This chapter was planned out then took a left turn, so I'm really hoping you all like it! Enjoy.

The next few weeks were a whirlwind. Olivia and Brian got together a few times, they talked everyday. It was a courtship in Olivia's eyes; a true courtship. Sure, most courtships didn't start with please don't ever leave me again sex, but since then they'd been taking it slow. She still remembered the morning after that night.

The light shone through the curtains and landed on her face. She let out a soft groan and rolled over, feeling a body next to her. Her eyes shot open and she looked at the sleeping form of Brian and she smiled, kissing his chest gently. She saw his eyes flutter open and she smiled, caressing his face. "Morning," she whispered.

He smiled and caressed her cheek. "Good morning, beautiful," he responded, his voice still groggy from sleep.

She nuzzled against him and kissed his lips softly, letting out a gentle moan, she wanted to relish in this feeling. She'd missed his lips on hers more than anything else, and although he promised her last night that there would be more, that this wasn't it, she was still hesitant to believe it. She wanted to feel his lips on hers for as long as possible. She felt him tangle his fingers in her hair and she pulled him closer, her kiss hungry, but not for sex. No, her kiss was hungry for consistency, for stability.

Brian sensed this, and he did everything in his power to give her what she needed in that kiss. He pulled her on top of him and held her close to his body, never wanting to let her go. He too, missed the feeling of their lips pressed together. She was the only one that he wanted, and he understood that right now she would have reservations, especially caring for this little boy she'd grown to love. He vowed to himself that he would do whatever it took to prove it to her.

Olivia heard Noah start to cry and she broke the kiss, her chest heaving. She looked at Brian, a pain gracing her face. "I'm sorry, I—"

Brian shook his head. "It's okay, go get him."

She smiled and nodded. She climbed off him and slipped into her robe, padding over to the crib. "Hey precious, hey, it's okay," she said in a soothing voice. "Let's go get something in that belly, hmm?" she asked and picked him up. "But we need to change that diaper of yours first," she said in baby talk. She looked over at Brain and she blushed, seeing him watching her and Noah.

Olivia walked out into the living room and to his changing table. She smiled and went around her normal routine with Noah, changing him and getting him a bottle with a little bit of rice cereal in it. She heard Brian come out and she looked up at him then down at Noah and she smiled. "Oh look at you, you have milk all over that little chin!" she giggled as she wiped his chin with a spit up rag. She noticed that Brian was in sweats and an old t-shirt and she heard him rustling around in the kitchen. Noah finished his bottle and she started to burp him. She stood up and looked back, seeing Brian making breakfast. "Oh, Bri, you don't have to."

Brian smiled at her and walked over to her, kissing her forehead. "Don't have to, but I want to."

She smiled and kissed him gently. "Thank you," she whispered.

He smiled. "Hey how else are you going to get a decent home cooked meal, get your shower in, get this little guy ready, and get to work on time?"

Olivia looked up at him. "You sure?"

"Sure about what? About helping you? Of course, I'm here."

Olivia looked into his eyes. "If this isn't what you want, Bri, I—"

He put his finger to her lips. "If I didn't I'd have already walked out the door. Please, just let me help."

She smiled and looked at Noah. "What do you think, Noah? You think we should let him help?" she asked in a baby voice, earning a clap and a smile from Noah. "Yeah?" She smiled and looked up at Brian. "He's okay with it," she grinned and kissed his cheek. "I'm going to get him changed," she said gently. She felt Brian's hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him. He pressed his lips softly to hers and she smiled, moaning gently into the kiss before pulling away.

That morning was amazing, they had breakfast together, they kissed goodbye, it was like things were back to normal again. Only they weren't. They'd gone out on a few dates, Brian had spent a little time with Noah, but not a lot. Tonight, she invited Brian over and she decided she was going to cook for the two of them. She wanted a quiet evening at home, as quiet of an evening as one could get with a seven month old baby in the house, so they could talk, flesh out what they wanted from this relationship, to make sure they were on the same page. If they wanted this to work, they had to communicate. It wasn't something either of them was particularly good at, which is why their relationship ended in the first place.

Olivia asked Brian to be at the apartment for 6:30. She had the chicken cooking in the oven, the potatoes covered and boiling on the stove, waiting to be mashed, the gravy reducing and the vegetables sautéed and seasoned in the pan. It was 6:25 and she only had to change her top. She was in a pair of dark wash jeans that hugged her curves. She ran into the bedroom and whipped her t-shirt off and slipped into a gray racer back tank top that was loose fitting and flowy. She slipped into a white blazer and put on her heels. Just as she got done strapping her shoe around her ankle she heard a knock.

She rushed to the door and opened it, she smiled at Brain. "Bri, hey, come in," she said with a smile, opening the door a little more for him to come in.

He looked her over and smiled. "You look incredible."

