


Tailed beast speech

Time or place

Demon thought

I don't own Naruto or fem Kyuubi

The Next Day

Naruto woke up and walked to the bathroom where Terri was getting ready to take a shower Naruto just stopped and stared at Terri's beautiful naked form after a minute of staring Terri noticed Naruto looking at her and blushed. "Well looks like you like what you see are you coming in or not?" asked Terri.

Naruto walked up to her and put his right hand on her breast and left hand on her clit and quickly rubbed both earning a moan from Terri. Naruto then walked away took off his clothes and jumped in the shower leaving Terri standing there wanting more. "Why did you do that Na-ru-to-kun?" asked Terri.

"You tempted me" said Naruto.

"We-well I'm happy you want to marry me my love" said Terri.

"I'm just happy you said yes" said Naruto.

Naruto finished taking a shower and then stepped out of the shower and kissed Terri before heading to his room and finished getting ready for the day but instead of wearing his traditional orange and black he decided to wear a complete black outfit with a red nine tailed fox emblem on the back and then walked to the living room and waited for Terri to finish her shower. After an hour Terri walked into the living room in a black dress with a yellow Naruto in the center of a heart, Naruto couldn't help but drool and admire his fiance and how beautiful she was. "Wow my love you look very sexy" said Naruto.

Terri blushed. "Thank you my Kit" said Terri.

Naruto then grabbed Terri's hand and they walked towards the dango bar where they ran into Anko. "Why are you I mean you love ramen?" Anko asked Naruto.

Naruto chuckled then put on a serious face. "Well I am taking my fiance out and I thought I would try something new" responded Naruto.

Anko shrugged her shoulders. "Never thought you would get married Gaki" said Anko.

Naruto and Terri kissed each other and then sat down beside Anko. "So Anko-sensei whats the best food here?" asked Naruto with Terri leaning on his shoulder.

"Well my favorite is the dango of course but thats just me" said Anko.

Naruto ordered some dango for him and Terri soon their food arrived and Terri was the first to try some but when she took her first bite she thought she found her favorite food. "Na-ru-to-kun you have to buy me this more often" said Terri.

"Ok hun" said Naruto.

After they had finished eating and paid for the meal they walked to the Hokage mansion where Tsunade had an announcement for them and the village. Naruto and Terri arrived at the top of the Hokage mansion and Tsunade smiled. "Welcome Naruto Uzumaki and Terri-no Kitsune" said Tsunade. "Villagers of The Village Hidden in the Leaves I your Godaime Hokage Hearby announce that you Now have a new Hokage Naruto Uzumaki is your Rokudaime Hokage and his fiance who you don't want to piss off Terri-no Kitsune who said she will help protect this village from harm as she is in love with our strongest Ninja the new sage of the six paths otherwise known as our own Rokudaime Hokage Naruto Uzumaki and she said if anyone harms him they will die" yelled Tsunade to the Village earning a gulp from every villager. "Also I am on her side on that anyone harms Naruto they better have their graves already made because i will kill them after bringing them back to life Understood" Tsunade finished with emphasis on killing them a second time.

Naruto then apeared in a his black jacket with black pants and black ninja shoes wearing a red coat with black flames on the bottom reading Rokudaime Hokage on the back. "Hello everyone I will protect this village with my life and all other countries will fear the Hidden Leaf when I am done" yelled Naruto earning Cheers from some of the villagers and silence from others.

Naruto closed his eyes and entered his six paths mode enveloping him in a golden yellow chakra with the Truth seeking balls wielding two in his hands. Naruto looked down in the crowd and noticed that Itachi Uchiha was standing there in the crowd unnoticed he then jumped and landed beside him. "Sage art: Magnet release rasengan" Naruto yelled as he slammed it into Itachi's back sealing Itachi's moves.

Everyone looked to see what all the commotion was about and were surprised to find Itachi standing there.

Naruto then disappeared and reappeared with Tobi standing next to him. "Kakashi sensei come here you will want to see this" said Naruto. Kakashi walked up to where Naruto was and saw Tobi when Kakashi arrived Naruto removed Tobi's Mask revealing Obito Uchiha shocking Kakashi.

"Obito Uchiha why did you kill our sensei and how did you survive being crushed?" asked Kakashi while a tear rolled from his eye.

"I did it because you killed Rin and I survived thanks to my new sensei who is dead now Madara Uchiha Now let me go" said Obito.

Naruto looked at Kakashi who only nodded. "Hypnosis jutsu" Naruto said gaining control of Obito. "Obito Uchiha you will now fight for the Hidden leaf village and so will you Itachi or you will get to taste my lava release" Naruto finished Itachi and Obito both obeyed Naruto and joined the leaf village again Sasuke who had already left didn't know about this.

Naruto then jumped back on top of the Hokage mansion with cheers behind him from every ninja and civilian that was there.

