It took me forever to think of a name for the baby so try not to laugh too hard when you read what it is. And remember, it could have been worse if I would have named her Mini Van-lol!

Chapter 15: The Baby is the Boss

Two months after Sedan's birth the new parents were loving having her in their lives. The beautiful little thing didn't have much hair yet but the little bit of fur that was on the top of her little head looked to be closer to Trixie's color. At two months though, there was no doubt in anyone's mind where Sedan got her eyes. They were her father's vivid, blue eyes over and over. The new mother was truly thrilled her daughter had inherited them because that was one thing Trixie had always loved about the man she married. Speed himself couldn't deny that he loved the resemblance in his precious, baby girl.

Sedan couldn't have prouder or more protective parents. They had always known they would love their child but they were amazed to find out just how much they had actually fallen in love with her.

During the last two month's Speed watched his wife fall all over their baby, and he was glad that Trixie was such a loving mother. It made her even more beautiful to him.

Trixie loved the look in Speed's eyes whenever he held their daughter, knowing he'd do anything for her. Also, Trixie often thought how handsome a strong man looked totally under the spell of a tiny baby.


One day during the middle of a week, Speed left the track to go home for lunch. After unlocking his front door he opened it to see his two favorite girls in the den. Trixie was sitting down comfortably in a recliner with the baby in her arms.

Walking over to them, Speed leaned down, kissed Sedan on her forehead, and then gave Trixie a soft kiss while Sedan's big, blue eyes watched him.

Smiling up at her husband, Trixie asked, "Can you hold her a minute while I change my shirt?"

"Gladly," Speed said more than willing to as he made a move to take his daughter. "Did she get you again?" he asked knowing that Sedan spit up quite often. He remembered the last time Pops held her high in the air; how it missed his mouth by an inch. Spritle and Sparky had been there and of course found that very amusing.

"Yes. She got me again," Trixie said not upset at all because the baby was her pride and joy.

After taking his baby into his arms, Speed held her close as she just looked back up at him.

"I'll be back," the new mother said as Speed shook his head that he heard.

"How's Daddy's little girl," he asked Sedan in the sweetest voice. He would have been thrilled with a boy but his little girl had him wrapped around her little finger. Speed had to smile at the thought of how happy Mom Racer was over Sedan. Though Mom would have been happy with a boy or girl it was easy to see that she was glad to have another girl in the family. She truly thought of Trixie as her daughter and now having a granddaughter just topped it off. For a second Speed sadly thought that it was a shame that Rex couldn't see his niece.

Walking into the den with a clean shirt on, Trixie saw Speed sitting on the sofa with the baby still in his arms. She smiled as she heard him talking softly to their daughter. "Daddy loves you so much," he said just before suddenly lifting his head when he felt Trixie's eyes on him. He only smiled as she walked over to them.

Sitting down on the sofa next to them, Trixie then leaned over Sedan. Touching the baby's little nose, she said, "Is Daddy talking to you again? He's crazy about you. Mommy is too."

"Yes we are," Speed said happily.

They both watched as Sedan closed her eyes.

"Do you want me to lay her in the play pen?" Speed asked always letting Trixie make the final baby decisions.

"That's fine," Trixie said standing up.

Speed then slowly stood up and walked over to the playpen, which was in the middle of the den and ever so gently laid Sedan down in it.

The new parents just stood there watching her. They each couldn't seem to get enough of just looking at their beautiful, little girl.

Trixie could see the love in Speed's eyes as he stared down at his daughter. "I should cover her up," she said as she leaned over to cover the baby and Speed just continued to admire Sedan.

Once standing straight up again, Trixie glanced at Speed just before looking at her daughter again. Sedan was the one and only girl Trixie would never mind Speed paying more attention to. In fact, she loved it. "It's hard to stop staring at her. Isn't it?" Trixie asked turning to Speed who was to her surprise, now staring at her and not the baby.

