Disclaimer alert: I only own the plot and my laptop for this story.

Two years had pass since the incident, and within that two years two major event had happened.

Firstly, the demise of a town called Burgess. It happened pretty early during the year I turned 5. I was told there isn't any known survival.. the cause of destruction was unknown.

Secondly, would be the forming of the World Council. This council is made up of all the races. Elves, Dwarfs, Human, Hobbit and Fairy. It was made to prevent a the incident of Burgess from repeating itself, it's main aim would be peace among the realm. This council was form a month after the Burgess incident.

A two days ago from now, a letter was sent to my father Stoick. Apparently, the content of the letter was very important that he had to call for a meeting immediately. It was all in a rush, so the Kings, Lords and nobles didn't bring their wives and kids along.

On the day of meeting it just so happened that I am waiting for my father outside the room with Tooth. From where I was standing, I can hear an uproar between my father and uncle Spitelout. The door flung open and closes with a loud slam, uncle Spitelout stomped out of the meeting room. And it just so happened I was there, the moment he noticed me, he walked up and smack me across the head for no apparent reason. Smacking me off my feet, knocking me to the floor.

'You are a disgrace! Watch where you're going!' he spat angrily.

'You imbecile! How dare you-' Tooth retorted as she help me up. I had a hand to my bruised forehead.

'No no it's alright Tooth.. I wasn't looking at where I was going.. Sorry Uncle Spitelout...' I apologised with a smile ,while the other hand was still on my forehead covering the bruised area. Spitelout was speechless at my response.

'Don't do it again!' he spat, huffed and walked off. I had to hold in the tears until he was out of hearing range. Quickly I turned around and hugged Tooth's apron and I started to cry. 'It hurts Tooth... ' I cried hard into her apron, hoping the pain would go away.

'I know it hurts my prince... but you were being strong... there there...' Tooth tried to sooth me. Then Stoick came busting out of the door spotting me crying, Tooth had explained the whole incident to Stoick and he nearly went after Spitelout. If it wasn't for the other lords and King I am very sure Spitelout's head would be on a skewer right now. And so that happened, it was only 2 days later that I found out the cost of the meeting. North had secretly told me that the Council had sent and invitation letter to my dad. As they needed all the support that can get to stop an upcoming war, despite their mission they had resulted to getting peace through war.

So my father had to refuse the invitation as he did not wish to involve the entire island. Several days later, a reply letter came. More of a warning letter actually. I was out playing with Toothless in the courtyard when North came up to me and my mum. He didn't wish to hide anything so he said it out loud.

'The Council has send us zhe letter.. it says they understand our decisions very well... but Zf! We need help... zhey won't be there to do so...' North informed us. I had no idea what is going on but I went with the flow. Mummy had a confident look on her face and she smiled and laugh. I still had no idea so I chuckled with her while North gave a hearty laugh.

'Let them try!' Valka added proudly as she continue to laugh.

8 years later... (changing Pov to Jack)

'Gosh it's kinda cold here... even though the cold usually never bothered me' Jack thought to himself as he adjust his poncho. Shifting his position on the thick branch he had been resting on, the sound of his accessory rattle a little around his wrist.

'Now.. where am I... let see if there is any town nearby' Jack thought to himself as he grabbed his staff and leap gracefully up the tree with extreme agility. Hooking the crook end of the staff onto a branch as he swing himself up. Finally reaching the top, Jack popped his head above the layer of leaves. The sight of lights from a distance caught those blue eyes attention.

'Oh a town... well that's my destination tomorrow then.. gotta rest first...' Jack said to himself, looking up at the moon as he climb back down and made himself comfortable, eyes still staring at the night sky that had been decorated with stars and one big moon. 'Why?' he asked the moon hoping for a reply. But none came, it was the same everytime. Closing his eyes, allowing his mind to wander away into the dreamland, accompanied by the howling chilling wind that always brought comfort with him.

Morning came and so did a blanket of freshly fallen snow. It must have snowed sometime around the middle of the night. The sound of birds chirping and horses riding awoke the sleeping wanderer. Followed by the voices of men.

'Crap...' Jack grunt softly as he peeked over the branches to see 5 royal guards on their horses. Riding through the field, probably for their morning run exercise of something.

'Disguise first ' Jack reminded himself as he pull the hood over his head, muttering something soft allowing the magic to work itself. Eyes of blue replaced by chestnut brown, hair of snow slowly faded to matching chestnut colours.

'Alright Jack.. you can do this.. just don't get yourself caught... nothing suspicious!' Jack mutter to himself as he peek above the layer of leaves. Seeing the coast is clear he gently, sneakily flew out of the tree. Allowing himself to fly for a distance before he have to travel the rest on foot to not raise any suspicion.

Flying himself into a tree, Jack slowly climb down to the base and walked for a distance. The sound of horses galloping grew louder and louder and a sudden stop.

'You there stop!' yelled one of the guards. Jack stopped immediately and sigh 'great..' he muttered.

'Remove your hood' the guard ordered. Jack hesitated for a moment, and waited for the guard to call for a second time.

'I said remove the hood... do you understand me?' he asked again. Jack reluctantly remove the hood revealing his chestnut spiked hair to the guards. They examine the teen and looked at a piece of paper with ink written on them.

' You may proceed.. sorry for interrupting your journey' the guard apologised.

'No no it's okay.. you were just doing your job sir' Jack replied as he pulled his hood over again and continued into town. The town was bustling with energy, as villagers wandered around the place with baskets of fruits and fishes and chicken. They were wearing pretty thin clothes for winter ( not that he is in any position to say anything).

'Welcome to Berk traveller! Need a place to stay or food to eat?' the villager asked.

'Well..' Jack tried to reply but before he could.

'Over there we have our finest Inn keeper in town, run by Phlegma the Fierce! Remember to pay your rent if you wish to leave alive or unscratched! And over there we have the Great Hall where you can purchase all kind of food they sell in Berk! I recommend the Icelandic Cod!' The villager explained pointing into many directions as he gave Jack the information he needed about the town. From inn to places to get food to sight seeing point to the market and many unrelated places. Sure enough Jack was feeling hungry at the moment. He thank the villager as he made his way to the great hall. Then something huge flew over his head, looking up to see villagers riding on dragons.

'Wow...' Jack breath at the sight as many different dragons came into view. The village was bustling with energy as everyone greeted each other including Jack. He was already starting to like this town, maybe settle in it. If he wish to do that he need to gather more information and find himself a job first. Arriving at a big hall with the word 'Great Hall' painted on a big sign above the door. Jack made his way in as adjust his hood. He caught sight of the town guards seated close to the counter table, Jack decided to take a seat at the counter table.

A woman came up and asked for the order.

'Good Morning Traveller... how may I help you?' she asked with a gentle yet strong tone.

'I would like er... one of those... Icelandic Cod please' Jack said softly but audible enough for the waitress to hear. In a moment she disappeared into the kitchen.

'Hey have you heard about it?' one of the guards said to the other.

'heard what?' another guard asked.

'The Walking Winter is coming to Berk' the same guard replied.

