-o-Mountain's Graveyard-o-

A man with a white mask designed mixing the ripple pattern of the rinnegan and the three tomeo of the sharingan around the center. He exhaled in disappointment as he looked down at the aged shinobi.

The so call war fox lay before his feet, not believing this man's utter arrogance. It disgusted the Uchiha that his so claim power came from the stolen eyes of his fellow clan's men. This man… who turned the whole village and council against them, always claiming that it was for the good of that forsaken village. When in truth it was just an excuse to fill his insatiable hunger for power.

"You all came here following this man," the Uchiha stated matter-of-factly. "Now you must make a choice, help me destroy this suppose 'Allied Shinobi Force' and I'll remove that retched curse from your tongues."

Sai's eyes widened and he cursed the masked ninja that stood over his master; he's offering them the one thing that they can't refuse.

Danzō lifted his head weakly and glared at what was going to be his opportunity to finally get rid of that damn Tsunade, though now he was defeated and by looking at his soldier faces he was being betrayed as well.

"Damn you…" he wheezed.

Madara looked down and raised an eyebrow, "you are still conscious?" he asked rhetorically. He bent down and unwrapped Danzō final sharingan eye. "Shisui's eye… possessor of the ultimate genjutsu, Kotoamatsukami."

Danzō sneered at the masked Uchiha, 'I will not permit this man to steal this sharingan,' he thought determinedly; with the last of his chakra he activated the Reverse Tetragram Sealing Jutsu.

Kabuto's eyes widened as he recognized the four seals that appeared on the old man's chest. "All of you get away from that body?!" the mutated snake shinobi warned as he jumped down and landed next to his war partner.

The R.O.O.T. forces jumped out of the grater, knowing full well what Danzō was capable of doing. The seals steadily spread and started to form a black sphere around the dying shinobi that rapidly grew around the seals.

In a matter of a second, Madara grabbed Kabuto with one hand and the other pulled out the sharingan eye and quickly transported the pair to safety. They watched as the sphered darkened and sucked everything that was inside into the aged shinobi's corpse.

Once the jutsu was over Madara glanced down at the eye and smirked, "even though I was able to save the eye, that old geezer managed to seal its powers. It's completely useless to me now." He mused.

The snake shinobi chuckled and held out his hand, "that is Uchiha Shisui's eye… correct?" he asked confidently not really needing an answer. "No matter how many years have passed that eye still contains the DNA of its original owner."

Madara shook his head, knowing what the snake wanted to do with the eye. He sighed and hoped that this won't end up biting his ass later. Either way it will be entertaining to witness when the two Uchihas meet up.

He dropped the organ in the reptilian's hand and turned around, smirking inwardly at the shinobi staring wide eyes at the new crater that decorated the graveyard. War would soon start and now all that fight with him know to not even think of betraying him or their goals.

Akatsuki will pay for what they have done, the Uchiha's eyes flashed dangerously… especially those damn three: Konan, Nagato and Itachi. They are not pieces that were supposed to survive passed the first half of the game.


It was night now, Gaara still had a headache after that circus that they called meetings. If he was honest with himself, it is strange to see that annoying blonde without being able to attack him on sight.

The Kazekage chuckled dryly as he stared out at the empty night sky. Even after two years since he lost Shukaku, he still wasn't able to sleep… the uncertainty that he would never be able to wake up afterwards is too great and now he's starting to sound like his blonde best friend.

'I wonder… what would my father or Chiyo-sama say about our current circumstances?' Gaara narrowed his eyes as he focused on his sand that patrols the Raikage's tower. He could not feel them… those maddening fools none of them are in their rooms.

In aggravation he sent forth his sand to scurry around the tower… Gaara's eyes widened at finding them all over the place, however the closest pair to him were the loudmouth and traitor. In a thoughtless action, he turned his body into sand and transported himself onto the roof of the tower. On instincts he suppressed his chakra and hid behind a tree.

Deidara sat on top of one of the many trees that created the small forest that decorated the tower's roof.

"Danna do you see? I told you there was a forest up here, hmm" the blonde said smugly.

The redhead sighed in exasperation as he sat leaning against a nearby tree.

"Deidara must you always be so loud?"

The bomb expert shrugged as he stared at the stars high above. However, the artists' peaceful silence did not last; a loud crash and a rant that would have put a sailor to shame, made the duo drop their heads in vexation.

"Hidan and Kakuzu have arrive," Sasori stated as he looked in the general direction of the cursing.

Deidara tilted his head as he craned his neck and focused his scope.

"Hidan, you pink eyed freak shut your mouth and get over here!"

"Fuck you! Blondie bitch, what's your fucking deal?!" the silver hair Akatsuki growled as he walked into the small clearing, snapping his head back into place.

The second member of the Zombie Combo walked towards the trio and grunted a greeting. Kakuzu in annoyance turned to his partner and glared at the immortal, "go get the fire wood, you dimwit."

