Chapter 10: In which old faces are revisited.

Many thanks to all the faves/followers :)


Elena had grown tired quickly laying in the ceiling above L and Light's bed. She couldn't move until they were gone or the suspect fell asleep…

She sighed, frowning at the uncomfortable state she was in. Her mask was making her feel hot as well, but she couldn't remove it in the dusty crevice.

Finally, after twenty minutes or so, Watari's voice sounded in her ear: "Alright, Elena. It's time to come back."

The seven-year old touched a finger to the audio device in her ear and began crawling back the way she came. Luckily, she was wearing jeans and a T-shirt (as well as gloves) instead of the same button-down dress and scarf she'd worn almost every day (even just an hour before) for the sake of being a ghost.

Eventually Elena reached an open area that she could poke her head down into. "Watari?" There was a view of the small room where he was usually stationed.

"Coming, dear." His voice sounded from both nearby and in her ear.

Elena smiled as the elderly man appeared with a ladder to help her down.

"Very good work." He praised the small child gently.

"Can I take a nap?" She asked as Watari hoisted her from the top steps of the ladder and onto the floor.

"First thing's first, let's get you cleaned up." Watari handed the child a towel as she removed her mask and gloves.

Elena was quite disheveled, covered from head to toe in dust. The image was reminiscent of when Watari had brought L into his orphanage when he was the same age, the only exception being that Elena's clothes were much more fitted than what her father had been swimming in.

Quillish Wammy chuckled at the memory while leading Elena to her awaiting change of clothes.

Sometime later, before noon, Elena awoke again feeling refreshed, and decided to peek in on her father's caretaker.

Watari was on the other side of the room, facing away from her as he prepared tea and cake.

She wandered up to his station and stood before the several monitors that Watari viewed regularly. There were two with her father and Light Yagami; both of them were back in the main investigation room.

Elena laughed at what she saw, causing Quillish Wammy to start at the sudden noise; he hadn't heard her enter the room.

"Just don't touch anything, Elena."

"I won't." She grinned at the screens.

L was sitting backwards in a computer chair, still in his usual position. He was pushing against the desk to spin himself 180 degrees in one direction, then catching the desk again before pulling himself back to spin in the opposite direction. The handcuffs were preventing him from completing full circles.

"Ryuzaki…" Light suddenly spoke up. "I know you're not into this, but come over here for a second."

L wheeled over to the teen and practically perched himself on top of the arms of both their chairs so he could look with Light (above him instead of next to him).

Elena wondered how he was keeping his balance so well…

"—and look at this sudden growth." Light pointed to the screen. "Take a look at this. Look at the change here…"

"Y-Yagami-kun…" L seemed pleasantly surprised.

"How about now? You ready to get to work?" Light smiled up at the detective leaning on his shoulder.

Elena blinked, tilting her head to the side in curiosity. What had happened?

She seated herself in Watari's chair and began kicking her legs in anticipation.

/11:21 AM/

With one foot planted firmly on the arm of Light's chair, the other on my seat, and one hand grasping the teen's shoulder, I prod at my bottom lip in thought.

Light Yagami has gathered some very interesting information, indeed…

"If this is connected to Kira, then punishing criminals may not be the true goal of this Kira…" I lower my hand, inspecting business growth charts and specific death dates as Light agrees that judging criminals may be camouflage for more monetarily-based goals.

…Kira going corporate? Sounds foolish… but…

I remind Light of a previous hypothesis of his; that if Kira were an adult, they would probably use such power for their own benefit… Though it would most likely then mean that this Kira is separate from the first and second Kiras that existed together… Nevertheless… "Very impressive research, Yagami-kun."

Light informs me that by using new computer technology, he was able to notice three suspicious heart attacks… consequently researched the companies each man belonged to, and saw that a specific company, Yotsuba, had its stock rise considerably… So, of course he searched further into deaths related to the business world, and found many more that would benefit this Yotsuba company…

But not all were by heart attack… some accidental, some by disease…

Light turns to me. "What do you think? I have to conclude that Kira is supporting Yotsuba."

And I have to agree with that notion… "But if that's the case…"

We voice the same deduction simultaneously: "Kira can kill in other ways than heart attacks!"

Finally, after discussing our findings more with Matsuda and Aizawa, Chief Yagami and Mogi return, with both important and sobering news…

Having spoken with the director of the NPA, Yagami senior has learned that Kira is bribing politicians… and so connects it with our Yotsuba discovery (the money source).

