Okay so first I want to apologize that it has taken me so long to update. I've had a rough go with my health for the past two months after being put on meds for my PCOS to try to help us conceive. Its hard but I feel like I may finally be on the other side of it, at least with managing the side effects.

Secondly, I just got back from a two-week long trip home to Georgia. It was beautiful and wonderful, and I miss it like crazy. It also gave me a breath of fresh air and helped renew me for writing this fic.

Thirdly, I was in GA for the MSF. I am PISSED! The writing was horrible, and let's be honest the death felt like a last-minute add-on to the episode. So terrible. The next day we drove past Grady on our way to the ZOO and I got mad all over again. Which brings me to my final point which is in my world Beth lives on. She will continue to be her little bada** self in this story. Living and loving with Daryl for a Very long time. I am hoping that my updates will be less sporadic but I can't promise anything now. :( For those of you who are still with me Thank You! You Rock!

This chapter is short, but I wanted to get something up for you guys. I am already working on the next chapter and it will be posted tomorrow, maybe even tonight. In the story we are now at the fort as home so I am going to add in a link ( wiki/Fort_Pulaski_National_Monument ) So that you guys can check out some pictures and read some info on their new home if you'd like.

Please keep your reviews, favorites, and follows coming. They are so encouraging and I love you all for them! 3

The last warm days of summer had come and gone the chill of autumn hanging heavy in the air around the fort. Beth pulled back the string of her bow as the wind whipped the stray pieces of her blonde hair around her red face; anchoring her draw hand against her lips she took a deep breath. She sights down the arrow toward the target they've set up for her to use in the grass of top of the walls. Letting her breath out slowly she rolled her fingers off the string, the arrow loses from its notching and flies through the air with a loud thwack. It sinks deep into the target right next to the previous shots forming a tight grouping just to the left of the bull's-eye. Beth sniffed and ran the back of her sleeve against her nose for warmth as she stalked forward to retrieve her arrows. The sun is barely up, no one is even moving around down below, and only Glenn is up sitting next to one of the cannons on the opposite wall above the front on watch. He did not even notice her come up, not realizing she was there until he stood up to stretch, she had waved but left it at that, this morning she felt like being alone.

Beth notched another arrow and lined up her next shot, so much practice behind her now that her mind wandered as her body went through the motions without thought. They were running low on food, the few things they had managed to plant wouldn't be ready for harvest for another couple of weeks, and if she was honest, Maggie and she both suspected the cold snap had more than likely killed them anyway. Just like the year the farm had lost everything except the cabbage crop, that had been a long winter, and Beth had avoided the stupid vegetable for years afterward. What they needed now was a few big game kills, enough meat to smoke and store. So far Daryl had brought home three deer, not very large ones, maybe eighty pounds each, substantial but not enough for the large group to have enough left over to store. They needed to leave the island to hunt, track some of the larger bucks and doe living inland.

That's where the problem lay; Daryl did not want her to go with him to the main land. He was fine with her hunting the island, not even batting an eye the few times she had gone out alone. But crossing the bridge was different. The whole group had worked hard in the days after their arrival to clear the island and block off the bridge. They had parked cars and trucks, piled up anything heavy or substantial, then built a heavy wooden fence behind it all. The only way on or off now was by boat, of which they had rounded up several. Here they were as safe as they possibly could be, much safer than the farm or even the prison. Which is why Daryl was terrified for her to leave. Back out there, on the other side of the channel, was the danger, the uncertainty. She understood that, because she felt it every time they talked about going. He would go no matter what, only injury would stop him and even that would be iffy. That should make her mad she thought, he was so stubborn and unyielding, but she just couldn't find it in herself. No, what she felt was proud. He's a good man, a strong one, with a sense of honor and duty to the people they called family. Everyone knew he was the best tracker and the best hunter, when it really came down to it; he was the only one with the skills to bring home enough for them to survive. But just like he was scared so was she, if she was not with him then she could not make sure he was safe. She could not watch his back, or push him out of harm's way, hell she couldn't even make sure he stayed hydrated. It was as much her responsibility to look out for him as it was for him to look after her, they were a team now.

Everyone stared to stir, waking up and setting about their morning routines, as she settled her bow back inside its case. She had to go find her husband, let him know what she was thinking. She had been quiet for the last few days, mulling over how to get through to him on the issue. Her target practice had provided exactly what she needed, a quiet time alone. She was calmer now, ready to explain herself without feeling so panicked or exasperated. Bow case in hand she descended the stairs, making her way past the wall with their names and down the corridor towards their room. She pushed the door open quietly stopping for a moment to see if he was awake. He was leaning back in a chair with his booted feet propped up on the table in front of him, legs crossed at the ankle as he stared down at the book in his lap. He had not bothered with his shirt yet, something he was doing more of now when he was in their room, and his long hair was forming a curtain across his gorgeous eyes. Beth took a step forward and he looked up from his task, letting the front legs of the chair join the floor again. He smiled up at her, a small weary thin one, laced with the residual sadness of their disagreements. She smiled back a little bigger than his and walked forward. She placed her bow at the foot of the bed before closing the distance between them. When she reached the table she pulled the book from his hands and settled it on the wooden top. Reaching out she rested her hands on his shoulders as his head tilted up to meet her gaze. Slowly she straddled his lap, wrapping her arms and legs around him as she went, once she was settled she rested her forehead against his.

"Sorry" she whispered.

"Yea, me too" he breathed back.

They sat there for a moment, neither one moving, neither one speaking, just resting in the connection of the moment. After a while Beth pulled back placing a soft slow kiss to his lips, it was not passionate, it was compassionate, healing and understanding. Leaning back she stood from his lap and smiled.

"I need to go with you for the same reasons you don't want me to go," she stared as she sunk down to her knees in front him folding her hands with his "because the thought of not being able to keep you safe terrifies me. As much as I love Glenn, Rick, Michonne, Tyreese, or any of the others, I just can't trust your life to them. It's too important; I have to do it myself".

Daryl just stared down at her, no expression on his face, his eyes boring holes into hers as she watched his mind tick away behind them. He would understand it she knew he would but he would not like it.

"Wish ya'd just stay 'ere" he said after a long sigh "but I get it".

She smiled and pecked him on the lips as she stood up "I Love Ya" she said.

He smirked "I know".