Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh or Frozen

A/N: I thought of this because my 2 year old daughter watches Frozen like 3 times a day and while she watches it I read fanfiction. lol and I love the Seto/Katsuya pairing!

Why me? Jonouchi thought to himself. Out of the frying pan and into the fire I suppose… he sighed. He had just recently moved out of his father's flat and gotten himself a small studio apartment of his own. He was happy, busy as hell, but happy. And then this. It was his last year in high school and his class decided that for the cultural festival they would go all out and do a play. But not just any play. It was based off of a Disney movie. Of course it was the most recent one to come out that all the girls were in love with… Frozen…

But that wasn't the worst part!

No, no. the worst part was that instead of separating the roles into boys and girls they decided to pull names randomly from a box. The girls said it would funnier and more likely to attract attention to their play if one of the boys were cast in a girl's role. None of the boys agreed, of course, so they decided to leave it up to fate.

Fate be damned. Jonouchi growled as he looked at the board. His name in white chalk taunting him as the lines were etched next to his role. The class was in an uproar of laughter, some light snickers, others were full blown hysterics as a few of his classmates gasped on the floor. Anzu had turned around from writing on the chalk board. She smirked at her friend whose head crashed into his desk in embarrassment.

Jonouchi Katsuya : Anna

Fate decided to play a few more cruel twists.

The role of Kristoff was to be played by Jou's best friend Honda who was about to complain, until his friend shot him a glare. If Jonouchi had to play Anna at least he would be more comfortable with his best friend playing his love interest…. Right? Don't they kiss at the end of the movie though?

Maybe not...

The role of Olaff was to be played by Yugi and Jonouchi chuckled a bit at that. That role almost suited him perfectly… Then something dawned on him.

"Are going to have to sing all the songs?" The blond asked, lifting his head up from his desk. Everyone turned their attention to him as if they were surprised he knew the movie had musical numbers. He blushed slightly and glanced over at Yugi who had visibly paled. Apparently he was not aware that there were songs in Frozen.

"We'll use recordings from the movie for the songs but everything else will be spoken by the actors." Anzu announced once she had thought about how Jou's voice would sound. It would be hard enough to make his speech pass for nobility much less make his voice hit high notes. A long drawn out sigh escaped Yugi's lips as he slouched in his chair a bit.

Somehow, by some miracle (or Yami magic), Bakura was chosen as the role of Elsa. This, of course, made all the girls squeal. Ryo being the pretty boy that he was. The white haired boy blushed and looked around nervously as girls started closing in on him.

"Lets see…" Anzu thought aloud. "That leaves Prince Hans as a main character…" She said writing down the name on the board. She then cleared her throat. "The role of Prince Hans will be played by…." She dug her hand into the box and shuffled around the papers a bit. She pulled her hand out and smirked devilishly and as the class went quiet to hear her announcement; she abruptly turned around and wrote it on the board instead. Once she had moved out of the way everyone gaped in shock at the name written in white.

Kaiba Seto : Prince Hans

Kaiba had, as always, been typing away on his laptop. He glanced up to the board to see his name sloppily scribbled next to a character name. He sighed lightly to himself and glared at 'Anna'. He would have protested this but he had promised Mokuba that he would participate in this year's cultural festival. It was his last one after all and seeing him play a role in the play would undoubtedly make his little brother proud of him.

Jonouchi was a bit confused, expecting the brunette to throw some money around tell everyone that being part of this crap was beneath him, but he never did. He just glared at the blonde and went back to typing. Jou looked to Yugi who just shrugged, apparently expecting something similar from the CEO.

The rest of the class was chosen to play the other roles, Trolls, Sven, Servents, and party guests. Then Jonouchi opened his big mouth again.

"What about in the beginning when the Princesses are younger?" He asked looking to Anzu for answers. Again everyone looked at him like he had grown a second head because he knew about the movie.

"You can still do it. We'll just have to announce your ages beforehand so there's no confusion." She said nodding to herself. Jonouchi grimaced, imagining himself straddling Bakura, leaning down close to his face. He blushed and glanced at the effeminate boy.

The rest of the day was spent deciding on times and days when everyone would be able to get together to practice their lines. Kaiba and Jonouchi, however, were fairly adamant about not being able to spare more than one day a week. Kaiba took it even further saying he could only spare a few hours on that one day. So, Yugi, Kaiba, Jou, Honda, and Ryo agreed to meet up once a week to practice their lines and actions together. The rest of the week they were individually in charge of memorizing their own lines on their own time. Bakura and some of the girls agreed to work on making the costumes for the play while Honda and most of the boys were assigned to the construction of the props they would need.