"Yes. It's very hard to stop staring," he whispered now staring directly into Trixie's eyes. He then gently pulled her closer to him.

Before Trixie could say anything, Speed had her in an embrace and was kissing her, kissing her like he had been longing to for awhile now. He had missed holding her as he tightened his arms around her. He wanted to be in their bedroom, in his wife's arms again because no one could make him feel the way she did.

Trixie felt tingles go up and down her spine as she kissed her husband back. She wondered how they had been able to keep their hands off of each other for so long. The doctor had told Trixie that because of childbirth, she and Speed had to wait awhile before they could make love to each other again.

Still holding her close, Speed moved his lips from hers and whispered by her ear, "Didn't the doctor say we can make love this weekend?"

"Yes," Trixie whispered not a bit surprised that he remembered since he was a normal man with desires.

Suddenly the doorbell rang bringing Speed and Trixie out of their daze and the baby out of her light sleep.

Gently pulling away from Speed, Trixie smiled and said, "I'll get the baby."

"Then I'll get the door," he said thinking he really needed to go into the bathroom to take a cold shower.

Trixie leaned into the playpen and gladly picked up her little bundle of joy. "You weren't quite deep enough in sleep yet. Were you my little sweetie."

"Trix," Speed said walking back into the den. "Look who's here to see the baby."

Trixie looked up from her baby's eyes to see Racer X holding a great, big, stuffed teddy bear. "Oh…thank you," she said as Speed took it from Racer X and put it on the sofa. "Sedan will love it," she said happily as she walked over to the Masked Racer.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner," Racer X said. "But I've been worried about my mask scaring the baby."

"We're just glad that you made it here," Speed said as Racer X noticed that Sedan had the famous Racer blues eyes.

He just smiled as he said, "Sedan Racer. You have some wonderful parents."

However, Sedan started to cry.

"It's the mask," Racer X said feeling badly.

"No. That's not it," Trixie said smiling back at the Masked Racer.

"Where's her pacifier?" Speed asked looking around for it.

"It's in the play pen," Trixie said turning her head towards it.

Speed dashed to the playpen and immediately picked up the pacifier. As soon as it was placed into his daughter's little mouth, she stopped crying.

Racer X watched as the two new parents took care of their child; his niece. He realized he was getting sentimental as he began to remember when Speed and Trixie first started to date and the many dangerous racers they had been in together. Now here they were, parents caring for their first child together. As they both spoke softly to Sedan, it was easy to see that the baby was definitely the boss of the family.

Trixie looked up at the Masked Racer and remembered the many times he had helped them. "Racer X," she said kindly. "Would you like to hold Sedan?"

Racer X hesitated to answer at first but then said, "I would love to."

Speed smiled as Trixie placed their daughter into the Masked Racer's arms.

Racer X smiled at her chubby cheeks, and couldn't help but hear her sucking on the pacifier and see it move as she did. "You are so cute," he whispered in a soft voice neither Speed or Trixie had ever heard from him before.

They both laughed when they realized that Sedan was smiling. They knew because her little sucking noise stopped, and so did the pacifier's movement. Racer X didn't need any more proof after the pacifier fell out of her mouth to expose her big smile.

"She likes you," Speed said as Trixie grabbed the pacifier off the floor and ran into the kitchen to wash it off.

"You and Trixie really have something special here," Racer X said still looking at Sedan.

"We are lucky," Speed said as Trixie walked back over to them.


That weekend Speed arranged for Mom Racer to keep Sedan Saturday night. Though Mom was the best, Trixie couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about leaving her baby. It wasn't that she didn't trust Mom because she knew her mother-in-law was the best person in the world she could ever leave the baby with. It was just that it would be the first time Trixie would be separated from her daughter.

Early Saturday night Speed was dressed and ready to go. He knew Trixie was having a hard time leaving Sedan, and he wondered if that was why she was taking so long to get ready.

