Sooooo... I haven't updated this story in FOREVER... Sorry if you are following me for my Sonic story "Royal Emblem" and in your notifications you found this update instead. Here's the news I'm gonna break to yah'. I had a whole BUNCH of documents saved in my doc manager, but when I finally came back after such a long school year, most of them got deleted... The good news was that two documents were still saved. The first one being "Royal Emblem" Chapter 6 itself, and chapter 4 of "Cat Instincts" which you are currently about to read now. I was so upset when so many projects I started on had gone and disappeared. I was looking forward to posting them one day to share with all of you, but now I learned that I shouldn't even use fanfictions doc manager to save your projects when they only have a 90 day life span. All the work I put into them and making sure it was perfect had all gone to waste.

Oh well... I really loved this new idea I had for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d's but I guess it's just going to have to wait..

But anyway, let's just get on with this LONG overdue chapter of "Cat Instinct's' before it gets deleted too... and don't worry for those who are waiting on another update on "Royal Emblem". I'm working on the 6th chapter as we speak and expect another update this month that will include a message that I suggest you read first before continuing on reading it. Thank you!

Disclaimer: Do you see Yami and Yugi continuing on with the series in GX, 5D's, ect.? Then I do not own...

His eyes fluttered a bit. Soon he slowly started to open his eyes and found himself in a bright room. When his eyes adjusted he took a look around and noticed that white was the theme color of this room. He slowly sat up from the bed he was lying down on and found a few tubes attached to his wrist that was connected to a saline pack, hanging on a pole. When he felt something tug at his chest, he looked and pulled down the front of the paper gown he noticed that he was wearing, and what he saw connected to his chest were tree suction cup wires that was measuring his heart beat next to a machine that would occasionally beep at a normal pace.

He blinked for a second in wonder about how he was suddenly in this room, but then the event that happened to him at the old water factory came rushing back to him in an instant. Shouldn't he be dead? But since he was sitting there sitting in this hospital bed, it was obvious that he was still alive. But HOW on earth did he get here!? He tried to remember anything else that happened after he was pushed into the ocean blue, but nothing came to him. He breathed in a deep sigh and looked over to the table near the window. It was over filled with flowers, get well cards, and even some stuffed bears holding a red heart in their paws saying 'get well soon'. A brow had risen on his face. How long has it been since he 'arrived here'? The door on his left clicked which brought him out of his thoughts and a brunette nurse came in and was surprised when she saw Yami.

"oh my, your awake!" she walked over to the heart monitor and smiled at Yami "How are you feeling?"

"... Confused...?" Yami replied and lay back on his pillow. The nurse quickly replaced the saline pack with a new one and was now checking over the heart monitor.

"That's a normal feeling people get when they went through a near death experience." She simply said and Yami blinked.

"C-Can you tell me how... I got here?" The nurse sighed, clicked her pen, and looked down at Yami.

"Your little brother brought you here. He said that you left the house to go turn in a certain project you did for school, but you never came back that night. He said the first thing he did the next morning was that he went to go look for you, and it just so happened that he found you unconscious at the shore across the old abandoned water factory. Do you have any memory as to how you got there in the first place it? It would be really helpful." Yami thought about it for a minute. Yeah, he remembered exactly how it happened. But should he really tell what he experienced that got him here? After those men who tried to kill him, they would really want to keep what he heard a secret. But then again, who would believe the story on how woman's favorite skin care creme ointment is turning their skin into marble. Who would believe that? For his response, he did the best thing that he probably might regret.

"um... I'm sorry... I don't." The nurse sighed once again.

"Oh... well, it's alright. We'll have the cops investigate the area from where you almost drowned." The nurse made a polite smile. "Is there anything else you would like to know before I take my leave.?"

"Yes. Uh, how long have I been here?"

"You've been here for only three days." Yami groaned. That means he missed three days of school then. "However, it is pretty strange. The doctor said that you were due to wake up in a week. You're about four days early." Yami's brow rose at the nurse. Before she left, she asked if there was anything else he needed. He said no and the nurse left the room so he could rest. As Yami layed in his bed he started thinking about his "little brother". He hoped that Yugi wasn't too worried about him. If he really was that worried, he'll make it up to him somehow. Sleep than started to take over and he let himself close his eyes.