Class let out and Jonouchi hurried out of the school to get to his apartment and change so he could go to work. He rather liked his job as a waiter. He got excellent tips due to his extra charming personality, and his handsome looks.

A few days went by and Katsuya bit his lip nervously. He was currently standing outside of Kaiba's mansion, the place they had agreed to meet to practice their lines today. He sighed and rang the doorbell, clutching his papers with slightly shaking hands. It wasn't that he didn't know the lines. Far from it. He LOVED Frozen and actually owned a copy at home… as well as every other Disney princess movie known to man… Shizuka made him watch them all as children and when their parents divorced he had made a point to keep up with the movies like he knew his sister would. Now that her eye sight was fixed and she was studying abroad, he called her up and they planned on seeing Frozen on the same day so they could talk about it later that evening. He was excited about it and that excitement stuck with him even now.

Now that the door was opening. Okay excitement gone. Insert heart wrenching nervousness. He blinked when he didn't see anyone then looked down to see Mokuba grinning up at him. He had forgotten that the squirt lived here.

"Hey Jou, you here to practice the play too? Yugi and Bakura are already here. They're all in the study upstairs, come on." He giggled as he took the older boy's hand and led him up the stairs and through large double doors. The blond hardly had time to say hello before he was shoved into a large room with his two friends.

The large doors closed behind him and he whipped around to see that the younger Kaiba had left. He sighed and walked over to his friends greeting them with a small smile and wave.

"Hey guys, isn't Kaiba here yet? I mean it's his house…" Jonouchi asked as he sat with Yugi on a fancy looking couch. Ryo sat across from them on the other identical couch with a coffee table between them.

"He's taking a shower." Ryo said simply and took a sip from a cup of tea that was set out for them. Jonouchi blushed lightly as the image of Seto Kaiba, in all his sexy glory, naked in the shower crept into his mind.

"So have you guys seen this movie?" Katsuya tried to change the subject before the boys noticed his pink cheeks.

"No…" Yugi sighed in defeat. "All the girls in the class seem to love it though…"

"I did." Ryo smiled and took a biscuit off of one of the plates on the coffee table. "I enjoyed it." He took a bite. "What about you Jou?"

"Yeah I saw it…" He said quietly.

"That explains all the questions you asked regarding the play." Yugi chimed.

"Jou watches all the princess movies!" Honda teased as he walked in the door, not realizing that Seto was right behind him. The taller teen raised an eyebrow and closed the door behind him.

"I must say, that's surprising Mutt. I never would have pegged you for the fairytale type." He smirked and walked over to the others sitting down in a chair at the end of the coffee table. Honda sat next to Ryo with an apologetic glance towards Jonouchi.

"Yeah well what's wrong with fairytales?" Katsuya growled.

"Nothing," Seto paused. "If you're 7 years old…" He folded his arms.

Katsuya clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. I'll get to hit him at the end of the play… maybe I should just store up my anger for one big blow and totally knock him out… He thought to himself and relaxed a bit when he pictured it. In truth though he had been thinking about hitting the CEO less and less lately and thinking more about his perfect lips, his gorgeous blue eyes, and his sexy ass… Jonouchi blushed again as he realized his thoughts had derailed.

"Have you seen it Kaiba?" Yugi tentatively asked.

"Of course." Was the brunette's simple answer.

"Ha!" Jou choked out and the group looked at him curiously not understanding his outburst.

"Mokuba wanted to see it, so naturally I accompanied him." Kaiba explained.

"I still haven't seen it." Honda shrugged.

"Perhaps we should start with watching the movie then? So everyone is aware of their character's personalities and what everyone expects the performance to look like?" Bakura suggested quietly. Seto nodded in agreement, Honda shrugged again, Yugi smiled with curt nod and Jonouchi blinked.

"So you own the movie Kaiba?" He asked surprised that a fairytale would grace the non-whimsical shelves of Kaiba Seto's DVD collection.

"I believe Mokuba bought it." He nodded. Jou rolled his eyes. Seto called for the younger Kaiba and asked him to bring them the movie. Mokuba did as he was asked and then returned to whatever it was he was doing before.

"Perhaps it would be more efficient if those of us that have seen the movie were to go to another room and start practicing their lines?" Seto suggested and stood up. Jou sighed and got up as well following Kaiba to the door. Before he left, however, he turned around to see Ryo still sitting on the couch.

"Ryo, you coming?" he asked the white haired teen who smiled and shook his head.

