Chapter 1 Wednesday

Clara's favorite day of the week was Wednesday because that was the day the Doctor always came and they had another adventure. Clara was very excited for today because when it comes to a time lord you never know where you are going to be going. Clara was sitting on the steps waiting for the Tardis to appear and for the Doctor. The Tardis soon appeared and out of it came the Doctor. Clara ran to hug the Doctor. The Doctor grabbed her hand and ran into the Tardis.

Clara with a smile on her face ask "Where are we going today?" Watching as the Doctor was pressing buttons and flipping switches on the console.

The Doctor quickly says "I was thinking the moon of Pluto for the good festival."

But then suddenly Tardis started up and headed to a different location then the Doctor had plan to go. A note popped out. The Doctor grabbed to read

The Doctor says "It is a surprise."

The Doctor and Clara was very confuse about where the Tardis was taking them. They soon arrived at where ever it was. The Doctor open the door of the Tardis so that they could see that they have landed in a back yard. The Doctor went to check the front door and got out his sonic screwdriver to try to open the door. Clara just tried the back door to see it was unlocked.

Clara says "Doctor the back door is unlocked."

The Doctor walked around pouting ask "But where the fun in that?"

Clara laughed and they headed into the house. The Doctor started running around pointing his sonic screwdriver at things.

The Doctor confuse says "from the reading I have got this is a normal house."

Then they heard the front door open and The Doctor and Clara was not for sure what to do.

So who house is the Doctor and Clara in? What time period are they in? Why did Tardis send them her? Please read and review to found out