The last thing he ever heard from Yami was last Sunday night. He claimed that he was leaving to go turn in his project. However, he never returned that night. On early Monday morning, Yugi dashed out of the house and started looking around town in search of the once old pharaoh. He even asked a couple of civilians if they saw him anywhere. With no luck, he continued to search. When he got to the pier, he finally sat down and decided to catch his breath. He looked out into the ocean, but couldn't really see much because of the old water factory that was blocking his view. If it's not really in use anymore, than the mayor should of had torn down by now. Yet, there it is still standing. Just as he was about to leave and search somewhere else, a sudden movement next to Yugi caught his eye and he turned his head to see a gray cat with black spots and stripes next to him. An Egyptian Mau to be precise. The thought of this cat reminded Yugi about the time when Yami was on the roof saying that there was a cat up there as well. He didn't see any cats up there. He just though that the modern stress was pileing on his new twin. Yugi brought his hand up to the cats nose so it could sniff his hand in approaval. The cat did so and rubbed it's head against Yugi's hand. The two of them sat there for a while before Yugi decided to get up and start searching for Yami again. Before he took off, the cats meowing got his attention. He looked down and saw the cat run down to the sandy beach. Yugi's eyes followed where the cat was running until it stopped and sat next to a figure lying in the shore. He froze there for a bit. He recognized the figure. Yami!

Now, here he was at school, learning something about the English language. But yet, he was too busy worrying about Yami who was now being taken care of in the hospital now. On the day he found his brother, Yami was drenched to the bone. Sand had stuck to his clothes and covered part of his face. His skin was really pale and it looked as though that Yami saw things that may have scared him for life. He was quick on calling the ambulance after checking for his heart beat which turned out be really faint. As soon as the ambulance came, he was questioned if he knew anything about how Yami got there and what knot. Before he left with the ambulance, he searched around for the Egyptian mau, only to find that it was gone.

Three days had past, and during those days, Yugi's mind was too set on his older brother. He was relieved when they said that Yami was going to live, but for now he was in a coma that was supposed to last for at most a week.

As Yugi sat and doodled on his notebook, the English teacher was about to explain something to the class about how 'do-not' can be combined and be said as 'Don't' in English, when she was interrupted by the classroom phone that started to ring. With a quick 'excuse me' to the class, she walked over to the phone answered with a 'Yes? Teacher's speaking.' The classroom relaxed for a bit as the teacher spoke to the other person on the line. Her eyes lit up a bit at the news she received and nodded.

"He is?... Alright, I'll tell him... Good bye." With that she hung up the phone and looked up and Yugi who was still doodling a way. "Mr. Muto!" Yugi responded to his last name and looked up at the teacher. "That was the attendance office. Your grandfather called and said that you need to come home. It's about your brother." Hearing that last part was enough to make him pack all of his stuff and run out the door with a confused teacher behind. Yugi quickly ran all the way back home to meet his grandfather Solomon who was waiting for Yugi at the front door.

"Grandpa!" Yugi called out. Solomon looked up and saw his grandson running up to him.

"Yugi, there you are!"

"Is Yami okay?! What's the emergency?!"

"Emergency? Now now, Yugi. There's nothing to worry about. A miracle just happened." Yugi made a confused face. But brightened up to the word 'miracle'.

"Miracle? You mean, Yami is..."

"That's right my boy. Yami is awake." Yugi felt like he could just jump for joy at the news. But a question was tugging him down at the moment.

"Hang on grandpa, wasn't Yami's coma supposed to last for a week? It's only been three days." Solomon did a small chuckle before he answered.

"That's why I said it was a miracle. Not even the doctors know why. But they did a few tests on him and everything they did came out normally." Solomon explained. "So then afterwards, they decided to call and tell us that Yami is awake and is going to be okay." Yugi sighed in relief and thanked the heavens. "Let's go pay him a visit shall we?"

"Yes, definitely!" Yugi agreed. He ran inside and place his backpack in his room before he and Solomon started walking towards Domino Hospital.

Yugi and Solomon were now standing outside of Yami's room. As they were about to enter, the door opens and a nurse with brunette hair came stepping out of the room.