Not too much later Pein appeared and treatened Naruto. "If you don't come with us willingly I will take you by force nine tails even if we don't have any of the other jinchuriki captured you will be a nice addition to our collection of tools" said Pein.

Naruto looked at him as if he was crazy which he was for threatening the new sage of the six paths. "Really you think you stand a chance against the Rokudaime Hokage?" asked Naruto still baffled at the fact that this guy had the balls to threaten him.

"Naruto Uzumaki you may be the Rokudaime Hokage and all but I am a God so don't try to defy me" stated Pein.

"Really Now" Naruto said. "Lets take this away from innocent villagers" he finished as Terri walked up behind him.

"I am coming too my love" said Terri.

"No Terri I want you to stay and protect the village" said Naruto.

"Very wise Naruto if she comes she would die versus me" stated Pein.

"No It's not that she is just as strong as me I would rather her make sure no other wannabe gods show up" said Naruto pissing off Pein.

"Shadow clone Jutsu" yelled Terri creating 10000 clones that surrounded the village. "I am still coming" said Terri.

"Fine" sighed Naruto.

"Are you ready" said Pein.

"Yes now follow me" said Naruto.

Naruto, Terri and Pein all ran out of the village and into a clearing in the forest where the village would be safe.

"Well lets get this over with" said Naruto as he closed his eyes opened his third eye and reopened his origonal two eyes revealing a rennegan with nine tomoe through out it as well as a sharingan and byakugan then became cloaked in a yellow cloak with the truth seeking balls while wielding two in his hands as staffs.

"Well This may be difficult" said Pein stating to lose confidence.

Naruto then started off with his newest jutsu that he didn't have a chance to try yet. "Magnet/lava release: paralyzing burning resenshuriken" he stated as he sent his new large jutsu at Pein who dodged even tho it missed Naruto controlled it's direction making it follow Pein everywhere he went eventually hitting him causing a huge explosion which made it so he couldn't move as well as burned him severely. Pein then fell to the ground with a loud thud only able to look up he looked at his opponent.

"How could you beat me so quickly?" asked Pein.

"Easy I am the new Sage of The Six paths" Naruto stated proudly.

"That shouldn't matter I am a God" he said.

"If you were a god you would use your real body not a corpse" said Naruto. "Gedo art: Renne Rebirth" said Naruto as he revived Peins body to its original state.

"Wait what happened last I remember is I killed myself" stated Yahiko.

Naruto then looked at Yahiko. "Your buddy Nagato used your corpse to try to steal different tailed beasts to revive the Ten Tails" said Naruto as he waved at Yahiko to follow him and Yahiko did after the seal receded and Naruto reverted back to his normal self.

"Where are we going?" asked Yahiko.

"We are going to Nagato and Konan. said Naruto.

It took them thirty minutes for them to arrive at the fake tree that Nagato and Konan were in once inside Konan got into the defensive position. "Konan it's ok They arn't going to hurt us if they were Naruto wouldn't have revived Yahiko for us" said Nagato.

"Still can't be too careful" said Konan.

"So you are the new Sage Of The Six Paths it is nice to meet you" said Nagato.

"Yea Yea please disband the Akatsuki and Join me in the Hidden leaf as my personal Anbu" Naruto said to the three shocking them as to how trusting he was.

"Sure" they all said in unison.

"And if you every attack the village or pose a threat Anko and Ibiki's torture will seem like a vacation" Naruto threatened making the three and Terri back up in fear as Ibiki and Anko were known across the land for their torture so if their torture was a vacation in comparison then Naruto was someone to be feared and not pissed off. "And by no means insult my fiance here or you will learn the true meaning of pain" Naruto finished scaring them more.

Naruto, Terri, Yahiko, Nagato and Konan then left the tree and went back to the village where everyone was surprised to see that Naruto had just taken on someone with the rennegan with ease and came back unscathed. "Ibiki, Anko I will need the forms for bringing in rouge ninja to the village" said Naruto.

Naruto signed the forms then teleported home with his fiance and laid down on the bed and waited for Terri to join him. Terri walked in the room wearing nothing at all and smiled at Naruto. "Do you like what you see Na-ru-to-kun" Terri said seductively.

"Y-yes I-I do" said Naruto before taking off his boxers. Terri stood in amazement happy she would lose her virginity to him after they got married but tonight was all about getting used to each other being soo close for long periods of time.

"Well Na-ru-to-kun I think we should go to bed like this for now so we know we are ready after we get married" said Terri.

"I agree Terri-chan" said Naruto.

"I love you Terri-no Kitsune" said Naruto.

"I love you too Naruto-kun" Terri said happily.

Naruto and Terri laid down in bed cuddling with each other happy at how the day went and how easy it was to be Hokage when your the sage of the six paths or when you have said nin as your fiance.