'What?! You mean that notorious criminal that sank 8 battle ships that belongs to the council 6 years ago?' one other guard said. Jack had his ears open, concentrating on gaining information.

'that's great! Once I get my hands on him.. I will definitely go up in rank!' the fourth guard said as he drank his booze.

'No way.. you can't even catch a normal thief! I say before you even had him you will be frozen into a cube! AAHAHHA' the group burst into laughter.

'Oh don't let that bother you' the waitress said as she return with a plate of fish and a jug of root beer.

'I didn't order that' Jack said pointing at the jug.

' on the house laddy' she smiled and Jack fished out some coins and handed it to her. After paying, Jack dig into the meal. His eyes widen at the taste of the cod and it's gravy against his taste buds. He can literally melt to the taste after weeks of not eating real good food.

'I'm glad you like it.. so where ye from lad?' the waitress asked. Jack nearly choke on a fishbone but manage to cough it out. Looking up to see the waitress smiling at him.

'I'm from er.. i'm from the country sides... near the coast of... Dunbrouch' He lied.

'OH.. that's very far... but strange... you don't have their accent' the pondered. Oh crap... shouldn't have said that.

'I er... I er...' Jack began to stutter.

'Oh! You're from those immigrated families aren't ya?' she exclaimed.

'yea yea! How did you know?' Jack lied and he manage to go with the flow.

'I've met travellers like ye before' the lady smiled. Jack nodded and continued with his food.

'So.. any thing I should know before I wander around town?' Jack asked as he continue to stuff cod into his mouth.

' Well... Stoick and Valka had done a very good job in growing the town.. as you can see outside.. North does the guard duty patrols.. so don't bother about doing anything cheeky laddy... and avoid Mildew Cabbage store at all cost... that nasty geezer just loves to nag at people... this is also the centre part of Berk where the palace is located just up front... don't bother visiting the Royals.. did I forgot the mention about the young prince?' She said.

'Prince?' Jack shot up 'I remembered something about him being very sick 10 years ago.. what happened?'

'Aye... poor lad was so sick... even doctors were unable to help him... so they had to travel to find a wizard for help... but he did his magic and the prince is cured.. '


'Aye.. he comes and visit once in a while... if I remember correctly... his name was... Garfield the grey?... no no.. Gaggle the grey?... Ga-'

'Gandalf the grey you mean?'

'Yes yes.. that one... he visits the prince quite often ever since then... I guess he is just making sure the poor lad doesn't fall that sick ever again... but strangely enough no one else in the castle got it.. must be some sort of new disease'

'I see... well thank you for the food.. it was really delicious! I'm gonna go have a look around town' Jack said, waving a good bye to the kind waitress as he left the Great hall.

The town was bustling with even more energy now that it is close to afternoon. Jack took a look around the town and walked towards it's main plaza. A big wooden Christmas tree has been set up and people were on their dragons hanging decorations on it.

'excuse me.. can you tell me what is going on?' Jack asked a random villager.

'Ah a traveller I see... it's Snoggletog!' the villager chirp as he hook his arm around Jack's neck.

'Snoggle what?'

'Snoggletog! It's our annual holiday we celebrate during these time of the year! People from all the land will travel here for the occasion lad! It's starting in 3 days time... a little too early aren't ya?'

'Yea.. I see... thanks though' Jack said as he pulled himself away from the villager who yelled a 'NO PROBLEM TRAVELLER!' Deciding to take a stroll along the rows of shops, Jack stumbled upon a few interesting object such as Viking helmets, shields, stone hammer, axes, board swords and Viking clothings.

People were going around shopping for presents, rows of shops with many many different kind of gifts were on display. People were yelling and promoting their products at the same time promoting other people's product too. I have never seen a community this bonded that they are willing to promote another merchants products while they do the same. But there was one thing that stood out and no body seems to notice it.

A lady in a cloak drape over her head that covered her eyes and most of her face from the angle she was looking. Her long nose was expose and sitting in front of her would be a table with a crystal orb on a purple cushion, her wrinkled long fingers rested themselves on the edge of the table.

Jack decided to ignore her and tried to walked pass her seeing how everyone is avoiding her. Just as Jack was about to pass her the old woman held up one of her hand and pointed at Jack.

'Hello... Would you like to hear a fortune?' the old lady said in a raspy voice.

'No thanks... i'm don't really believe in these kind of-' Jack tried to excuse himself but it seems the lady wasn't paying a single mind to his words.

'I won't charge... and yours is an interesting one...' Said the old lady as she kept her head low.

'Okay?' jack replied raising an eyebrow, holding his staff close to him as he kept his hood up.

'A song of Fire and Ice

come forth Winter wind for you shall be key

awake the souls that lies deep in their slumber

oh a double edge sword

one end cuts the fate of the world

the other saves the threat of history

for a war is to come to the realm of chaos

plunger or savour

for the breath of a dragon lies deep in ice

frozen and alone

Like the winter giant captivated by flames

one cannot survive without the other

Balance is in proper

and the world is Judge...'

Upon saying the last words, her face lifted up. Revealing eyes of black oblivion, a red pupil can be seen on both eyes as it floats above the darkness. A wicked laughed escaped from her as she flung herself forward towards Jack.

Jack had his eyes covered as she flew pass him and disappeared, after a moment he scanned the streets for any weird old lady with a cloak over her head.

'Werid...' Jack mumbled to himself as he shrugged and continued with his sight seeing. The weird fortune the old lady had told him repeated itself over and over again in his head. 'What kind of fortune is that?'

Not looking ahead Jack accidentally walked into some guards, bumping someone really big.

'oh sorry.. I wasn't looking where I was going!' Jack immediately apologise, a hearty laugh escape the big man.

'Ah no worries! You must be busy shopping for presents no? A present for someone is hard to find! Now.. if you excuse me young man..' the big man bellowed and laugh as he excuse himself with such fine manners.

People were murmuring thing around him while some of the shop owners yelled 'NORTH!'

'Hey!' the big man yelled in return as he wave and greeted at everyone, Jack watched him disappear down the road with a few guards behind him. He must be well loved by the people of this town... North.. that name sounds kinda familiar... I think I heard it awhile ago or something.

Walking down a few roads down, a crowd can be seen gathering around. Yelling and shouting can be heard from where he was standing, deciding to have a closer look Jack hid himself in a dark alley where no one would be able to see him.

'Let's just hope no one sees me.. i'll be so screw if they do..' Jack prayed as he began to wall jump his way to the roof, quick and swift with a little help from the wind of course. Stationing himself by the edge of the roof making sure no one was able to see him, Jack peek at the commotion before. Apparently some costumer seems awfully mad about something, Jack noticed the broken vase in the customer's hand as he yelled at the poor shop owner who tried to calm him down.

An idea pop in his head as he snapped his finger, a strong gust of wind blew pass the crowded carrying along some snow and ice covering their view, it's a good thing the snow is here. Pointing his staff at the broken vase, a spark of blue was shot out and into the vase. Frost fern grew around the vase creating a new pattern as it held the vase in one piece. Feeling satisfied with his skill Jack decided to leave before he raise any suspicions. Leaping away from roof to roof as he heard a few 'Wow!' and 'Ahh!' from the crowded. A smile work it's way up the pale face of his as he continue to leap from building to building.