"Oh you must be visiting Yami, correct?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm Yami's guardian, Solomon Muto." He shook hands with the nurse. "And this is my younger grandson, Yugi." Yugi shook hands with the nurse as well with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Muto, and you too Yugi. Your older grandson Yami made a remarkable recovery. I just gave him some food so he's eating right about now." She said. "Now, remember. Please have your cell phones off and talk in inside voices. There are still some people trying to recover and getting their sleep as well."

"No need to worry, well be quiet." Yugi replied quietly. The nurse nodded.

"Now please enjoy your visit. Visiting hours end at five. You have four hours." With that said, they said their good byes and the nurse walked away. Finally, they both faced the door. They opened the door and found Yami in a mid-stretch while he rubs his eye with his right hand. He smiled when he looked up and saw Yugi and Solomon entering the room.

"Hello, Yami. How are you feeling?" Solomon asked as he gave Yami a hug. In which, Yami returned.

"No pain or anything. Just tired." Yami yawned.

"I can imagine." Yugi came on the other side of the bed and gave him his hug. Yami returned it as well.

"Probably because of all the tests I was put through."

"And they all came out normally." Solomon answered. "Once you've rest up, the doctors told me that you are free to come home with us." Yami nodded with a smile. Then his eyes caught the food lied out for him on the bed table. For some reason, he could strongly smell everything that's on the tray. Though he would probably figure it because of the fact that he hasn't really eaten in days. heck he felt starving now.

"uh, can I have the food tray?" Yugi nodded and slid the table over to Yami so that it's infront of him. For hospital food, it looked good. Yami started to eat his food while he, Yugi, and Solomon continued to talk. As soon as Yami finished his jello, Solomon spoke.

"So Yami, do you feel rested and ready to leave?" Yami nodded.

Once Yami was dressed in his regular clothes, Solomon thanked the hospital for taking care of Yami and they walked out of the building. When the fresh air hit Yami's nose, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and stretch his arms up high.

"Ahh, that's better!" He sighed. "Beat's being in a cramped room for three days."

"I know what you mean Yami.(1)" Yugi walked up from behind him and they both walked together. Solomon walked up as well and was on the other side of Yami.

Once they finally got home, Solomon remained down stairs running the shop while Yugi and Yami were talking and playing a friendly game of duel monsters up stairs in their room.

"Not to upset you or anything Yami, but now that your out of your coma. What are you going to do about your project when you come back to school?" Yami sat there on his bed and the four cards he had almost fell out of his hand. Through everything he went through, he actually forgot about his project! He sighed in frustration.

"Oh Ra, I forgot all about that!" He put the cards he had in his hands face down and brought a hand to his face.

"Oh... anyway, about the night we found you, do you remember anything at ALL on how you ended up washed up on the shore near the pier?" Behind his hands, Yami's eyes widened. For how badly the guys in suit wanted to kill him for knowing a secret he wasn't suppose to hear, he couldn't put Yugi in the same predicament. So slowly, he brought his hands down and looked at his 'twin' who had his brow risen.

"uhh... I don't really remember what happened. I-It's just a... blur now. Sorry, Yugi." Yugi stared at Yami. It was obvious that Yami was lying, but he didn't want to push it, yet he wasn't going to sugar coat either.

"Alright then, let's pretend for a second that I believe you. Alright?" Yami sighed and just nodded. "Also, I win." Yugi flipped one of his faced downs and it was the spell card, Mage Power. Yami looked down at the field and saw that he had no face downs and only Dark Magician(Atk:2500/DEF:2100) was on the field and he was at 1500 life points. He looked over at Yugi's field and saw that he had Silent Magician Lvl. 4(ATK:1000/DEF:1000/SC:3) on his field with 2 face downs, counting the spell card he activated and was at 2000 life points. Because Silent magician had 3 spell counters, her ATK points were at 2500. When Yugi activated Mage power, it allowed him to raise one of his monsters ATK and DEF points by 500 for every trap and spell card he controlled, and since he had 3, Silent Magician's ATK was now at 4000 and DEF were now 1500. Obviously, Yugi was going to attack so that brought Yami's life points all the way down to 0. Yugi crossed his arms as Yami stared dumbfounded at the move Yugi played. "This is another thing I know when something is on your mind Yami. I KNOW you're better than this when it comes to dueling, and from how this duel turned out, you lost pretty easily." Yugi stared at Yami knowingly which sort of scared Yami. At this point, Yami didn't know what to do or say. For every second Yugi stared at him, the more guilt he starts to feel pile up on him.

