Disclaimer: I do not own Skip Beat!

His eyes raked over her lithe form, taking in the girl before him. She was curled up on his couch, fast asleep after their long day of shooting. She had come over to make him dinner and some soup after they had finished work since he was coughing in the morning, though he was positive that he wasn't sick. She was wearing a loose pink top with a cute black skirt, and both had ridden up as she lay on the couch sleeping. He could see her flat, tight, pale stomach and her belly button. He licked his lips, he wanted to taste that. As if on their own, his eyes traveled lower to her lean legs that were pressed together and bent as she slept on her side, and he wondered whether he could see her panties if he went to the other end of the couch. Ren swallowed, he could already feel his pants getting tighter, and he vowed not to test his panties theory. Instead, he took a few deep breaths, and soundlessly went closer to her. He slid one arm under and around her back, and the other under her legs, and slowly lifted her.

"T-tsuruga-san?" Her eyes opened a slit and she tried to rub them awake. They opened for a moment but then remained half-lidded. "Where are you taking me? Would you mind driving me home, I'm sorry I fell asleep," she muttered still half asleep. He smiled, kissed her hair lightly and took her to his guest room.

"You're exhausted, Mogami-san. Sleep here tonight, I'll take you tomorrow," he coaxed her. His voice was soft and soothing, and she found that though she could hear them she had no energy to respond. Too many late nights had taken it's toll, and she soon fell fast asleep.

Kyoko woke up well rested and energized. Though she was startled for a moment to find herself in a different bed, the events from the night before slowly came back to her, and a small smile rested on her face. Since realizing her love for Ren, she couldn't help the happiness that bloomed whenever he cared for her. She always had to chastise herself after though to keep any hope from blooming in her fragile heart. More and more she realized how deeply she was falling, and yet she remained determined to never let Ren know. Lory suggested Kyoko give confessing a try, and in a moment of weakness she wrote him a love letter, but never intended to give it to him. In fact, Kyoko was dead set on never letting Ren find out she loved him, and was honestly hoping that eventually her love would fade away. With a slight sigh, Kyoko recited her 'he's my sempai, he feels obligated to care for me, he cares for everyone, it's nothing' speech and slid her feet out of bed. She was stretching when she noticed Ren at the door.

"Good morning, Mogami-san. I hope you slept well," he said warmly, already dressed for the day. He had a towel around his neck and his hair was still wet.

"Tsuruga-san! You'll catch a cold if you don't dry your hair!" Kyoko whined, though she didn't jump to dry his hair like Setsu would have. Ren chuckled lightly, staring at her.

"Come dry it for me then," he teased, making a sexy lopsided smile. Kyoko's face burned up, but she tried to hide it by bowing deeply. "You can do that," she muttered, and then followed with "thank you for letting me stay the night."

"You're welcome anytime, Kyoko." Ren stressed the use of her first name, and Kyoko froze.

"By the way, Kyoko, I wanted to discuss something with you. Your bag had fallen over last night and in collecting your things I noticed an envelope with Ren written on it. Am I correct to assume that is me? Could I open it?" He was extremely curious as to what Kyoko wrote him in the letter, but wanted to respect her privacy at the same time, so he decided to ask her this morning.

Kyoko's face turned to stone—she was horrified. Ren still couldn't see her face since she was still bent over in a bowing position, and became more curious as to why she hadn't straighted up.

"Kyoko?" He questioned softly, while putting his arms on her shoulder to bring her up. In the process Ren noticed how stiff she was, and finally saw her face. "What's wrong?" He whispered, notably worried.

"I'm sorry Tsuruga-san, but you can't see that letter. It uh, it w-wasn't m-meant for you, it's for a-another R-ren," she stuttered half-heartedly, feeling pathetic at how unconvincing that sounded even to her own ears.