'Well maybe Berk isn't such a bad place to settle in afterall...' Jack mumbled to himself. Stopping himself as he recalled the number of time he had said that but ultimately he had to run from the place and find some place new. He came across the idea of Berk from a stranger 1 month ago. And since then he had spend his time travelling to this kingdom. In your term he had been on the road for a good 4 years. Looking up at the morning sky, looking for the only companion he had followed the past four years, a silent companion known as the Moon.

Apparently he wasn't looking at where he was going and ultimately slipped and fell down the roof, crashing into a tent. A few grasp can be heard and an Old man yelling and nagging, Cabbages were rolled all over the place gosh they stink.. are they even edible?! The sound of bahing from a sheep and lastly heavy footsteps that I am too familiar with ….. Crap... I'm in trouble...

Changing to Hiccup's PoV.

'Hey there bud.. ready to go for your ride? We gotta make it quick.. Tooth will be worried' Hiccup said as held the saddle he kept in his room, the now grown up Night Fury hopped around happily at the sight and crouch down almost immediately for Hiccup to tie the saddle on him.

'Hiccup?' Tooth called out as she walked into the courtyard. Oh damn...

'Yea i'm here!' Hiccup called out as Tooth walked over. 'You know you don't have to check on me all the time Tooth.. i'm pretty sure you have some work to do and I don't want to add more onto it... especially this time of the year'

'I appreciate the concern Hiccup but your parents have entrusted me to look after you when ever I can... and well not since I have been promoted to a Guardian' Tooth said. Let me explained what this Guardian thing is all about. It is basically an elite guard group made to protect Hiccup in times of danger. It currently consist of only four members. Tooth, North , Bunny and Sandy. Each of them had been selected due to an incident that happen a few years back.

An army of bandits came to raid Berk. Apparently, it seems to be the biggest mistake those bandits had ever made. Remember I said that Berk has a strong Viking tradition ? Apparently the toughness came as a package, so in the very end the bandits were beaten to a pulp by the villagers. A few(i mean lots?) of them manage to break into the castle, North had manage to take down 30 of those bandits with his knight skills. Hey he wasn't appointed Head of the Royal guard for nothing.

Aster he had more of a hand to hand combat with boomerangs against those bandits taking down a handful of them. And there is Sandy, he had made use of his Dream Sand magic to communicate since he rather stay silent then speak. I'm pretty sure I have never hear him speak a word, anyway he made use of his dream sand magic and whipped the hell outta those bandits that came for the queen.

On that night, Tooth had acted on instinct to protect Hiccup from the invaders. Turns out she is a master in knocking the teeth out of people(literally.. my room was filled with those ) . After the raid was over Stoick had announce the four of them to be the elite guard of Berk. So everyone called them the guardian.

'Yea... I know... dad doesn't want me around causing him any trouble...' Hiccup sigh as he turned to face Tooth.

'But I can make a few exceptions...' Tooth hummed. Hiccup eyes widen and a big smile worked up on his face ' Provided...'

Well that was a total turn off.

'You wake up on time for the next three days... not to be late for any lessons... not to skip any of your lessons... and not to skip your checkup with Gandalf... he is coming in two days time' She continued as she listed out all the things I had tried.

But overall life here hasn't been all that bad. I get to go flying with Mum sometimes, I have lessons with Gobber where I learn how to do smiting all thanks to dad. North had became my teacher for fencing and sword arts, Sandy taught me how to draw seeing how he communicate with fancy golden sands and he teaches me about kingdom history, how to run a kingdom well... basically anything Kingdom related matters, Aster taught me about animals and plants and lastly there is Gandalf... well he doesn't teach me much of anything other then the types of magic and making me learn the basic types of magic. All I ever did with him was asked him about the outside world since I wasn't really allowed to go about on my own, I had a limit of staying around the town area... ever since I got so sick 10 years ago.. there isn't really any need to keep me locked up here just to ensure It doesn't happen again...is there?

I won't lie... it's actually lonely here.. all I ever got to talk to are the same people and Toothless of course.. not to mention the occasional visits from the other princesses. Well they understand how lonely it is to be here on my own. In the end everyone is just too busy with their work and all I had was Toothless. Mum and Dad hardly have time with me because of their job to run the kingdom while I have lessons, well at least mum tried to spend time with me. But dad? He seldom have any time to spend it with us, the only time when we are all together would be during meal times, but it will always be awkward.

'Alright alright... I will.. can I please go now?' Hiccup pleaded with his best puppy dog eye.

'Fine.. be back before lunch... have a safe ride' Tooth said as she watch me got on Toothless and took off . 'What am I going to do with you my prince' Tooth sigh at the thought of it.

'Come on Toothless! Show me what you got today!' Hiccup shouted trying to over power the sound of the wind rushing through his ears. Toothless let out a purr and went into a frenzy of spinning, twirling , diving and many many more stuns.

'YEAAAAAAAA!' Hiccup cheered loudly as they ascend into the clouds. Toothless got too excited himself as he blast a ball of fire in front of them as it explodes into a big blast of fire. 'Oh come on...' Hiccup groan as Toothless flew them into the fire.

'You know you should really stop doing that... you're gonna get all my clothes burned in no time' Hiccup complain as he examine his still favourite green tunic for the amount of burn marks. His hair had been 'gel' backwards thanks to the fire and his face is covered in soot. Toothless rolled his eyes as they flew above the town, people were greeting them from below as Hiccup returned the gestured. Until they came across a crowd.

'HE DESTROYED MY CABBAGE!' came an old man's voice.

'Argh... Mildew...' Hiccup groan upon hearing that old man's voice, for an old geezer he sure can shout.


'come on bud... let see what's going on' Hiccup sigh, Toothless gave a reluctant groan. ' I know.. but we gotta make sure he isn't causing any trouble for anyone.. unless someone is dump enough to give him any trouble that is...'

Reluctantly Toothless steered himself towards the direction of the crowded, landing himself in between Mildew, the guards and an unknown boy with chestnut hair and matching brown eyes. Holding onto a crook staff and sling over his shoulder would be a sack and a poncho over his shoulder.

'Oh my Prince! Thank the gods for having you here... as you can see we have quite a problem' One of the guards said.

'It's alright.. you're just doing your job.. so what seems to be the issue? Did someone tried to rob Mildew of his Cabbages?' Hiccup asked as he scan the crime scene, cabbages were all over the floor and no one wanted to help.

'Not quite... this rascal just fall out of the sky and destroyed my cabbages! My hard grown CABAGES!' Mildew nagged and pointed towards the boy.

'Look.. I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!' The boy tried to explain.

'So... what do you have in mind Mildew?' I asked cocking an eyebrow at the old man.

'Well.. you know what is on my mind! I want him to be thrown into jail and rot for the rest of his life! That's what on my mind!' Mildew yelled with saliva spitting all over the place.