"Yami, Yugi! Time for dinner!" Solomon had suddenly called from down stairs. Yet they still continued to stare at each other. I little after, Yugi got up and started to pick up all his cards and then he neatly placed them on the desk. Yami watch him as Yugi walked over to the door and stopped in front of it. He then turned around to look at Yami's eyes again.

"I'm not going to force you to tell me what's on your mind, all right? But I'm just letting you know that I am suspicious about it. When ever you're ready to talk, I'll be here, okay?" He smiled. He stood there for a bit, then went out of the room leaving the door open for Yami. Yami just sat there for a bit and sighed. He quickly organized his cards and placed them on the desk next to Yugi's. When they were neatly placed, he headed out the door. As he slowly went down the stairs, he began to think.

'Maybe I should tell Yugi what happened. But it would mean that I'll be putting him in danger, and I don't want to lose him again.(2) I really need more time to think this over. But yet, something is telling me that I should... should I-' Yami was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a sudden buzzing noise in his left ear. With an 'Ack!' and out of instinct, he swatted his hands in that direction to get the 'fly' away from his ear. He used the side of his clenched fist to scratch away the itch he now felt in his ear and opened his eyes to find the fly on the wall that seemed to be mocking him. He growled at the annoying pest and was about to continue his way down stairs, but then the fly began to 'fly' again. Yami looked at the bug and he got this sudden interest in it. His eyes were glued to where the fly flew and his head was moving in motion to where it went. Even when it got to close to his face, he didn't move and he started to feel his hands tremble... like... he wanted to... grab it... and... and... he... wanted... to... ...

Yugi was about to walk up the stairs to tell Yami to hurry up and come down to eat. But instead, he found Yami in the middle of the stair case literally staring at a fly. Yami's eyes were widened and some how, the black pupils in his eyes shrank. His face looked like he was very hypnotized by the annoying pest and he was slowly raising his clutched hands to his chest. Yugi rose a brow at Yami's strange behavior and was blinking a bit.

"Uh... Yami?" Yugi called to him, but alas, Yami was so busy watching the fly's movements, he didn't seemed to hear him. Then at the last moment, Yugi swore he saw drool at the corner of Yami's lips before he suddenly clapped his hands together on the fly that made him flinch. "Uh... Yami, what are you...?" Again, Yami didn't hear him. He saw him open his hands a bit and played with the bug until he had it in between his thumb and index finger. He slowly brought it closer to his face, and Yugi's eyes widened when he realized that Yami was trying to do. "YAMI!"

"HUH!? WHAT!?" Yami eyes returned to normal and his fingers loosened, allowing the fly to escape. He was now looking at Yugi who was looking back at him in a disgusted way.

"What are you doing?!" Yugi frantically asked. Yami thought about it and suddenly, the fly flew in front of him again before it flew upstairs. That's when he realized it. He almost ate a fly! What was worse about it was that... it was intentionally!

"I-I... don't know..." An awkward silence was placed between the both of them. A few quiet seconds later, Yugi shook his head.

"Well Yami, if you were that hungry, then come on down stairs before you decide to target another innocent fly." With that said, Yugi turned on his heal and headed towards the kitchen where Solomon was waiting for the two of them. Yami sighed and quickly followed after Yugi while mumbling 'I-can't-believe-I-almost-ate-a-bug...'.

Where ever he was right now, he DID NOT want to leave. Let alone move.