But with politicians under Kira's thumb, this can only lead to bad news for the police…

"I've talked it over with Mogi and he seems determined to stay here," Soichiro Yagami tells the others in a gruff, foreboding tone. "Aizawa, Matsuda. If you want to continue going after Kira… you need to join Mogi and me… and resign from the NPA!"

This exclamation causes even myself to turn around in shock, a hand hovering over a bowl of cherries.

I then groan quietly, turning back around as the other men converse amongst themselves over their dilemma.

This is something I foresaw, but was hoping to avoid…

Yes, they will lose their jobs if they continue to work with L… a dilemma indeed…

Swirling the fruit around with one finger, I decide to speak up. "I think you should all go back to the police…" I start softly, choosing my words wisely for optimum effect. "I was all alone in the beginning. Almost every officer turned their backs to me when the threat of losing their lives became reality…"

The men behind me remain silent whilst Light, standing beside me, frowns at my somber tone.

"With the support you guys gave me until now, I'll be able to continue this case on my own… and," I continue, leaning a bit further into my knees. "I swear to return and see you guys one day with Kira's head."

Now it is time to see what their decisions will be…

Light quickly points out that as long as we're chained together, then I won't be alone.

Yes, of course…

I raise two cherries attached by the stem into my mouth, working them around with my tongue to make a knot.

Chief Yagami speaks his convictions on behalf of the others, whilst Matsuda unwittingly celebrates over his backup job as Amane's manager, and Aizawa… he remains silent until:

"But chief… Frankly, if we quit the force, then we're unemployed…"

Yes, it is Aizawa who suffers the most over this. I can understand why. He has not only a wife, but two small children… without the resources available to myself…

This man is hurting to do the right thing.

I can hear it in his voice when he tries to bargain with me, see it in the way he squeezes his eyes shut tightly, the clenching of his jaw, and shaking of his fist.

"It's not fair, damn it… I want to keep going too… I've come this far, prepared to die at any time…" His voice is wavering. "And… if I quit now, how will I ever be able to face Ukita..?"

I abandon the bowl of cherries and reach for my room temperature coffee when he suddenly exclaims "Damn it! Why the hell can't a detective on the police force go after a criminal?!" causing me to turn in alarm.

Watari's voice then sounds from my computer with a hesitant waver. "Ryuzaki…"

My brow furrows slightly in concern. "What is it, Watari?"

"In the beginning you had me make preparations so that everyone on the task force and their families would be financially secure no matter what happened, including if they were fired from the police force."

My eyelids fall to half-shade before I blink slowly at Watari's bad timing for sympathy.

"Why are you not mentioning that?" he inquires as a few collective gasps sound from behind me.

"Who asked you, Watari?" I question back lightly, though I trust he can sense my annoyance.

"Oh… sorry, I couldn't bear to listen anymore…"


Matsuda rejoices at the news, but Aizawa…. not so much…

"Ryuzaki…" he starts in cold manner. "You were watching to see whether I'd quit the force or not, weren't you?"

And now we shall see…

Yagami senior attempts to sooth the situation with "Of course not, Aizawa. Ryuzaki just doesn't like to reveal stuff like that."

Matsuda decides to add "Yeah, you know how he can be weird like that."

I regard my coffee with a thoughtful pout. "No," I answer honestly. "I was testing him. I wanted to see which he'd choose."

After a tense moment of silence, the previously undecided detective makes his decision, claiming adamantly that he is returning to the police force, despite the others' pleas.

When Aizawa also states that he doesn't care for me or my methods, I reply gently "Though I like people like you…" without turning around to look at him.

His footsteps halt, and after a moment… "I also hate how you say corny stuff like that! I'm leaving!"

"Take care." I keep my eyes trained on Amane's socializing form as the sliding door hisses open and shuts behind me.

A small frown tugs at my lips.


Two days later, with Light's father noticing a weekend trend in Yotsuba killings and us having the tedious task of sifting through 300,000 names worth of Yotsuba employees… I have an idea.



"Can you call Wedy and Aiber?"

"Huh? I know their current locations, but do you plan to show your face to them?"

"We already have a level of trust between us." I explain, thumbing my bottom lip gingerly at the thought of revealing myself as L yet again. "And with a big case like Yotsuba, it would be complicated to have to contact them through you. I wouldn't be able to explain my thoughts well."

"I understand. I'll get right on it."


And so, after another four days, on October the seventh, Aiber and Wedy enter our ranks.

"Greetings… I am L. Though, for now, please call me Ryuzaki." I introduce myself, hands snug in my pockets as I watch the two Americans watching me.

