It's bad enough being an only son, but imagine being an only half blood son destined to either save or destroy Olympus. Now imagine saving Olympus (and the world), finally getting the girl of your dreams. Then getting yanked out of that life, put in another with your memories wiped. When you finally get to your old life again, you're in another adventure to save Olympus. Then you and your girlfriend fall in the deepest pit on Earth, Tartarus. Only to get out, and go on another wild adventure. Yep, pretty much sums up my life. It's only when I come across a snag, that I relies I love my life….. Hello I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, god of the seas.

"Hey ladies, no need to get all… witch like, ok. Just calm down, I'm sure we can sort this out." I said. I was running through the woods, away from three very sensitive witches. Let's just say, they don't like it when boys are around. "Ladies? Oh I'll give you ladies." Said a red headed witch with a bad temper, number one (or was it three, who knows they all look the same.)

After a while, I thought I lost them, so I slowed down to text Annabeth were I was. Stupid mistake, I know, I know, phones and demigods don't mix, but Annabeth and I got them anyways, in case we got separated and in serious trouble. The witches found me before Annabeth did. "Texting your little girl-friend." Witch number two sneered (or three, maybe one, oh who cares.) "That gives me an idea ladies." Another said. I had a bad feeling about it. Every ounce of me wished Annabeth would come here now.

The witch sisters started to chant in a weird language and pink smoke engulf me. As the smoke closed around me, I started to shrink, but my hair was getting longer. Then everything went dark.


Leaving Percy alone for ten minutes, and he is being chased by some bad tempered witches. "Jason, are we almost there." I called up to my friend. "Yeah, it should be coming up." He said, coming down to the ground where I was. It's been thirty minutes since Percy texted me, and I was getting anxious. All we were supposed to do was get Leo some special flower to fix the ship. Of course, we ran into some trouble.

Almost ten minutes later, and I was about to yell at Jason for his 'coming up' statement. Then I heard a high-pitched girlish crying in a grove of trees just in front of me. I had no idea who was screaming, but when there's screaming there's danger, and when there's danger there's Percy. I picked up my pace. When I got to the opening in the trees, Percy was no were to be seen. All there was, was a three year old girl with black pigtails, sea green eyes, and wearing an oversized dark red hoodie. The same hoodie Percy was wearing. Also, (because it wasn't a big enough hint) she was chewing on a certain magical pen, named Riptide.

"Jason, why does that pen look so familiar?" I asked, because I hoped I was wrong. "Because, it looks like Percy's pen." He said in the same cringed voice I was using. "So, why did Percy give his jacket and magical sword/pen to a three year old?" Jason asked. "He wouldn't." We both winced at the realization of what happened to the son of the sea god. Well, now the daughter of the sea god.

I looked at Percy and started walking over towards him (no, I guess now it's HER). Just to find out she's very shy. Percy started to back up but, tripped over her jacket. She's shy but, wow that girl has some lungs. When she tripped she hit her head on a rock and started crying. Tears just streaming down her face. Her scream was so loud the earth started to shake violently. Jason fell out of a tree branch, where he was keeping look out. I picked Percy up and started comforting her. Thank the gods it worked, I forgot Poseidon was also the god of earthquakes.

We started walking back with me carrying Percy and Jason looking out for any monsters. When the view of the Argo 2 (Leo's pride and joy) comes into sight, Percy falls asleep in my arms. Then the she-demon, Kelly, comes at me. I grab my cool drakon bone sword with my one hand, battling this vampire mutant. While holding Percy hoping he goes unnoticed. In the middle of our fight, Kelly looks over and sees her. Kelly stopped fighting. "Who's that?" She looked dumbfounded. "Who's who?" I said hoping she will think it's just her imagination. I, finally, got eye contact with Jason, he looked down and saw Kelly. "The baby, who's the baby?" she demanded. "Oh, she got lost in the woods. Just a mortal. We were going to bring her back to her parents." I said, looking around for Jason. "We? Who else is here with you?" She snarled at me. "My boyfriend." I said knowing it would tick her off. "Percy Jackson is here, I thought I smelled the sea." She looked around to see him. "No, my boyfriend…," I saw Jason right behind her with three fingers in the air, then two, then one. "Jason Grace." When I said his name Kelly whirled around to see a golden sword slice her in half. The smell of sulfur filled the air as the she-devil burst into dust.


You've got to love Annabeth. She has that quick wit, which only certain people have. I felt bad not noticing Kelly, but I was a little distracted. I was thinking about Percy, a guy who defeated kronos, who bathed in the river Styx, and who gets bet to a pulp without a complaint about pain. Is now a little girl who cried when she bumped her head. I shouldn't be so critical, she did sleep through a battle between Annabeth and a nasty revenge driven she-monster.

"Hey, sorry about Kelly. I was just…um…distracted." I started to apologies, when I heard Annabeth laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked "her face, when she saw Percy, and then when I said your name. It was priceless." She said through giggles. I'll never understand Annabeth. I do understand why Percy likes her though. She can go to a near death experience, to laughing about facial expressions. Percy is really complicated and so is Annabeth, in their own ways. Gods, Percy's life is messed up. He and Annabeth just came out of Tartarus barely alive, not even a week ago.

I guess I looked sad, because Annabeth asked what was wrong. "Oh, nothing, I was just…," I looked at Percy. "…thinking." "we should get back to the ship now." Annabeth said following my gaze. "Here let me hold Percy, so if any monsters attack I can fly up and protect her." Annabeth handed me the sleeping infant.

A/N: this is my first fan fiction I hope you like it so far. J