Chapter 1: It All Started With Birth
Characters: Phoenix, Maya, Apollo, Miles, Gumshoe, Athena
Rated: K
Warning: None

On January 21st, 1992 at approximately 9:45 pm, the world was graced with the arrival of a beautiful, baby boy. However, even at the earliest stage of his existence, the boy was already beginning to experience the hardships of this difficult life. His father, three months prior to his birth, had gone M.I.A. during a raid mission in Lebanon and his mother, though not exactly poor, wasn't that financially well off. It was a complicated birth as well; he came out with the umbilical cord tied around his neck, nearly suffocating him in the process. The doctors were able to save him, but in a matter of weeks, he was infected with the deadly E. Coli virus, which had claimed many an infant's life before. Already, his chances at survival were next to nothing. As much as the odds were against him, his tiny little body was able to fight off the virus and he came out alive without any permanent damage. He was truly a lucky baby boy, always coming back from the brink of disaster. It was these events that inspired his mother to give him this name: Phoenix Nicholas Wright.

Phoenix would live up to his name as his life took many twists and turns. From learning to get back up when he fell, to never giving up when his team was losing a game, to proving his clients innocent in court when the judge was ready to give them the guilty verdict, he would always be able to come back whenever things started to take a turn for the worst.

He had come a long way since he nearly died at birth. All the memories and relationships, whether good or bad, had shaped him into the man he was now. No matter the circumstances, he would always be able to pull through in the end…


"Cool story, Nick!" Maya chirped.

Phoenix blinked. Looking around the table, everybody was staring at him with amused expressions on their faces. Did he just monologue his whole background history…out loud?!

"Er…" Why was it so hot in here all of a sudden? Phoenix fumbled around with the knot in his tie nervously. "W-Well…Trucy recommended that I should write an autobiography someday, so I was planning it out in my head…"

"Well, Wright, it certainly does sound inspiring." Miles said with a smug grin on his face; in truth though, he was fascinated by some parts he never heard about of his best friend's life story.

"It sure is!" Athena agreed. "I bet it will be on the New York Times' best-selling list someday!"

They were inwardly laughing at him; he just knew it.

"Until then, though, will you deal the cards?" Apollo smirked as he twisted his bracelet around, confident about the next game of poker. "I need a new waistcoat."

"No way, pal!" Gumshoe blurted out. "I just got a pay cut and need more money to buy ramen!"

Phoenix sighed, relieved that the attention was directed away from him, though he did feel a little bad about Gumshoe…only a little. Once he finished shuffling and dealing out the cards, he glanced intently at his hand. Years of professional poker playing were the only thing keeping him from wincing when he saw how horrible his cards were. However, he didn't fold; he wanted to see what was going to happen. A few minutes later, the only ones in the game were Phoenix and Apollo. Though Apollo tried to put on a poker face, it was clear he was very jittery about something. Phoenix on the other hand did what he did best: bluff. Seeing how confident his mentor was unnerved every fiber of Apollo's being, more so when he saw that his mentor was raising the bet. Finally, Apollo just wasn't so sure about himself and folded. Phoenix wished he had a video camera to record everyone's reactions when he revealed his hand.

"WHAT?!" They all shouted at once.

Phoenix laughed victoriously as he proudly hauled the huge pile of chips to his side of the table.

"B-But how?!" Apollo spluttered, clearly at a loss for words. "You would have lost to mine had I not folded!"

"Didn't I tell you guys already? No matter the circumstances, I will always be able to pull through in the end."

PX: Fun Fact! The name Nicholas means "victory of the people."