made his way back to the bullpen.

*Rogue POV*

Rogue didn't move for a while after the stranger left, sure this was some kind of a trick. She waited apprehensively for something to happen. After a few moments, when nothing did happen, she risked looking up to inspect her surroundings. There wasn't much; a table, two chairs and that was it. Looking up she finally saw the window. Two way mirror her mind piped up instantly. She didn't have long to dwell on that, however. In the two way mirror she caught a reflection of herself and what she saw caused to stare. She leaned forward and reached her hands up to touch the now white portion of her hair. When had that happened?

*Tim POV*

As he walked over to Ziva she quirked an eyebrow at him but didn't speak.

"There was a girl on the roof too," Tim informed her. "Looks about fourteen or fifteen. I'm not having any luck getting her to talk can you see if you can get her to open up?"

"Of course."

"Thanks. I'm going to go down to check on things with Gibbs and Ducky. Ziva nodded. Tim turned and headed down to autopsy. He was almost there when he heard the alarm sound. Making his way to autopsy he arrived just in time to see the new arrival sink slowly to the floor. Autopsy looked like a battle zone with injured or unconscious agents all over..

"You look like crap boss, what happened?"

Gibbs glared at Tim before turning back to Ducky. "What was that you gave him?"

"A sedative. He should be out for about an hour or two."

"You're not sure?"

"It's not like I had enough time to get his precise weight, Jethro."

"A ton."

Everyone turned and looked at Tony who was now groaning and placing his arm over his face. Removing his arm briefly he turned back towards the group. "He weighs a ton," he repeated before groaning and lowering his arm again.

"Welcome back DiNozzo."

"Thanks boss. Not sure how good it is to be back, though," Tony muttered.

"Up DiNozzo, we're going to need some help getting him back on the table."

With a final groan Tony stood and made his way over to the sedated stranger. "At least we don't have to carry him as far this time."

Between the three of them Tim, Tony and Gibbs managed to maneuver the stranger back onto the table. Pulling out his handcuffs he cuffed one of the strangers arms to a leg of the table and turned to Tony. "Cuffs," he ordered holding his hands up. Tony pulled out his cuffs and tossed them. Catching them Gibbs used them to cuff the strangers other arm to the other leg of the table. "Hopefully that will stop us from having a repeat next time he wakes up.

The stranger groaned and his head shifted to the right. Everyone held their breath and waited. After some time without any other movement they finally relaxed. Gibbs turned back to Tim.

"What did you find?"

"Um," Tim began finally prying his eyes off the stranger. "I found a girl, about fourteen or fifteen, brown hair long white bangs."

"You're joking, right?"

"Um, no boss."

Gibbs rubbed his face with his hand.

"Where is she now," he asked.

"I left her in interrogation. Ziva's with her."

*Ziva POV*

Frustrated Ziva leaned back in her chair. She was rapidly running out of polite ways to convince this girl it was in her better interest to talk. "No one here will hurt you." Ziva reached out to touch the girl on the arm as a gesture of reassurance and the girl flinched away. "You are safe here. You were found on the roof of this building and we need to know why. This is a federal building." The girl seemed to tense.

Ziva paused and thought about that. Polite was getting her nowhere. It was time to change tactics, she decided. "If you do not talk we can have you sent away. We can put you somewhere where you will never see the light of day again," she bluffed. Of all the reactions she expected a passive acceptance wasn't any of them. The reaction confused her. Did this girl really believe that she could be disappeared just like that? The reaction was definitely not normal American teenager. Perhaps this girl wasn't American... Definitely not Mediterranean or Middle Eastern. Possibly Russian, Ziva thought to herself.

Ziva reached out to touch the girls hand. The girl flinched again and immediately crossed her arms effectively hiding her hands behind her. Ziva frowned. Obviously she did not like being touched. The reaction caused her to wonder if the girl had been a victim of abuse. If so did it have anything to do with the man that had fallen through the skylight? She stopped the growl before she could voice it. That had better not be the case.

Unsure quite how to proceed from here Ziva decided it was best to regroup and see if there was any new information. Ziva stood and headed for the door. Before opening it she turned back to the girl. "If you decide to talk I will return. I have a few things to take care of right now," Ziva said in a neutral tone. The girl didn't move. Ziva shook her head and finally exited the room. Not finding anyone in the bullpen she quickly made her way down to autopsy to check on the others.

Entering autopsy Ziva stopped and took in the scene. At the sound of the doors sliding open almost everyone turned. One of the two agents that had helped carry the injured man to autopsy was lying on a table with an ice pack on his face. The other was sitting in the chair at Ducky's desk holding his shoulder. As Tony turned around she noticed a bruise forming on the left side of his jaw. The stranger, apparently still unconscious, was lying on another autopsy table with his hands cuffed to the legs of the table. The strange clothes he was previously wearing were gone and all he had on now was a pair of black briefs. Finally turning back to her team she raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"Looks as though I missed the fun."

