Hope you enjoyed the last chapter, did you like the cliff hanger?

'Well of course I did!' Random person

'Good, *Evil laugh* that's not the worse cliff hanger I can think off. . .' Me

*Random person gives a scared look*

(Sorry guys, I had to do the 'Conversation with myself' thing.)


Nightmares Quest Part 2


Randy was falling.

'Ahhhhhhh. This is wonk!' Randy shouted

The ground came into view; Flying towards Randy at an astounding speed. If it weren't for his ninja reflexes, he would have become a ninja grease spot on a page of the Nomicon. He tucked into a ball and hit the ground in a roll, falling head over heels and getting a mouth full of dirt. Randy got up, he was used to crash landings in the Nomicon, so this was nothing different.

'Alright Nomicon, we have a problem and I think the sorcerer is behind it. Thoughts?' Randy asked the book.

The scene shifted to an ancient place that Randy recognised immediately, the home of the first ninja, 13th century, Norrisville. Randy walked into the open door in front of him. He saw the first ninja tossing and turning in his bed.

'Isn't this intruding?' Randy questioned

Nothing happened, the scene just carried on. After about five minutes of whimpers and tossing and turning, the first ninja woke up to a shrill sound piercing the night air, like a howl! He drew his sword as he jumped up, ready to defend himself from the invisible menace. Behind the ninja a small cloud of green mist appeared. He didn't seem to notice, he was too busy trying to shake himself out of the nightmare. The mist floated silently towards the ninja. It went in front of him, making itself known, his eyes grew wide with terror as it went up his nose.

'Aww, Shnasty! The stank just went up his . . . Uugh!' Randy exclaimed

The first ninja slumped forward, unconscious. Randy gave a worried look, he had only met the first ninja once and he had almost destroyed the past and therefore the future, but he had become friends with the first ninja and he couldn't help but worry about his new friend. Suddenly the Ninjas eyes snapped open, Randy jumped back in surprise. His eyes were glowing green, stankage green. His face emitted pure terror, whatever he saw, it would make Bash Johnson run crying for mommy.

Words of the Nomicon appeared in front of Randy, It said:

Once you give into fear, you are the most vulnerable, but once you get over your fear you are the strongest.

'Okay, alright. I have no idea what that means?' Randy admitted

The scene dispersed and Randy was awake, in his cabin. Jake was looking at him intently.

'Well, what did the book say?' Jake asked

'Something about fear, I don't know what it meant.' Randy said

Danny looked up from his bed, he looked better but Randy could tell he was still scared. If this situation wasn't as serious, Randy would have probably laughed about Danny; a ghost, being scared of something. It was funny.

'What's wrong with Danny? Has he finally cracked?' Jake asked with a smirk.

Danny rolled his eyes at Jakes remark, he was used to it.

'It's a ninja problem, something to do with my nemesis.' Randy said

'You mean that McFist guy you always moan about?' Jake questioned

'No, not him. Something worse.'

'Something? Don't you mean 'Someone', or is it not human?'

'It's not human, it's The Sorcerer. A magical being of chaos and misery, and he hates the ninja.'

'Then why is he going after me? You're the ninja.' Danny asked

'He doesn't know I'm the ninja. You're probably just a random target he chose, and just by chance, you're friends with me.' Randy said

'So what exactly did you see in your ninja book?' Jake prompted

'Well, I saw the first ninja. He was having a nightmare, when he woke up, a noise; a howl sounded.'

'Like what Danny described.' Jake interrupted

'Exactly like what Danny said. Anyway, he was awake for about five to ten minutes then a cloud of stank appeared behind him and went up his nose.'

'What's stank, and why did it go in his nose?'

'The 'stank' is a green energy created by the sorcerer, it turns humans into rampaging monsters when they're under emotional trauma. Like being upset, embarrassed or scared.' Randy explained

'Good thing Dannys not scared anymore.' Jake said, relieved.

Randys eyes were glues on a point behind Danny, his eyes followed something.

'Yo, dude. What's up?' Jake said

The stank had appeared behind Danny and was slowly drifting towards him. Randy stood up and made his way towards his friend. Randy understood what the Nomicon had said; Danny may not be vulnerable, yet.

The stank that had gone up the first ninjas nose wasn't to stank him, it was to make him vulnerable enough to be able to stankify him. It terrified the victim. It made them scared. Only then would the sorcerer be able to stank him. The same was about to happen to Danny.

A ninja will sacrifice all to save the day.

Randy walked over to Danny as he explained what was about to happen 'Danny, the next part of the sorcerers plan is about to happen.'

'So I'm about to get stank up my nose?' Danny asked

'Well, yeah, most likely.'

Randy sat next to Danny, and kept his eyes on the oncoming cloud of stank. Danny already looked scared. Randy was scared too, of his plan.

The stank floated in front of Danny and started to approach him, slowly and menacingly. Randy started his plan. He pushed Danny off the bed and away from the stank, but Randy got a face full of the green smog. His head lolled forward, unresponsive.

'Yo, Randy. Wake up,' Jake shook his friend, to no avail.

'That was a stupid plan!' He continued

Danny flicked Randy on the ear. It didn't wake him. Danny and Jake hoisted Randy up and lay him on his bed. They were both worried. He was unresponsive . . . until. His eyes warily opened, but they weren't normal. They were stank green. . .