'Ok ok... I'll take him with me... and send some one to repair the damages... I tell North about it when I head back to the castle...' I said to the guards. They nodded and I gestured for the boy to follow me.

'What!? You're gonna let him go just like that?! After what he done to my cabbages?!' Mildew yell from behind.

'I got it Mildew... I'll hand him over to North to be dealt with... happy?' Hiccup replied. The boy shifted his eyes between Hiccup and Mildew. Mildew grumbled something under his breath as he walked away to pick up his cabbages. 'Come on...'

The boy shifted his attention back to the prince and the black dragon with yellowish green eyes staring at the old man. Hiccup had gestured the boy to get on the saddle, with ease the boy manage to jump on Toothless's back while earning a little growl. Hiccup sooth the annoyed dragon with a scratch on his neck as he climb on, with a simple nudge the dragon took off into the skies.

'So... you fell out of the sky and landed into Mildew's shop...' Hiccup asked the boy. Hiccup is actually surprise the boy didn't yell for his life or anything when Toothless blasted them into the sky.

'I didn't fall out of the sky! I just wasn't looking at where I was going and I fell from the roof!' the boy argued slightly annoyed. Hiccup laughed instead earning a puzzled look from the boy.

'Anyway... I'm sure I have never see you before... traveller?' Hiccup asked.

'Er yea... just got here this morning' the boy replied. 'more of a immigrate-ter' the boy mumbled softly.

'I'm surprise you manage to get yourself into such a mess... found a place to stay yet? I can drop you off at the Inn if you like' Hiccup offered.

'nah i'm good...'

'Oh.. ok... you here on your own?' Hiccup asked.


'Where are your parents if they had allowed you to travel here on your own?' Hiccup asked.

'I don't have any family anymore... they died when I was little.. so I travel by myself' The boy said. An unpleasant silence settled between those two.

'I'm...i'm sorry.. I shouldn't have brought that up..'

'It's fine... really... by the way Prince.. the name is Jack.. Jack Overland Frost'

'The name is Hiccup.. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the 3rd'

'That's a pretty long name you got there prince...by the way... what the hell happened to you? Did you try to clean a chimney or something?' Jack ask as he began to touch the auburn hair that has some black spots, examining the attire of the prince as well.

'Not quite... more of flew into a blast of fire and then this happened' Hiccup gestured to himself. ' So where do you want me to drop you off?'

'Anywhere would be fine...' Jack sigh as he take in the view of the town below him. It was filled with more people now, villagers are carrying more wrapped boxes to where the wooden Christmas tree is. Placing them under the tree as they tied a small coloured ball onto the tree and walked off. Sending some happy cheers to anyone.

'So would it be alright if I dropped you off by the walls? I have to head into the castle very soon.. I have lessons to get to' Hiccup said.

'Well.. sure I guess that's fine with me' Jack said as they landed in a nearby bush behind the court. 'Hey think I can see you again?'

'I guess so.. I'll pretty much be stuck up here in the castle for the rest of the day... but I guess I can meet you by sun down... that's when my lessons have ended' Hiccup said as he dust himself.

'Sounds great... so I'll see you here by sun down?' Jack asked.

'Yea...sounds great.. i'll see you later then... Jack' Hiccup smiled as he took off with Toothless. A smile made it's way across Jack's face upon hearing his name,it has been a really long time since he told someone his name. On those years on the road, he had never told anyone his real name.. up until now. It felt strange to be able to trust Hiccup at first sight.

A song of Fire and Ice

The words echoed in his head. Gosh this is getting awfully irritating... it seems like when he was around Hiccup it didn't bothered him. Seeing that he should probably get some rest due to the lack of sleep he had been having for the past few days running from guard. Besides, the current weather in Berk is what he needed. Cold.

Climbing up a tree that seems tall enough to be able to see the palace and a suitable spot to lie on. Good enough for him, he found himself a rather big tree that stood right outside the walls of the court. Hooking his staff onto a nearby branch, Jack shifted himself comfortably under the shade of leaves blocking out the sun from his face, hands folded behind his head as he closed his eyes and slept. It felt weirdly peaceful.

'PRINCE HICCUP!' Tooth yelled upon seeing the prince covered in sooth.

'I can explain ! Toothless did it! He blew up a ball of fire and flew through it!' Hiccup explained pointing finger at his companion. Tooth let out a sigh shaking her head.

'Oh nevermind... now come on.. Hurry.. your parents are already waiting and your lessons will begin soon after lunch' Tooth said as she hurried me along the hallways and into my room grabbing a clean set of clothings, dragging me to the toilet and pushed me in before she took off. I have only 10 minutes to get myself clean and ready.

During that 10 minutes I manage to clean myself rather quickly but I was rather distracted by the thought of... Jack. Something about him seems very odd and yet welcoming. He is a nice guy... I suppose? I wonder if he have any place to call home... maybe if I can... Dad will probably get mad at me anyway... Mum might not agree to the idea if Dad were to find out...

Putting on a grey long sleeve tunic matched with a black cloth vest followed by a matching brown pants along with a pair of black fur boots. Quickly stepping out of the toilet to the Dinner where mum and dad were already eating.

'Hey Mum! Hi Dad!' Hiccup chirp.

'What's gotten into you? You seem awfully happy... did something happen?' Valka asked while Stoick place his utensils down to hear my story.

'I met this new guy in town, he had cause quite a mess for Mildew...' I said. Both my parents burst out laughing upon hearing the news ' by accident.. since he sort of fall out of the sky and landed into Mildew shop'

Both my parents were already laughing their heads off, dad especially as his laughter boom throughout the hall. Must be the best joke they heard all day...

'Oh son... falling into Mildew is the best thing I heard all day' Stoick said as he wipe a tear from his eyes from laughing too hard. 'Thank you for making my day' Stoick said obviously trying to hold back another wave of laughter.

'Well.. whatever...' I sigh as I began to dig into my own lunch ' you'll never take me seriously anyway...' I muttered as I took a spoonful of cod into my mouth. I stayed grumpy throughout lunch, chomping every bite as my thoughts shifted to Jack. Wonder what he is up to right now...

'Hiccup?' Valka called.


'You're nibbling on your spoon... something bothering you?' She asked. Well it had become a habit for me to nibble on things when i'm stress, deep in thought or upset. Mum knows me inside out, all the small habits that I have both mischievous and innocent.

'Nothing...' I grumbled, continuing to eat my lunch. Yup... I have stubbornness issue as well. It's in the blood. As soon as lunch was over it was time for lessons... I head into my room with Sandy as his lessons begins first... always.

'So what are you going to teach me today?' I asked. Sandy smiled and rolled open a map of the world, on the map marks out the kingdoms of the realm. The middle kingdom, Elves Kingdom, Dwarfs Kingdom and many many more. I studied the map as he began to point to individual kingdoms and then the game of charades started.

Following up would be Gobber's blacksmith lessons. I made my way to the store house located just outside the castle. From there, I can see rows of soldiers with broken or bend weapons. North was there as well, he was chatting about something with Gobber while a group of men were busy hammering away.

