AN: Very short prologue to a new idea I had. R&R please! Will update very very soon! :)

Erin Lennox walked out of her fiance's house and to the beat-up pick-up truck in the yard. She lived there too, but it was his just like everything else. "Hurry up, bitch! We gotta go!" yelled a tall muscular man sitting in the driver's seat already. "Sorry, honey, I was locking the front door." she mumbled timidly. "Speak up, bitch, when you talk to me." he said angrily. "Yes sir." she said as she got in the vehicle.

The drive to Walmart was filled with tense silence until Ronny, her future husband's cellphone rang. It was a drinking buddy he talked to often, and since he was preoccupied, she thought it might be okay to turn the radio on a very low volume. The song hummed through the speakers, its melody temporarily soothing her.

We're drivin' slow through the snow on Fifth Avenue

and right now the radio's all that we can hear.

And we ain't talked since we left, it's so overdue.

It's cold outside, but between us it's worse in here.

Ronny shot her a death glare, but didn't bother turning it off until he was finished with his phone call.

The world slows down, but my heart beats fast right now.

I know this is the part where the end starts.

He continued down the road as Erin thought back to when they had first stared dating. It was a slow paced relationship. It was a corny 'boy meets girl' thing. It was perfect. She thought it would last forever. Now, she just wanted it all to end. He was a jock in highschool and she was the very opposite, so she knew she was lucky to have him in the first place. She had been with him for four years now, having met him when she was sixteen. He proposed to her a week ago and she'd tried to explain that she wasn't ready, but after the beating she was forced to accept. She still had scabby cuts on her arms and back from where he beat her with his belt buckle like an abused child. She forced a tear to not fall down her cheek at the memory. She truly loved him, but she knew deep down that he didn't feel the same.

I can't take it any longer, thought that we were stronger.

All we do is linger, slippimg through my fingers.

All that's left's goodbye to find a way that I can tell you.

I hate this part right here. I hate this part right here.

I just can't take your tears. I hate this part right here.

Her thoughts were interupted when Ronny slammed his phone down into the truck's console and turned to glare at her. "I was on the phone." he said through gritted teeth. "I'm so-" she began, but was cut off as he turned the radio off and slapped her across the cheek. A whimper escaped her throat, but she didn't cry. She knew that if she cried, he'd only punish her worse when they got home. She had already gotten pregnant once, but he beat her so badly that the baby died. He was always rough with her, but when she made him angry, it sparked something inside of him that she feard deeply. It turned him on to see her so submissive and afraid. He'd even told her that before. So when they came back from the trip to the store, she wasn't surprised that after dinner, he stripped her down and got to it. After he collapsed beside her like always, she got up as quietly as possible and went to the bathroom to dress her wounds. She wiped the blood from her private parts gently (not THAT kind of blood though) and cleaned her cuts and bruises. After popping some pain killers, and putting the rest in her purse, she quietly packed her bag, knowing he would most likely not wake up when he had drank several beers beforehand. She threw in a good amount of clothes and several pairs of shoes, along with her iPod and charger, headphones, and her razor blade wrapped in a paper towel so she wouldn't cut her finger on it.

After finding the keys that Ronny so blatently threw on the coffee table, she snuck out of the door and pulled off in HIS truck. After driving around aimlessly for a while considering her options, which weren't many, she decided her cousin Will might be the most acceptant. She knew it was totally unreasonable to show up on their doorstep and expect them to help her, but he and his wife Sarah were all she had.

Well, Maine wasn't that far from Mississippi... right?

AN: NO FLAMES PLEASE! :) Sad right? Yeah... :/