Authors Note: Seriously you guys are all awesome! A massive thanks to those who reviewed last chapter - queenlmno, Sandy-wmd, DucksFan1510, sammygirl1963, Lollypops101, xxnuttynicxx, kimbee and DBhawkguy30.

This is the final chapter of Clint's 16th...phew! This one took a lot longer than I'd hoped to get written out and posted, but you guys make it seriously worth the effort. I'm so glad you have enjoyed this and I will leave a wee note at the bottom about some of the one shots that will come from this!

Thanks again!


Phil found himself tossing and turning in bed until he finally lay flat on his back staring up at the ceiling of the darkened room. A quick glance at his clock told him it was still early, too early to be awake but the agent's sixth sense was screaming at him to get up. Sliding out of the comfortable, warm bed, Coulson picked up his sweat pants pulling them up, frowning when he realised he needed to adjust the waistband as they were getting too big. Phil came to the conclusion that maybe he wasn't eating very well at the moment either and he'd been the one on the teen's case. Grabbing a t-shirt he yanked it over his head before making a beeline for Clint's room. Something was telling him as he reached the kid's room that he wasn't going to be there. He pushed the door open slightly, the street light illuminating the room enough to let him see that Barton wasn't there, only an untidy bed with covers pushed down to the bottom greeted the older man. Panic bubbled up inside the agent but he pushed it away as he headed down the stairs three at a time, knowing from past experience that when Clint was unable to sleep he'd usually fire his bow in the back garden to relax, although with the injuries the kid had he shouldn't be anywhere near his bow. A light breeze tickled the hairs on the back of his neck and he sighed gratefully when he spotted Clint sitting on the back step. Walking slowly toward the door, the agent slid it open the rest of the way and stepped outside.

Barton sat stiffly, his shoulders hunched forward and it was only when Phil stepped closer he saw the slingshot gripped tightly in the teen's hand. He should've known the kid would have a nightmare about his friend. Was it too much to ask that his boy could get one decent night's sleep, especially the day after his birthday? They'd ordered food the previous night, sitting watching a few movies, the blonde's burst of energy dwindled drastically after spending two hours packing his bag. It was roughly Eight PM when Coulson carried Clint up to his room, the teen's excitement and medication making for an exhausted young archer.

Phil didn't say anything as he sat down next to the boy. He was pleased the teenager had been smart enough to put on his hoodie; it was getting chilly outside. Gently nudging his shoulder against Clint's, the older man gave a sad smile when glistening blue eyes finally met his gaze.

"You alright?" the agent felt he'd had to ask that question too many times over the past week.

A half shrug was his answer, the blonde turning his head to stare out into the darkness.

Phil sighed, reaching his left hand up he gripped the back of Clint's neck and gave a gentle but firm squeeze, letting the boy know his dad was here if he needed to talk.

Barton leaned into the older man, his head falling on to Phil's shoulder while he struggled to find the right words to say. He had dreamed of Calvin, but it wasn't a bad dream, instead he had been talking to the younger boy and telling him of his life with Phil. By the end Calvin had given him that toothy grin and hugged his friend before bidding him goodbye. Clint had awoken to silent tears streaming down his cheeks and soaking his pillow. It was the first time in a long time that he hadn't had a nightmare, filled with pain and fear and anguish. He felt whole for the first time in a long while and was still struggling to work out what that meant. Pulling himself away from the older man's warmth, Barton placed the slingshot on the ground between himself and Phil. He turned to his other side and lifted the box of trading cards. Flicking quickly through the trading cards, it didn't take long to find the one he was looking for.

Phil was caught off guard when Clint started speaking, the teen's voice barely above a whisper.

"You were my hero from the first moment we met, I just didn't realise it until later. You took me in and cared for me, built my trust and always put my needs before your own." Clint paused when he heard Phil's sharp intake of breath, not daring to look at the older man for fear that he'd be unable to finish what he had to say. "You're one of the kindest, patient, funny, kick ass guys I know, and even though it's my birthday I want to give you something."

Phil opened his mouth to interrupt when Clint raised a hand to stop him. "Let me finish." The teen finally turned to face the older man with the brightest smile he'd ever seen lighting up his youthful features. The agent clamped his mouth shut and stared wide eyed at the youngster. "You're a hero every time you take down the bad guys and I'm so proud that you're my dad. I also know your hero, the man you look up to would be proud too." With that Barton handed Phil the card he'd kept firmly in his grasp, letting the older man see what he was talking about.

A near mint condition Captain America trading card stared back at him and Coulson felt a prickling of tears sting his eyes. He held the card in both hands, staring almost reverently at the image of his childhood hero. Trailing his fingers over the image as if afraid it might disappear, Phil suddenly let out a disbelieving laugh. This kid was a constant surprise.

"You do realise this is your present?" he asked.

Clint chuckled softly, nodding as he leaned his head against Phil's shoulder again. "Call it an early birthday gift."

"My birthday is three months away."


"So you're not getting me anything else?" Phil asked in a whiney voice, though his eyes were filled with mischief.

Clint grinned, reaching for the card. "I can take it back if you like."

"No, it's okay." The older man laughed, wrapping his arm around the teen and pulled him in close, both of them staring out into the night. "Thank you Clint."

"You're welcome dad. Now you're gonna have to think of something to beat that next year."

Phil kissed the top of the blonde's head, feeling a warmth spread through him even as the cool night air brushed against his exposed skin, leaving goose bumps in its wake. "I'm sure I'll think of something."

Only the quiet chirps of the night crickets disturbed the silence that had settled between them.

Clint lifted his head to look up at the older man, although there wasn't much of a difference in height these days. "Do you think you'll ever get to meet him?"


"Captain America," Barton explained. "Molly told me people were still looking for him, trying to narrow down the area where he crashed? Do you think he could still be alive?" Barton turned to the older man with a serious expression. "He is the super soldier after all."

Phil nodded. "They are looking, but whether or not they'll actually find him is something I might not live to see."

The teen's face paled drastically and the agent back-pedalled needing to explain what he meant. "I just meant it might be a long way away, if they ever do find him. It could be when you're an old man." Coulson wasn't sure what he'd do if they ever found the Captain. Probably make a complete fool of himself but he wouldn't care. He figured it was allowed when you came face to face with your hero.

The young archer smiled, imagining just how the older man would react if faced with his super hero. More than likely Phil would have a fan girl moment. Clint made a silent promise to himself that if they ever did find Steve Rogers and the man had survived that he'd be present at their first meeting. Someone had to take pictures.

The agent and sixteen year old spent the next hour staring up at the night sky, wondering just what the next year would bring for them both.

The End.

Lists of stories I'm currently working on or planning to -

I've been asked to write about Clint's grandparents coming to look after him. Not sure when I'll get this done but I will add to my list.

You Can Count on Me - Clint and Phil visit Trisha and Tommy when the younger boy isn't acting like himself.

Cuddly As A Bear - Nick goes to Build a Bear Workshop to get Clint's bear made ;)

Was thinking about writing Clint and Phil's trip to Disney world, it might not be a one shot though lol

And finally Clint's seventeenth... the teenager get a shot of the new parkour course, showing off to the newest agents why a teenager is allowed to roam the SHIELD base.
