I don't own Gilmore girls.

A/N This will be a Max/Rory story Yes I know some people may find that odd but if you don't like don't read. I want to try something new and take the girls too an area we haven't seen them.

Rory Gilmore was walking down the cold Boston sidewalk, her hands wrapped around a steaming cup of coffee. She was fixated on her next article for the Boston Globe she'd gotten the job straight off the campaign trail and was doing her best too prove she deserved it. She was so fixated on the article that she almost ran into someone. She felt herself being steadied, she looked up and could barely keep herself from gasping. She was looking straight into the eyes of someone she never thought she'd see again.

"Mr. Medina," she straightened herself clutching her coffee tightly to her chest as if it was her only life line."

"I think we're a little past last names Miss. Gilmore." He teased

"Maybe so." Her lips quirked into a smile. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you."

"No harm done." He waved away her concern, "but you did look very involved in what every thought held your attention."

"My next article," she took a sip of her coffee and wondered if it would be rude to make her excuses and run. It was awkward to be standing on a Boston street with a man who once almost married her mother and on top of that was her high school English professor.

"So you made it?"


"You're a journalist I know that was your aspiration in high school."

"Yeah I guess it was." She smiled thinking of her naive high school self.

"Is that what brings you to Boston?"

"I work for the Globe." She said her hands tightening around the fast cooling coffee.

"I'm proud of you Rory."

"Thanks" she felt so self-conscious standing front of him. He was doing all the talking and she felt like a mute. She cleared her throat. "So what brings you to Boston?"

"Oh." He seemed taken aback by her question. "I am a professor at Harvard now, did you end up going there?"

"No," she shook her head. "I ended up at Yale, I guess I just couldn't get away from the Gilmore legacy."

"Oh no I guess I'll have to walk away now can't be seen talking to the enemy I might be stoned." He pretended to take a step away from her and she couldn't help but chuckle. The wind was starting to bite through her coat.

"I guess I shouldn't hold you up. It was good to see you Rory."

"You too Max." his name felt so weird falling from her lips." He smiled it seemed like he wanted to say more but didn't dare so she took the initiative. "Goodbye Max."

"Goodbye Rory." He started to hold his hand out but at the last second dropped it to his side, they nodded to each other as they once again went in opposite directions on with their lives. Rory assumed she'd never see the man again and Max assumed it was a freak accident that he ran into the woman that had once almost been his step daughter.

Rory was walking towards her apartment tossing her empty coffee cup out she sighed and thought back over the stilted awkward conversation she'd just had. It was crazy but at the same time she felt something stirring something she couldn't or didn't want to acknowledge.

Her phone started to ring and looking down at the display screen she answered it with a tiny bit of trepidation.

"Gilmore's house of horrors for the skulls press one for the clowns press two for the spiders' press three."

"Oh my witty daughter how good to hear from you."

"Hi mom how are you." It felt good to hear from her mother. It seemed they kept missing each other. Rory was wrapped up in work and Lorelai was wrapped up in Luke and the Dragon fly.

"I was fine until my mother roped me into another of her charity events."

Rory cringed. "What is it this time?" she walked into her building and hit the elevator button.

"I don't know antique cars, antique books, antique something or other."

"You weren't listening were you?"

"Do I ever?"

"Fair enough." Rory got off the elevator and walked towards her apartment. Opening the door she relived herself of her bag and coat and spread herself over her couch.

"So what are you doing?"

"Just got home have to start a new article tomorrow ran into Mr. Medina." Rory tried to slip it into the conversation hoping maybe her mother wouldn't notice.

"Whoa there chicka did you just say you ran into Mr. Medina. My Mr. Medina."

"I guess you could call him that." Rory shrugged but felt her stomach sore at the thought. "Wouldn't let Luke hear you call him that though."

"Oh hilarious you know what I mean, what's he doing in Boston?"

"Teaching at Harvard he said."

"That's nice."

"I didn't talk to him much it was awkward."

"I'm sure it was and I'd love to talk about this more but Luke just got home and I have to go and see what he's feeding me for dinner last night he tried to sneak a salad in."

"Oh no the horror." Rory chuckled I'll talk to you later love you mom."

"Love you to babe."

Rory put her phone down and looked into space she let her mind wonder back through the years. Too a time she was sixteen a time when life was simpler and it was just her and her mother. No men to complicate their lives. No heart break but then it had been Dean and Mr. Medina and the girls had fought and yelled and broken apart just a little. She remembered when her mother had ran away from her wedding Her feelings of confusion having to go back to that school and then it was Jess and Luke Dean again and Logan. There hadn't been anyone since Logan and Her mom was back with Luke. And as she sat in her Boston Apartment she wondered where her life was going to take her. Would her life play out here in Boston or would she be lead somewhere else? Was she meant to marry was she meant to be a mother. These were all secrets her future held and as she started her computer to write her article for some reason one face flashed in front of her face. A man she'd never expected to see again. Max… Mr. Medina and she didn't know what to think about that.

A/N2. If you've made it this far thank you and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter their will be more too come.