Due to recent discoveries, I have found that I don't quite like the set up for this fic. However, I do very much love the end result I have planned for this story; so, I have decided to revamp it. It will be different from the story you guys are used to but hopefully it will be better. I forgot to mention this in the previous version, but this fic is based off of the song Underneath by JoJo. Like always, enjoy!

~ItaSaku~ Underneath (Revamped) ch.1

Normal POV

Sakura sighed as she looked out of the passenger window of her lover's car. He drove expertly through the traffic, not once awaking the slumbering one year old strapped safely in a car seat in the back seat, though that could be because he was going a lot slower than the speed limit. She knew exactly why though. They were heading to the worst place in his opinion- his parents' house.

Sure it might not sound so bad, but from what he told her, they were suffocating him. Throughout high school, he was expected to excel at everything. In his father's eyes, that meant he was supposed to be beyond gifted. He was expected to be the star player on whatever sport he was doing throughout the year and still manage to contain the title as a genius in all of his classes. He was supposed to inherit the family's multi-billionaire investments that involve running the city's police department and a major company that manufactures weapons for military and police use.

When he told her that story, it was no surprise to her that he left the day he graduated at the young age of fifteen. He skipped town and ended up working for the small police department in her hometown, nearly ten hours away, where she meet him. At the time, she was still excelling through the medical ranks in the local hospital when he was brought in to her office after staying in the town for four years. He was chasing down a perp when he was shot in the arm. It wasn't too serious, but it still needed to be treated. While he was under her care, she started to feel something for him that she hadn't felt in forever. To her utter shock, he returned her feelings.

They stayed in touch after he was discharged and actually grew a strong friendship. After about a year, he had asked her out. They dated for a while and he started to tell her things about his past that she never would have thought would have happened to him. As he opened up to her, she thought it was only fair that she opened up to him. So, she told him about her father being a workaholic ever since her mother overdosed then disappeared after being rushed to the hospital when she was ten. She even told him about her older brother, Satoshi, whom she hasn't seen since she was five.

Once they had everything out in the open, they felt as if it was necessary to be each other's knight in shining armor. After three years of dating, he proposed to her and she happily accepted. Now, being married for almost two years, they settled down in a very nice neighborhood in a nice sized house. Almost a year into their marriage, Sakura gave birth to their first born, a little dark haired green eyed boy by the name of Daisuke. To add to this happiness, Sakura is now a month and a half pregnant with their second born.

She is the number one doctor in the country and he is the number one police chief in the country making money less of a stress factor in their relationship. So it was no surprised when he received and email from his father saying that he was ready for him to take over the company after the man heard of his success. What did surprise her is that, he had no idea that he was married. When he informed his father about his current relationship status and of his children- born and unborn- his father demanded that they meet his family. Now, here they are, two minutes away from his parents' house.

"Sakura, are you alright?" She was snapped out of her thoughts by her lover's deep soothing voice. She turned to him looking in his deep beautiful onyx eyes that held all the love in the world for her. She smiled brightly at him.

"I'm fine, Itachi. I'd just be better when we can get out of this car. Plus, Daisuke needs to eat and then get ready for bed before eight. You know the horrible mood he will be in if he misses his nighttime cartoons." He chuckled a little relaxing after being so tensed about their pending meeting with his parents. Seeing him loosening up made her smile even more.

"It has been a long ten hour trip, hasn't it?" They laughed silently together trying not to wake the slumbering child until a large metal gate came into view. It seemed all of Itachi's stress crashed down on to him at once.

He whipped the car into the drive and stopped at the security checkpoint. Sakura was trying hard to hide her surprise. Itachi had told her that his parents were rich, but she hadn't expected them to have a security point in their driveway!

Itachi rolled his window down allowing the officer to see his face. When the officer recognized him, he quickly buzzed them through. Itachi quickly rolled through the long drive to the mansion in front of them. Sensing the car stop, the young toddler opened his dark green eyes and let out a slight sound of disapproval of being awoken. Sakura turned in her seat slightly and gave the child a warm smile soothing him slightly to close his eyes once again and quickly fall asleep. When Itachi parked out front, he got out and opened Sakura's door. He is a gentleman after all. Once Sakura got out, Itachi opened the back door and unbuckled the still slumbering toddler and gently took him out of his car seat. Balancing him on his hip, Itachi adjusted the young child to hold him with his right arm until Daisuke was able to lay his head comfortably in the crook of his neck leaving his left hand free.