Hidan growled, but didn't argue knowing that it would be pointless. As he left the tiny clearing, Konan and Nagato came into view of the remaining three. The leader of the infamous organization smirked.

"It seems we all had the same idea this night."

Sasori and Kakuzu grunted, while Deidara grinned madly. "Now Nagato what were you two planning on doing up here?"

Konan lifted an eyebrow at his suggestive tone, glad that Hidan wasn't in hearing range. Nagato chuckled light heartedly at their youngest member. It still felt rejuvenating that Deidara was willing to joke around, no matter the circumstances.

Gaara was surprised to say the least, there were the six members of Akatsuki and yet the dynamic did not fit his image of the organization that had killed him. The young redhead tensed as he felt a presence behind him.

"Tsunade," he greeted solemnly.

The blonde Hokage walked closer to him and greeted him with a nod, "curiosity got the best of you too, Gaara." The young Kage raised an eyebrow questioningly, "I imagine the other Kages are around here somewhere."

"Ah," Gaara replied.

Nagato gazed down at his partner and smiled lightly at the hyperactive blonde. "If you are asking whether or not I bought sake, the answer is yes." He said as he dug out a bag filled with white bottle.

From where Gaara stood, he could have sworn he saw the Hokage's eyes sparkled at the sight of her favorite pass time. Before she could step out of the cover of the trees, Hidan returned complaining and cursing.

"Here is your damn wood," he said as he unceremoniously dropped the twigs and branches at the center of group. Hidan turned and held his hand out respectively at the older redhead.

Nagato chuckled dryly as he tossed a white bottle to the Jashinist. Passing the bag to Konan he turned to the wood and preformed the Uchiha's famed jutsu. Once they all had a bottle they sat in silence and stared at the flames.

However, Deidara never being one for long lasting silence turned to his partner and gave him a mocking glare. "Should you really be drinking that, Danna? I mean have you ever drunk sake before you turned yourself into a puppet?"

Sasori glared at the blonde and took a swing of the bottle, he had to fight the urge to wince at the burning flavor of the drink. "Brat, it may not have been my preferred drink, but even I can't deny that I have not drank this particular poison even before I left Suna."

Deidara chuckled though turned his attention to Kakuzu who was looking down at the liquid with curiosity. The bounty hunter recognized this particular brand and looked up at their leader. Nagato feeling the green eyes on him, smirked and said, "I passed through Kome no Kuni before I arrive here. I took the liberty of getting some of the bottles that were meant to be delivered to Amegakure in a few weeks."

Gaara could practically feel the drool coming from Tsunade and he had to repress the urge to sigh. He may not know a whole lot about sake, but even he was aware that sake from Rice Country was a highly coveted brand.

The group sat in silence for a while each member lost in their thoughts enjoying this rare treat. To Gaara's dismay he was forced to encase the Hokage in order to prevent her from giving away the rest of the Kages who were also spying.

It was after when Gaara started to think that they weren't going to say anymore that the blonde sat up and looked down at his partner with what he imagined was a sincere show of worry and seriousness.

"So, in a few days will be heading off to war, un Danna?"

The red head puppeteer opened his eyes and looked up at the blonde. It was moments like this that reminded him how truly young his partner is.

"Unfortunately, Deidara" he answered softly before he smirked, "though I would never thought that you would be worry."

The blonde chuckled softly, knowing what Sasori was trying to do in his own harsh way, "nah, Danna it isn't that... I just don't know what to really expect. I was still too young during the last Great Ninja War to know anything about all of this."

"It will be chaos Deidara, something you have always thrive in." Sasori answered honestly.

Hidan having been paying attention for a change turned to the miser that sat closest to him. "Hey bastard! This will be your fourth fucking Great War, won't it?"

Kakuzu grunted as he stared up at the starry night, during his long life it has been one of the few things that hasn't change. His eyes drifted to his pale partner and slowly to the blonde that for now wasn't acting like the fool that he pretended to be. Those two with Itachi were of a generation completely opposite to what he and the other Akatsuki members had grown accustom to, however their live experiences have not made them as naive as the rest of their generation... an example being the brats that resided within the great villages.

He gazed at their quiet leader who was looking over his members, and as much as Kakuzu wanted to deny it he could understand the logic behind their partner system and how he had arranged it. The older generation guiding the younger one through this ever history repeating Shinobi World.

The Hokage and Kazekage watched the group in silent astonishment, however regretting having witness this. This forced them to see these people as more than just monsters, but people who have suffered just like them and unlike their predecessors they knew that this information was going to hold them back when it came to confronting the infamous organization.

Tsunade was even starting to understand how her dear student had fallen under their spell, she herself was being bewitched by their dark tragic aura. She was already starting to think that they weren't half bad or that different from other shinobi.