His platoon was currently deployed near a hot zone. They were practically safe until the radio called for medical aid and he went of running with 2 more soldiers towards the nearest car. The med bay was 5 minutes from where the call had come from and he hopped that those 5 minutes were enough for that man. 5 minutes later they saw white smoke coming from a building, the area was silent and there was a smell like burning metal in the air. They carefully entered the building, one at a time. They walked on the balls of their feet and made sure not to step on anything that's could make any noise. They got to second floor where they heard a moaning. They entered a room with its door on the floor, assault rifles pointed out. They found 4 men, 2 dead and 2 injured. There had been a bomb and one of the men had holes everywhere. A trauma surgeon's dream. Owen quickly went to that man and asked one of the soldiers to use the door to carry the man out of the building. The other man could walk with assistance and had lesser injuries.

The man was bleeding and his limbs where barely attached to the body, hanging on by threads. Major Owen hunt started patching the wounds on the way to the base but the man was losing too much blood. He clamped where he though necessary and patched everything else. That's when he ran out of patches and there was nothing to use as a makeshift patch. He used his own body to press on the holes and keep the blood for exiting the body. They got to the base and quickly staring operating on the man.

He couldn't get all the blood off his uniform. Try as he might it was red, tainted with gore. His hands and arms where bloodstained and he scrubbed them to no avail. He started breathing harder and scrubbing harder. But the blood wouldn't come out. It wouldn't come out. His hands where bloodstained. It wouldn't come out.

Owen woke up clutching the sheets so hard that his nails bit into the skin of his hands. His chest was tight and he heard nothing but his heartbeat. His jaw was clenched and he tried to breathe normally but his chest muscles were so tight his lungs wouldn't expand. Owen remembered his first panic attack at the hospital and how Cristina had hugged him.

"I'm applying pressure to relax your sympathetic system" He grabbed one of his pillows and held on to it, crushing it with his arms and hiding his face in it.

"It will decrease your metabolic rate, you will feel more panic coming towards you. You'll try to resist it. You'll try to resist it..." He left out a weak moan as he tried to gasp for air. He shut his eyes to stop tears from running down his cheeks. He focused on the sound of his heart beat and on getting his breathing back to normal. He sobbed into the pillow, making no sound as he still had his pride and a slight control over his voice.

"What do you want me to do?" Shouted Derek from the other side of the kitchen "Do you want me to call the president and tell him I won't take the best offer of my life-"

"Exactly Derek! Your life! It's always about your career and what you need" Meredith whispered as she worked on preparing a bottle for little Bailey while preparing breakfast for Zola before she woke up. "I don't want to leave Seattle!"

"It has never been only about me Meredith, never think of it like that." He got closer to her so that she could hear him without waking up the kids. He heard Bailey crying from upstairs and Meredith grabbed the bottle and walked away.

"Finish preparing her breakfast" she said before leaving Derek alone in the kitchen.

"Doctors today we are taking care of a very delicate patient, if your stomach is not strong then leave" Jackson stood with Callie in front of a group of interns and residents. Jackson and Callie led the group to room 374. There was a man older than 60 that looked pretty normal expect when you looked at his whole face. There was a white patch covering his left side and his eye.

"Good morning Mr. Brown" Callie stood next to him and his wife. "Mr. Brown lost half of his face and skull due to cancer, he is now cancer free." Callie nodded while looking at Mr. Brown. He took off the patch carefully revealing first the cavity where his eye used to be and then removed the patch on his cheek. His tongue was moving because he lacked half of the upper part of his mandible and nose. You could literally see the inner part of his nose and how it connected with his throat. The interns and resident all tried not to make any facial expressions, but they couldn't help but look with interest and eagerness.

"Mr. Brown has come to us to help him get his face back" Jackson looked at the doctors and crossed his arms" any suggestions?" Every single hand went up. "I like your enthusiasm, but you'll have to tell me tomorrow" the doctors lowered their hands "one of you take Mr. Brown to get his scans" he placed a hand on his shoulder "I'll see you later Mr. Brown" he nodded and started replacing the patches.

Jackson and Callie exited the room, Mrs. Brown followed them out.

"Dr. Avery, Dr. Torres!" She called after them "thank you so much for what you are doing." Avery smiled at her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"We haven't done anything yet" he said the word 'yet' with extra force.

"Oh no you have" she let out a breath she didn't knew she was holding "13 other doctors had rejected us, telling us his age was considerable risk factor and and and I" she stuttered and apologized to them. Callie smiled reassuringly and looked her in the eye.

"We will not reject you Mrs. Brown, we will do anything in our power to help your husband." Mrs. Brown smiled and hugged wildly before returning to her husband.

"See that's the good thing about plastics" Jackson said before smiling. Callie laughed at his statement and rolled her eyes.

"Please Avery" she laughed again "I make people walk and build legs and arms from scratch! I'm a God Avery" Jackson rose his eyebrows and saw her walk away with grace while he stood there looking at her.

"What was that all about?" Asked a female voice behind him.

"Edwards what are you doing here" he asked still confused about what just happened.