"Itachi, you never told me your family was-"

"Filthy rich?" He finished giving her a small smile. She smiled brightly as he closed the back door. They would get their bags later.

As Sakura stood there in front of the stairs that went up to the door, she began to feel self-conscious. Absentmindedly, she began to smooth out her long lime green dress that matched her eyes perfectly. The diamonds that lay just below her hem line sparkled. If her dress didn't drape over her feet, you would be able to see her flats sparkle as well. Biting her lower lip, she glanced over at Daisuke making sure that the toddler's tuxedo was still in pristine condition. As always, it still was considering the boy was much to neat for his age and cared for too much about what he looked like then he was supposed to.

"Don't be nervous." Itachi soothed placing his free hand on the small of her back. He was wearing a nice causal suit that was nearly identical to the toddler's.

"Who said anything about being nervous?" She mumbled. Itachi gave her a reassuring look before gently pushing her to the front door. Her heart beat started to pound against her rib cage.

'Just breath. Stay calm. There's nothing to worry about.' She told herself, but there was plenty to worry about when it came to Itachi's parents. How can you argue that when he's said it himself multiple times?

Chuckling slightly at his wife, Itachi outstretched a hand to ring the door bell. Before his hand even made it half the distance, a butler quickly opened the door for them stepping aside immediately.

"It's good to have you back, Master Itachi." The butler bowed respectfully and waited for them to enter still bent over in a bow. At the sound of the stranger's voice, Daisuke opened his eyes sleepily and immediately clutched tighter to his father's suite jacket in fear of the strange man before him. Itachi tightened his grip on his son to comfort the frightened boy while nodding in recognition then pushed a stunned Sakura through the front door. How can you blame them? This whole place was strange to both of them.

As they stepped into the spacious living room, they were greeted by a man and a woman standing in very fine made clothing. The woman, which looked no older than thirty, had Itachi's long black hair and mesmerizing eyes. Her black and red kimono clung to her showing off her very nice body. A warm smile was on her glossy lips.

The man, on the other hand, gave the perfect poker face. He wore a suite like his son and grandson. His short black hair framed his facial features. Sakura's best guess would be that he was very handsome in his youth, but through the frown marks on his face, almost identical to Itachi's, she could tell that he didn't smile all that much.

"Welcome home sweetheart!" The woman shrieked before her gleeful eyes turned to the startled toddler clinging to Itachi for dear life while staring wide eyed at the woman before him. Mikoto's smile only brightened at the sight of the toddler. "And you brought me a grandbaby!" Mikoto bounded towards the toddle ignoring any and all other people in the room only focusing on the adorable dark haired boy cradled in her son's arms.

"Thank you mother, it's good to be back." Itachi spoke up looking at his mother with a soft expression. He bounced his son slightly to lessen the tension in his little body before continuing. "This is Daisuke Uchiha." Mikoto didn't spare her son a glance to show that she even heard him opting to keep her eyes glued to the grandchild she's craved for.

"Hello little Daisuke, I'm your grandmother." She cooed. Daisuke blinked fearfully at her and turned his head away and buried his face in his father's neck fearfully.

"She scwary." He mumbled. Itachi sighed and Mikoto merely squealed in delight completely ignoring the words he spoke.

"He's adorable! His cute little baby voice is absolutely precious!" Mikoto shouted very close to jumping up and down like a giddy school girl. Itachi sighed and Sakura let out a giggle to his left amused by the whole exchange between ecstatic grandmother and terrified grandson. In an attempt to save his son from more fear, Itachi turned to his father and inclined his head slightly in greeting.

"Father, I am honored to be welcomed back into your home." The man grunted and they firmly shook hands. Daisuke chanced a glance up to the other man but immediately shoved his face back into his father's neck at the stern no-nonsense expression on the man's face.