The next morning

Naruto and Terri woke up and Naruto decided to get dressed in his Hokage attire and cook breakfast once done cooking Terri who had showered and had got dressed in something the old Naruto would wear (An orange and black jumpsuit with a slingshot on one arm and the Uzumaki swirl on the back with orange and black track pants and a hidden leaf headband on her head she even had her hair spiked like Naruto's hair). Naruto looked at Terri and smiled. "Looks good on you Terri-chan" Naruto said.

"Th-thank you Naruto-kun" she responded as she pecked him on the cheek before sitting down and eating her instant ramen breakfast.

"Sorry about the instant ramen once we get into our new house I plan on going shopping" said Naruto.

"Ne-new house?" asked Terri.

"Yea I found a nice house that would be Perfect for starting a family it even has a training grounds and its own pool and hot tub in the back in a shed" said Naruto.

"St-st-st-starting a fa-fa-family?" she asked startled by what Naruto said.

"Yea but not right away I mean sometime down the road I just want to be ready when that happens you know" Naruto said scratching his head sheepishly.

Terri let out a sigh of relief now knowing Naruto wasn't trying to rush her just trying to set things up for the future.

"Well lets get to the Hokage's office" said Naruto.

Naruto and Terri walked to the Hokage's tower when along the way they ran into Gaara of the sand the current Kazekage as well as the Mizukage, Raikage, and Tsuchikage who were all staring at Naruto and Terri. "Naruto it is great to see you and I heard you are the Rokudaime Hokage" said Gaara earning a nod from Naruto.

"May I ask why all of you have come here to see me?" asked Naruto.

"Yes about that we are here to challenge you to a fight" said the Raikage.

"Ok then lets go into the woods" said Naruto.

Naruto, Terri, Gaara, the Mizukage, the Raikage, and the Tsuchikage walked to the area where Pein fought Naruto and stopped in the clearing. "Here we are now lets change the field Sage art: mountain, sand, forest and water creation jutsu" Naruto said as he created a new jutsu to change the field to suit the battles.

Everyone stood stunned by Naruto's new jutsu. "Naruto when did you get that kind of power" asked Gaara.

"Well you will find out after this short fight" said Naruto confident in his ability.

"How will this be a short fight?" asked the Raikage.

Naruto looked at A and smiled. "Well I guess I could take you all on at once" said Naruto.

"Cocky brat" said A.

Naruto then closed his two eyes and opened the third, and the other two again revealing a Rennegan with nine tomoe and a byakugan and sharengan startling the four other Kage and earning a smile from Terri before entering into his sage of the six paths mode with his truth seeking balls around him and two as staffs in his hands.

"What the heck no one said we would be fighting the sage of the six paths" said Gaara.

"Why do you think I said I will take you all on at once" said Naruto.

They all went to an area similar to their villages and attacked Naruto at the same time with their strongest jutsu only for Naruto to counter with an even more powerful version of their jutsu and immediately attack with another new jutsu he liked to call solar system resenshuriken (imagine 9 resenshuriken spinning around a central resengan like the planets rotate around the sun) it impacted the center of the fighting arena and exploded sending all four other Kage flying back into trees.

"Well" coughed Gaara. "Looks like he wasn't kidding when he said he could fight us all at once with that kind of power he could destroy a village if he wanted but I know Naruto just wants peace" he finished.

"Yes with this Kind of power we look like a helpless ant fighting a god" said A.

"Just so you know everyone I have a feeling Madara Uchiha is alive but if this feeling is wrong Orochimaru or his followers will revive him" said Naruto shocking everyone who knew that name.

"You mean thee Madara Uchiha the only one with the power to control a tailed beast as well as kill the first Hokage?" asked the Tsuchikage.

"Yes that Madara Uchiha" said Naruto.

Everyone shuddered remembering the books they read on that fight.

Naruto grabbed all of the other kage and his fiance and teleported to the leaf village. Everyone was surprised at the speed Naruto just displayed which surpassed the fourth Hokage. "Ok that was too fast" said the Tsuchikage. "Owww my Back" he cried in pain.

Naruto then started to walk to the Hokage mansion followed by the four Kage and his fiance Terri once there Naruto sat in his chair. "So who wants to sign a peace treaty?" asked Naruto.

"Ok sounds like a good Idea" said the Tsuchikage. "I mean we don't stand a chance against him or Madara I should know I already faced Madara once" he finished.

After everyone signed the treaty Naruto smiled. "Thank you for signing the treaty" said Naruto.

"No problem with the chance of Madara Uchiha being alive and the threat of Orrochimaru being a rouge legendary sannin I think this treaty will help protect us all" said Gaara earning nods from everyone.

"Ok now on to business" said Naruto.

Naruto and the other Kage started talking about trade routes and the next chuunin exams after discussing everything they realized Naruto was the first Kage not to have passed the chuunin exams since the creation of said exams.

Naruto: Wow long chapter

Terri: Ya I agree but it was great

CB: Thanks guys

Naruto and Terri: No Problem we were just happy being together

Please review and tell me what u think so far