"I've only seen this once and my other half was talking through most of it so I want to see it again to make sure I play the Queen correctly." Jonouchi nodded and left the three of them there to watch the movie.

He followed Seto to a room across the hall and blushed when he realized it was a bedroom. Seto smirked when he saw the other teen's reaction.

"Relax Puppy, it's a guest room. I wouldn't let a flea bitten mutt into my own bedroom…" Kaiba sat down on a chair in front of a wooden desk. He quirked an eyebrow at the flash of disappointment that crossed Jou's face.

"You have guests?" Jonouchi recovered quickly. "I mean your house his big enough to have all the rooms but I'm surprised Mr. Efficiency would waste space on a guest room that would never be used." He sat on the bed and tried to suppress the intense desire to lay on the softest cloud of fluff that the CEO called a bed.

"Occasionally…" Mr. Efficiency shrugged.

"So uh…" Katsuya cleared his throat. "Where should we start?" He asked looking at the notes and lines that were given to him to study.

"The beginning." The brunette stood. "When Hans first meets the Princess." Jou nodded and stood as well.

"So that would be the boat scene… when… Hans falls on top of Anna.." The blonde could feel his blush returning. Kaiba smirked and pushed Jonouchi, making him stumble and fall back onto the bed. "W-what are you doing?" Jou's blush became a deeper red.

"You just ran into my horse." Kaiba stated watching the mutt's reactions carefully. It took a moment for Katsuya to recover, when he did he cleared his throat and his blush settled to a light pink tinge.

"Hey!" He recited looking frustrated.

"I'm sorry, are you hurt?" Seto stood over the other teen looking down at him with those lovely blue eyes. Jonouchi had to pull himself out of the spell those eyes put him under.

"I-ya, No. no. I'm ok." He shook his blonde head. He could feel his face heating up again as he started to move.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going. But I'm ok." Jou smiled slightly and gulped when Seto took a step forward. "I'm great actually…" his blush became more noticeable.

"Oh thank goodness…" Seto said with a softness that was foreign to the blond. Seto reached out a hand to him. Jou took the brunette's silky smooth hand and stood. The two were only inches apart from each other when their eyes met. Jou sighed inaudibly to himself as he melted under the older Kaiba's gaze.

"Prince Hans of the Southern Isles." Kaiba bowed his head slightly not breaking the eye contact.

"Princess Anna of Arendelle." Katsuya did a small curtsey, eyes locked on the CEO's.

Kaiba took a small step forward causing Katsuya to tumble down onto the bed again. He leaned down on top of him.

"T-this is awkward." Jou stammered out a bit shakily. He was having a hard time keeping his thoughts straight and he was pretty sure he just jumped ahead a bit but it fit. "Not-not you're awkward, but just because we're- I'm awkward. You're gorgeous." He blushed, embarrassed because it was so true.

Seto Kaiba found himself slowly leaning down, yearning even, to press his lips against the ones beneath him. He licked his lips and watched as Jou did the same. The Puppy's breath hitched and broke the CEO out of the spell. He quickly stood up and held his hand out to the Mutt.

"I'd like to formally apologize for hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...and for every moment after." Kaiba had actually meant that last part. What had come over him? He made a mental note to do some extra Vulcan meditating this evening.

It took Jonouchi longer this time to recover. He stared at his classmate, eyes wide and face flushed. Adorable… Seto thought to himself as he patiently waited for the other to come back to reality.

"No. No-no. It's fine. I'm not THAT Princess. I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be- yeash! 'Cuz, you know..." He took the hand and stood again regaining his composure. Acting we're only acting. Calm down he didn't look at you like that because he wants you… he just… is an excellent actor…. Jou told himself as he flashed a small almost sheepish smile towards Kaiba.

"But lucky for you its- its just me." Jou curled a piece of hair behind his ear and bit his lip.

"Just you…" Kaiba quietly, to Jou it sounded less like a question and more like a statement. The blond sighed gently and frowned a bit then started backing up towards the door.

"I-I-I better go. I have to...I better go." He yelped as he bumped into the handle of the door. He turned and darted out the door, leaving Seto in the room.

Another A/N: I couldn't see Kaiba playing Kristoff so he's playing Hans and I'm planning on some fun with Love is an open door dance. What do you guys think of maybe a love triangle between Seto, Katsuya and Honda? still up for debate so let me know!

btw, I don't much like typing Kaiba, even though that's what I call verbally all the time, because my daughter's name is Kairi and my fingers tend to type her name instead of his lol so if I annoy you with too many 'Seto's, CEOs, or Brunettes when describing him, I'm sorry but that's why.