"Trix," he said knocking on the bathroom door. "Sedan will be just fine. I promise." He hoped she wasn't crying and he didn't want to feel guilty about wanting to be alone with his wife. Luckily, Trixie had gotten most of the crying out of her system just before he got home from the track that day.

"I know she'll be fine," Trixie said opening the door just before strolling out with a radiant smile on her face.

"Wow!" Speed exclaimed looking at the emerald green dress that hugged her and stopped just above her knees. Her sparkling eyes looked even greener next to the dress. "You were definitely worth the wait."

"Why, thank you," she said surprised to see her waist herself as she looked into the full-length mirror. She had been so busy with Sedan that she barely eat. This made the little bit of extra weight she had gained fall off easily. She grinned at herself, glad that no sit-ups had been necessary.

Speed had on a black suit as he moved to stand next to her in the mirror. "Now I ask you," he said pulling on the front of his jacket. "Do we look like parents?"

"The best," she said not about to deny that she was the mother of the most beautiful, little girl in the world.

"True," Speed said. "I know you're the hottest looking mom I've ever seen."

After smiling back at her husband, she put her arm through his and said with a wink, "You're not so bad for a dad yourself."

Suddenly the baby's crying brought Trixie back into her Mom mode. "I'll get her."

Speed followed behind her and watched as she picked Sedan up from out of the playpen. He watched his wife hug Sedan and he knew their bond was so strong already, but then again so was the bond between father and daughter. He'd guard Sedan with his life without even thinking twice about it.

A few minutes later Trixie had Sedan in a carrier/car seat, ready to leave. Fifteen more minutes later, Mom Racer was happily holding her granddaughter.

"She'll be fine," Pops said looking at his little granddaughter in his wife's arms. "You two get out of here so we can spend some time with the baby."

Let's go," Speed said ready to hit the town as he took his wife's hand.

Trixie forced back the tears that wanted to fall. It had been way too long since she had been out alone with her husband.


The first place they stopped was an Italian restaurant. Luckily they didn't have to wait long since Speed had made reservations. During dinner, it felt funny to Trixie not having to get up to check the baby. She found herself at times looking for Sedan before her brain remembered that Sedan was back at Mom Racer's house.

"Are you okay?" Speed asked sensing that she looked uncomfortable.

"I'm fine," she said smiling not wanting Speed to think that she didn't want to be alone with him.

"I'll tell you what," he said in a soft voice. "After we're finished here, we'll pass my parent's house to check on Sedan. But...I want you all to myself later tonight."

"Deal," Trixie said happily. At least seeing Sedan one more time should get her through the night she thought. "You want to see her too. Don't you?"

Speed smiled taking Trixie's hand across the table. "You know I'm head over heals for her."

Dinner ended up being quite a long affair. The food was absolutely delicious and even though they were full, the waiter insisted they have dessert.

They shared a piece of cheesecake with caramel on top. When Trixie was finished she said, "I'm going to look like I'm pregnant again if I keep this up."

Speed looked at her and said very seriously, "You're more beautiful than ever."

His serious tone almost made her feel embarrassed as she smiled and said softly, "Thank you."


As promised, after dinner, Speed and Trixie stopped to see the baby.

"She's sleeping," Pops said like they were crazy as he stood by the front door.

"Let them in," Mom Racer said. "They can at least peek at her."

Sedan was sleeping peacefully in a baby bed in Speed's old room.

Speed and Trixie stared at their little angel sleeping and then decided they should leave before Pops gave them a lecture on how he had helped Mom Racer take care of three babies before so he could handle Sedan.

Once they were through the front door, Pops shut it almost immediately.

"I think we insulted Pops," Trixie said not really worried.

Speed put his arm around her shoulders and hers went around his waist as he said, "You know how he is. Sometime's he's just not happy unless he's griping about something."

Trixie laughed lightly knowing it was true, but also knowing that Sedan was left in very capable hands.

"So where are we going now?" she asked as Speed opened the car door for her to get in.

