There was a knock on his door. He had chosen not to go down to the pit on his emotional state.

"Come in," he called. A nurse came in with a post-it note. She silently gave it to him and left.

It had a Dr. Wyatt's name, date and time written on it. The yellow post it stuck to his desk, mocking him for his own weakness. Owen didn't reach to grab it; he didn't move his head to look at it. His hand didn't move the pen that was sitting on top of his unfinished work.

Owen finally sighed and lay back on his chair. He brushed his hands over his face tiredly and then his hair. He kept his elbows high, a deep blush had creeped from his neck unto his cheeks. His nose crinkled as he shut his eyes closed. He groaned and pulled on his hair gently before letting his hands fall on his lap. He looked at the ceiling with a broken expression as he got more comfortable in his chair. He felt numb, yet his temples ached like he had a headache but not quite. It wasn't a pain or an itch; it simply bothered him and made him feel heavy and fatigued. Yet, he wasn't physically exhausted. Owen groaned and let his mind slowly fall to a deep slumber.

"How do you think he is going to deal with this?" April had found Meredith when she was retrieving some X-Rays.

"Well he hasn't been out of his office since Dr. Wyatt spoke with him at the cafeteria," answered Meredith checking the scans with the help of the lights on the ceiling.

"I meant the meeting with Dr. Wyatt," April inclined her head to look at the chest scans. They both walked towards the lighting room to have a better look at the scans.

"He is probably going to be angry at both of us for pushing him to go," Meredith pushed open the door of the room and handed April the scans. "He will ignore us, send us some glares and be as hostile as possible on the ER and OR."

"God help me," April shuddered slightly while setting the scans. "I work with him at both places. We are basically tied together whenever he is not in his office," she heard Meredith hiss. "Yeah I know it will be a pain in the ass."

"No, look." Meredith pointed at a small mass on the intestine and then at another one almost invisible to the eye. She then found another and another.

"Poor guy, can I scrub in?"


Owen woke up two hours later feeling more tired than before. He felt dizzy as he looked at the yellow post-it on his desk. 5 minutes until he had to leave his office. He groaned and headed to Dr. Wyatt's office.

He tried to look normal as he walked through the halls. He smiled at the nurses who greeted him. He quickly entered her office and closed the door behind him.

She didn't acknowledge his presence and continued to read some papers on her hand. She had her customary glasses on and sat on a chair in front of the couch.

Owen didn't move from the door, he had one hand on the door knob and the other shoved in his lab coat pocket. He knew he looked tired and probably nervous as he stood there. He could simply open the door and volt out of the office like a bat from hell. His train of thought was killed after the silence was broken by a throat being cleared.

"Are you going to stay there for the whole hour?"

"Hmm no" he murmured as he slowly sat down in the couch. He had his elbows on his knees and his fists supporting his chins.

She looked at him studying his nervous face and posture. She waited for him to start getting used to the idea of actually being in her office. It was a tedious process and she knew it.

Owen was growing tenser for every second that passes. He started scratching an imaginary itch on his leg until he realized he was doing so. Owen took a deep breath and lay back on the couch.

"I don't need this." He declared trying to look calm.

"Why?" She inquired stopping what she was doing to finally focus on him.

"Look I know someone probably told you that I'm not okay, but I am. See I'm fine!" He opened his arms and pointed at himself before crossing his arms across his chest.

"Are you really?"

"Yes" he said firmly looking at her. They starred at each other for a moment.


"Ok" she picked up a pen from the table and wrote something down on her note pad.

"Ok?" He nervously stared at her hand that wrote something rapidly.

"Hmmmm" She continued writing and then continued reading.

Owen was getting nervous. What was she doing? He worried what she thought and did. Was she writing about him? Was she ignoring his presence? Did she want him to leave? Owen didn't realize how long he sat there looking at her every move.

"Time's up" she stood up and moved to open the door for him.

"What?" He opened his mouth to ask her more questions but instead just gaped at her.

"The session, it's over. You spent the whole hour sitting there."

Owen finally stood and stood in front of her, one hand on the handle.


"I expect you here tomorrow at four." Owen simply nodded. That is how he began therapy.