So… I'm not dead. Quick explanation: Writer's block and laziness. Longer explanation at the bottom. Please enjoy this delayed update.

Review replies:

To ThiefofStealth: Thanks! I also can't really name things either, but I still try! Give my one of your ideas, pretty please with a cherry on top?

To MsPatricia: I try to make it humorous and no, the blue one is not Franky, he would have more color on him.

To AllyMyLife: Thanks! Your vote has been added!

To IsraAl'Attia-Theron: Thanks!

To Mi-chan1991: Congrats! You got them all right!

Everything had to be perfect for this project to work. The girl may have been a master at making metal figurines, but that stuff was big. This stuff was also big, but it required a lot of fine detail. She could still see all of the cats in her mind's eye, allowing her to gently etch their figures into each metal plate.

After she finished the etching of the burned blond cat, she began to paint. She started with the Maine Coon. She dipped her smallest brush into the gold paint, and then began to color his eyes. She swapped to the black paint for the pupils, gently dotting them in. She cleaned off the brush, and then grabbed a larger one. She dipped it in the white paint, filling in the body. She then added the final touches using the black paint, giving the painting depth.

She did the same thing for each of the other metal plates, changing the colors with the cat. When the last plate was painted, she set them on one of the higher shelves to dry. Standing up she looked for the burned blond cat, whom she had yet to come up with a name for.

She found him curled up under what she liked to call her 'Water Mediation' piece. It was a vague humanoid figure with water cascading down it, all made of metal, of course. She gently picked him up and cradled him. Inspiration stuck her. She smiled softly down at the cat in her arms, silently naming him 'Freedom'.

She ascended the stairs slowly, lost in thought. She slowly opened the basement door and walked toward the front room couch. She sat and petted Freedom absentmindedly, her mind so far from reality that she didn't hear the car pull up. She did, however, hear the front door slam open.

Emerald eyes snapped to meet golden ones that sparkled with amusement and mirth. The girl relaxed at the sight of her friend, whom she knew only as Queen, whom she had met during one of her therapy classes, like she had met all of the people in her small group of friends.

"Hello, Friend. Going to speak to us today?" The girl let out a silent laugh at her friend's question before shaking her head no. She absently petted Freedom's head as Monkey and Fire raced out of the kitchen, with the blue and yellow cat following them at a slower pace.

It was obvious that both Queen and the cats were surprised to see each other. The cats were ready to attack her and Queen just wanted to grab them and snuggle them. In fact, that is what she did to the blue and yellow one.

"Oh, look at him! He so cute! And his coloration is just amazing! I've never seen a yellow and blue cat before!" she squealed over him, before remarking that he looked like a little like a bird. The girl's eyes lit up before she gently swapped Freedom and the newly dubbed 'Phoenix', because he was too unique to be called 'Bird', and headed down to her workshop.

She returned with the metal slabs that she had spent a good five hours on. She shuffled them until she found Phoenix's. She dipped a small paintbrush in the black paint, both she had brought up with her, and gently added his name to the slab. She did this for each one of the named ones before stopping at the final one.

"Oh, this one is pretty. Too bad that you don't have a name for him. Personally, I think you should call him Elegance 'cause he looks like he has a lot of it." Queen would have continued to speak if it wasn't for the fact that both girls heard several people arguing, loudly.

"Oh come on, Shadow! You're being almost as bad as Friend!"

"Be quite, Spitfire. Its your fault that Shadow is imitating Friend."

"My fault!? How is it my fault?"

"When isn't it your fault? And Friend can hear you!" Queen hollered at the final people in Friend's group of friends. Shadow was dark-skinned; with black hair that was cut into a nice bob, and her eyes was a stunning jade-blue. She was often found wearing darker colors, from blue to black to brown to dark greens and reds. She wore long sleeved shirts and long pants, or if she wanted to work in the garden with Friend, she had long gloves that went up to her elbows.

Spitfire, like her nickname stated, acted before thinking. She was fair skinned, with long locks of gold that cascaded down her back like a waterfall. Her eyes were a shade that combined green, brown and blue, with hints of yellow-gold that showed when she was angry. She often wore clothes that were on the shorter side, but every inch of free skin, except for her face, was wrapped in bandages. The clothes were eye-catching shades of green, brown and blue.

Queen was the most even-tempered of them all, except for Friend. Her skin was somewhere between dark and fair, with hair that couldn't decide whether it would be brown or gold. Her eyes were a red that showed both the blood-lust she kept hidden and the kindness she showed Friend and her other friends. Her clothes were the most normal of them all, except for the fact that her hands were wrapped in bandages. Her clothes colors ranged from red to green to blue to black, with red and black being together.

The last three friends walked into the living room, stopping at the sight of the six cats in the room, Elegance and Pops having appeared from wherever they had been. Friend and Queen both stared at the box that Shadow held in her arms, from which the meows of more cats could be heard.

I promised you a longer explanation so here it is:

First delay: Writer's block

Second delay: Three-week self-reliance camp that left me so tired I couldn't write.

Third delay: LAZINESS

Fourth delay: MORE Writer's block. And school, can't forget school.

Reason I finished this chapter: I decided I would introduce and describe some of The Girl's (for now named 'Friend' (How original…)) friends. That, and I read some motivational quotes.

I feel like a crap writer now… Disappointing you all…

So yeah… Please don't kill me.

Poll Results so far:

Friend's name:

Iris: 1

Friend's devil fruit name:

Yume Yume no Mi (Dream Dream Fruit): 0

Ginga Ginga no Mi (Galaxy Galaxy Fruit): 3

Supesu Supesu no Mi (Space Space Fruit): 1