Head In the Clouds

A/N: Yes, this still exists and we'll be having more chapters. Woo! Gratuitous crossovers ahoy!

oh and some neo-chan stuff but gratuitous crossovers all the way!

So, enjoy the additional lampshades and enjoy this crappy chapter! Woo!

DISCLAIMER: RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth. Otherwise it would be so much easier for me to write these damn characters ;-;

All mentioned franchises belong to their respective creators- Fruits Basket and Persona.

Spoilers for chapter 77 of Weiss Reacts.

Credit to merikflame for Neo's characterisation, as well as Emerald's.

Lukas and Fionn were in sitting in the corridor, eating popcorn and talking. Lukas seemed much happier than usual, which could only mean an antic went off successfully.

"Lukas, the heck you so happy about?" Fionn asked.

"Heheheheh. Cinder's new assistant." The trickster chuckled. "Me and Ren are having a competition to see who can prank her better. Apparently she's easier to prank than Jaune."

"Wait, you got REN to notice your antics?"

Lukas smirked, counting down with his fingers. "Heh. Well, I made him a bet of fifty Lien. Anyone's going to notice that."

"What're you counting do-"

"Ah! My burritos!" A loud boom, followed by Cinder's flustered voice could be heard down the corridor.

Her assistant could be heard flailing and apologising. "S-sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm really really sorry! I-I'll buy you more burritos! P-Please forgive me!"

Lukas's smirk simply grew. Fionn looked at him strangely. "What did you do?"
"Rigged her burrito stockpile to explode on touch." The trickster laughed. "Knowing how Cinder treats Roman..."
Just then, Melodia walked up to him and slapped him on the head. "Lukas, how could you?"
"Dammit, how did you know that was me?" The boy cringed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Idiot. That's just heartless! What did Miss Honda ever do to you?" The martial artist glared at him.

"What a way to draw attention, Elf. Have her blame me for once when I prank the crossover character, but never when I prank Yukari or Fionn." Lukas rolled his eyes. "Nice."

"Heh. Well, he is a member of the Order of Antics..." Fionn shrugged. "Everyone's fair game."

"Exactly. You don't blame Yang when she does it to people, do you?" Lukas retorted.

Melodia crossed her arms. "Well, I do!"

Yukari stumbled into them, sighing. "Have you guys seen my Madrigal tickets? I had them on my bedside table."
"Wait, Madrigal? You're going to go see them?" Melodia's eyes widened. "Like, THE Madrigal?!"

"Who is Madrigal?" Fionn looked confused.

"Just the biggest Vytalian pop-duo ever!" Melodia squeed. "Seriously! They're so famous! How do you not know them?!"

"Uh...I don't follow that kinda stuff. I'm a Risette fan. And an AKB0048 fan..." The spearman shrugged.

"Heh. I've got nothing to do." Lukas shrugged. "So, you got any more tickets?"

"Uh, I was actually planning on inviting all three of you guys. I got backstage tickets." Yukari shrugged, smiling. "You guys wanna come?"
"Would I?!" Melodia squeed and hugged her teammate tightly.

Fionn shrugged. "Eh, sure. I'm game. Backstage tickets? That mean we get to meet them before and after?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact." The swordswoman nodded. "We get to hang out with them after the concert!"

"Did you say Madrigal?" Sun and Neptune appeared from nowhere, laughing.

"Yeah." Melodia nodded. "We're going to go see them tonight!"

Neptune nodded. "Mind if we tag along? We're big fans of theirs and we happen to have tickets ourselves. More the merrier, after all."

"Sure and-" Fionn looked around to see Fox and Yatsuhashi walk up to them. Fox was hurriedly eating a bag of chocolate brownies, while his partner was quietly walking towards them.

"Hey, Yatsu." Fox poked his teammate on the arm. "You want some?"
"Don't call me Yatsu." He sighed. "And no."

"Oh, hey." Yukari nodded to them. "Heard you guys got the new team next to you."
"Oh, team SONA? Yeah." The redheaded boy nodded. "Got no idea why their team leader's name's on the end- apparently that Minako girl's their leader. She's pretty ho-"

"She certainly seems competent enough." Yatsuhashi commented, interrupting Fox and sighing. "At least I'll be able to talk to someone who isn't insane."
"Hey!" Fox protested. "I'm just hyperactive, kay? Sheesh, you gotta lighten up a little sometimes, Yatsu."
"When Coco's last plot to try to win Velvet's love ended up leaving me with no clothes apart from the ones I'm wearing, lightening up seems very illogical."

