Katherine's done it. She's done it numerous times. Katherine fooled everyone into thinking that she was Elena. How hard could it be now, for Damon, to fool this man?

"Selena, you don't look Okay.."

"Stop." Damon finally said, alarming the man, "Just.. stop, please. There's something I need to tell you.."

The man stopped, and listened carefully,

"I.." Damon stuttered, nervous, hoping he could say whatever he had to say right, whatever that was, "If you want me back- if you want your Selena back, you're going to have to listen to me, carefully,"

The man nodded, patiently,

"After a really, really, really, shitty month, I woke up this morning.. happy," Damon smiled, nervously, "I mean, I actually woke up happy. I thought to myself.. wow. I am happy. For the first time in a month, I was actually happy. So I laid there, staring at my friend, who was-"

"What? What friend, Selena?" The man interrupted, shocked,

"Please, please just let me finish," Damon said, taking a deep breath, he continued, "So I stared at him, and trust me, it wasn't as creepy as it sounds but.. he was just.. lying there, sleeping. Breathing, for some reason.. And at that moment, I realized two things," Damon gulped, looking around the room nervously, and then back at the complete stranger whom he was sharing all of.. this with,

"I realized that, I wanted to wake up every morning.. every single morning next to this amazing guy, for the rest of my life. And then I realized that I.. I've always wanted that, because, no, this wasn't the first time that I woke up happy in a month.. it was actually the first time that I woke up happy, in my entire life.. In 160 years, all I ever wanted was to love, and be loved by someone-"

"wait, 160 years? .. what?"

Damon continued, ignoring the man,

"This was it. This was what I'd always wanted. And it finally happened, now, with me, stuck in this body," Damon said, gesturing at Selena's body, "So.." He said, trailing off, as he started wandering around the room, touching everything. Every picture frame, every item in a room that belonged to someone else, "So, I got what I wanted. Then, what was missing? Why did I wake up, like this? Shouldn't the curse be lifted by now? Shouldn't I be back to my body? What was I doing wrong? What did I.. miss?"

"Selena, you are freaking me out!"

Damon finally stopped moving, turning around, he looked at the confused man, desperately waiting for answers, and scoffed, "You still don't get it, do you? I am not Selena."


"My name's Damon, and I've been stuck in your girlfriend- wife- whatever's body for this past month."

The man's eyes widened, not believing what he was hearing,

"And I was selfish. I never even knew her name was Selena, until now." Damon said, tears forming in his eyes, "And then it hit me, this morning.. it fuckin' hit me. I've always been selfish. Selfish was my thing. When did I ever do anything for anyone else?" Damon questioned,

"What did you do to Selena?" The man said, panicking,

"Don't worry, she's alright, she's fine. I just need you to listen to me."

The man nodded, desperate for the love of his life back,

"Would you want your Selena back, even if she didn't look like herself anymore?"

The man gulped, now with tears running down his cheeks, and after a second of hesitation, he nodded, "Of course.. of course, just please, tell me where she is! What do you want, I can give you anything you ask for!"

"No, you don't get it!" Damon interrupted, "Haven't you been listening? For the first time in my life, I do not want anything in return. I'm giving up my body, my eternal life, strength-" Damon gulped, and then smiled, "And I am giving you your Selena back."

"Where is she?"

"She's in-"

"She's right here." Alaric said, appearing from the door, holding Selena tied hands from behind, as he walked into the living room of the house, startling both Damon and the man,

"What are you doing here?" Damon said, not believing his eyes, as he watched his friend walking right into the room,

"Who the fuck are you?" The man questioned,

"I followed you, you idiot. I wasn't going to let you walk into what might be a trap alone."

Damon rolled his eyes, heart beating fast in his chest, but he tried to appear calm, "You fuckin' moron. I needed to do this myself." blushing, he wondered how much of his speech Alaric heard,

"Selena, is.. is that you?" the man said, interrupting the hunter and the former vampire's little argument. Selena nodded, unable to speak, as her mouth was gagged,

"Oh god.." The man gasped, and hurried towards the love of his life, "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Not so fast." Alaric growled, causing the man to stop, "Damon, what's the plan?"

Damon raised an eyebrow, and shrugged, "There is no plan." He simply said, "The universe wins. I don't get my body back. We release your girl," He said, "And you leave us alone. You don't come back for revenge, or any of that shit. Promise us that. If you do, you get your lives back. If you don't, well, we kill you. And her."

Alaric was in complete shock. He couldn't believe his friend. Damon was willingly giving up his body for this man, so that he could be reunited with the love of his life. Apparently, Alaric missed a huge portion of Damon's earlier speech.

"Damon, are you sure?"