Yami was lying in his bed, asleep, and his face was in complete relaxation. His bed sheets were thrown all over the floors, but even though there were no blankets covering him, he felt warm and comfortable. When he felt the warmth of the sun hit his face, he had the sudden urge to yawn and stretch as he remained in bed. He had done so and he even arched his back for a further stretch. Though still not feeling like getting up, he turned in his half asleep state so that he could lay on his stomach. Though he didn't realize that he got too close to the edge of the bed and fell off with a yelp. With a loud thump, and was now wide awake and he quickly sat up. He looked around the room that he and Yugi shared. Only problem is that the person he shared it with wasn't even in the room. What time was it? He looked over at the digital clock by the nightstand and saw that it was blinking 8:45 A.M. in neon red. He looked below him and found his said abandoned sheets all over the floor and on his bed where nothing but large fluffy pillows. When his eyes stalked over to the desk, he found a note placed on top. He got up on his two legs and picked up the note. In his mind, he read:

Hey Yami,

Sorry that I didn't wake you up earlier this morning. By the time you read this, it's probably around 8 or 9 in the morning. I know you care about going to school and all but you looked really relaxed and comfortable, so grandpa and I thought about because of yesterday's events, we decided to leave you be and get the sleep that you deserve. Oh, and incase you're wondering, today's Thursday. Which also means that next week will be our last week of the school year! After that, summer will officially begin! Anyway, it's up to you if you still want to come to school or not. I'm not stopping you from coming, but grandpa and I just thought it would be best if you took a day off. Speaking of grandpa, he said that he's out of the house for today, so he'll be back later on tonight. If you decide to stay home, he hopes that you don't trash the house and he wants you to clean up after yourself if you decide to paint something again. But if you decide to come to school, i'll be waiting for you then. I'll see you later!


Yami blinked at the note and sighed. He looked back at the clock and saw that it was now 8:46. He only missed two classes, He can still make it to the class he's suppose to have now. Which was art. Oh! and he also has to deal with Ms. Yura for being late to the class. Unless she's in a good mood and she's just letting every one draw what they want for a change!... ... Yami mentally blew a raspberry. Like Ms. Yura is ever in a good mood. Yami then went over to his closet to pull out a fresh uniform. But before he could slip out of his shirt, multiple taps was heard and he wiped his head around to see nothing there. Though he could still hear it. He knew he was alone in the house. So what was making that noise? He looked down at the floor and jumped when he saw a gross looking, yet tiny pitcher bug crawling across the wooden floor. It took him a while to realize it, but when ever that tiny bug moved, the tapping noises were heard again. He didn't know how he could hear it's crawling from such a long distance, but it's creepy gross crawling was irritating his ears and he began to scratch them. He looked back down at the bug, and like a big smack in the face, a sudden instinct had took over him again. If you were standing in the room with Yami, you could see his black pupils shrink down in size again just like yesterday when Yami took interest in a fly. A mischievous spark had lit in his eyes and before you know it, Yami got down on all four and pounced the bug, yet he didn't realize that he had also made a 'Nya!' sound. But unfortunately, the bug quickly made it's way under the door and Yami's face collided with the said 'barrier' that separated the bug from him.

He groaned and shook his head from pain he felt in his head. Realization hits YET AGAIN! He tried and ALMOST ate ANOTHER bug! Cursing at himself mentally, he got up and proceeded back into changing into his uniform.

Yami was now walking down the sidewalk towards school, but he was feeling really skittish. As he walked along with other residents who were passing him, he couldn't help but feel really... ... what's the right word to describe it?... ... ... defensive against them. Like he felt a certain wave of un-trustworthiness radiating off of them that he wanted to get away. For a second, he turned around and thought that maybe it was best if he went home and... I don't know... hide under his bed? But after that thought, he realized how ridiculous that sounded and he turned back around and continued walking towards the school. Then next thing he knew, his nerves were jumbling around in his head when he started to hear almost EVERY conversation that the people around him were saying even though he had nothing to do with it. It would go from business men talking to random people on the phone in angry tones, woman or children talking to their friends, husbands or each other, and even private conversations between teens who were either ditching school or are drop outs. Pretty soon, Yami started to get a headache from all the multiple conversations he was hearing. Up to the point where he couldn't take it anymore, he began to hold his head and ran.

It was only felt like a few seconds until Yami stopped running when he couldn't hear all those random voices. Taking in some air, he looked up and notice that he was standing in front of the school. He looked at the large clock on the building and saw that it was 9:16. He'd only have 30 minutes in class. With a huff of air, he closed his eyes while wiping hands to the side to say that he made up his mind.