"Trust me, Z, it wasn't all that fun," Tony said rubbing his chest.

"So what happened?"

"Mr. Sideburns over there woke up and decided to go all Chuck Norris on us. For no reason I might add."

"A man falls through a skylight, wakes up and takes on four trained federal agents," Ziva asked skeptically.

"It's true I'm afraid," Ducky interjected.

"He's got to be some kind of special forces or something. There's no way he learned that without extensive training. Probable military background," Gibbs stated.

"Won't that make it easier for Abby to find out who he is," Tim asked.

"Maybe. But he's probably covert operations or-,"

"Guys," Palmer said cutting Gibbs off. "I think he's awake."

*Logan POV*

Logan shook his head to clear it. He was groggy and everything still hurt. Why hadn't he healed already? He tried to rub his eyes to clear his vision but realized he couldn't move his arms. Turning he tried to see why. He couldn't quite see below his forearms but he recognized the sensation of handcuffs on his wrists. Instantly he went to extend his claws. When they didn't extend he blinked a few times in confusion. What the hell? He began straining against the cuffs trying to break them.

"Good afternoon, I hope you're in a better mood this time around."

Instantly Logan's head swivelled towards the voice. He saw an elderly man with glasses wearing a lab coat. Lab coat? Doctor? Scientist? Logan's mind ran through all the reason why he'd be in a room chained to a table with a doctor / scientist present. None of the reasons he could think of were good. He scanned the room checking the other people present. His eyes locked on the gray haired man that had put up a pretty good fight all things considered.

"Who are you and why have I been brought here?"

"Agent Gibbs, NCIS, and we didn't bring you here. You fell through the skylight onto my desk." Gibbs walked a few steps closer. "The question is, who are you and why did you fall through our skylight?"

Logan clenched his jaw shut. Until he knew more he wasn't going to answer any questions. Not that he could answer how he fell though a skylight into an... NCIS? building. What the hell was that anyway?

"I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may, Mr. ...?" The doctor / scientist trailed off obviously waiting for his name.

He tried for his claws once more but they still didn't extend. He growled in frustration. "Back. Off," Logan growled at the man. Whatever was going on he had to get out of here.

"Dr. Mallard would just like to check on your injuries and ask you a few questions," said the gray haired man.

"Yes, ah, are allergic to anything." the Dr. asked.

Logan considered the Dr. for a moment before responding. "Yeah. Chains." Straining he pulled as hard as he could against the handcuffs. He could feel the metal biting into his wrists but he'd had worse. Besides, even without the regeneration the wounds would heal. Eventually. Ignoring the pain he continued straining against the cuffs. With one last hard pull and a grunt the cuffs finally broke. Logan placed his hands on top of his stomach and turned back to group of people watching. Almost everyone's hands went to their guns. Logan rolled his eyes and the gray haired man, Gibbs, put a hand out backing them down. The others released their grip on their weapons, albeit reluctantly.

"Now that that's over with can someone tell me why I'm in," He glanced around briefly, "a morgue supposedly in a federal building?"

"Because this is NCIS, Navel Criminal Investigative Services. That means, yes, sometimes Ducky sees dead bodies."

"I see dead people," one of the agents dead panned.

"DiNozzo," Gibbs growled at the agent.

"Sorry boss," muttered the one called DiNozzo.

"And he talks to them sometimes too." Logan turned to the skinny man in scrubs with glasses and stared at him.

Gibbs growled at the man.

"Uh, sorry Agent Gibbs."

"So where are my clothes?"

"They haven't finished being processed yet," Gibbs replied.

Logan raised an eyebrow. "Processed?"

"You fell through a skylight into a government building of an agency that's being targeted by terrorists at the moment. So yeah, processed."

Logan rolled his eyes.

"What's your name?"

"Nope. Not answering questions until I get some clothes." He turned to stare at the ceiling.

"Name first."

Logan rolled his eyes again but didn't bother answering.

Gibbs glared at him but Logan ignored it. Finally after some time Gibbs walked to a room, came back out with a set of scrubs and tossed them at Logan. Logan reached up, caught them and blinked at them. "Scrubs? Really?"

Gibbs shrugged. "You wanted clothes, you got clothes. You really going to complain?"

Logan debated it for a while but decided against it. Sitting up he pulled the top on first but had a hard time getting his arms through the sleeves. With most of his head through the neck hole he glared at Gibbs. "This the biggest size you have?"

"One size fits all," Gibbs shrugged again.

Logan glared a second or two more before forcing the shirt fully on. He lifted his hand holding the pants and stared at them. Finally he sighed and started pulling them on. Tight and a little short but he supposed they'd work til he could get better.

"You got clothes. Name?"


"Real name."

"That is my real name."

"You really expect me to believe that?"

"Don't care what you believe. That's my name. Take it or leave it, but you asked." Logan shrugged one shoulder dispassionately. "Got anything to eat around here?"

"I should really look at your wrists first."

