Ok so this is my first attempt at multi chapter I hope you will enjoy it, can't wait to hear what you will think about it I hope I will manage to update the story at least once a week.


This is AU Sam and Andy met before, they were young and life's separate them, years after they meet again. What will happen? Can a love story will rise from this encounter.
The rating is now T maybe will go to M I still need to decide what do you think?

AN: I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes English is not my native language.

I don't own Rookie Blue

When I saw her again

Chapter 1 – when he see her again

It been years since he saw her, and he never thought he will see her again let alone in here at 15 divisions. She looks like he remembers her brown hair and those doe eyes and the bright smile that he love so much. She was wearing dark jeans and loosed top she was beautiful as always. He saw her from far talking to Trace but he didn't want to let her see him he was still working undercover, he just came to give Jerry some information and evidence. He enter to D's office to talk with Jerry and he drag him from there to a quiet room so no one could see him.

"How are you Sammy?" Jerry asks
"good, but this operation just too long I'm tired I want to get it done and to come back home I need my life back; I can't do it anymore" Sam said.
"I can understand you" Jerry node.
"You seem happy; I guess you and Trace are good"?
"yahh" Jerry replied "she makes me happy I love her".
"That good, I saw her talking to some girl, who is she?" Sam asked.
"Oh, you will love her she is the new detective she just transferred from 27. I think she transferred here something like 8 months ago, she and Trace best friends from the academy.
You remember when I want to set you someone, that was her but then your where gone undercover and everything change your lost buddy she's dating Luke now."
Sam swallowed hard, he can't believe that his Andy dating someone else let alone Luke, he hate this guy.
He didn't know how to react to what Jerry said and Jerry caught the look in his eyes, "you know her? Don't you?" Jerry asks,
"Yes" Sam answered.
"OMG" Jerry yelled "she is your Andy from college?"
Sam just node his head "I need to get out of here Jer I need to finish this operation before I will come back and deal with everything".
"Ok buddy take care and keep me posted". Sam just walks away from there.
When he walk outside he took a last glimpse at her, he had a mission in front of him now he need to finish this operation and he need to do it quick. He never understand what happen between them why she suddenly decides to end everything and run away.
When he tried to reach her the next day she was gone she move from the city, and his heart gone with her.

Before 10 Years

It was her first day at college; she was walking into the class room of her Criminology class and took her place when she set down a handsome guy enter the class and took the spot on the stage, "hey my name I Sam and I will be your TA for this course every question you will have I'm here for you", then he starts to read the names of the student and when he finish he sat down on the first row. Andy was hypnotized by his looks dark hair and brown eyes she couldn't take her eyes from him. After the class ends Andy exit the class and bump into someone. "Sorry I didn't look" she rise her head and her eyes got caught with his and everything around her become black. "Hi, I'm Sam" he said and gave his hand to her, "Andy" she answered with a smile. At that moment Sam knows he was gone it was the most beautiful smile he ever saw. He gave her his dimple smile back and Andy could feel butterfly in her stomach.

They met couple times later but never more the simple hello. Until one night Andy walk from the library to her dorm room and Sam just come out from the TA office he saw her walk and call her, Andy turnaround and saw him

"Hi" she said
"Hi, where are you going at this time of the night"?
"To my dorm, why?"
"Common I will give you a ride; it's not safe to walk here alone on this time of the night"
Sam open the door for her and gave her a ride to her dorm when he park outside she said
"Thanks for the ride Sam"
"Andy, wait" Sam was nerves but he mange to say "would you go out with me?"
Andy smiled "I will love to"
"Do you free tomorrow night?"
"I will pick you up at eight?"
"Sound good"

AN: So what do you think shall I continue it? Can't wait to see your reaction.