Hello Everyone, my name is Kuni Knighte and welcome to The Tiny Golden One.

This story came to me in High School and it has been a work in progress since. I really hope you guys like this story and the OC's I made.


I have edited and re uploaded this chapter. I hope I made this chapter some what better for you guys.

Thank you so much for your support,



Somewhere in downtown Tokyo, a man with glasses walked down one of the hallways in the upper levels of the club Sion. A club well known for its underworld dealings, though the police have never been able to prove as such. On the front, it was a gentlemen's club that was member only. Behind the scenes, however, the Asami Ryuuichi used the business to run the Japanese underworld. From gun to drugs, there wasn't any one thing that couldn't be found for a price, not in the club Sion.

The man in glasses, Kirishima, stopped in the middle of the silent hallway to reread the folder he had in his hand. He was the personal secretary of Asami Ryuuichi, quite a profitable but dangerous position. He had known he man for many years and he secretary did not need to glance at the papers for the hundredth time to know the information would not be taken well by Asami. "Kirishima, what are you-" A familiar voice spoke from behind Kirishima. A single glance from the secretary stopped the man in his tracks. The tall, built bodyguard before him halted at the sight of what almost looked like fear in Kirishima's dark eyes. The two had known each other for about as long as they had know Asami. The man before him, Suoh, was Asami's personal bodyguard and worked side by side with Kirishima to ensure Asami's personal safety. Neither of the two men were easily shaken, can't really be in their line of work, but when Suoh glanced at the papers in Kirishima's outstretched hands, shaken was exactly how he looked. They both silently stared into each other's eyes for a moment, then Kirishima continued his silent funeral march, this time accompanied by Suoh.

The door that led to office of one of the most powerful men in the world, was closed with an air of finality and if the information was anything but what it was Kirishima would have turned around right then. Without breaking stride, the secretary knocked on the door and after hearing permission to enter, opened the door. To say the years had been kind to their boss would have been an understatement. His body was toned and well taken care of for a man in their thirties. His black hair slicked back but had a shine that hinted to an age that was far younger than what he truly was. His most distinguished feature, one know to only be passed down by the Asami family, was his golden eyes that always seemed to see straight into your soul. A great many people died with those eyes being the last thing they had ever seen.

In short, Asami Ryuuichi was a very attractive man. Kirishima had never seen a time when women and men alike did not throw themselves at his boss. Of course, Asami was very good at one night stands. He never saw a reason to have a relationship with anyone because all any of them seemed to want was his money and his fame. That was until a few years ago, Asami caught a boy, a criminal photographer, taking pictures in the area of one of their underground meetings. Of course, he ordered he be captured and the camera destroyed. The brat ran off, completely escaped Kirishima, Suoh, and Asami and that peaked the crime boss's interest. From then on Asami got increasingly obsessed with the criminal photographer. Those two had more sex than two bunnies in heat, and after the first two times Kirishima knew it had to be consensual, after all he had been outside the room keeping watch more than a few times. The boy could be the biggest brat, causing unnecessary trouble and being blatantly disrespectful to their boss, his lover though he refused to admit it. Once the boy, Takaba Akihito, moved in with their boss, Asami stopped having sex with anyone else. It had been something Suoh and Kirishima had never seen before, Asami Ryuuichi was in a dedicated relationship.

That was until, only five years ago something went wrong, Akihito ran away. Now he had run off many times, considered it a game with all the men Asami would send after him to bring him back. It was pretty much their foreplay. However, that day five years ago Akihito packed a small bag of things from the penthouse and left. Ever since that day none of them had see hide or hair of the photographer. He just disappeared right off the face of the earth, and no amount of searching under every single rock had produced the boy. Asami lost himself shortly after. He refused to take breaks, he rarely if ever leaves his office anymore. What times he does leave the office is to go to a meeting and his mood is almost always dark.

After about a year of Akihito disappearing, Asami gave up the search but Kirishima and Suoh kept looking around. They would glance through police, hospital, airport records. Anything that could tell them where Asami's long lost lover had gone. Over the years the two of the had almost given up hope, almost.