"You guys wanna come see Madrigal tonight?" Melodia asked. "I mean, if you can."
"Sounds like fun!" Fox smirked. "They're not sold out yet, are they?"

Sun shook his head. "Heard they still have tickets. That's how me and Neptune scored ours."

"Backstage passes, too." The blue-haired boy chuckled at his luck. "They cost a fortune, but hey, it's worth it."

"Hm. Sure." The calm boy nodded. "That sounds fun. It's a nice break from the insane girls I share my dorm with."
"Pipipipipipi?" Vivi crawled on Yatsuhashi's head.

"No. Not you, Vivi. You're...surprisingly sane for a plushie."
"Pipipipi! Pipipipi, pii pipipi!" The plushie pouted and beat Yatushashi's head with her stubby arms before leaping off. Fox laughed. "I think you offended her."
"Yeah. She told me."

Lukas stood up, dusting off his suit. "So, it's settled. We meet at the venue tonight- and where IS the venue, Yukari?"
"The Schnee Shopping Mall. Meet there at five?"

"Sounds good to us." Sun nodded along with Neptune.

Fox smiled. "We're up for that."

Suddenly, another boom resounded down from the direction of Cinder's room, followed by a high-pitched scream.

"H-how did you even blow that up, Miss Honda?!" That voice sounded like Port. He sounded flabbergasted.
"I-I'm sorry! I'll f-fix your burrito plushie, Miss Fall!"

"M-My B-Burrito-kun..."

Lukas frowned. "Ren just has to one-up me, doesn't he?" He clenched his fist. "I will out-antic you, dammit. And then...Yang will finally have to notice my antics."

Fionn poked him. "Ah, dude? You're going into one of those moods again."
"Am I? Ignore it. I'm just making sure for the audience that I AM going to out-do Yang one day."

Hours later...

Team MLDY stood outside the Schnee Shopping Center's concert hall, looking at the sign in disbelief.

"We're sorry for the inconvenience, but the Madrigal concert is cancelled due to...technical difficulties?" Yukari read out, irritation creeping into her voice. "You're joking. I spent my month's allowance buying these tickets!"
"Dammit..." Melodia frowned. "I was really hoping on seeing them today."

Fionn shrugged. "Well, at least we can still hang out around here, right?"
"And do what, eat at yet another steakhouse?" Lukas remarked, glaring at Melodia.

"I-I have a figure to keep up! And you could stand to gain some muscle! You're as thin as a stick!"

"Unlike you, Miss Viridi," the trickster said, adjusting his cuffs. "I don't subsist on carnivorism."

Melodia glared at him. "I-I'm not a carnivore! Y-you just can't appreciate my good dieting habits!"

Fox and Yatsuhashi walked up to them. "Hey, guys! What's up?"
"Concert's cancelled." Yukari sighed in irritation. "Technical problems or something."

"You serious?" The redheaded boy looked at her in surprise. "Dammit..."
"Those tickets cost a fair bit." Yatsuhashi sighed. "That's disappointing."
"Seriously?" Sun facepalmed. "That's ridiculous! Can't believe it's cancelled..."
Neptune leaned on a wall nearby, one hand in his pocket. "Man. I was hoping to see them today."

Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder. The blue-haired boy looked down to see a small girl. Her hair was brown on one half, and pink on the other, as were her eyes, and she wore a white blouse with several necklaces. In one hand, she held a pink, elegantly-patterned parasol, and the other a pen. A small nametag on her lapel labelled her as 'Neo (Manager of Madrigal)'.

"Hey. It's their manager." Neptune looked down at her. "Hey."

Neo merely looked at him with an enigmatic smile, nodding.

"Hey. Uh..." Melodia waved at Neo. "Er. We have some que-"
Lukas cut her off. "Will we get a refund for the tickets?"

Neo nodded. She pulled out a tablet with text on it, closing her eyes and smiling.

