A new story from me and I hope you guys out there will enjoy it...and don't forget to review, Okay!

Disclaimer, KnB not mine...

I noticed him back there. His teal hair was wet with sweat and sticking to his forehead stubbornly. A soft and hard breathing were the only sound that can be heard inside this gym.

I saw him practising, alone in this wide space of this quiet gym.

His swift movement on the polished floor sometimes stuck as his own feet stepped on the wrong side of his own rhythm that makes him grunted silently in frustration.

I see...

He was working hard on his own. He wanted to be recognized by others and by that he didn't stopped practising. Although he was on his own, alone in this gym which was the farthest from the main gym, he never bothered with the silent music around him...

It was because he was creating his own music right now...

The sound of his shoes against the floor, the sound of the orange ball as it hit repeatedly on the ground and the smooth, light and airy sound as the ball went inside the hoop silently.

Right now, the only music that I listen to everyday, other than enjoying listening to the silent in the air, was his music.

There was a hard and soft sound as he moved forward, alone in the empty court. There are a few even and uneven sound of the ball repeatedly hit the smooth flooring on his feet and a silent groan and frustrating cries that gripped my heart painfully. It was alive, his music are.

After that, he ended it with a loud breathing of satisfaction, panting for more air and wiped his own forehead that was heavy with warm sweat.

A soft smiled adorned his gentle face as he felt happy although he did a lot of mistake, still, his face showed that he enjoyed it so much.

I've always watching him, looking over him every day since the first time I've met him, the first day of my middle school life.

It was blurry for the first time. I didn't notice him that easily since he was far from me and after that, I saw him easily, as if he was the only person here.

I've always thought whether I have problem with my own mentality and I even doubted myself, 'am I a mental person who always stalked him?'

But then, I heard one of my classmate says with their friends, it's one of the symptom of liking someone and I sighed in relief...I'm not crazy after all and it seems I'm not even aware of my own feelings towards him.

I laughed silently, laughing and crying at the same time. I was a bit emotional at that time and I ran. I was running and searching for him, but still, I can't find him.

It seems that my feeling just better be kept hidden, and it worked. I saw him again but he wasn't alone. He had found a new friend I see...

He was tall, dark-skinned with navy blue hair and he had a dazzling smile as they practiced together. He called him Aomine-kun.

Although he was smaller and shorter than Aomine, he never gives up and tried to pass him. Every day, they played together, until that day when he suddenly stopped coming to this gym. Aomine was the only one here.

I was worried about him, but then he showed up and still wearing his school uniform. He was shaking his head, saying that he was not cut for this sport but Aomine reprimanded him, saying that his efforts aren't useless, and for once I'm grateful for Aomine sudden advice.

He continued to practice and encountered with a lot of people that has the same goal as him.

Playing basketball and aim for the highest peak.

He did and I cheered for him from far away since he never noticed me anyway.

But suddenly, something change...

There was a day when I was surprised greatly on how somber and dull his styles of play are. His music was a murky melody, it was sad, lonely and full with hatred.

It was dead, his music, none of it alive.

He was playing alone, in the wide space of the empty court. His movement are heavy and forced, as if he was controlled by something that he hate.

He was grieving silently inside...and I was crying, watching him alone in his own world. He hated something that he love the most and it hurt him greatly.

He ended his agony by quitting the game that he loved and that was the last time I see him...


After a year, I accidentally saw him again at the Winter Cup preliminaries game.

I saw him again and I heard it again, his music...

It was the same one I heard during middle school and it was even better than before. It was warm, energetic, and full with determination. My tears fallen again but this time, it was because of happiness.

He had found someone who can support him firmly.

But, I laughed silently because of my own naive-ness. I understand it now; it was his team that changed him completely.

They are the one that helped him composed his own music and they are the ones that helped him to love back the sport that he loves before.

I was happy for him and I wanted to say something to him but, then again, he never noticed me.

I can only say it from far away while watching him.

"Please, someday, notice me...Kuroko Tetsuya..."

Will you, someday, notice me...Kuroko Tetsuya...