Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

A/N: I should be updating my other story soon, but I decided to enter The Eclectic Bookworm's Because We All Love Luna -A Romantic Challenge to spice things up a bit. I love Neville/Luna so much. Thank you so much, BethyQuake for being my beta reader! I hope you enjoy!

"Hurry up Neville! It's getting away!" Luna Lovegood called to her best friend who was just barely keeping up with her adrenaline induced sprint. The pair were hunting for nargles. "I-I'm t-trying to L-Luna," Neville replied in between gasps. The blonde Ravenclaw sped up a bit grabbing the Gryffindor's hand to make sure he kept up. She could see the creature, finally she could be able to ask it to leave her and her things alone. The Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were clutching butterfly catching nets, the latter nearly close enough to catch the blasted thing. Luna had one more burst of speed before swinging her net, catching target. Neville halted in awe of his best friend's look of victory when there was nothing in her net. "I caught it! " Luna yelled causing Neville to jump and run into a nearby Huffluff. After apologizing profusely, the Gryffindor turned to his best friend questioningly. "What do you mean? There is nothing in the net," He questioned with his usual look of confusion. "I have caught a nargle! You just can't see it. That's why, you can laugh about this, people used to think that they weren't real," Luna replied indignantly. He decided it was no use arguing with her, so he just shrugged. The dreamy girl muttered a immobulus under her breath to paralyze the contents of her net and started walking away with Neville in tow.

Luna, now in her dorm, was confronting the still stunned nargle about stealing her things. "I hope you like the mistletoe I have put in there for you I understand that this is not the proper habitat for you, but it's the best I can do for right now. I have a few questions for you though, I hope you don't mind my asking them. Why have you been taking my belongings? Have I done anything to you to cause this behavior from you? Do you have a reason for making my things disappear? Is there anything I can do to make you stop?" She questioned. A few passing Ravenclaws were looking at her strangely, but Luna was focused on questioning the creature in her butterfly net. The Ravenclaw normally would put up with the nargles' mischievous behavior, but at the moment she was trying to figure out what was going on with Hermione and really didn't have time to go searching for her sneakers everyday. She, of course, could go barefoot, but the blonde had been barefoot for a few days now and just this morning did Neville deliver her shoes for her. That was how the nargle hunt started.

Luna heard a knock on the door leading to the Ravenclaw common room. The blonde jumped up from the armchair she had been sitting on, setting down the latest issue of The Quibbler that she had been reading, and opened the door. Neville Longbottom was standing before her with her sneakers that she had lost a few days before.

"Hello there, Neville! I see you have found my shoes, the nargles seem to be very fond of them. Thank you for finding them," She said in her usual dreamy, smooth voice.

"My pleasure, Luna. I found them in the library next to that book Hermione is always reading. I can't remember what it's called, though," He replied smiling at her look of attentiveness, usually nobody listens to everything he has to say. Mostly people would tune him out half-way through what he was saying, but Luna would always listen no matter how long he would continue to ramble on.

"I've just had an idea! I'm going to find this nargle that insists on stealing my shoes and hiding them for me! Then I will ask it why it will no longer leave my things alone." Luna said suddenly, breaking Neville from his reverie.

"I'll help you! If you don't mind, of course," Neville said, adding the last part quickly, not wanting to intrude.

"It would be a pleasure to have you to accompany me on my nargle hunt. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to put these on so the nargles don't steal them again," Luna said finally taking her shoes and starting for her dorm.

Neville and Luna had been checking every trace of mistletoe in Hogwarts, but they hadn't found any sign of nargles.

"Have I forgotten to remove my charm?" Luna asked reaching for where the necklace usually is, alas she had remembered to take it off.

"Maybe we should stop for now and have some lunch?" Neville suggested since the girl in front of him hadn't had anything since breakfast.

"Okay, but when I finish I'm going to visit the Thestrals," She said dreamily and skipped off towards the Great Hall with Neville beside her.

Luna threw a bird to Tenebrus and watched him and his siblings stretched their wings and just existed. "Hello Tenebrus, lovely weather we're having today," She greeted the creature. She always found watching the Hogwarts herd of Thestrals calming, she had always thought of the Thestrals as her friends, since she didn't really have any the first times she'd come to visit them. She came to the Forbidden Forest whenever she wanted to clear her head or not focus on anything in the world around her. She also came when she wanted friends, of course she had Neville, Harry and the gang now, but it wasn't always so simple. The Thestrals were like her own little secret because, to her knowledge, only Hagrid, Professor Dumbledore and Harry Potter could see them. She sat down and continued watching the Thestrals till dinner time.

The next day, Neville and Luna continued their quest for the nargle. They searched for hours until, finally Luna cried out with delight as she saw a nargle. Neville, who had believed that they were just on a wild goose chase, was surprised as the Ravenclaw started after the mythical creature in a sprint. He chased after her, being at least three feet behind her. Every now and then she'd shout back to him to catch up, but the Gryffindor was at his peak speed and couldn't help, but start slowing down. Finally, Luna caught the sneaky creature, much to Neville's confusion.

Hermione was walking toward the library when she nearly bumped into a blonde Ravenclaw. She immediately started apologizing and then she realized it was Luna Lovegood, that butterbeer cork necklace unmistakable.

"Luna I'm so sorry! I was thinking about this book that I wanted to check out at the library and I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm sorry!" Hermione said quickly.

"It's quite alright, Hermione! I'm sorry for interrupting your thoughts. I was looking for you anyway," Luna assured her.

"Why would you be looking for me?" She asked, now curious.

"Well, you've seemed a bit off lately and I just wanted to make sure that you were okay," The Ravenclaw said.

"Oh, well I assure you I am perfectly fine," Hermione lied putting a smile on her face that didn't reach her eyes.

"You're lying," The blonde said plainly. She could see wrackspurts around her tongue.

"No, there is nothing to worry about, thank you for your concern, but I'm fine really," Hermione said trying to rush past her.

"No you're not. I know your too polite to tell me you don't want to talk to me, but I can see in your eyes that something's wrong, just tell me what it is and I'll leave you to your thoughts." Luna persisted following the Gryffindor closely. Instead of answering, the older girl pulled the blonde into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"It's just that... I think I-" Hermione started, but faded off. Luna put a hand on her shoulder to say 'it's okay'.

"I think I have a crush on-" Hermione was about to say his name, but was interrupted by Moaning Myrtle.

"Ooh are we telling secrets? I want to join! What were you saying, Hermione?"

"I was saying that this none of your concern, Myrtle," Hermione spat.

"You're no fun! Why can't you tell me? It's not like I have anyone to tell!" Myrtle whined diving back into the toilet.

Myrtle's interruption clamped Hermione's mouth shut again. The brunette couldn't believe she was about to tell Luna about her heart traitorous affections. Suddenly, she heard the door to the bathroom open again. Who could that possibly be? No one comes in here! She saw ever so familiar blonde hair and ferret-like features from behind the door. When Hermione saw his face she saw that his grey eyes were glassy and that tears were running down his face. When he saw the Gryffindor, his eyes bulged. "What are you doing here, mud-" He began, but his voice cracked on the name 'mudblood'. Draco Malfoy was in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Draco Malfoy was crying.

A/N: Okay, I know this didn't have a whole lot of Neville/Luna, but I don't want to get too into that yet. I promise it'll happen soon, but not yet.