He let her go. She gave him that. He had listened to her and done what she asked of him. To let her return home. But how long would that last? Sooner or later, she was expecting visitors whether it was Marko trying to turn her or coming to kill her.

She went to the Boardwalk, feeling safer walking amongst the crowds. She kept to the main road leading to the suburbs, pacing fast. Her head was down and her hair covered her face so no-one would notice the blood stains. She zipped up her jacket to cover up the bloody mess of her shirt. Her heart pounded. Tears spilled and her stomach became a rollercoaster. Twisting and turning so much she wanted to be sick again.

Instead of going home, she went straight to Edgar and Alan's house.

Thankfully, Alan was the one who opened the door. There was no way she could handle Edgar.

"Oh no," Alan groaned.

"He got his way into the cab. He killed her."


She nodded and her lip trembled.

"I'm covered in blood," she whispered, shaking as she cried. "Alan, a corpse landed on me. I saw two people die."

"Do you want to take a shower here? Stay over?"

She nodded, shivering. "I don't want to be alone tonight."

"Get inside," he told her. He gently held her upper arm as she sauntered in.

"I have a t-shirt you can borrow. And I'll go tell your mom you're staying over? I'll make something up."

After he closed the door, he found Bonnie had latched herself onto him; arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

"You… okay?" he asked, patting her on the back twice.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything."

He smiled, still letting one arm hang by his side and the other pat her on the back. "It's okay. And everything else is going to be okay as well. We'll give you the low down on vampires so you can protect yourself. You can survive this."

"Thanks," she whispered and hung on to him tighter. Her eyes opened and she saw the night outside through the glass in the door.

She shuddered. Now that she knew what was really out there, the night did not seem inviting anymore.

It felt like something she had to run and hide from.

Dwayne and Paul were standing outside the cave quietly with cigarettes in their mouths.

"Sorry, man," Paul said.

"She's dead. No worries." He patted his friend on the back. "But Bonnie might be a problem now."

"Aw, shit. She knows?"

"She knows and she won't turn."

"Ouch," Paul murmured.

"Shame," David said calmly as he walked out and joined the boys. He raised an eyebrow at Marko. "So we kill her."

"She'll come around," Marko replied with an arrogant smirk.

David rolled his eyes, stealing a cigarette off Dwayne. "Your plan was flawed from the start. She was never going to accept you. She needs to die."

"Then maybe that can be the reason she chooses to turn," Marko said, folding his arms. "It's alright changing people as a prank and watching them figure it all out themselves but think about it, David. Do you want another Star hanging around?"

David snorted. "Blackmailing her to turn sounds better?"

"It's dead or undead. I know what I'd pick," Marko said. "You're not going to rush to kill her."

"She'll expose us," David snapped. His amused chuckles and grins had disappeared.

"She won't because she knows that's actually a stupid thing to do. She basically admitted it to me. She understands that she's dead before anyone will believe her or help her. And who else can she tell? Those Frog brothers who see a vampire in any pasty stranger? They're stupid, little kids. I could snap both their necks in a heartbeat before they even moved towards me to attack." The young vampire folded his arms stubbornly. "She won't want to die. I bet she'll do anything."

David calmly took a cigarette out from his pocket and lit it. "Fine. I'll give you a shot. Impress me or I'll kill her myself. You don't have much time."


And there we go! =D Hope you've enjoyed the story. Please feel free to leave a comment or a review. The next book in the series is already finished so I'll start posting that up sometime next week. Unfortunately, this time, I can't give an exact day. Uni is about to start up again and it's going to be a very chaotic week with 9 till 5 days. But it will be up for sure.

Look out for Forget Your Running! :)