"Yes. I just need your word, and we'll release Selena."

The man gulped, and nodded quickly and desperately, "We won't, I promise- we won't come after you, just please, I.. I promise."

Damon and Alaric exchanged a look, and Damon nodded. Alaric, however, was hesitant. Did Damon really just give up his body? He couldn't believe what was happening. Sighing, he proceeded in untying Selena, and removing her the tape off her mouth. As soon as the vervain-dipped ropes were removed, Selena hurried towards the love of her life, meeting him midways. They shared a hug, crying. It was quiet emotional, Damon couldn't deny that. He looked at his body one last time, before turning around, and walking right out of the house.

Alaric stayed a little longer, making sure nothing was off. No one was going to appear out of nowhere with weapons. The two love birds were still hugging, and Alaric thought he should probably say goodbye to the body of Damon Salvatore. Fuck. This was insane. Shaking his head, he turned around, and followed his friend.

It was quiet outside, and Damon was ahead of him. He tried to catch up, eyes fixed on his friend. His heart skipped a beat, when he remembered the night before. What was going to happen between them now?

Hey. One thing at a time, ha?

Smiling, Alaric followed his friend back to his car quietly, when suddenly, his friend collapsed on the floor. Without a warning. Without a sound. Without anything.

"Damon!" Alaric yelled, and vampire-speed, he was by his friend's side, holding him in his arms, "Damon, please wake up!"

Damon wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids must have weighed a ton then. He had probably one hangover that was worse than this one, and that was about a month ago. Everything felt...wrong, in a very right way.

Shifting a little, he was finally able to open his eyes, and when he did, he found himself looking at ceiling of his own bedroom.

After examining the room, Damon noticed his friend, Alaric, sleeping on the armchair next to his bed,

"Alaric, what happened.." Damon murmured, alarming Alaric. Alaric woke up, jumping off the armchair,

"Damon? Damon.. is that you?" Alaric questioned, examining his friend, as he approached the bedside

Damon snarled, "What do you mean is that me- of course it's me-" he stopped, when the realization seemed to have hit him hard,

Alaric looked at his friend, sighing in relief,

"Am I.. Do I have my.. body back?" Damon stuttered, lifting his hands to examine them,

Alaric smiled widely, and nodded, "It is back, buddy. It's a miracle, but.. you.. you do have your body back now."

Damon couldn't believe it. He lift his shirt, "I don't have breasts anymore!"

"Nope. Nope you don't."

Damon laughed, "It's back!" He said, and the minute he swung his legs off the bed, he stumbled and fell on the ground, cursing on the way down. Alaric couldn't help but laugh, and Damon couldn't really care. He quickly got up, and hurried to his bathroom mirror, followed by his friend.

"I'm back.." He repeated, as if not believing himself, touching his face, fangs, and short, black hair, "I'm finally back.."

Alaric laughed, "I know, Damon."

"But.. how! How'd it happen?" Damon said, turning to look at his friend, so grateful that he was there for him, every step of the way

"After we left Selena's house, you collapsed. Actually, both you and Selena did, at the same time. Didn't really need a genius to figure it out."

Damon laughed, again,

"I carried you home. Selena woke up last night, in her original body. For some reason, it took you a little longer to wake up. I was.. I was really starting to get worried."

Damon nodded, smiling, "Thanks, buddy.."

Alaric smirked, "Hey, how 'bout we go to the Grill for a drink. You know. Celebrate."

"Yeah." Damon said, smiling widely, "Yeah, I'd say this needs a celebration."

"And then maybe.. go out.. eat something?"

Damon paused, "As in.. a date?"

Alaric smiled, nodding, "Yes?"

"I'd love to." Damon said, "I just.. need a bath and, you know.."

"I'll be waiting outside for you to get ready," Alaric quickly said, turned around, and walked towards the door. It was finally time for both men to move on with their lives, hopefully, together. By each others side. It didn't really matter how long it took, did it? After all, they do have eternity to figure their shit out.


((( please let me know what you think. It took me a year to finish this! I'd really appreciate your reviews )))

I'm sorry guys, I finished this in a hurry last night and didn't get a chance to read it, fix any errors..etc. I honestly wanted to do more with this story. I wanted Damon to get pregnant, I didn't want the Wiccan woman to wake up, I honestly wanted her dead and not include her in the story at all. However, after watching season 7 premier, I remembered how selfish Damon really was, but then how he'd fixed things with Bonnie, and I don't know, it just felt right to go with the story this way. So basically, the universe wanted Damon to stop being so selfish, and I don't know, that just happened.. I really don't have much control over how my stories go, I just write what these two tell me to! I hope you like it! :D