It's a tad difficult to discern what's going through Wedy's mind with the large sunglasses she dons, but I can see the surprise that Aiber, or rather, mister Thierry Morrello, tries to hide.

Yes, I do know what he's thinking… I only hope he's smart enough not to open his mouth…

After the brief introduction to Light and myself, I turn towards the direction of the main investigation room. "Come, the others await."

And so I shuffle forward, Light flanked at my right, Wedy to his, as Aiber sidles up to my left, chuckling softly.

He proceeds to speak low in English to me as we walk. "Last time I saw you, you had a cute blonde on your arm… pregnant, if I remember correctly."

"Mm… yes, well, she and the child have since passed," I mumble back in an attempt not to be heard, casting him a dark look. "So I'd appreciate it if you would leave this subject and never bring it up again."

He looks ahead with a mildly shocked expression, before nodding once. "Sorry to hear that… but sure."


As we enter the investigation room, Aiber and Wedy strutting ahead of Light and me, I briefly recall the time in which the conman had been referring to…

/June of 1996/

"L!" Alenka sat up from her laying position and faced the direction he was in, across the room. "Stop groaning and just say what's wrong, my God!"

In the last five minutes L had started at soft grunts, leading to tired groans, progressing to childishly louder groans. If he had been any other person, Alenka would have told him to shut the hell up.

L grumbled some more, biting his nails. "I'm… stuck." He finally answered, just loud enough for Alenka to hear.

The blonde teen tilted her head sideways in confusion. Alenka then slid silently from the master bed, wearing only a plain, cotton night gown, and treaded lightly to L's side through the path she had memorized. Her fingers slid around the back of L's favorite leather chair and across his slumped shoulders. "What are you stuck on?" He didn't feel physically stuck to anything.

"I've just received my final response from the FBI saying they don't want to assist me in getting close to the suspect." His tone then lowered. "Apparently it's below them… a waste of their resources." They had told him to request that kind of aid from an undercover cop.

Alenka suggested this very thing a moment later, in which L grumbled something back about not wanting to. He wanted the best.

Left hand resting softly on his right shoulder, she shifted her weight from one side to the other. "Well… use a professional criminal?"

L's thumb lowered from his mouth slowly as he looked up at the soon-to-be mother of his child and blinked. "That's… an excellent idea." He then continued to nibble on his thumb. "Had you let me finish sulking, I would have thought of it immediately."

Alenka snorted as she played with the detective's unruly tresses. "You need a haircut." She stated out of the blue, grabbing his hair as if to make a pony tail (a small one).

L shrugged in response. He had more important things on his mind at that moment; exciting things. Not so legal, but still something he was looking forward to…

Just a week after that conversation, in a small American city known for its beaches, a tall, handsome, blond man was strolling through a quaint downtown avenue.

His eyes flickered to the blue sky every now and then, a relaxed smirk on his face; it was a nice day.

Especially after scoring a million in cold, hard cash…

Walking his way was a short girl, noticeably younger than him—the twenty six year-old—blind and using a cane. She seemed to be used to her condition though, as she walked at a reasonable pace, moving the stick side to side in front of her as she went.

Suddenly, from what seemed like out of nowhere, a black German shepherd raced across the small, desolate street, towards the female.

The older male's eyes widened. She was about to be attacked right in front of him.

He tensed, about to run forward when the dog grabbed her cane and shook it hard, growling angrily.

She shrieked, stumbling backwards and almost falling as the animal ripped her walking stick out of grasp and took off with it, disappearing around a corner.

He made it to her seconds later. "You okay?"

She was quite shaken, and holding onto a telephone pole as she attempted to regain her composer. "Ah—erm—yes, thank you…"

He noted her Russian accent right away. It wasn't too thick, but very much there. She was a cute kid, he decided. Freckled and blonde… or was she redheaded? Strawberry blonde, that was the in-between, wasn't it?

"That was pretty scary. You need any help?" he smiled charmingly despite knowing she couldn't see him.

She stepped away from the telephone pole, her eyes opening as she blinked at his shoes. "Yes, actually… do you mind walking me to the Palm Frond? It's a small café I'm meeting some friends at…" She smiled sheepishly. "I know it's very close."

Indeed it was, only a block from the direction he had come from.

The man agreed to walk her there, offering her his arm in a gentlemanly manner. They conversed lightly as they traveled the block.

"My name's Anna, what's your name?" She was smiling.

He glanced down at her with an arched eyebrow, but smirked nonetheless as he replied "Just call me Aiber."

"Oh, what a cool name!"