The door closed quietly behind Asami's most trusted men, as they looked carefully on their boss, trying to judge his mood. The yakuza appeared to be in a relatively calm mood and so Kirishima decided to tell him, after all Asami will probably get upset once he reads this anyway. Asami glanced back up where his secretary and bodyguard had paused in the center of the room. He spoke in an air of slight annoyance, "Yes Kirishima? What could it be now?" He gestured to the pile of paperwork that Kirishima had left him only an hour ago, before he had printed out all the paper in the folder he clutched in his clammy hands. "Sir," Kirishima said in his forced calm voice, trying to maintain his professionalism even in the face of danger, "You need to see this," Stepping forward, Kirishima handed over the folder and watched as Asami opened the slightly crumpled manilla folder and began to read.

No one spoke a single word for a few minutes as Asami flipped through the paper once, twice, three times then slammed the folder shut. Gold eyes flashed up and yep, there was that glare that could bring armies to their knees. Luckily for Kirishima and Suoh they were not new to that look and they forced themselves to remain unfazed, at least on the surface. "What is the meaning of this." Asami asked with a sharp tone that meant death if a wrong answer was given.

Kirishima took a deep breath, here it goes, "Suoh and I have been continuing the search for Takaba Akihito." When Asami did not interrupt him, the secretary quickly continued, "Today I decided to try something different. I found a file of Takaba-sama's DNA on file from when he had been arrested on a reckless driving charge. I ran that through the police records to see if he had been arrested within the last couple years. All I found was a parental match," He gestured to the folder that now laid almost innocently on the desk between them, "A little girl who had half of Takaba-sama's DNA. She give her DNA after being kidnapped by someone within her hometown."

Another deep breath was taken before Kirishima could continue. He didn't want to be interrupted before he could fully explain himself, "I tested her DNA further and found she also matched someone else, at least half of her DNA did. Her other parent, another man, it-it was you Asami. This little girl, she is your biological daughter. She and Takaba-sama are living in Chichibu with his parents."

The secretary had to halt there, Asami had picked up the folder once again, to reread the papers held within. The words seemed to fly off the paper and reform in front of Asami. A little girl of five years old now, born of one of the only men to ever get pregnant. There were many doctor notes on how it was possible but Asami skipped over it for now. He skimmed over the girl as well, his eyes were only for his lover. The last page explained how Takaba Akihito his daughter decided to live with Akihito's parents after the incident. It gave a general description of who Aki was, what he looked like, and explained that an officer had to hold him down to keep him from beating up the perp.

Reading even a small couple of paragraphs about the boy made Asami's lips twitch in an almost smile. The yakuza looked back up at the two other men in the room, neither of them were shaking but from the look in their eyes, they wanted to. Both of them waited with baited breath for Asami's decision. "We're leaving." Asami said decisively as he stood up and swiftly put on his coat. Neither of the men before him moved an inch. Kirishima was stunned, he honestly expected a bullet to the head for even bringing up the brat but Asami seemed to be desperate to go to see him. The yakuza pushed passed his completely stunned men and opened the door to his office with an air of superiority, "Now, Kirishima, Suoh."

That seemed to bring both of them out of their stupor, they bowed deeply, "Yes, Asami-sama." And so the three of them left, heading to Chichibu to finally find Takaba Akihito.


Far away from Tokyo, in a warm, inviting kitchen, Takaba Akihito stood cooking curry for a late lunch. The man was thin and lanky but still on the shorter side of most people. His pale blonde hair glinted in the sunlight streaming through the tiny window over the sink. Hazel eyes glanced down where he was cutting carrots into slices.

The man had not really changed since he left Asami, the wig and contacts he wore for a whole year were now long forgotten. In fact, since coming to live with his parents again, Akihito rarely if ever thought of those years spent with Asami. Of those nights spent sleeping in the yakuza's embrace. Of dinners cooked in hopes that Asami would enjoy it and actually eat. Of yelling at his lover and then being silenced with a soul stealing kiss.

Akihito shifted slightly, his pants becoming a bit uncomfortable, yep he never thought of Asami at all. He poured his perfectly sliced carrot pieces into the pot and replaced the cover. With nothing else to do Akihito quickly had to distract himself from more thoughts of his previous lover. After all, Asami and him never belong together in the first place. He pulled his mother's silver laptop across the counter and pulled up the tab he had minimized only twenty minutes ago. There was only one public elementary school here in town but Akihito was seriously considering sending his daughter to a boarding school. School names, pictures, and prices floated off of the screen but something just wasn't right about each and every single one of them.