"You know another Ren, and you call him by his first name?" He said disbelieving and hurt. Ren knew Kyoko was lying, and it made him die to know what was in that letter. "Kyoko... I think that letter's for me," he said, making a move toward the door to get it from the counter where he left it. However, before another millisecond had passed Ren saw a flurry of pink rush past him and sprint to her bag. Ren was stunned and stood still for a second, which was enough time for Kyoko to find the letter on the counter and sigh in relief. Only just enough, though, since Ren approached her right after with a deathly aura.

"It's for me, let me see it," he growled, undeterred by the shock in Kyoko's eyes. Kyoko had to take a few deep breaths to fill herself with the determination she needed.

"NO!" She half-yelled and sprinted past Ren to the nearest door, which was his bedroom across the hall. Not knowing or caring where she was, she tried to slam the door shut only to find Ren's fingers in the way. A loud hiss resounded in her ears as Kyoko saw Ren wince and his face contort in pain. Shit. Her eyes were slightly watery, her hands shaking, and her heart going a million miles a second. She was probably the worst kohai in the world, the most violent, ungrateful and unworthy kohai, and yet she couldn't give in. How could she? Ren took a few steps forward, forcing Kyoko to move backward. He kept going, keeping eye contact, until she was at the edge of his bed. She gasped slightly at the contact before Ren pushed her down. Kyoko shoved her arm and the letter behind her back on the bed, and looked up at eyes that bore into her. Ren was everywhere. He held himself up only slightly, so he wasn't crushing her, but every part of him that could was touching her. He could feel her breasts, her stomach, her thighs. Ren was angry, aroused, and a part of him was still making sure he wasn't hurting her anywhere. Her body, her defiance, it was turning Ren on, and it was starting to show. Kyoko couldn't think, she could hardly make sense of anything that was happening, but she felt something that was growing, like it was digging into her. It was hard.

Kyoko knew she had to escape somehow, and did the first thing that came to mind. In retrospect, it was a bad move. Kyoko bit him. Specifically, she bit his neck, since he was towering over her and that's all she could reach. Instead of forcing him off, though, Ren growled in her ear and started nibbling it.

"I can play this game with you, Kyoko, if you'd like," he whispered dangerously, licking the outer parts of her ear, then kissing down her neck. Slowly, laboriously. Kyoko couldn't think or move, and every part of her body was going into overdrive. He licked her neck, bit it and then sucked on it. Kyoko could feel the grin on his face after doing this a few times, right before he moved further down to her collarbone and lower. Ren put most of his weight on one elbow and slipped a hand under her shirt, feeling the smooth, soft skin underneath. He drew circles lightly on her side, making her squirm and breathe harder. He was hard as a rock by now, and he wanted her badly. This was Kyoko though, and even in this state he was planning to cherish her. He slowly moved his hand up until it was right under her bra, and then slipped it behind her back and undid the bra quickly.

Like he's done it a million times before, was shockingly the first thought that ran through Kyoko's head. She was coming back to earth, and realizing that instead of being terrified she was jealous of the experience Ren showed. He's had a lot of sex, with hot girls. She was suddenly uncomfortably self conscious about how flat she probably was in comparison. His finger flicked her right nipple, and she moaned loudly, breathing harder. Ren's smile widened, while he still had a dark and dangerous look in his eyes. He kept flicking her right nipple while he kissed down to the left, and then suddenly pinched the right one it, making Kyoko cry out and push her breast further into his hand. He took the left nipple into his mouth and sucked, hard, while pinching and rolling the right with his fingers. It was so sudden that Kyoko thrashed around slightly at the overload of sensations while she kept crying out. She wrapped her free hand around his neck and held him closer. Kuon was elated at hearing his love cry out and grip him tightly. By now her shirt was up to her collarbone, but Kuon couldn't take it off because her hand was behind her back.

"Still no letter?" Kuon whispered in her ear, making her shudder. Kyoko shook her head violently, making Kuon smile.

"Until you decide to acquiesce, and give me what's mine, you're going to do as I say," he commanded, leaving no room for argument. "Stay," he ordered, getting off of her suddenly and walking out through his bedroom door.

Author's Note: I plan to continue this!