'Ah! Look who just arrive!' Gobber announce pointing his hammer hand in my direction.

'Well, I'm here Gobber.. what do I do today?'

'Well... I taught you all that you need to know... so err.. continue with your work then' Goober suggested. I smiled and head into my part of the shop, the back of the store has been renovated for me. Basically it's my workplace, so upon seeing my close to completion Gronkle Iron shield I quickly tug off my vest and put on my apron and got to work. Building things helps to keep my mind off whatever troubles me mentally. Even though Mum disapprove of Dad's idea of making me learn blacksmithing I kinda like it.

Shortly after I was done with my shield I handed it to Gobber and showed the uses of it, it can turn into a crossbow and has a grappling hook build into it. Gobber and North were pretty impress with my creation, and with that he allowed me to test it out. It sort of ended in a disaster... don't ask.

Next would be Aster's gardening lessons. Aster saw me going over with the shield in my hand.

'Careful with that Prince.. wouldn't want to scare off the animals now would ya?' Aster tease giving me one of those cheeky smiles of his. Over the years we had started to plant many types of plants and trees, which we have to expand the garden. Remember those herbs, seeds and nuts those birds gave to Aster during my sickness period? Turns out those were actually some pretty rare plants on the earth. Not only that it had somehow turn into a tiny forest where birds would come and gather around. Playing around with the garden animals, since Aster didn't mind the animals coming in. You know.. like Squirrels, Rabbits and birds. Well and Toothless.

'So... what's new?' Hiccup ask as he set his shield aside and walked towards Aster who just set up a new perimeter.

'Ah.. theses little buggers came today from an old friend... been've waiting since forever' Aster said as he patted the soil.

'What kind of plant is it?'

'It's called Pi Pa... it's from the eastern kingdom.. It's good for your throat and soothes coughing and sore throat.. it is really sweet!' Aster said.


'In the eastern Kingdom they made it into candies for the people... which they add in several other remedy and herbs … some made it into cough syrups... which is later made into warm tea to be drank or you can just drink the syrup' Aster said as he admire the soil.

'Will I get to taste it soon? How long does it take for it to grow?' Hiccup asked as he kneel down next to Aster, unknown to them a small pact of rabbits made it's way next to them, sitting themselves next to Hiccup as they stare at the same plot of land.

'Well.. probably a month or so... can't wait to try one can ye?' Aster teased. Seeing how the description of the plant can make my mouth water. Hiccup nodded slowly.

'Well.. if we are lucky enough some forest fairies may stumble upon this plant and speed it's growth' Aster smiled. 'Well anyway... I talked to the King and Queen about this.. they agreed'

'They agreed to what?' Hiccup asked shifting his attention to Aster.

'Well... they agreed to let you have more free time so you won't be having anymore gardening and blacksmithing lessons from tomorrow onwards.. so you'll have more free time now.. be sure to drop by when you feel like it... i'll always welcome ya prince..' Aster smiled again giving his cheeky smirk. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around him and laugh.

'Thank you... You know I could have talked to them myself about it... both of them would have agreed anyway' Hiccup chuckled. Spending the remainding of the lesson telling Aster about his morning misadventure and about Mildew. Aster himself burst out into a fit of laughter upon hearing that Mildew's shop got destroyed especially his cabbages.

'That nasty old geezer deserves it' Aster laughed pretty hard till tears were falling from his eyes. 'So what happened next?'

Hiccup explained about how he handled the situation and brought Jack away from Mildew. Aster seems pretty interested about Jack when I told him he was travelling alone and looking for a place to settle.

'Ye handled the situation like a king already my prince... I couldn't be anymore prouder' Aster said as he ruffled my hair with his big hands. Getting quite a fair amount of dirt into it.' So what you do with the Jack kid?'

'Well.. he told me to drop him off somewhere before I return... he didn't have a place to stay though... so I ended up dropping him off outside the castle wall...'

'You seem quite bothered by this Jack my prince... been quite a while since I saw you this worried over somebody...' Aster said as he looked in my direction sipping on his carrot juice as we sat under one of the big trees.

'I know... i'm not sure it's a good thing to worry about a stranger... he could be making up the story for all I know... but those eyes of his were telling the truth.. and I don't someone to suffer because of that' Hiccup continue to pout when Aster rested his hand on his head. Hiccup turn to see Aster smirking at him, before being pulled in as they play under the shade like siblings.

'Which is why everyone love's ya prince.. you're so kind and gentle.. and at times you can be tough and strong... ye soft sides is why everyone loves ya... ' Aster said with a smile as he ruffled my hair more. Aster is more of an older brother then a gardener to me. I can tell him almost anything and he would listen and advice me. Since young I would always pop by the garden and play in the dirt which would always ended up with me being nagged by Tooth.

And whenever Aster is bothered by something you can see whiskers coming from his face, and I would always gently tugged on it. It's one of his habits that I picked out, I'm the only one who apparently knows about it. Sometimes I wouldn't be his whiskers it would be those giant bunny ears he would have when he morph into his rabbit form.

Finally it was the last lesson for the day. North's sword classes. Well it sure is something I cannot afford to drop... you know in an event where I have to fight to survive which I really hope doesn't happen. It's always held in the ball hall where the space is so much bigger and appropriate. And from the baloneys of the hall you can see the court and the trees beyond it. I've always wondered what's beyond those trees, seems like another plot of empty land.

'Prince?' North called out. I snapped from my thoughts and looked up at him with our rapier pointing at each other. 'You seems... very out of it today... is something bothering you?'

'yes.. no...i mean yes! Yes I said no!...' I let out a huge sigh and looked up into those big blue eyes that always held wonders and happiness. ' Yea...'

North simply chuckled and sheath his rapier into his belt buckle. Walking over to the shield I had place by the wall and picking it up.

'Lets get down to tacks of brass shall we?' North said with a smile. Putting away my rapier as I held onto the Shield I just completed today. 'Now.. what is bothering you?'

'North..' I sigh and told him the entire story of what happened this morning and Jack. Jack has been strangely bothering me even though he wasn't around and I've only met him this morning.

'i'm sure things will work out for you my prince... how about we continue with lessons? Might help to bring your thoughts away no?' North said as he pull out his Rapier again. I nodded and pulled mine out as I set the shield down and we continued with fencing lesson.

Changing to Jack's POV.

I should probably go have my lunch now... i'm starving.. *Growling... * Yea... I should probably go now.. Grabbing his staff and dusting himself Jack flew off the tree towards the Great Hall. Carefully I stayed close to the layer of leaves ensuring no one saw me flying.

Once the sound of people's voices were close, Jack dropped from to the ground almost immediately. Dusting himself as he proceeded into the village, walking towards the great hall.

The same woman greeted Jack as he entered.

'Afternoon... how was your tour? Anything interesting?' She asked.

'Eh nothing much happened... met some interesting folks' Jack said.

'I see.. well what is it from the menu then?' she said gesturing to the sign of foreign language.

'I er... I would have bread with a bowl of chicken soup' Jack said at random since he was really foreign to the words on the board.