Akihito wished he could choose one in Tokyo. Despite why he had to run away from the city like hellhounds were on his heels, he loved the town dearly. He missed all the people he met there, he missed the busy bustle of all the streets, hell, he even missed being shot at as he ran away from criminals he had just taken pictures of. Tokyo had a way of wiggling into someone's soul and refusing to leave. The spirit of the city itself made Akihito almost want to risk everything to send his daughter to one of the public schools there.

Quickly closing the laptop at that thought, Akihito covered his face with his hands in depression. Sending her to Tokyo will not solve anything. He had to remain vigilant to keep a certain bastard yakuza off their tails. He remembered the paralyzing fear of moving in with his parents again. What if Asami was still watching their house. Probably not, it had after all been over three years since he had ran away. Chances were that Asami had given up long ago but Akihito couldn't shake the fear that he was going to be found and have to face the wrath of Asami Ryuuichi.

The alarm for the rice cooker went of, causing Akihito to jump. He pulled himself out of his depressing thoughts and quickly set about finishing the curry. He had just gotten to plating it up when the doorbell rang. Confusion flitted across his hazel eyes as he placed down the ladle. He didn't remember inviting guests to come over today, this whole week actually. His mom and dad would have just walked right in so he knew it couldn't be them.

When the doorbell went off again he groaned in annoyance. Storming over to the door, Akihito shouted, "Yeah, yeah. Can you fucking calm down? I'm here-" It was like someone dumped a bucket of ice water on Akihito's head. His sentence halted on his lips when he saw who was standing at the door, afternoon sunlight glinting off of his hair. Asami opened his mouth, probably to speak but Akihito did not wait, he quickly tried to shut the door in his face. No door was going to stop the yakuza who shoved his foot in the door but the time was all Aki was looking for. He ran down the hall, trying to reach the kitchen or his bedroom, in the search of a weapon he could use.

Right in the doorway to the kitchen a large hand gripped his arm and pulled him backwards into constricting arms. Flailing around like his life depended on it, and for all he knew it did, Akihito almost hit Asami right in the face. He was pulled against a chest he had not felt in over five years. The photographer went limp in the arms, knowing it was useless to fight Asami, he was far too strong. He was lifted off his feet and carried into the living room. The living room look like it always did, everything older and well used but loved as well. A small TV on a tv stand in front of the black couch. Light flooded through the huge window across from the only door leading into the living room. Despite all the light Akihito felt nothing but bitter cold. He was going to die, right here, right now, with his daughter in the other room still asleep.

A voice, one he had dreamt about since he left five years ago, spoke from above him, "That's it, Akihito, no need to try to run away again. You're surrounded anyway." Hazel eyes tipped even further down to stare at italian shoes he had seen before; he did not want to see Asami's eyes. His blonde hair covered his face as his eyes began to water, he knew it was too good to be true. Asami would never stop looking for him and now he was going to die for allowing himself to let his guard down.

Before Asami could say anything more a sound cracked through the room. Suoh and Kirishima, who had moved to stand by the window while Akihito had been distracted, whipped out their guns to point at someone behind them. The far wall splintered under the force of the bullet that followed the sound of the gunshot. Asami turned them around so Akihito was looking into the eyes of his daughter, who was holding the gun responsible for the loud sound. She looked pissed off and held a defiant stance but Akihito could see she was shaking.

Her little voice rang clearly through the room, "Let my mom go." It was like those words pushed Akihito back into action. It didn't matter if he was so afraid he wanted to just lay down and let Asami kill him, he had to fight for his little girl. He pushed against Asami's chest and the yakuza was so distracted he could not hold Akihito there any longer.

Blonde hair whipping around, Akihito ran between the three men and little girl. He put his hands up and said in his best calm voice, "Okay guys, please, let's put the guns away."

His daughter spoke first, "Mommy, were those guys hurting you?" She never once took her eyes off of the crime boss who had mysteriously not drawn his own weapon. He just stood there with his hands in his over coat pockets. Before Aki could say a single word Asami jumped in, "What is your name, little one?"

The girl straightened her back, muzzle of the gun not moving a single inch, "Asami, Asami Chikako." Kirishima and Suoh gasped from behind their boss who just nodded. Oh this was going to be a long day.