"Well, I didn't think you were going to be here so soon, aniki." Everyone's attention- except for Daisuke who didn't want to chance another scary stranger making eye contact with him- was brought to the boy standing beside the staircase. His black spiked hair and his casual suit made him blend in perfectly with the other three men and toddler wearing suites.

"Sasuke, it's good to see you." The two males shook hands briefly before Itachi handed his terrified son to his beloved. The young toddler immediately clung to Sakura's neck and some of the tension left his little body as she silently rubbed small soothing circles into his back. Itachi snaked his hand around Sakura's back and gently rested it on her hip. "Now, I would like to introduce you all to my family properly. This is my wife, Sakura Uchiha. The toddler is my son, Daisuke Uchiha." He could sense her struggling to stay calm and not outright panic, so he gently squeezed her hip comfortingly. Taking comfort in his actions, she smiled brightly at her lover's family.

"Hello." She sweetly greeted. Before she could blink, Itachi's mother was in front of her pulling her into a gentle hug as not to crush the toddler in her arms. For some reason, Sakura felt awkward returning her hug.

Of course she's been hugged many times before, but this was different. This was a hug a mother gave to her child. A hug she's never had. Even though she's given Daisuke many motherly hugs before, she's never been the one on the receiving end of it. When the woman pulled back, Sakura tried her best to hide her awkwardness which wasn't hard since Mikoto's attention was momentarily captured by the toddler glaring at her (or at least attempting to). On his cute baby face it really just looked like he was squinting his eyes from bright lights which made Mikoto squeal like a school girl.

"It's wonderful to finally be able to meet my son's wife." Mikoto finally spoke once she was able to tear her gaze from her grandson and giving her daughter-in-law her full attention. She turned her gaze to Itachi and winked. "And to find that she's very beautiful." She turned back to Sakura, her bright smile still glued onto her face. "So, how far along are you with my next grandbaby?" Sakura tensed immediately at the sudden question. What exactly did Itachi say to his family? Sasuke laughed coming next to his mother sensing his new sister-in-law's uneasy aura.

"I'm surprised that my aniki was able to snatch such a beautiful woman. I wonder how many guys he had to fight off just to talk to you." Sakura blushed at the compliment thinking back to the bullet wound that her lover received that resulted in them meeting in the first place. How many people did he fight?

"I'm sure it wasn't that many, although, I did meet him in the hospital in my hometown." She answered politely trying a weak smile. Daisuke shifted in her arms attempting to pull back to look at her face. Sakura adjusted him a little and moved him to her right hip so he could see her face and everyone else.

"Mommy?" The little boy asked. Sakura turned her attention to him for a second before it was taken away by the deep harsh tone of Fugaku.

"How long have you known my son?" The bluntly and completely random stated question made her pause for a moment. Sensing his mother's unease, the toddler turned his gaze to the man staring his mother down. Swallowing his fear down, Daisuke imitated his father's scariest glare at the man. He may be afraid of him, but no one messed with his mommy!

"About seven years, sir." She politely answered. His features dropped the slightest bit in a hard scowl before he grunted. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the little boy on her hip squinting his eyes at him with a downturn of his lips. Inwardly, he agreed with his wife about the adorableness of the little boy before returning back to his interrogation to his supposed daughter-in-law.

"What do you do for a living?" He barked out as if he was talking to a random homeless man on the side of street- zero respect and total disgust. However, you would never have been able to tell based on the utterly motionless tone of his voice. Sakura blinked back her frustration at this rude man before answering politely as possible. Meanwhile, Daisuke faltered slightly in his glare but then he puffed out his little chest and glared even harder. In the little boy's mind he was wondering how the man wasn't reduced to a pile of fear and sweat like people do when his father glared at them. Was he not doing it right? Maybe if he glared harder?

"I'm the head doctor of the hospital I met Itachi at." He grunted in boredom placing his hands in the pockets of his suite.

"Then I know you didn't marry my son for his money like a common whore would." Sakura's lips tightened as she glared dangerously at him. At this point, she didn't care if he was the ruler of the Earth, she was going to beat the hell out of him. As if reading her mind, Daisuke wiggled his way out of his mother's grasp and ran the short distance to the scary man. Everyone's startled eyes were on the toddler as he stood to his full height which was rather tall for a boy his age as he glared up at the man.

