The room was painfully filled with cries and pled as the heavy scent laid on the 7 year old boy, Lax who laid perfectly still on the bed. Tears ran down his beaten cheeks as he wince when the older man got up from on top of him then gave Lax's bottom a slap.

"Wouldn't have beaten ya if you did what I said, boy." Lax bit his bottom lip roughly tasting his own body as he couldn't felt his lower regions.

The older man walked to the dresser of the room and looked at the mirror, taking the mask off her threw it on the floor and grabbed a crumbled cigarette carton from the dresser. Turning around and placing both elbows on the dresser he lit a cigarette.

The older man rubbed his stomach as he walked to the bed grabbing his boxers from the floor.

"Get cleaned up before ya momma get's here."

I looked up from my book and looked next to me; there was Lax's who was crying in his sleep.

"Lax. Shhhh. It's ok." I told him softly placing the book on the bed and going on my knees.

"Shhh.."I whispered as he cried. I felt relief when he open his eyes showing me his dark nut-brown eyes.

"Are you okay?" I ask moving my hands from his face to his chest rubbing it clockwise.

"Yeah. Just a nightmare." He told me as I brought my hand to his face wiping the tears from his cheek.

"You're safe." I mumbled under my breath, I stared at his fingers as they skim over his chocolate skin. I actually got a good look of his face. His nose was a bit large, I could see the pores in his face, his bottom lip was pouty. A scar ran down in the middle of his right eyebrow. I brought my eyes to his, they were will so much pain so much fear.

Not knowing what to do I laid down by him, my back to him. Placing my head on his arm. Rubbing his hand as I stared at the dark pink floral wallpaper on the wall after a few minutes I felt him shift and put his arm around my waist. His nose muzzled into my neck and sighed. This surprised me Lax has never touch me this way before, yes I have my placed my head on his shoulder and laying next to him but he has never put his arm around me. I battled with myself whether or not it was a good or bad thing but I like how he held me. It was something I had never experienced with a guy before. It was strangely made me feel safe.

"Who's that?"

Lax looked over his shoulder and saw Sister May walking with a girl next her. She was this tall lean girl, her hair ran down her shoulder. Lax found him self staring at the pale blue eyed girl. Her eyes roamed around the room. Her arms were crossed her chest. Her bottom lip were caught within her teeth.

"Purtty littl' thang." Lax turned around to face the people he hang out. He looked at Joe. Joe was committed to the asylum of schizophrenia. The old man ran his hand through his white hair. Lax looked down at his cards in his hand. In the corner of his eye he saw her sit down by herself at the still of the window. The gown raised up showing her long legs while she cross them over.

He bit his tongue as Joe continue to say dirty comments about her.

"Mr and Mrs. Grimes I can assure you Catherine would be taken care off." Sister May said looking at them across her mahagony desk her hands were folded a front of her as she stared at Rick and Lori with a smile.

"Now all I need is you to tell me what happen?" She asked taking her pen and opening her notebook.

Lori looked at Rick who was staring at his hands which rested on his lap. The look on his face was pure blank. Lori sighed and looked at the sister.

"She has told us that a good friend of the family had tried to rape multiple time. She has injury our friend and had sent him to the hospital. We talked to him and he has told us it was lie. She has this obsession that he has tried to rape. "

"Obession?" Sister May asked intrigued

"Yes!" Lori exclaimed rubbing her arms as she stared at the nun.

"We don't know what to do? We tried therapy but nothing has worked, my husband and I believe she has gone mad with the idea of our friend, Shane trying to rape her. We both know Shane since we were teenager in highschool, he wouldn't hurt a fly." Said Lori to the woman.

Sorry this chapter is short, next time it will be longer. Dont forget to review.