"I'm fine." He said to himself. "There's NOTHING wrong with you." To make sure of it himself, he breathed in some more air and was now about to walk into campus. That is until a sudden breeze picked up and it caused a piece of his golden bangs to fly his face and brush his nose. With slight irritation, he tried to blow the hair out of his face. After he got it to cooperate, a sudden sneeze had snuck up on him. Soon after he sneezed, he groaned again when the same loose hair piece fell in his face again.

"What is wrong with you Mr. Muto?!" Ms. Yura shouts as she stood over Yami who was sitting in his desk with his head down, but instead of listening to her like a good student would, he was ignoring her as he had a piece of paper under him that was hidden from the said she devil, and was doodling random pictures. "You had finally decided to NOT ditch school after your LONG, so to say, 'Visit at the hospital', yet after I ask for your final project, you say you had 'misplaced' it somewhere, which you CANNOT remember!?" The whole classroom was dead silent and all the students were staring at the two. Soon after Ms. Yura finished her rant, Yami paused his doodling for a second. Finally, he sat up and looked up at her with a confused look.

"...Huh?" Letting out that single breath that Yami let out, Ms. Yura narrowed her eyes.

"...We're you even listening to a SINGLE thing that I was speaking to you?" The other students glanced at each other real quick and just in time to see Yami lean back in his seat and letting his arms fall to his sides.

"... Nah ah..." That was complete honesty that showed on Yami's face as the students and Ms. Yura see him simply shake his head no. The teacher then looked over at his desk and saw the doodles that Yami made. With that, she swiped the paper off his desk and examined it. All of them contained the same character that were doing stupid things. The character in each of those doodles was a cartoon female demon. There was horns on her head that also had hair sticking in different directions. Her eyes were deformed and had slit pupils that were looking in different directions and the nose appeared to be large and bulky with a wart on it. In one of the doodles, the demon appeared to be breathing fire. In that fire read, 'This is Ms. Yura. Do the work or feel her wrath!' with an arrow pointing to the female demon's face in all the doodles.

Ms. Yura looked back down at Yami who raised one of his eyebrows in boredom and had his arms crossed, as if to say he didn't regret what he drew. With that, she crumpled the paper without taking her eyes off her student.

"... I'll see you after school." She threw the crumpled ball of paper in the trash and was going back over to her desk. Yami sat there with a bored expression, then exchanged into a surprised look after realizing what he did.

"Ms. Yura!" He quickly stood up which cause the students to look at him again and Ms. Yura stopped walking but she didn't look back. "I-I'm really sorry! It won't happen again!" There was that pause again. Then slowly, a chuckle emerged from that silence. Ms. Yura turned around with a wicked smile on her face.

"Oh, Yami... " She chuckled even more once Yami flinched when she used his first name. (3) "It's going to take a lot more then just apologizing to get out of your detention." a smirk had crawled onto her face as she placed her hands on her hips. "Actually, there's nothing you can really do to get out of it. Not even if you even try to beg your way out." She just loved the way how Yami just had his face down with his bangs covering his eyes. His hands were shaking as well. Basically, Yami looked like he was having a freaking out moment.

But as we go over to where Yami is, Was he really freaking out as he appears? No, he wasn't. Something had clicked in his mind and he started to feel different. Words started to appear in his mind that are begging to be said. Then it happened.

"Alright then..." Ms. Yura (even the rest of the class) frowned when Yami's voice sounded deeper than it already was. "...Let me apologize in a way without sugar coating it." Right then, He flashed his eyes up and Ms. Yura almost took a step back when she saw how the color in Yami's usually bright crimson eyes become duller. "I'm very DEEPLY sorry Ms. Yura. I'm sorry for what ever shitty childhood YOU grew up in. Making you grow up to be this bitchy woman who became a teacher so she could make other students feel what you felt when you were OUR age." Yami then began to slowly walk forward to where Ms. Yura was. "But if that isn't the case, then WHY the hell are you even here!? Do you actually like seeing your students suffer and making them feel like complete shit?! Well, let me tell something to you!" At this point, Yami had already had Ms. Yura backing away for every step Yami stepped towards her. Now her back was pressed against the door as she was staring down at Yami's short stature feeling very intimidated. "Fuck you Ms. Yura! Fuck you with your intimidation, trolling, whining, complaining, and most of all, your smug ass attitude! You're better off leaving this school so you could go fuck up someone else's life so it could be at your level! But since your at a level that's complete bull shit, it will never be reached! It's like a forever lasting tradition that only you celebrate for your own enjoyment! ... ...You'll never find real happiness, because the only thing that brings you joy is the agony you cause to those around you... ..."