"I'm in your-"

"Yes I remember" Jackson interrupted her and quickly motioned for her to follow him. She did after brushing off her shock.

"Charge 200! Clear" Owen shocked his patient down in the ER and received no response "Charge 300, clear" he shocked him again and received a pulse "Great let's take him up to the OR" he hadn't lost a single patient that day. A bunch of kids got into their cars and wanted to race each other and crashed. 4 cars where somehow involved filling up the ER pretty quickly. Apart from superficial wounds and a sprained ankle, one of the cars became completely wrecked and the fire squad to get in and get the 2 reaming kids out. One had a pretty nasty head injury that Dr. Shepherd was taking care of upstairs and the other had a piece of glass poking out of his chest.

"OR 2 is free to use Dr. Hunt" a nurse informed him as he got into the elevator.

"Great page Dr. Bailey or Dr. Grey to OR 2" the nurse nodded and went to her station.

Meredith was paged and she met Owen in the scrub room. No words were exchanged because Owen didn't gave her a chance to speak. They spent 1 hour in surgery until she decided to break the silence.


"Hey" he answered with unease.

"How are you?" She tried to look at him in the eye, but he was simply too focused on what he was doing.

"I'm great" he said clearly not meaning it.

"Have you spoken with her?" She saw his hands freeze for a moment and she wished she hadn't asked for a second.

"Have you?" She noticed how he answered with a question.

"No" she noticed how he looked at her for the first time during the conversation. "We haven't been able to speak, clamp... suction, just voice mails" he nodded, he had only sent her one voice mail after she left. It was the most painful voice mail he had ever sent. "Okay, I'm done here" Meredith left her scalpel on the tray "I would stay until you close but I have another surgery in an hour" he nodded and she exited the OR.

"Someone go get Hunt!" Avery was sitting in a conference room with the other board members "This meeting is supposed to be important." He sighed and scratch his neck in exasperation.

"He is not responding his pages so he must be in surgery" offered Arizona holding Callie's hand.

"He is not in surgery, I checked the board" said Derek "he must be sleeping in his office with his pager off"

"Can someone please go get him?" Avery pleaded.

"Why can't you go?" Mocked Callie. Meredith felt that the tension was about to turn into an argument so she offered to go find him. She went straight to his office and opened the door only to find him sleeping on the couch. She was about to touch him when she noticed rapid eye movement beneath his eyelids. That meant he had a nightmare and he would probably respond violently to being awaken. She hesitated and looked around the room. She saw a small white ball with the name of the hospital and took a couple of steps back from him.

"Owen" she called gently "Owen wake up" he didn't wake up "Owen!" She raised her voice and he jerked a bit in his sleep. Meredith sighed and threw the ball, she had aimed for his arm but instead hit him in the face. Owen woke up with a start, his arm lashing out by instinct and hitting the space where Meredith used to be a couple of seconds ago. He was breathing hard as he sat up. "Owen it's okay"

"No it's not" he couldn't look her in the eye, people always told him how emotional his eyes were "I shouldn't even be sleeping here" he looked at Meredith "why are you here?"

"We have a board meeting right now" she saw him stand up and open the door for her.

"Then let's hurry"

"Owen" Meredith looked at his blue eyes trying to read him "are you okay?"

"Yes let's go" Meredith nodded feeling his anger and quickly exited the office. They both entered the meeting room and saw everyone either trying to sleep or in their own phones.

"Finally!" Callie raised her head from the table "let's do this quickly"

"Right" said Avery after Owen and Meredith sat down "we have a spare space on the board and-" Callie quickly interrupted him by raising her hand.

"Isn't Karev the new board member?"

"Why Karev?" Asked Jackson "he doesn't even work here."

"Well he keeps showing up every now and them to do surgeries and consults in peds" offered Arizona with a smile.

"And Cristina left all the paperwork for being a board member to him before she left" said Meredith trying to gauge Owen's reactions. He simply looked at the table for a while before turning his attention to Jackson.

"So it's set!" Owen clapped his hands together and started to stand up.

"No, no" Jackson motioned for everyone to sit down "we have not discussed this correctly"

"Raise your hands all in favor of Karev being a board member" Callie basically screamed as she raised her hand. All except for Jackson and Arizona. Callie saw she was about to raise it and murmured something about a shower to make her raise her hand fully.

"Oh look at that" cooed Arizona "All but one hand raised up!"

"Ok" Jackson sighed "did no one ever considered Bailey for the seat?" He asked exasperated.

"Why? Did anyone said anything to her about the free spot" Asked Derek wanting nothing but going home to sleep.

"Webber did. So someone is going to have to tell about it and that's not going to be me" everyone winced and shook their heads and looked at Jackson with pained expressions.

"She could learn about by herself" murmured Callie.

"And her wrath fall upon us all with a heat that burns like the fire of hell" Meredith stood up and left with Derek.

"She is not the kind of person you say no to" Owen stood up and left. Jackson looked at Arizona and she shook her head with a grimace and fled the room with Callie.

Tell me if you liked it! (edited version)