After they were both in the Mach 5, he said, "I was thinking about some romantic, slow dancing." He knew Trixie had always loved that.

"Oh," she said sounding somewhat disappointed.

Speed didn't even put the key into the ignition as he looked at her and said surprised, "Where do you want to go?"

Trixie reached out and put her hand on Speed's face as she leaned in closer to him. She just barely brushed his lips with a kiss when she moved to whisper into his ear, "I want to go home…to be alone with you."

Speed felt his whole body ache for her instantly, and he couldn't help but to start kissing her right there in front of his parent's house. They both continued to kiss and then ignored the sound of the front door opening. However, Pop's voice made them stop. "Hey you two! I do have neighbor's you know! Go home! And when you get home. Don't make me another grandchild just yet. I want more time with just Sedan." The front door was then slammed shut.

Trixie slipped back into her seat and looked at Speed as she said, "I feel like I'm a teenager again."

"Tell me about it," Speed said starting the car. "If the neighbors didn't know we were out here before, they sure do now."


Once in their dark house because all the lights were off, Speed threw his keys down on the little table by the front door. Immediately he pulled Trixie into his arms and up against him. In a very seductive voice he told her he loved her.

She told him she loved him too as she began pushing his jacket off of his shoulders.

He was very pleased that she obviously wanted him as much as he wanted her so he let his jacket slip off of him and on to the floor as they made their way to the sofa. He began to push her down on to the sofa till he heard her cry in protest to stop. "What? What is it?" he asked now wishing it wasn't so dark.

After letting out a small giggle, she said, "You're pushing me on to this big, huge bear that Racer X brought."

Speed began to laugh lightly as he pulled her back up and into his arms. "The bear can have the sofa," Speed said as he started to move them towards their bedroom.

Within minutes this married couple found themselves under the sheets and in each other's arms. It was as if they were trying to make up for lost time in one night. The night had turned out more than worth the wait for each of them. It also ended up being the first night in weeks that they were able to sleep without being woken up at least once by Sedan.


The next morning Trixie and Speed woke up snuggled together in their bed. They kissed and whispered sweet things to each other just before Trixie said, "I should go get Sedan."

"Mom's bringing her here in a little while. Remember?" Speed asked not letting his wife go.

Trixie suddenly remembered Mom Racer saying that when they had stopped to check on Sedan the night before. Giving Speed a soft kiss, Trixie then got out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. She quickly brushed her hair and teeth and then ran back into the bedroom.

Speed was still lying in bed. He was smiling at the sight of their clothes scattered all over the floor from the incredible night before. He then watched as Trixie quickly put on a pair of jeans and a Go Team T-shirt.

"I didn't get the mail yesterday so I should get it now," she said just before dashing through the bedroom door.

Speed smiled knowing that she was really going to see if his Mom Racer's mini van was coming down the street.

Trixie opened the front door not seeing the mini van anywhere. She wondered for a second why the mailbox was open, then she grabbed the mail that was sticking out of it. She hoped that the wind didn't take any of it away.

She didn't know that in fact, the wind had taken a letter from her mailbox that had no return address on it. It had blown down the street a couple of blocks and into a puddle, ruining it. She didn't know that the letter said:

Dear Trixie,

I can't tell you where I am in fear that the police may come after me. Don't worry. You won't see or hear from me again. I have seen on TV that you and Speed have a little girl. I just wanted to congratulate you and tell you how sincerely sorry I am for what I have done.


Before Trixie walked into the house with her mail, she heard a car coming down the street. Sure enough it was Mom Racer in her mini van. "Speed!" Trixie called out happily. She quickly tossed the mail on to the little table by the front door by Speed's keys from the night before.

Within seconds Speed was by the door and it was very noticeable that he too couldn't wait to see Sedan.

They were all together and safe now. Nothing and no one could break up the love between this Strong Family.


Author's Note: Did you enjoy it? I know this story is old, but please feel free to leave a review anytime.

Thanks for reading, Jen