'Wait here laddy.. i'll be right back' the lady smiled and disappeared into the kitchen and return with a bowl of soup and bread. Jack handed her 5 gold coins as payment. The smell of the chicken soup was so appetizing that Jack's stomach growl more. The lady watch as Jack tore the bread into pieces and dipped it into the soup before taking a bite out of the chicken soup soak bread. The taste was so surreal that it made Jack melt to the taste.

'Wow... you guys can cook anything... this is really good' Jack commented as he took another bite out of the bread. The lady simply smiled as she dissapeared back into the kitchen and came out with another bread, placing it on Jack's plate.

'I see one bread isn't enough for you... this one is on the house' she chuckled and then another lady came through the door.

'Phlegma! So you're doing delivery today.. who's watching the inn?' The lady asked the other lady who came in and placed a large straw basket on the table. The smell of food was constantly emitted from it.

'Aye.. my husband is watching... and here are the chicken pie you ordered... freshly baked!' Phlegma said opening the lid of the basket. The smell of the chicken pie instantly flooded the room. 'Have you heard? Some lad fell into Mildew's store today'

'oh my?' the lady said obviously trying to hold in a laughter, but both lady did their best. In the end they ended up laughing and saying how much Mildew deserve it. Both of them shared a quick conversation before Phlegma needed to head back to her inn, she fear with out her around it would be a mess.

'Can I have one of those pie for take away?' Jack ask pointing at the basket. The female chuckled and disappeared into the back and reappeared with a wrapped up pie in paper. Jack quickly fished out for coins and handed it to her. Upon finishing his meal he grabbed the wrapped piece of pie and head back towards the meeting spot.

The trip back took slightly longer as Jack decided to stroll leisurely back to the tree. Luckily no one saw him so he was rather invisible. Climbing back up the tree, as he sat on a thick branch glancing across peeking through the holes between the leaves, Jack can recognize two figure across the tree inside a big room.

The familiar Auburn hair colour of Hiccup and the big size and white beard of North. North was teaching Hiccup about swords, as he tapped at certain point on Hiccup's leg. Probably telling him his posture is wrong, seeing how Hiccup have to shift his legs a little. A chuckle escape from the witness as he kept his gaze at the poor brunette, hands cupping the wrapped up pie that still felt warm against his cold touch.

In a matter of moments, the sky had darken as the sun hid itself beyond the horizon. Stars littered the night sky, bight lights came from the town from where Jack was seated. Leaping to the top of the tree with such dexterity and agility and grace. Poking his head above the layer of leaves, the sight was beautiful. The town was lighted up with many coloured glass balls with candles glowing inside of them. Jack had seen how Christmas is like but Snoggletog is something else.

'I guess they are quite the festive people' Jack chuckled to himself. With a snap of his finger a gust of wind blew towards the village and circled into the sky, snowing down on the kingdom of Berk. 'An early winter doesn't sound so bad for these people'

A black figure landed itself swiftly into the bush which caught Jack's attention. Grabbing his staff with his free hand while the other held onto the pie.

'Wowow! Hey it's me!' came the familiar voice, and slowly coming into view would be none other then the Prince himself. ' So I take it that you're here the whole time waiting for me?'

'Pretty much.. had to grab lunch so I brought this along' Jack said shaking the wrapped piece of pie in his hand.

'No way.. is that?' Hiccup squinted his eyes at the round shaped food, moving close to the tree as he started to climb up the tree.

'Pie yea … got it from the Great Hall ' Jack said with a smirk as he helped the prince. Settling themselves on the branch he had been sitting on. While Toothless hung himself like a bad on another branch.

'Want some?' Jack said as he open the wrapping, despite it being out in the cold for quite sometime, the smell of the pie still is as appetizing as ever.

'Love to...' Hiccup said as Jack tore the pie into two perfect halves. Handing one to Hiccup while he savour the other for himself. 'So... you said you travelled... where did you travel from?'

'I travelled from the borders of the middle kingdom... just opposite Arendelle... quite a place and journey I had.. travelled around the nearby borders looking for a place to stay...' Jack sigh as he stared at the half piece of pie in hands.

'So where are you from?' Hiccup asked as he swallowed hard, eyes still settled on the brown haired teen. That question seems to make him jump, Hiccup could have swore his ear twitched.

'I came from... Burgess...' Jack sigh again slouching.

'Isn't that village-'

'Destroyed? Yea... by what I couldn't remember' Jack interrupted. His grip on his pie tighten a little pressing out some of the fillings of the pie.

'You were there?' Hiccup asked again settling his pie to on his lap.

'It' happened when I was little... all I remembered was the villagers outside me house and a heavy blizzard was blowing.. the villagers were yelling with hoist torches and some of them were carrying big fork... my family had pushed me out of the window telling me to run.. but I was not going anywhere without them... then I heard screaming and then blood painted the window of my house... then nothing... all I remembered was darkness afterwards...' Jack said, a tight clench in his heart when the memory replayed itself in his mind, gritting his teeth hard.

'Must be hard on you... so what happened to you?' Hiccup asked again shifting himself closer to the sulking teen. Jack let out another sigh.

'When I woke up I was in the forest... lots of snow and trees were destroyed... I ran back to the village to see that everything was gone... houses was destroyed... people were missing and lots of snow...' Jack said pursing his lips.

'Then how did you get by until now?'

'You wouldn't believe me..' Jack smirk at Hiccup, seeing how concentrated the young prince look in his story.

'I would! I definitely would!' Hiccup retorted, earning a chuckle from the brown teen.

'Okay okay... no need for the shouting... I was err... I was raise by a pack of wolves' Jack said.

'No way!' Hiccup exclaimed as he examine Jack for any fangs or pointy ears.

'Yes way! I know it sounds unbelievable! But I was really raise by a pack of them! They taught me how to hunt, how to survive in he wild and many many things I am grateful for! If it weren't for them I'm not even sure if I would be sitting here right now!' Jack exclaimed as he was just as excited as Hiccup was when he told the tale.

'That is so cool! You have got to tell me where did you travel!' Hiccup scooted closer to Jack. A smirk appeared on the older teens face.

'He is just like a child' Jack thought to himself as he took his first bite of the pie. The flavour exploded in his mouth, and he can melt to the taste ( Ermm chicken~). And so he shared some of his travel with Hiccup while the both enjoyed their share of the awesome meat pie, chatting till late evening when Hiccup had to go back into the castle. He offered Jack a place to stay in his room but the older teen had decline the offer saying he would rather sleep here for the time being.

'Are you sure?' Hiccup asked again as he stood up on the branch nearly falling off it.

'Yea i'm sure... i'll see you again tomorrow?' Jack ask as he looked up at those green pair of eyes.

'Sure! Well... if you need anything my room would be right there' Hiccup said pointing to the upper level of the castle with the balcony windows open, green curtains can be seen fluttering in and out.

'Okay then.. Good night Prince' Jack greeted as he watch the prince climb onto Toothless.

