It had been an hour since the Cyberman had left. We had twenty hours left, and none of those hours did us any good. The Doctor had absolutely no idea what to do. It was either him and I both died, or he helped the Cybermen destroy the human race.

"Rose." said the Doctor. "I think I've come to a decision..."

"What is it, Doctor?" I asked.

"I'm going to help them. It's either we both die, or the human race is taken over. And Rose, I can't let that happen to you."

"But Doctor! What about my mom? And Mickey? What about every living being on that planet?!"

"Rose, I'm sorry", he said. "But this is the only way that I won't lose you."

"Doctor, if you do this, I swear you'll lose me too! I am not letting you kill my mom and Mickey, then acting like it never happened!"

"Rose, it's my only choice."

"I know what this is." I said, "You're not actually the Doctor! You're that crazy robot thing!"

"Rose, it's really me. This is the decision I've come to. I am so sorry..." He said. "Now. They've been listening in. They'll be here in a second. Don't fight them Rose. Then I'll lose you along with everyone else."

"Okay, Doctor... for now."

After a couple of minutes in silence, the Cybermen busted into the room. They unlocked our cuffs and lead us down the halls. There was no way to run. There were groups of them in front of us and behind us. The Doctor was about to kill everyone on earth just so I could live. But then I realized something. If I don't live, he won't kill the human race. I knew what I had to do... for the human race. We got to the control room, they were showing the Doctor how to work the spaceship, and telling him if he tried anything, they'd kill us both. They promised the doctor anything he wanted as long as he helped "upgrade" the human race. I looked around the room and found a small but very sharp blade hooked to some kind of tool, there was a screwdriver next to it. Trying to be as quiet as possible and go unnoticed. I grabbed the screwdriver and slowly starting unscrewing the blade from the strange tool. After a couple of times of almost getting caught, I finally managed to get it off.

"Umm, hate to interupt." I said, "but I've got to go to the bathroom."

"Take the girl to the waste room." said one Cyberman to the other.

On the way there, to cause less suspision and distract him from the blade in my waste band, I made small talk. "So, if you guys are Cybermen, why do you have a 'waste room'?" I asked.

"This ship was constructed from a human building." said the Cyberman. I felt as though it was being straight to the point, showing it didn't want to talk to a "stupid human". So I shut up. We finally got to the bathroom. I walked inside the room, seeing as they didn't use it, it was quite clean. The ship must have been made from a gym or some sort of hotel because there were small showers lining the walls. Knowing what I had to do, I stepped inside the shower. I turned to water on and sat on the floor. For a couple seconds I just sat there thinking,... crying. I slowly slipped the blade out of my waste band and held it to my wrist. I was so scared, but I knew it was the only way to save the human race. I quickly slid the blade across my wrist, yelping quietly in pain. Before I passed out from the sight of my own blood, I quickly slid the blade across my other wrist. I sat there, watching my blood spill out of my body. Then I slowly started to black out.

"Rose!" I heard. "Rose don't do this to me! Why would you do something like this?!"

Wait. How could I hear... the Doctor. I had just slit my wrists for the sake of humanity. How am I hearing the Doctor's voice?!" Suddenly my eyes popped open. Everything was blurry, I was laying on the bathroom floor. I was scarred, I didn't know what they would do to me, what the Doctor would say to me... My reflexes made me stand up quickly, looking around for a place to go, walking in what seemed like circles, bumping into the walls. Everything started going blurry again. I looked down and I was still bleeding. How was I still alive if I was still bleeding?! The sight of my blood made me get dizzy and nauseous, I collapsed into the Doctors arms.