... ... ... ... ... Ab-solute-complete-silence... ... ... ... ...

All the students in the class had their eyes wide open as they stared at Yami with complete shock. (Even other students from other classrooms were really quiet so they would listen what would happen next.) Ms. Yura stared down into Yami's crimson eyes that were staring back at her so much, she could mentally feel them burning into her own soul that it hurt. She also felt shaken up from Yami's words that it was like being smacked in the face to actually know what it's like to have someone speak the truth about yourself. As Yami's eye didn't leave her for one second, she felt so much embarrassment rising up on her when she then felt her students lay their eyes on her to see what she was going to do next. Her teeth clenched when she couldn't take the pressure anymore. Finally, she quickly opened the door behind her and left the room without closing the door behind her.

Yami's eyes then seemed to blink. Then after a while they widened as he let out a gasp and quickly covered his mouth with his hands. Quickly he ran over to the door and looked down the hall.

"WAIT MS. YURA! I-..." He found said art teacher speed walking down the hall and not once did she even try to turn around to look at Yami when he called. "I-I... didn't mean it..." Though right after he said that, he didn't feel any regret like most people do after they did something unthinkable. No. He felt nothing. What he felt was a great big weight lift right up from his shoulders that was invisible to the eye. With that, he looked back into the class and meet many eyes staring at him. Each student had their mouth's slightily open as if they wanted to say something, but they some how couldn't say anything. "Did I?... ..." Yami asked no one in particular. But then one student, a girl, had stood up from her desk. After a second of staring at each other, the girl placed a hand over her chest as she let out some air she seemed to be holding in with a satisfied smile following after.

"... My hero!" She finally said. The sound of her finally saying something had seemed to click the rest of the students back to normal and they all rose from their seats and began to clap and cheer for Yami. Just for the fact that somebody had FINALLY stood up to the witch, it was like they could finally breathe now. Yami watched as every student in the class came over to pat him on the shoulders and give him their gratitude. Yami thought's were completely jumbled up again. He felt like he was completely revived again(4) for that he never acts the way he did right now. He looked down at his hands as if they weren't his own. He felt different... in good way, yet it also felt bad. He thought about all the weird things that have been happening with him lately. He practically almost ate a fly and a bug, he's been hearing almost every conversation that's happening in one room, and now his mood had suddenly changed out of the blue?! What's going on with him?

"Hey Yami! Check this out!" Yami looked up and found some of his classmates looking and pointed out the window. He walked over and chuckled when he and the students found their 'professional' art teacher having a fit and was wrestling with a trashcan. Yet, some how the trashcan appeared to be winning. Yami laughed again when he saw Ms. Yura kick the trash can to the wall, but making the object bounce off and have all of it's dirty contents land on her.

Maybe... for now, he'll just enjoy the show and talk to Yugi about it later.

"Suspended?!" Yami cringed at Yugi's high pitched voice and hid his face from him behind his no-longer-locker-door. (If... that made any sense...) It was now after school and Yami had asked Yugi to meet up with him. That's when he spilled the beans and told Yugi about his last visit to the principle's office during 4th period. "Yami, I had known you for how long?! Years right!? This is the last thing I expected to hear from you!"

"I-I know!... I know, Yugi..." Yami sighed and placed his last text book in a box that Yugi was carrying.

"What exactly did you do to get suspended for the rest of the school year?!" Yami froze. Trying to act innocent, he said nothing and as calm as he could, he went back to his locker to dig out any trash that was in there and threw them in the trash can next to him. "Yami, hello! I know you heard me! Say something!" Yami cringed again and decided to sugarcoat it his words this time.

"Uh... I just... stood up for a bunch of people..." he waited for Yugi to respond, but got curious later on when his little brother didn't reply. He looked over at him and bit his lip when he found Yugi narrowing his eyes at him.