She blushed and shut the door behind him. "Thank you," she whispered and looked at him, holding a bouquet of birds of paradise, lilies, tulips, lotus flowers, carnations, and roses. "Oh, Bri, they're beautiful!" she exclaimed quietly, not wanting to wake Noah. "Thank you," she said and took them from him when he offered them to her. She lifted his chin and kissed his lips softly, a smirk on her face, hearing a sizzle from the stove. She quickly pulled away. "Shit!" she spat in a whisper, rushing to the pot of water on the stove that was boiling over. She took the lid off and turned the flame off, testing and seeing the potatoes were ready to be drained. "Dinner will be ready in just a couple minutes. Do you want a drink?" she asked with a smile.

Brian followed her into the kitchen, putting the flowers in a vase of water. "A glass of wine would be great."

Olivia smiled at him and poured him a glass of wine. "Here, go, sit, relax," she whispered, handing the glass to him, kissing him gently before pulling away and grinning. "I'm going to finish dinner up, it won't take long."

He smirked at her. "Tease," he whispered as he leaned in and kissed her again.

She broke the kiss and smiled. "There's plenty of time for that later. If I don't get the chicken out of the oven soon, it's going to be dry, now, go, scoot!" she giggled as she shooed him out of the kitchen, draining the potatoes and pulling the chicken out of the oven. She mashed the potatoes with a little milk and butter. She took two plates out and placed a chicken breast on each of them, a scoop of mashed potatoes and vegetables and then she put the gravy in a gravy boat.

She carried the gravy boat to the table first and Brian smirked. "Just gravy for dinner?"

Olivia grinned and leaned in close, her lips touching his ear. "Yeah, you have to lick it off me," she whispered and pulled away, seeing his shocked face. She chuckled and shook her head and walked back into the kitchen, bringing their plates to the table, setting his in front of him.

"And I was so looking forward to licking the gravy off you," he mumbled as she poured herself a glass of wine.

She smirked. "There's more in the pot, but you have to be a good boy and eat all your vegetables before you get dessert," she winked and took a sip of her wine. "Bon appétit," she said with a smile.

They ate dinner together before they moved to the couch, sitting next to each other, her head on his chest. "These shoes are killing my feet," she said gently.

"Take them off; I'll massage your feet for you."

She looked up at him and smiled. She kissed him softly. "We still have to talk, you massaging my feet distracts me," she whispered. She took her shoes off and she moved, tucking her legs underneath herself, her elbow resting on the back of the couch. "Bri, I just want to make sure that this is what you want. I don't want to force you into something you don't want," she let out a small breath. "Ten years from now, where do you see yourself?"

Brian turned to face her, a small smile on his face. "Liv, I really don't know where I see myself, planning isn't exactly a strong suit of mine," he saw the pain in her face. "But, ten years from now, fifty years, a hundred years from now, my heart will always be with yours. It's always been you, Liv."

She smiled gently and she nodded. "So we can give this another shot, a good honest try?" she asked, her hand gently rubbing his shoulder.

Brian smiled and nodded back. "Yeah, absolutely."

Olivia moved closer to him and smiled. "So, should we make this official?" she asked softly.

Brian caressed her face. "Yeah, I think we should." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a sterling silver princess cut diamond ring. Olivia gasped and looked from the ring to his eyes. "Marry me," he whispered.

"Bri—,so soon?" she asked, confused by his sudden rush to commit.

"I know, I know that it's sudden and out of the blue, and we can take our time and get married when we're ready, when everything is perfect because that's what you deserve. I just want you to know that I want forever. I want forever with you." He looked at her and saw the corners of her mouth tugging into a smile, tears in her eyes. "I want to give you everything you've ever wanted, and so much more. Liv, if I could I'd lasso the moon for you."

She felt the tears start to make their way down her cheeks and she nodded, her smile only growing. "Yes."


She laughed and nodded more vigorously. "Yes! Yes, Brian Cassidy, I will marry you," she whispered. He slipped the ring on her left ring finger and pulled her in for a kiss. She cradled his face in her hands as she kissed him back. The kiss quickly heated up and she wound up straddling his lap. He took her blazer off and tangled his fingers in her long hair. She moaned and pulled their bodies closer.

Just as Brian's hand moved up her body to take her tank top off Noah started to cry. Olivia broke the kiss and she smiled. Brian caressed her face. "Duty calls," he whispered.

She grinned and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. "Don't move a muscle. I'll be back in a minute," she winked. She got off his lap and she walked quickly to the bedroom and over to Noah's crib. She picked him up. "Oh, what's wrong little man?" she asked gently. "It's okay, yeah." She walked over to the changing table and changed his diaper and made him a bottle, he'd started being able to hold the bottle and feed himself. Once he finished his bottle she rocked him back to sleep and set him back in his crib. She smiled and changed into a pair of yoga pants. She took her tank top off and slipped into a zip up hoodie, leaving it mostly open with nothing underneath but her bra. She walked back into the living room, standing behind Brian, leaning against the wall. She cleared her throat and smirked when he turned around.

"Liv, wow," he said looking her body over.

She bit her bottom lip. "I figured I'd get comfortable," she slinked her way over to the couch and straddled Brian again. "Now, where were we?"

A/N: Thanks for reading, please review, here or on twitter, myangelMariska! The next chapter is a little out of character for Olivia at the very least, but it's oh so hot and oh steamy, stay tuned! ;)