He never really knew which flowers were your favourite. Whenever he would attempt to be romantic flowers never crossed his mind. Hinata supposed that you didn't mind the lack of flowers, since you never brought him flowers as well. Neither of you mind, just happy to hold each others hand as you talked or were on a date or the heat from the others cheek as your lips met. As long as you both were able to feel the warmth of the other, both of you didn't really mind.

The warmth of one another was an important thing.

Even you didn't mind that after volleyball practice or a game he would be sweaty and gross, instead you would gleefully hug him. Neither of you two minded anything about the other, not really able to find something gross you didn't really like. You two were so perfectly intuned with one another, there was no need to flowers and even chocolate was rare.

But warmth, of course, doesn't last forever. Eventually you got cold, and he couldn't help but watch and stand-by, useless as you gave him wide smiles that once radiated warmth. Sometimes he would still hold your hand, now less warm and more cold and grey, a tint of yellow as your nail beds retreated away.

Instead of laughter, the room was filled with loud beeps and the occasional doctor coming in. Eventually they didn't let Hinata in the room, making him sit outside as he watched your family go in and out. Some were people you didn't even like or remember. He couldn't help but feel as if he was more family to you then they were. He was your boyfriend, you were his partner. Why wasn't he allowed to see you?

He didn't have to ask this for a long time. He did see you again soon, but now what little warmth you held left was gone. Although they had done up your face to make you look as you had used to, it wasn't the same.

There was never a need for flowers in your relationship, yet now he leaves them on the stone every week. He never knew if you liked flowers are not, but he hopes that you now do as he made up for every time he didn't get you flowers.

Hinata hoped you liked roses and lillies.