"That's not all, is there?" Yami nervously brushed his bangs behind his ear and looked away. "Yami..." Yugi warned him as Yami went ahead and placed the last notebook and item in the box and closed his locker door.

"I ... said some 'things' to the teacher." Yugi's eye twitched a bit.

"Really?" Yugi asked aggressively. "What kind of things?" Now, it was Yami's eyebrow that had twitched. He was starting to feel frustrated at Yugi's questions, but as calmly as he could, he answered.

"Just... bad things, alright." Yami wanted the conversation to end there, but Yugi pressed on.

"Be more specific Yami! What did you do!" Snap.

"God damn it, Yugi!" Yami slammed his fist against the wall of lockers in which banging sound echoed down the hall. Yugi was glad that everybody left to go home while they stayed behind to clean Yami's locker because his said older twin had started to glare at him. "You want me to be more specific Yugi?! Fine, I'll say it in the most specific way I can! I fucking cursed at her, alright! Is that specific enough for you!" Yugi stared in disbelief and watched as Yami gasped yet again and covered his mouth. "... oh god... Yugi, I'm so sorry! I really-... I didn't-... ... arg!" Yami leaned his back against the lockers and pulled on his bangs. "What is wrong with me?! First the bugs, then the voices, and now my anger is getting out of hand!? What's going on?!" Yami groaned again and pulled harder on his bangs. Yugi had then recovered from being yelled at and recalled what Yami was saying to himself.

"Voices? What voices?" Yami's grip loosened and most of the long gold strands of hair fell from his hands. He sighed and turned to Yugi with a worried look.

"I'm... I'm not exactly sure what it is, but like I said, somethings wrong with me. I would know because..." Yami paused for minute, but instead, Yugi finished for him.

"The way you're acting just isn't you." Yami hesitated for a second. He didn't even want to believe it, but he nodded his head yes. For a second, they just stood there until Yugi had thought of something. "How about we go home for now, and we can ask grandpa if he could help us with... uh... what ever it is you're going through. I mean, the way you're acting could connect to something that might of happened when you were pharoah. So maybe grandpa knows something." With that, Yami agreed and took the box from Yugi. After closing what was no longer his locker, they both started out of the school.

"An unusual behavior you say?" Solomon was outside in front of the shop sweeping away any dirt that may of started to pile in front of the doors. When walking down the sidewalk were his two grandsons approaching the shop, though Yami was carrying a box full of items from his locker. After being told that Yami got suspended, Yugi brought up the reason why and his sudden unusual behavior that Yami developed.

"That's right. We all know the way Yami acts, so we think there's something wrong with him. We think it has to do with his past from when he was pharoah. Do you think you have any clue to why his behavior is... out of control." Solomon his thumb to his chin in thought. He may of studied a lot about ancient pasts and royal tombs, but he couldn't recall anything that had to do with mysterious behavioral changes among pharoahs. Unless...

"Both of you follow me. I need to show you something." With that, Solomon re-entered the shop with the boys following behind. Putting the broom he had in his hands a side, he went into the back storage room where most of his take home ancient artifacts were kept. coming across a small table in the corner of the room, there was a medium sized artifact with a white tarp on it that had a layer of dust that it made it look like the color beige. Grabbing a hold of the edge of the tarp, Solomon yanked the tarp off of the artifact, making the dust fly into the air and get all over the place. Both Yami and Yugi coughed as they wiped their hands around in the air to get the dust out their faces while Solomon folded the tarp and placed it to the side. "Now Yami. Do you, or do you not recognize this artifact?" Yami looked up at the item and saw a cat. A golden Egyptian Mau statue wearing what he knew was golden Egyptian jewelry around it's neck and arms. It also had a single small ring pierced to it's left ear. Below the cat, it was standing on a platform with Egyptian writing on the edges. The statue wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small. It was just enough to put your arms around. As Yami observed the statue, no memory was coming to mind that had anything similar to this artifact. He shook his head no in response.

"Well Yami, This artifact had to do with a discovery that me and Arthor Hawkins had discovered. You may not remember it because it had to do with when you just a small boy."