Chapter 3

As soon as the door to Blaise and Draco's room was opened, they attacked Hermione. Draco pulled her in for a kiss and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed back deeply. Blaise stood behind them, attacking Hermione's neck with nips and kisses. Hermione let out soft whimpers at the ministrations being given to her neck. Draco smirked against the kiss and walked over to the bed. He laid her down and crawled on top of her. Blaise waved his wand and all of them were stripped of their clothing. There was no going back after that and Hermione accepted it. That night they made love over and over again.

The next morning Hermione woke up to the sound of birds chirping. She slowly opened her eyes and heard light snoring coming from each side of her. She smiled as the memories of the previous night flooded back to her. She replayed their love making again and noticed the differences between Draco and Blaise. While Draco was a rough lover, Blaise was gentle.

She felt the two boys stir and wake up. She looked at Blaise then at Draco. She smiled softly and gently gave them each a good morning kiss. They smiled when she pulled away and Draco held her close to him, while Blaise wrapped his arms around both of them.

"Last night was incredible!" Hermione said.

"Yes, it was." Blaise said.

"What does this make us?" Hermione asked softly.

"What do you want us to be, Cara?" Blaise asked softly.

"I'd like us to be a couple, but I know that won't happen." She said, her eyes filling with tears, as she averted them from looking at Blaise's face.

"Why can't we be a couple, Love?" Draco asked from behind her.

"I'm a Mudblood. Your families won't accept it and I'd be ruining your lives." She said, causing the boys to growl.

"Never, and I mean never, call yourself a Mudblood. Times have changed and we are past that. I'm sure our families would be more accepting of a relationship with a Muggle-born." Draco said. Hermione nodded and looked at Blaise.

"You want to be a couple?"

"Yes, we do." Blaise said softly.

"Then, we'll be a couple." Hermione said, smiling.

"Good." Draco said and they sealed it with a kiss.

No one would ever imagine that 2 years later, the boy would propose to Hermione and they would get married a year later. 3 years after they got married they had twins; a boy and a girl. The boy's name was Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy-Zabini while the girl's was Avani Sabrina Malfoy-Zabini. This trio had survived everything society had thrown at them and had become one happy family.