Aiber chuckled in response, opening the door to their destination. He lead Anna to the first booth in sight while noticing the state of the café; empty… not even the store owner was present… and the blinds were drawn.


There were several loud clicks and he froze, cursing at the all too familiar sound. Hands rising slowly, he turned to be met by four casually dressed detectives with their guns pointed at him.

Dirty cops that L had blackmailed to corner Aiber without arresting him.


The girl, "Anna", laughed lightly as she turned around in the booth seat. "Yah, I almost feel bad for you."

Aiber's brow furrowed at her tone. "Damn… it was you?" he smiled dryly, his heart rate quickening. "Never trust a cute blonde… should've known…" Especially after such a large score… But he had checked numerous times to see if he was being followed that day. Hell, he wasn't even in the same country as where the deal had gone down the previous night.

The four detectives remained silent as she replied seriously: "Mister Aiber, have you ever heard of the detective called L?"

"…Yeah. He's the best there is, from what I've heard. But nobody knows him."

"Mhm. I'll get straight to it then… L needs your help, and if you don't agree to help, you'll be arrested right here and now."

One of the detectives lowered their pistol to brandish a pair of handcuffs. "What's it gonna be, conman?"

"It didn't take L long to find you." Alenka added, leaning her head into the palm of her hand.

Aiber's eyelids slid shut as he clenched his jaw. "And how do I know this is real?"

"Oh, right." Alenka slid out of the booth and patted down her jean jacket, finally producing a cell phone with an antenna.

With his hands still up, Aiber turned slightly to look at her. It was then he noticed her baby bump…

The phone suddenly beeped, and after feeling across the number pad a few times with her thumb, she pushed the answer button and held the phone out to him.

Aiber glanced down at the phone and back to the cops. One nodded briefly, allowing him to slowly reach for the cellular device and hold it to his ear.

"Hello, Mr. Morello." A synthetic voice. "This is L."


For a few minutes each individual stood silently as the world renowned detective explained his plan to the professional con artist, and how to keep in contact.

"And if you don't cooperate, I'll simply have to hunt you down again… But, next time I won't be so nice about it. Neither will your fellow inmates. Goodbye for now, Mr. Morello."

Aiber heard the blunt click of the line being closed and sighed heavily. He was sweating.

"Alright," Alenka sighed as well. "I guess I can go now. Well done everyone!" she clapped her hands once, and grabbing onto the booth, made her way around it and to the door.

The detectives, each eyeing Aiber coldly, exited through the back of the store at the same time.

"Hey!" Aiber called to Alenka as she leaned into the glass door. He knew she wouldn't give him a straight answer, but wanted to ask anyway: "Do you work for L?"

She was obviously a teenager, and pregnant. Such an odd choice… but all the more convincing in being able to catch him off guard in the end…

She grinned a toothy grin, her nose scrunching up a bit in the process. "No, just someone that he contacted." She then slipped out of the café.

Aiber stood alone for a few moments, dumbstruck, before dashing out after her.

Down the street he spotted her standing with another young person. A boy, that was in possession of her walking stick and handing it back to her. How he had gotten a hold of it… seemed suspicious…

The conman watched the two interact, and was close enough to notice how odd the other teenager was.

Slumped forward, he was fairly tall—not as tall as Aiber—but was nearly stooped to her level as a result of his posture. Messy, dark hair, and big eyes with ridiculously-sized bags underneath. The kid was weird… awkward… ugly? Maybe not, but definitely odd.

Even so, Aiber watched as the girl calling herself Anna slipped her arms around his waist while leaning her face into his shoulder.

The boy's gaze lifted and fell on Aiber.

Straightening somewhat, the con's gaze narrowed as the two held a short-lived staring contest. The vibes he was picking up from that guy…

A thought crossed Aiber's mind, but he immediately rejected it. That sloppy looking sixteen year-old couldn't be the world's greatest detective…

Just then, their ride came to pick them up.

So Thierry Morello turned on his heel and walked in the opposite direction as L and Alenka climbed into the back of Watari's car.

Neither of the two males would forget each other's faces.


A/N: Not sure if I wrote Aiber well enough, buuuut *shrugs* I'm a bit more motivated to write after getting past this chapter (I spent weeks watching Death Note instead of writing about it lmao). I'm going to have some creative fun after Yotsuba is dealt with. Might be a little sad though~

I usually re-read my stuff like 15 times before posting it, but I'm really not in the mood. Love my typos!

I also made an L RP blog on tumblr; I'm doing something that nobody seems to be doing... staying IN CHARACTER AT ALL TIMES, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT 8DDD I'll post the link on my profile for any interested.