Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran.

Thanks to...







The transition from high school to that of college isn't so much smooth as it is an obstacle laden journey as one attempts to comprehend the inner workings of college life. For example the cliques which appeared so commonplace in high school haven't died with a sudden boom akin to that of a glorious display of fireworks, revelling in the sheer freedom one feels due to the reduced pressure to fit in. In fact the cliques resemble that of societies with strict rules and regulations.

The sororities must not under any circumstances mingle with the so-called 'lower class' students such as myself, for fear of catching the dreaded disease of poverty. Um, yeah, this is what I must deal with and it aggravates me to no avail. Perhaps sororities are not as elitist in public colleges?

All I know that if it were not for my scholarship, I would jump ship and attend a school where I won't feel under constant scrutiny to conform to a certain standard as if in a valiant attempt to prove myself over and over again. Although from my own personal experience, a sense of suffocating pride seems to surround the various groups in the lecture hall whenever I fail to answer a question correctly. To be quite fair, the number of correct answers exceeds that of incorrect answers and I am not being arrogant but merely stating a fact and yet a perpetual hum of derisive laughter can be heard from the four corners of the room upon the event of my failure.

And yes Hikaru and Kaoru often sit either side of me, their legs constantly draped in my lap, no matter how often I try in vain to push their legs off me. I honestly don't know how they manage to clothe themselves due to the sheer length of their respective legs. I swear it's like they are all legs and nothing else.

At this I take a momentary respite from my meditative state to ponder something entirely different. Why do they choose to sit practically on top of my, practically crushing me in the process when the lecture room as cavernous as it is, can cater for a stadium of people watching a particularly riveting game of football and all their shenanigans. Okay perhaps that is bit of an exaggeration. But the question still remains as valid as ever.

Hikaru and Kaoru at present now resemble plants wilting in the sheer heat of the summer sun as they stoop and hunch over their text books in a gallant endeavour to appear nonchalantly studying. But alas they fail miserably, for the entirety of the time I have known them, approximately a week and 15 hours, they have managed to do everything except study. They have a phenomenal talent at procrastinating, I would give them my seal of approval if their unwillingness to show any interest in their studies didn't highly annoy me. As it is, I must promise their favourite snacks which entails anything Italian or spicy in nature and even better drowned in a sea of maple syrup and for Kaoru basically anything that Hikaru adulates. So far it is working!

They seem to think that I haven't noticed their furtive exchange of glances between the pair of them almost as if they were communicating via some unknown twin connection which may be fully plausible in relation to Hikaru and Kaoru as they are so in sync with one another, it is very nearly frightening.

I simply sigh and continue dutifully taking notes. Knowing my luck, they stopped paying attention a long time ago and they will pester me afterwards for a copy of the notes until I have no choice but to comply. They really are fantastic at draining my energy, I simply must applaud them.


I grimace at the unexpected jarring pain which shoots up my leg.

"Hikaru!" I hiss under my breath. "What are you playing at? Keep your game of footsie to yourselves! What have I told you? I seem to recall that either you go outside and revolve your differences or you sit your ass down and cop on."

A grin akin to that of the Cheshire cat's appears on Hikaru's face and immediately I know that I am in trouble. This sneaky suspicion is confirmed upon meeting Sato-sensei's grim frown which appears to be constant.

"Fujioka-san, I expect better out of you than this ape-like behaviour. Can I confirm that I have your permission to continue?" he sleekly questions.

I resist the urge to retort, biting my tongue to keep my angry words from spilling out akin to that of lava. I swallow my pride and nod, tears pricking the corners of my eyes which I try to desperately hide.

Usually I wouldn't be hurt by such words but perhaps a combination of the jarring kick Hikaru so kindly sent my way and the scolding and belittling of Sato-sensei's words which caused such an emotional response.

Sato-sensei, seemingly satisfied by my embarrassed state, retreats back down the sweeping staircase with his usual strut. Great, a school full of sadists, I grumble.

Kaoru, always the more sensitive of the two, smiles gently at me, patting my shoulder and saying "Just ignore Hikaru. He hasn't had his mid-morning snack and so he is moody. He will realise that he hurt you later."

There, Kaoru goes again, fabricating excuse after excuse for Hikaru's benefit.

With that I roll my eyes and mutter "Yeah, sure he will," but upon seeing Kaoru's hopeful smile, I add "Perhaps he will."

But I won't hold my breath.

Kaoru, keeping a close eye on Sato-sensei, whispers in my ear "I will tell you later why Hikaru can be so indifferent to other's feelings sometimes."

Hmm, intriguing. Is there an actual reason for Hikaru's lack of sensitivity or Kaoru is just covering for his twin once again?

Glancing at Hikaru, whose eyes appear downcast, I realise that he might have hidden depths.

Until his heads twists so quickly, I am surprised that he doesn't get a crick in his neck as his almost amber eyes twinkle with excitement.

Or maybe not….

Apologies if Haruhi appeared OOC in this chapter-blame Hikaru! ;)

As per usual, I haven't had any time to update due to study, study and more study :(

Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter!