There, Bulma thought to herself, finally pressed and clean. She had woke up early that evening to collect Vegeta's suit for the upcoming party that Hercule invited them and her friends to. It was to celebrate the opening of his new hotel and a celebration of the defeat of Majin Buu.

Now she delicately laid out his suit on the bed, however, actually getting him in the suit will be a challenge itself. She never actually talked about it with him, but she would be damned if she could get that man to look nice once in a while. Besides, men in suits were very attractive and Bulma could surprise him with a special gift if he actually listened for once.

Bulma was then snapped out of her thoughts as she realized the time, "Shit! Ahhh, I will only have two hours to get ready at this point." In a race to find Vegeta quickly she raised her voice to deafening levels, "Vegeta! You need to get ready! Where are you!?"

With no time passing as she uttered the last syllable, the man in question entered their bedroom with a scowl on his face. "What?" He stated flatly.

Bulma put on her best smile, "Today is the party at Hercules I told you about earlier, its in a few hours so put this on."

His eyes flickered down to the bed where pieces of clothing had been laid out. He had seen this type before in movies and during Bulma's corporate parties, Bulma had explained once that Earth men wear them to fashionable parties as a sort of dress. His eyes flickered back to Bulma's pleading ones without changing the frown. "Funny," He stated as he quickly shut the door to stop any protest Bulma could throw at him.

He was half-way down the hall when he heard the bedroom door swing open again. "Vegeta! What do you think everyone will be wearing? I bet you Chichi is making Goku suit up as well!"

"I'm not wearing that! Sayian Warriors always wear their armor to such festivals. It is considered nice dress as it is the clothing you wear to your possible last stand. Stop forcing your strange Earth cultures on me!" Vegeta snapped back. He turned on foot and continued toward the kitchen where he probably laid before Bulma called him.

Uhg, what a brute, Bulma thought, and huge waste of time. Maybe one day I'll fit him into it, but since this party is with friends I'll let him win. She called out to his retreating form again, "Hey, but you gotta take a shower too, we're leaving really soon. Where's Trunks?"

"He was with Goten last time I saw him. I sense him at Kakarot's now," Vegeta replied.

"I guess that means he's riding with them, that boy. Does riding with your family mean anything now?" Bulma argued.

"Hmph." As he proceeded away, Bulma's eyes traveled to his butt. She threw herself into her room again giggling like a silly schoolgirl. Well even though he is wearing his armor that means I get to look at his butt all day, which is a plus, Bulma sighed.

Bulma looked over herself in the mirror testing out each side of her body, making sure it was up to her expectations. Her red dress showed off her beautiful body that she was quite proud of. Any other woman would have let themselves go, but I'm just as beautiful as I was when I was 20, she praised herself. She leaned in to make sure her make-up was perfect and smiled to herself when she realized she was finished. At that moment her phone rang, and picking it up a worker let her know that the car to pick her and her family up to bring them to the party was present.

She held her shoes between her fingers as she made her way down the stairs to find Vegeta in the living room watching the news cross-legged in the middle of the couch. Leaning over him she kissed him on the forehead and mumbled in his ear that the car was waiting.

As she turned she missed the blush that crawled onto Vegeta's face. However, he shook off Bulma's open sign of affection and followed her toward the vehicle. "Hey, why don't you just drive one of your machines?" He asked.

"Hercule insisted that we use these, he didn't want anyone of us to worry about the drive, but to be honest is it a bit ridiculous," Bulma replied. She opened the door to the limousine-like car and was awed by the inside. It was a luxurious car with plenty of open leg room. TVs lined the sides and an ice box held wine and liquor for the passengers. There was a game station hooked up, but considering Trunks ditched his parents it wouldn't be put to use. "Wow," Bulma stated as she shifted herself in the car followed by Vegeta, "He really thought this thing out!"

"Kami, how long is this ride going to take?" Vegeta groaned.

"I think less than thirty minutes. No need to worry hun." Bulma side a small window to reveal the driver's cockpit. "Step on it bud!" She closed the swatch in the lining and looked back to Vegeta. "Isn't this exciting!"

"Yeah, I just love being stuck in a cramped space for almost an hour. I could get there in a heart beat if I just flew." He crossed his arms and swiveled his head to look out the window.

Bulma immediately slid over toward him and laid her hand on his thigh, "I know what we can do past the time." Her eyes clouded with mischief.