We're sorry. Our equipment blew up owing to a mishap with Dust equipment. We're working on it right now.

Yukari crossed her arms, sighing. "Well...wait, so what do we do with our backstage passes?"

"Guess we'll wait until next time, eh?" Fox shrugged. Neo, however, shook her head and the text on her tablet changed.

Don't worry. I have a solution to that. Since they're on break, you get to hang out with them. How does that sound?"

"Hang out with...Madrigal?" Fionn's eyes widened. "You serious?"
Melodia squeed. "That sounds awesome! Where?!"

Neo began walking towards a staff door, motioning them to follow her. The group did so, but before they walked through, she turned around again, with the tablet showing more text.

If you see an unmarked room, don't look into it please. That's where we're keeping the broken equipment and we don't want people tampering with it.

"Okay." Neptune nodded. "Sounds reasonable."
Lukas rubbed his chin. "Suspicious..."

Melodia, Yukari, Fox and Yatsuhashi walked in, following Neo. The others followed, with Fionn going last.

As they walked down the corridor, Fionn noticed an unmarked door, with the scent of smoke coming down from it.

"Huh? Is that a fire?" The spearman looked confused, opening the door and...

Everywhere in the room were pictures of a green-haired dark-skinned girl, lit by fire, with one as a centerpiece in the middle of the room, the name 'Emerald S.' written in cursive under it. Candles surrounded it, and various plushies of Emerald were littered everywhere.

"What the-" Fionn started, before he jumped up as someone shut the door. Neo smiled sweetly at him, tilting her head. The spearman, however, felt unnerved. He felt as if Neo was emitting killing intent from her mere being, and all of it directed towards him.

"Uh...uh..." He looked around, panicked. "...I-I..."

Not a word to Emerald-sempai, okay? :) Neo gave him a thumbs up, pointing at her tablet.


Good. Now keep walking~

Fionn nodded and rushed after his friends, followed closely by the manager.

'D-Dammit...so their manager's a yandere...' Fionn thought, shuddering.

Finally, the group arrived at the dressing room. Neo stood in front of them at the door, smiling.

Now, before we meet them, one ground rule. Don't crowd them with requests for autographs.

"Aww..." Fox frowned. "Dammit."
Yatsuhashi gave him a slap on the back of the head. "Pfft. You were going to sell those, weren't you?"

Lukas smirked. "Typical."

Melodia shrugged. "Okay, that sounds reasonable."

Very well. Neo nodded, tapping the door three times with her knuckles. Shortly, someone opened it and Emerald Sustrai, one half of Madrigal, opened the door.

Emerald-chan, these are some fans with backstage passes.

"Oh?" She smiled at them. "Hello."

Fox and Fionn looked at her with wide eyes. "Whoa..." Fox blushed.

"She's..." Fionn goggled at her, before receiving a slap from Melodia.

"Idiot! Quit staring at her, you pervert!"

"Judging by your weapons, you must be Beacon kids." Emerald noted. "Are you?"
Neptune nodded. "Yeah. Why?"
"Oh my Dust!" She squeed. "I'm from Beacon too! You know how it is- idols nowadays get trained like me- and...you're Glynda's students? Glynda Goodwitch?"
"Well, actually..." Yukari spoke up. "We're Cinder's stud-"
"Cinder?" Emerald's eyes widened. "Cinder...as in Cinder Fall?!"

Lukas rolled his eyes. "Oh dear."

Fionn shrugged. "Uh, yeah-"
Suddenly, Emerald rushed to him, grabbing his lapel. "How is she? Is she fine? Is she doing well? Is she still with Torchwick? Does she ever talk about me? You HAVE to tell me! I need to know what Cinder-sempai thinks of me!"

"Oh, calm down, you psycho." A grey-haired boy walked out next to her, sighing and crossing his arms. "Sorry guys."

"S-shut up, Mercury! I-I'm not a psycho!"

"Well, you see a bunch of kids from Beacon and all you're thinking of is how Cinder is?" Mercury facepalmed. "Dammit, woman."

Neptune chuckled. "If it isn't Mercury Black."

Fionn nodded in approval. "I like this guy..."
"You guys fans of us?" Mercury inquired, looking to Emerald, who was currently squeeing over her 'Cinder-sempai' and hugging a plushie of Cinder to herself.