'Just call me Hiccup... Jack.. and err... Good night' Hiccup smiled, a moment of radiance when the moonlight shone on him through the leaves. With that he took off and flew back into the castle. Jack sat by the tree as he watch Hiccup's room lid up with a candle lantern. He swore he saw Hiccup smiling before he drew the curtain, a faint silhouette of Hiccup form on the curtain.

Jack blush a little as he saw Hiccup's silhouette taking off his clothings and changing into a another seat.

'Guess i'll get some sleep...' Jack said to himself as he shifted himself into a comfortable position on a branch and folded his arms behind his head, gazing at the night sky. Slowly he closed his eyes as he allow slumber to take over.

The next day...

'Maybe I should give Hiccup as surprise...' Jack thought to himself, watching the balcony of Hiccup's room. The doors are still open and the curtains were fluttering away from the room as birds sat themselves on the snow covered balcony.

Jack had decided to fly over to the room across the court. He scanned the area for any sign of guards but none of them are in sight. Thinking probably the guards are still asleep, Jack leap off the branch and flew towards the room. As he got closer and closer towards the Balcony, Jack took notice of the owls perched on the roofs. All of them had their eyes on Jack.


oh crapped...

Changing to Hiccup's POV.

Tooth came busting through the door scanning around for the Prince. Spotting the auburn hair peeking out of the Covers a wave of relief washed over her. Walking over and pulling the blanket away revealing a sleeping Hiccup.

'Hiccup it's time to wake up..' she said. Hiccup groan and rolled over with his face buried into the pillow. After a few second he sat up rubbing his eyes, auburn hair were sticking out from all over his head and his hairstyle had sort of change to the morning hair.

'Good morning Tooth... *Yawning * What's is with all the commotion ?'

'Oh you won't believed it Hiccup! Some boy tried to break into the castle! If it weren't for the owls he could have gotten to you!' Tooth complain as she walked over to the balcony and looked out. Hiccup walked over to the window as he saw familiar chestnut hair being dragged away by two guards. One of the owl flew above the guards with a crook end's staff in it's talons. North was talking with Aster as he did some gesture at the two guards.

Hiccup shook his head and sigh. He should have told him about the owls... now it was his fault that Jack is going to be thrown into the dungeon. Great...

'Hiccup quickly get yourself ready for the day !' Tooth said as she walked towards the closet and pulled out a blue tunic and a greenish brown pants, tossing them in my direction pushing me out of the room and into toilet.

'You know Tooth I can pick my own cloths you know?' Hiccup pouted as he was rushed down the hall.

'Not when there was someone who tried to break into your room! Now hurry!' Tooth said before slamming the door. Hiccup sigh as he turn his attention to the tub filled with warm water. With that he begun to strip.

'What a mess... now how am I suppose to help Jack?' Hiccup sigh as he entered the bath. Water overflowed from the tub as Hiccup sink himself further in, leaving his upper face above the water. 'I guess I can visit him later and apologise about it... maybe North might let him off with a light sentence... nothing heavy I hope...'

After my morning wash up it was time for breakfast as usual.

'Morning Dad.. Morning Mum' Hiccup greeted.

'I'm sure you heard what had happen... are you hurt?' Valka asked coming over to check.

'I'm fine mum.. no one got in... even if they did Toothless will be there to scare them off...' Hiccup said as he adjust his attire.

'Right... now come on.. Your breakfast is turning cold' Valka said as she gestured me to my table. Breakfast was rather awkward, I kept my mouth shut about Jack but I did ask about his punishment. Apparently, dad and mum had yet to decided on a sentence for Jack so I might have a way to help him out of this. Afterall it was my fault he is in the dungeon now.

'Can I er... excuse myself?' Hiccup asked. Both his parents nod as they continue to discuss on certain matters. Quickly darting out and heading towards the dungeon, North was talking to some guards.

'My prince! You shouldn't enter the Dungeon' one of the guard said to me.

'I understand that you meant to keep me safe but I need to see the boy who was brought in this morning' I said to the guard. Immediately the guard stood at attention as a big shadow was cast over me.

'My Prince! What are you doing here?' North asked. The guard explained the situation to North and he nodded as he stroke his beard. 'Very well.. I shall accompany the prince in to see the boy.. you may let him pass'

Hiccup quickly walked in, following North as he lead the prince to a cell that holds the familiar boy with chestnut hair. Jack had curled himself against the wall, as he notice the auburn boy and large man.

'Hey...' Hiccup called. 'Sorry about the security' Hiccup said scratching the back of his head.

'Well.. you could've told me you know? So am I in trouble?' Jack ask cocking an eyebrow at the Prince, as he shifted himself closer. North was quite protective over the prince but he back down when Hiccup told him it was alright.

'Nothing heavy... I can get you out.. by tomorrow morning.. so you just have to deal with it... so er.. sorry' Hiccup sigh, but Jack simply chuckled. 'What's so funny? You're behind bars you know?'

'Too bad it ain't the first.. but no biggy.. if things get too serious I will bust out of here no problem' Jack whispered to the prince, making sure the head of the guards doesn't hear him. Making the prince chuckle. 'And when i'm out you are going to make up for it..'

'Alright.. fine it's fair that way... so er I'll see you later... don't worry i'll bring food' Hiccup said as he stood up. Both of them wave a quick good bye to each other as North escort the prince out. Jack simply slouch back at his corner curling up like ball and closed his eyes.

A few hours later.

'Hey sleepy head you awake?' Hiccup called. Jack shot up as he saw the Brunette by himself, holding onto a familiar wrapped food.

'No way...' Jack said in disbelief, Hiccup simply smiled nervously as he handed the food over.

'Well you better believe it... had to had someone get it for me' Hiccup said as he watch Jack tore open the wrapping like a Snoggletog present.' Anyway.. I talked to my parents and explained the whole thing... you can be released by tomorrow afternoon... and in return I'm sort of grounded I guess...'

'Wow... sorry for that... but er thanks again...for everything you done' Jack replied with a mouthful of pie in his mouth.

'Don't you learn table manners? And you're not suppose to talk with your mouth full!' Hiccup pointed out holding back a laugh. Jack swallowed hard and looked up.

'Hey.. raise by wolves remember?' Jack replied with a cheeky grin.

'Right... totally forgot about that... So er... where are you gonna go once you're out?'

'Well.. I point of travelling is to settle somewhere and probably live peacefully you know... and i'm kind of considering Berk seeing how the people here are kind and fun to be with' Jack said as he continue to munch down the remaining of his pie.

'I see... I won't be able to help with that anyway... maybe my parents can do something about it' Hiccup said as he watch Jack devour the pie.

'Well... that's really great of you... thanks.. for everything' Jack said.

'Including putting you in a cell yea sure!' Hiccup grinned exposing his slightly crook teeth.

'Totally appreciated my friend...' Jack replied as they both burst into a fit of laughter.

'You're behind bars and you can still crack jokes about it.. you must be one hell of a jolly person'

'Hey.. fun is my middle name afterall!' Jack smirk ' Say er... Gandalf visits you right?'

