Hi! Me again...I know I know I should be doing my other fics but...ahh...yeah...my brain stopped then it restarted then voila! I'm writing everything I could write so ahmm...this is a different AU drabbles of ASL brothers so please leave a review and enjoy!






Feels are everywhere when Odacchi did something so sudden…*cries*

Disclaimer: I own nothing in anime just my crazy imaginative brain.

Title: Bonds

Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Family

Characters: Ace, Sabo, Luffy


You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble?

Look at me!

Luffy looked up the sky and roared in excitement, this is the day he'd been waiting for three years and now as the last one of the three he wanted it to be memorable. He had said his goodbye's to the Mountain Bandits who took him in even noting the crying faces of Dogra and Magra, Dadan too but she keeps denying it. He decided to set sail in Windmill Village since he wanted to see the people there especially Makino for the last time, he took a small rowing boat and finally gone away from Dawn Island.

"First is Sabo, then Ace and now I'm the last!" He grinned then he staggered when the ocean bulged and something big emerged from it; it was the Sea Coastal Monster who ate Shanks left arm.

"Wow…I didn't think that you will see me off…well then let me repay you of what you did to Shanks last ten years!" He took his stance and stretched his right arm. Look at me, Sabo! "Gomu Gomu no…Pistol!" He shouted and threw his signature punch square on the Sea Monster's jaw, knocking it out. He's going to be the best as the last…he will be the next King of Pirates!

Neh…Sabo, you're looking down here right? You know I really miss you, Ace too misses you and I miss him too. I promise Sabo…I'll be the man who will get the most freedom…just like you wanted ever since…I'll be free for you so keep an eye on me, Big Brother!

Look at me!

He's so weak…he can't save anyone…not even his comrades…not even his friends…and not even his big brother. Luffy sniffled and gritted his teeth, trying hard not to shed his big tears…Ace wouldn't like to see him like this, he'll tease him again for being a crybaby…He snorted and lowered his head…Ace will smack him for being annoying…He gasped and curled like a ball…He's making his big brother worried on him…tears started to drop…big tears of a young man in pain…Luffy lost it and howled his cries to the heavens.

Ace is dead. The last big brother he has is dead. Will never be there for him, will never come back to him. He cried and cried until he broke his voice box but as he indulged himself in his self-pity and self-blaming, a pat on his head stopped him from his crying and he looked up to see an apparition.

"I will never die Luffy." It was his big brother, Ace, smiling down at him while gently patting his head.

Luffy curled his lips in attempt to stop his cries, "Yes…yes you did. You promised that you will never die! But you did!" He whined and his tears rolled down his face.

"Death is part of Life, Luffy. A man truly dies when he is…forgotten…" Ace leveled his gaze onto him and smiled fondly. "Did you forget me, Luffy?"

Luffy looked astonished, "No."

"Did you forget Sabo?" he asked again.


"Are we really dead to you now?" Ace cupped his little brother's face.

Luffy shook his head, "No!" His tears continued to flow down.

"Then stand up and stop your whining…remember that your friends are waiting for you. And don't worry from now on I'll be always by your side." Ace hugged Luffy, letting the young D feel his brotherly presence once more.

"Thank you Ace…and I'm sorry…I'll be stronger to protect my friends." Luffy smiled, letting his tears flow and feel the ghostly hug of his big brother. "Look after me."

Look at me!

Ace waved for the last time that very special day to Luffy, it was the day that he will sail the vast seas of the World and become great and known for who he is and not because where he came from or related to whom.

Look at me Luffy! I'll be the greatest!

Though it saddened him to leave his one and only brother he knows that Luffy will be okay as long as he's with Dadan and Makino's guiding him as much as possible, it's hard to leave but it's for the best.

He'd gone in many adventures, met his comrades, met some formidable foes, got the strangest things and treasures, he laughed and fought but there's no other person in the World who could melt his stubborn heart but his brothers yet this man, this giant man in front of him melted it and thrust out his hand to him.

"Become my son!"

Absurd yes, but he had live his life to the fullest and he will tell it to the World, to Sabo…especially to Luffy, he'll be delighted and will listen tentatively. And maybe they could meet in the summit and the Heaven and Ocean will decide their fate.

Thank you for loving me!

He promised that he'll never die but somehow he didn't regret breaking it as long as he could save his little brother…he's glad actually, hearing his family and his brother spouting such meaningful words that go nonsense to other people.

"Ace, you are my Son!"

"Ace! I am your little brother!"

"I will not shout, I will not push them away…I'll accept my fate…I'll accept whatever happens…if I deny them…it will be a disgrace to them…I will fight if I have to because I never imagined that…I wanted to fight…for this worthless life I have."

He never thought that his life worth so much it hurts to admit, but for him it's nothing compared to the life his little brother has…he knows his Pops will die…he could feel it and he knows he couldn't stop the Old Man from dying but his little brother deserves more…that's why…he will protect him with his life.

"Thank you…for loving me."

He mean it…every bit of it.

Look at me!

Sabo gathered his courage in breathe in and breathe out and remembered the tear stricken face of his little brother who taught he had died ten years ago. He smiled sadly and was disappointed that he never received any punch or any compensation of what he did those empty years of him gone and away from them.

Luffy is still Luffy.

He stepped out to the coliseum, his disguise hiding him from everyone's view. This time he will get the thing Luffy wanted, he will carry his brother's will…Ace's will. That is why he will fight to the fullest and gain Ace's Flame-Flame fruit.

Look at me Ace!

This bond we have will never break!

This is the bond he shared with Ace and Luffy…the bond Ace spoke and they had agreed on that day the three of them became brothers. Sabo ate the Devil's Fruit and turned his body into a burst of fire.

"Ace I will use your power!" He clenched his fist and thrust it out. "Fire Fist!"

"Did you know that if you exchange drinks, then you become brothers?" Ace poured the sake on the three cups on the half trunk. "When we become pirates, we may not be able to end up on the same crew…but the bond of brotherhood we share will never die. From now on until the end, we are now…brothers!"

Sabo raised his share of cup of sake while the other two remained on the box near Ace's tomb, and gulped it, raising it again up to the sky.

"Look after us, Ace!"

I will take care of our little brother from now on so rest assured.

I got stressed because of that damn traffic jam! I have eyebags...