"Naw I'm good."

"I must insist-,"

"Said I'm good. Don't worry about it Doc."

"Fine," Gibbs cut in. "You don't need medical attention we'll let Ducky go check on your friend."

Logan's gaze shot straight to Gibbs and bored into him. "I don't make friends, Agent Gibbs," he growled.

Gibbs lean back against the wall and shrugged. "Okay then. Even more reason for you not to care if Ducky goes to check on her or not."

Her. Logan sat stunned. Rogue. She was the only person close enough when he was transported where ever the hell here is... Well... Her and... Logan jumped of the table. "You have to take me to her."

Gibbs raised an eyebrow. "I don't have to do anything."

"You don't have any idea what's going on. You have to take me to her."

"Actually, I don't."

Growling Logan stalked over to Gibbs until they were face to face. "You have no idea what's going on here."

"No. I don't." Gibbs shoved himself off the wall. "But who's fault is that. You wanted clothes, I got them for you. Now I want answers or I'm not taking you to see her."

"If you don't take me to see her I'll tear this building apart looking for her."

"Thought you didn't make friends."

"She not a friend," Logan growled. "She's my responsibility. One I intend take care of. If you don't take me to see her right now-,"

"What happened to her," the woman asked.

"Not. Your. Concern," Logan growled back at her never breaking eye contact with Gibbs.

"It is if you wish us to take you to her," the woman stated simply.

Frustrated Logan punched the wall. He heard the familiar sound of gun safeties being clicked off but ignored it. God he was an idiot. He punched the wall again. If he came through why didn't he have assumed she did as well? And if Magneto came through too? He had to get to her to make sure she was okay. Logan moved sideways until he could press his forehead against the wall. He stood there, palms and forehead against the wall, trying to figure out what to do.

*Gibbs POV*

Gibbs closed his eyes as chunks of the wall peppered his face. The look in the other man's face was too anguished to be anything other than real. This 'Wolverine' honestly believe this girl was in danger. When he heard the safeties of guns being clicked off he put his hand up again to stall anyone from doing anything stupid.

"After I see her," came the quiet response.

"After you see her what," Gibbs asked.

"After I see her I'll answer some questions."

Gibbs stared at the other man's back. Did he trust this man? Enough to let him into the same room with a child? Gibbs mind replayed the fight from earlier. Damn it.

"I get to talk to her first," Gibbs said watching the man for his reaction. The man didn't move. "I need your name, though. So I know she knows you."

"She knows me."

"You fell through a skylight, got knocked unconscious, woke up and almost took out four agents. I'm not letting you into a room with a fifteen year old kid without proof she knows you and she's safe."

*Logan POV*

"Fourteen," Logan said quietly. "She's fourteen." He turned around and leaned back against the wall. Finally he opened his eyes and looked at the other people in the room. His eyes went to the guns. He had never cared about being shot before. Sure it hurt like a bitch but it had always healed fast. If he got shot here? Now? Without his regeneration working right? Would he be able to protect her?

"I have an idea. You're going to have to trust me though."

"What's the plan?"

"We're going to have to move you. That means we're going to have put the cuffs back on."

Logan raised an eyebrow.


"How long?"

"As long as it takes. We have to move you upstairs and I'm not taking them off until she can convince me she knows you."

"Convince you how?"

"I don't know that yet."

"And I'll get to see her?"

"Well yeah, if she convinces me she knows you."

Logan thought about it. God he hated being restrained. Still. If he got to see Marie...

"Fine," he agreed.

"Good," Gibbs replied. "One last condition. You let Ducky take care of your wrists."

Logan balked instantly at the idea of someone he didn't know and definitely didn't trust putting their hands on him. "Why?"

"Cause that's my condition."

"Don't want your 'prisoner' dying," Logan gritted out still glaring at Gibbs.

"You're not a 'prisoner' yet. I don't make deals with 'prisoners'. If you want the chance to see her those are my two conditions."

Logan paced back and forth considering the proposition. All he had to do was sit still long enough for the Doc to bandage him. He could do that. Couldn't he?

*Gibbs / Ziva*

"I still do not trust him Gibbs."

"Noted, Ziva, but right now I need to figure out how much she trusts him."

"I do believe he knows her."

"But you still don't like him?"

Ziva hesitated.

"Ziva, if you know something..."

"That is the problem Gibbs. I do not actually know anything. But something is definitely not right here. I do believe he knows her but that makes it worse. Every time I tried to touch her she flinched away. If I had to venture a guess I'd have to say she's not used to normal human contact. If he knows her well..."

"You're thinking he's the one that caused her to distrust people?"

"I do not know. I do know he was not being completely honest with us. I believe what he told us was the truth but it feels like he is hiding something. Something big."


"Then why do this?"

"Because if we do this, and she does trust him, maybe she'll open up to us. We might learn more from her than we have from him. Besides, if she really is his responsibility then he has a right to see her."

"I still do not like this," she reiterated.