"Yeah." Yukari nodded. "Sorry to hear about your equipment."

"We're sorry about it too." He sighed. "We're never hiring out from them again. So yeah, you've met the forces behind Madrigal. Neo, myself, and Emerald Sustrai, the craziest woman in all of Vytal."
"I-I'm not crazy!"
"You're a world-famous idol and all you think about is Cinder Fall."

Emerald blushed. "S-She's just my best friend! H-How could you?!"

Mercury rolled his eyes, before raising the pitch of his voice and attempting to copy Emerald's voice. "Oh, Cinder-sempai! Love me! Love me! Oh Cinder-sempai, notice me! I hope she notices me!"

"I'm not like that!" Emerald protested. "Guys, I'm not like that!"

"Perfect. So an idol is a yandere psycho." Yatsuhashi grumbled.

Fox rolled his eyes. "Well, Yatsu, you seem to be a yandere magnet."

"Don't. Call me. Yatsu."

Yukari and Lukas shared a look. "Who knew she was hot for Cinder?"
"I-I'm just concerned about my best friend!" Emerald declared, hugging her Cinder plushie to her chest. "I haven't spoken to her in years!"
Mercury sighed. "Dammit woman. You made us look like idiots."

Neptune and Sun shared a laugh.

Neo was very calmly standing next to Emerald. Fionn noticed that for all her smiles, something about it seemed off.


"So, guys." Emerald smiled. "You came here to hang out with us. I'm sorry that we can't hold the concert, but do you wanna eat with us?"

Fox cheered. "Yeah! Food sounds nice!"
"Oh! Steak! Steak!" Melodia cheered. "Let's have steak!"

Yatsuhashi rolled his eyes. "When did Chie get here?" The martial artist glared at him.

"Why do you people keep calling me Chie?!"

And with that, the party spent several hours with Mercury and Emerald, eating and talking about their experiences at Beacon. Fionn, however, couldn't help but notice that Neo staring at Emerald, pouting and frowning.

Emerald-sempai...n-notice me...

EN- oh wait no have a stinger

Later, after the group went home...

Lukas sighed, putting on his verdant green silk pajamas as he went to bed. He was the last to go to bed- everyone else was in bed, either asleep or, in Melodia's case, watching a martial arts movie.

He mulled over things in his mind, remembering the events earlier today as he grabbed his tablet. "Heh...I've got to outdo Ren. I'm not about to be outdone by some quiet gunslinger. I promise, I will prank Miss Honda better than-"

His tablet suddenly shut off. "What?" Lukas suddenly looked confused.

The speakers suddenly blared out a tune he recognized as-

"Team Rocket?"

Indeed, it was the Team Rocket theme. However, instead of the familiar motto and singers, the vocalists were Yang and Blake.

"Prepare for trouble, and make it double!"
"To protect the world from Yandere-festation!"
"To unite all pranksters under our nation!"
"To denounce the haters and spread the love!"
"To extend our shipping to the stars above!"


"Team Antic, blast off at the speed of plot!"
"Surrender now, or prepare for fright!"

And as that ended, Yang's face appeared on the tablet, smiling. Lukas glared at her.

"You...what the hell did you do to my-"
"Oh, your tablet? Yeah, I hacked it." She giggled. "Just...one thing...Lucius? Lucy?"
"Oh, right. You better leave Miss Honda alone. Quit pranking her." Yang said, smiling sweetly. "Or I'm going to have to prank you. This is the only warning you're getting. Bye!" With a wink, the tablet shut off.

Lukas mulled over the message for a moment, before smirking.

"If that's what you want, Xiao Long. Sounds like war-"
"Lukas!" A pillow hit the trickster in the head. "Get to sleep, dammit! You're being noisy!"

"...fine, Melodia."


A/N: Well, Lukas, you got your wish. Now Yang's noticed your antics. Prepare for trouble~

This chapter was mainly made as fanservice for the characters I haven't shown in Weiss Reacts yet or haven't focused on yet, as a show of appreciation to you guys. You're all awesome!

So, I hope you enjoyed that, leave your comments, ideas, thoughts, criticism, suggestions and reviews and I hope you have a great day! Until next time!