17 years later

Gohan was walking through metropolis to his high school after diana and goku saw him off. He was joined by his other super friends including robin, supergirl, kid flash, miss martian, and superboy.

Supergirl glaced at gohan often which he didnt understand why. Wally was fun to be around as he always made jokes. Robin was serious like batman but knew alot about martial arts. Miss Martian was strong in mental attacks as gohan learned early on when she accidentally projected her thoughts about him in his mind which made him blush. Superboy liked to keep to himself but he was physically but he just did not know how to use it.

"Hey everyone Kara staring at Gohan again" said Wally noticing as they all walked the school parking lot since they didnt want to use their powers in public. "You too should really get a room if you know what I mean" said kid flash as supergirl looked like she would murder him and he zipped into class before anyone could say anything. Gohan being a little naive like his father didnt notice the comment and asked "Yeah kara you have been staring at me alot, is it something on my face" said Gohan. "Not at all gohan, I was just checking to see if you were feeling ok after videl exposed your identity as saiyaman to the public, I am worried about you". "Im fine kara, even if everyone knows my identity its not like they can harm me, besides my dad doesnt even have a superhero identity and he is fine".

back in diana apartment

"Well with gohan gone maybe we can pratice more of our new training style" said diana seductively. "You mean you want to train now before we meet up with the justice league" asked Goku. "Yes, but naked and in the shower" said Diana as she pull goku into the bathroom. Alot of moans filled the empty apartment at two warriors battled fiercely in the bathroom.

Still working on this chapter but wanted to get some material out as its been a while