'Yea he does! Mostly it would be checking up on me.. and er since it's Snoggletog tomorrow... he wouldn't miss it... well he never miss one since that incident...' Hiccup shrugged.

'So... will I get to meet him?'

'Well... Gandalf is a busy person... he is always surrounded by people... well I do have some private time with him and that is only during check ups and lessons...so well I guess you might have a chance on meeting him' Hiccup replied waving his hands around.

'I see... so anything interesting happening in town?' Jack ask.

'Well.. other then the news of you breaking into the castle.. there are some news... Firstly the town is pretty revved up for tomorrow, second would be the town is excited for the arrival of Gandalf and lastly some guy called the Walking Winter have been causing some trouble in town and the guards are currently after him' Hiccup said. Jack shot up when the name Walking Winter was mention, he simply nodded slowly in acknowledgement of the news.

'Hiccup! It's time!' North's voice bellowed through the dungeon.

'Coming!' Hiccup replied turning to Jack ' I'll see you tomorrow then.. don't do anything stupid until then.. bye'

Before Jack can say a good bye Hiccup had already darted out of sight. Jack slouch and lay himself down against the wall as he tried to sleep. Sleeping away most of his time in the cell while he waited for the time of his release. The dungeon was awfully quite seeing he is the only person in that dungeon... aren't there suppose to be other prisoners?

Sometime along the night, Jack shot up from his sleep as he begun to sneeze. His nose crinkled at the smell of the odd substance in the air.

'Magic powder... Sleep powder...' Jack mumbled to himself as he tried to list out the substance. Then he concentrated harder as his sense of hearing picked up footsteps with short intervals, followed by a few more. Someone is being chase inside the castle. Yelling.. someone is yelling inside as Jack concentrate more and more into the yelling sound.. he quickly stood up and ran to the bars that held him in the cell.

'Hiccup is in trouble..' Jack growled to himself as his grip on the bar tighten.

Hiccup was lazing in his bed when the sound of someone yelling echoed through the hall ways.

'STAY AWAY FROM ME!' yelled the male voice.

'Sir! You're tresspassing! Turn around immediately!' demanded another man, which must be a guard. The door of the room was pushed open, Hiccup immediately leap off the bed as an unknown big man darted for him. Hiccup leaped to where Toothless was sleeping, but the man was fast to grab Hiccup by the leg with a hook which pierce into his ankle of his right leg.

'AAAHH!' Hiccup yelp loudly as the pain course through his leg. Next thing he knew he was drag across the floor and a big arm grabbed him by the collar and pulled him away from the ground. Violently pulling the hook out of Hiccup's ankle which ended with Hiccup yelping more and whimpering.

Toothless was in their battle stance but he was being careful to approach the big man who have Hiccup as his hostage. Stoick and the other guards bust in through the door immediately, his eyes widen upon the sight.

'Uh uh uh~' The man said as he held the hook end of the staff up to the Prince's neck. Blood were dripping from the prince's right leg. Soon the queen and the Guardians were in the room, The man slowly backed away to the balcony knowing he is surrounded.

'Don't do anything irrational! Release the boy!' North bellowed fiercely at the man.

'Not unless you allow me to leave with 10,000 gold pieces!' the man demanded. Stoick had his eyes furrowed furiously, Toothless was ready to blast a fireball in his direction but it will risk injuring Hiccup.

'You are out of your mind! To think that we will let you go just like that!' Stoick roared as he took steps towards the man, but he held the hook close to Hiccup's neck poking the sharp end of the hook into his skin as blood begin to gather at the tip.

'Don't you know who I am!' The man yelled as his grip tighten. 'I'm the Walking Winter! I froze those 6 ships all by myself! Can't you tell from my white hair and the staff!' the man yell.

But everyone froze at the sight in front of them. A boy sat himself on the ledge of the Balcony when no one notices. What's more snow had begun to fall in the room. Snow! In a room!

'Tough day huh?' the boy asked. Hiccup immediately recognise the voice, it was Jack.

'Yea... Huh! Who the hell are you?!' The man nearly jump as he shifted direction but he kept his attention both end.

'More importantly... who the hell are you?' Jack ask pointing his crook end of the staff in the man's face.

'Me?! I'm the Walking Winter!' The man yelled. Jack sigh and stood up on the ledge as his grip on his staff tighten. The man had his back against the balcony door as he stood in between Jack and the royals.

'Man.. you just have to say It do you' Jack sigh ruffling the back of his head as he stomp his staff on the ledge. ' Now i'm mad' With a twist of his staff on the floor, a huge gust of wind swirl around Jack as snow and mist were carried along, forming a sphere around Jack for a moment as it disappear. The winds were so powerful that it blew off most of the white powder off the impersonator's hair.

As soon as the snow and mist cleared up there stood Jack. His disguised magic had been released as he stood there with his snow white hair revealed and blue orbs replacing those brown ones.

'You just picked with the wrong person to mess with' Jack growled as he swung his staff in the man's direction. The man kept a grip on Hiccup as he quickly took a step back, but what he couldn't dodge next was a blue spark of ice that froze his entire body.

Jack walked over as he grab the fake staff off the frozen man and broke it.

'You won't need that and I'll be taking this' Jack said as he pulled Hiccup away from his frozen grip, Hiccup whimpered at the pain through his leg but Jack had lifted him off the ground and carried him bridal style. 'It's alright...'

'Oh and you forgot this!' Jack said as he snapped his finger.. a pile of snow dropped itself on the frozen figure.

'Jack?' Hiccup whispered as he looked up to see the teen he had met on a typical morning and the same teen who just saved him from a ruffian. Guards were immediately on their job as they grabbed the frozen body and moved it out. Jack had handed Hiccup over to Stoick as the king watch silently.

'I guess this is Goodbye Hiccup.. I gotta go before I cause any trouble for you' Jack said with a sad smile, as he turn to walked away a pair of hands grabbed onto his arm.

'Don't go.. you can stay.. here... without any trouble... the council won't know about you...' Hiccup pleaded. Jack simply chuckled as he tried to shake off the hold. Then another hand came and place itself on his shoulder. Jack turned to see Valka with her hand on his shoulder giving him a warm smile.

'You can stay here for as long as you like... you have done something brave for this kingdom and for my family' she said with a smile, Jack was utterly lost for words. He turn to see Stoick as he rest his big hand on Jack's head.

'You saved my son... thank you... please stay.. Berk is your new home now...' Stoick smiled as his beard sway itself. Jack look up to meet with Hiccup's eyes.

'I can stay? Like I can move into Berk?!' jack was happy and confuse, normally he would have been chased away by the folks of the town but this is the first time in forever he had been ask to stay after they found out the truth.

'Yes.. and I think Hiccup could use a body guard like you' Stoick added.

'What was it they called you again?' Valka asked.

'The Walking Winter...' Jack replied ' Mam'

Hello people! I hope you like this chapter and the story so far! I know it isn't great but I find it really enjoyable to be able to allow other people to see ideas. If you have any suggestions to make the story more interesting be sure to drop me a PM or review, let me know if you think a certain character from any fairy tale should appear or something! Ideas are always welcome!