It had been a week, seven days, 168 hours; and he was drifting. That was the first thing Mai noticed when she got him home. He didn't kiss her goodnight, or hold her when they slept. He just, existed, silently.

"Naru?" She asked leaning against the doorframe to his study. It was midnight and he hadn't spoken for hours. Not even tea.

His shoulders tensed at her presence but he said nothing.

"Can I come in?" Her words were whispered, barley above hearing ability.

"Of course Mai." He set down his book and turned in his chair, looking anywhere but her cinnamon eyes.

She picked her fingernails absently as she walked across the room. She kneeled in front of him and rested her hands on his. "Will you tell me what's wrong. You haven't spoken to me for days and after that last case….."

"Mai, I'm fine." Naru said pulling his hands back. "I don't need you worrying about me like my mother."

"Naru, I'm your girlfriend. I don't do it out of obligation I do it because I lo…"

"Stop." Naru shoved himself to his feet and stumbled a few feet away. "Please Mai, just leave me be."

"No, not until we talk about this!" She urged getting to her feet. "You won't look at me, talk to me. You haven't kissed me or held me in days! I know you don't like touching but that never stopped you from holding me before. WHAT HAPPENED?"

Naru could smell the strawberries in her hair, the vanilla lotion on her hands. She was so close, to close. "Mai" he begged taking two steps back as she took one forward.

Without warning she grabbed a handful of his shirt and yanked him forward, planting a hard kiss to his lips. He froze for a second, but was overwhelmed with want. He grabbed her waist; lifting her onto his hips and practically slammed her against the closet door. Devouring her pineapple chap stick and freshly brushed mouth. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him close, running her hands through his silky soft hair. He bit her lip and pulled out a moan, the moan was followed by a swell of reality and he pulled away. "Mai…I….I cant."

"Why?" she whispered, still being held up. She buried her face in his neck and he cradled her gently.

He could feel the tears run down her face, pooling at the neck of his shirt.

"Because Mai, if I do this. If I go any further. You'll die, just like you do every night."

"Naru?" She whispered suddenly alert. "What are you talking about?"

"You're just a dream, and if I go too far I'll kill you again." He stroked her hair and kissed away her tears. "But I won't let him get you this time."


"The man in the house, the one who sought out our fears."

"Naru, we left that house, a week ago." She said getting to her feet.

So there it is, a chapter. Yes short I know but at least its something. XD I promise to be around more often. I've been working on my Supernatural fic and let me tell you. its getting glorious, i cant wait to post it.

Until next time.