"Leave mommy alone!" He bellowed before shoving at Fugaku's leg which only resulted in the little boy ending up on his behind on the floor blinking in confusion at how the man didn't tumble down to the ground like the other people did in the super hero movies he watched. Did he not do it right?

"Daisuke." Itachi firmly stared down at into his son's confused dark green eyes that would have been identical to his wife's if they were a few shades lighter. "What did I tell you about violent behavior?" The little boy started to hang his before a shine of determination coated his eyes as he looked up at his father.

"The scwary man was mean to mommy!" He declared turning his head to glare at the man before who stared down at him impassively.


"You're right." Fugaku cut off his son's scolding. He knelt down in front of the glaring toddler before him and stared at him in the eye. " I was being mean to your mother, was I? Is that why you decided to attack me?"

"Yea!" The toddler yelled still glaring at the man before him.

"Then tell me, who taught you to react in that manner? Was it your mother?"

"Father." Itachi's sharp voice caught through the air. Fugaku lifted his eyes from the confused green eyes of Daisuke to meet his eldest son's. By now, everyone's attention was on the silent feud going on between father and son.

Not wanting a fight to break out, Sakura placed a hand on Itachi's chest silently reminding him that he has to behave on this trip. He sighed snaking an arm around her waist once again and forcing himself to place his poker face back on his face. After Sakura was sure, Itachi was calm enough, she reached down and picked Daisuke off of the ground and held her tightly in her arms.

"Fugaku." Mikoto cooed softly at her husband shifting so she was standing right next to his ear.

She whispered something to him that made his hard exterior slip as fear took over him before he quickly placed his mask back on. Seemingly satisfied as she saw most of her hard headed husband's disapproval leave his face, Mikoto turned to her daughter-in-law and grandson who was still glaring at her husband with an apologetic smile on her face.

"I am very sorry about my husband. He can get a little over excited sometimes." Sakura nodded in understanding relaxing, but when the little boy continues to glare at her husband, Mikoto came up with a brilliant plan to make her grandson love her. "Will a plate of dango make you forgive my husband and spend some time with me tomorrow, Daisuke?" The little boy's face lit up at the word dango and he vigorously nodded. 'An undying love for dango just like his father's' Mikoto thought happily as she turned her gaze to Sakura and winked. Sakura blushed once more realizing what the woman was implying in the wink. Itachi wasn't exaggerating when he said his mother only thought about was grandchildren and more grandchildren? She shook her head slightly and turned her gaze to Fugaku.

"To answer your earlier statement, no, I did not marry your son for his money. I married him simply because I love everything about him. I love his flaws and I love his perks. I love your son from the bottom of my heart to the highest point in heaven. Compared to the love I have for him, money is as meaningful to me as the words that come out of your mouth." She finished with a deceivingly sweet smile on her face. The man standing before her stood in silent shock. Shock about the words this girl said to him- the richest man in Japan. Doesn't this fool know he can make his son dump her like a sack of bricks if he willed it? Then again, the words his wife whispered to him came to his mind and he nearly shuddered. Even he knew better to not get in the way of Mikoto and her undying quest for grandchildren.

"Dinner is served." The butler announced coming into the intense room. Mikoto smiled brightly at him before turning to her family.

"Well, let's go eat before everything gets cold." She chirped leading the way into the dining room.

Everyone followed close behind her except for Fugaku who lingered back for the slightest bit. He reached into his pants pocket and whipped out his cell phone before dialing a number quickly. After a few rings, a tired voice answered.

"What do you want uncle?" His nephews voice moaned through the phone. Fugaku grunted before getting to the reason why he made this urgent call.

"Shido, I need you to dig up whatever you can find on a Sakura Uchiha." Though he knew not to get in the way of Mikoto and her quest for grandchildren, that didn't mean that he didn't need to run a background check to make sure he was allowing a decent woman into his family and not some gold-digger.

Well, here it is folks, the revamped version of Underneath. Don't forget to review, favorite, and follow. Tell me what you guys think of the new version compared to the old version. Thank you for reading!