AN: Hey guys, I know, I know. I really shouldn't start another story. But I just couldn't resist starting this one up. I hope you enjoy it guys, I'm certainly enjoying writing it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who or it's actors, unfortunately, otherwise David Tennant would be my butler and Matt Smith would be my personal entertainer. *Sigh* Damn you Moffat!

The Doctor, you could say, was in quite the predicament.

Just saying that one sentence alone was a predicament in itself.

For you see, saying 'the Doctor' implied that there was only the one...where in actual fact in this moment, there were technically three. Three Doctors. All in the one place. And the same time. So obviously with this situation, it required a big fat 'S' slammed at the end of his name.

But then again, the Doctor was only one man. Yes he time travelled which resulted in the occasional crossing of time streams every now and then, but meeting yourself is still yourself which meant it's only you. So technically you counted as you and you only counted as one and one only counted as a singularity and a singularity can't have a plural- unless that singularity was a black hole which...was besides the point. Because this was about a person- well not a person per say, but an alien. But an alien still counted as a person didn't it?

Anyway, the point of the matter was that the Doctor was in quite the situation.

Not only were Zygons invading Earth in the future from the past, but the Doctor- or should we say three Doctors - were all in one place and one time due to time fissures. That could only mean one thing - trouble. Add to the fact that one of said Doctors was getting married to Queen Elizabeth I and you have a whole giant pile of mess. A wibbly wobbly, timey-wimey...mess.

"Is there a lot of this in the future?" The 'War' Doctor worried, distastefully eyeing the ginger Queen snog the hell out of 'Sandshoes'.

"It does start to happen, yeah." 'Chinny' Doctor answered vaguely, mystified by the unorthodox situations he somehow always found himself in.

The Queen's snogging ceased as she smiled at her newly wed. The pinstriped Doctor stood stunned, not expecting such a tongue invasion from the Virgin Queen.

"God speed, my love."

He gulped and smiled slightly, trying to think of the most efficient escape plan.

"I will be right back." He lied quickly then jolted off as fast as he could, almost reaching the TARDIS when-

"Cut! Great scene everyone, we're just gonna run it through one more time to change the camera angle as David runs to the TARDIS. Have a quick break guys! We are back to shooting in five minutes!" Nick, the Director, announced.

The air filled with chatter as the crew reassembled the equipment for the scene; fixing up final touches and moving objects back in their intended place for a better picture of the scene. The actors wandered around for a bit, stretching their legs, scratching their ears and talking with their fellow workers.

Two particular actors, both very well known in the world by their roles as the 'Doctor', decided to spend the time of their short break chin-wagging.

"Quite the kiss there, David." Matt teased, smile lit up on his face and hands shoved in his trouser pockets.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Pick on the predecessor, why don't ya? What? Not got enough ego there, 'Chinny'?" David retorted back with just as much cheekiness and tease, his Scottish accent hugging each and every word. He gave a gigantic grin, smug as ever at his comeback.

"Oi! No need to dis' the chin!" Matt replied in mock offence, stroking his chin for emphasis. He shook his head with a smile still present on his face.

"So how's life been going? Any news from the missus?" Matt asked conversationally.

"Yeah, she's been good. She's at that stage, though, where she's starting to get a bit fed up with the pregnancy. Having a hard time with doing just common things around the house." David replied, a tad bit worried. The baby could come any time now with only a few more weeks left in the pregnancy and he's been away filming when she needed him most.

"Oh, well good luck then with it all mate and best wishes to Georgia." Matt wished sincerely.

"Yeah, thanks Matt. I'll tell her that you said-" David was interrupted in his speech as a phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket. David reached into pinstriped pockets and pulled out the phone to check the number on the screen. A worried smile came on his face.

"Ah, speaking of the devil. Sorry gotta take this." He said, then started walking away to answer the call.

Matt gave a smile and a mock salute.

"Good luck mate!" Matt called.

David nodded back to him while he walked away into a more quiet spot. He answered the phone as soon as he found a secluded area.

"Hey, love. How's it going? Are you alright?" He asked, all concerned and loving.

"Yeah, David. I'm fine. Just wondering what time you're getting home is all. Olive's running a bit of a temperature and I'm a little bit worried. Plus my feet and back are god damn killing me as always and oh what did you want for dinner tonight, if you are able to get here by then?"

David ran a hand through his thick hair, worried about his family and when he'll finish filming.

"Uh, we've just got two or more scenes to go. So that'll probably take a couple of hours at the most so I should be home around six or seven, depending how we go. I'm so sorry, love. I promise you a very nice foot rub when I get home, okay? Oh and don't worry about dinner, I'll whip up something for you tonight, something special. I promise. Give a kiss to Oli for me and tell her that I love her and that I hope she feels better. Poor little girl." He replied with concern.

"Yeah I will." She sighs. "Thanks love. Just come home soon, okay? You don't have to do all the cooking and that. You'll be tired enough, just from work."

"No, I want to do it! You deserve as much. You sound like you've had a rough day and I want to help. So! No cooking, you! Just try to relax, alright?" David voiced adamantly, care still dripping from his voice. The director started to call out.

"Look love, I gotta go. Nick is calling me back for another run. I'll see you guys tonight. Get ready for the most spectacular dinner of your life! Not forgetting the dessert, of course!" He expressed cheekily, hoping to cheer her up a bit. It worked like a charm as he heard his wife giggle over the phone.

"Oh I can't wait, David. I love you."

"Love you too, Georgia. See you soon." He farewelled and then hung up the call. David shoved his phone back into his pocket and returned back to the scene to do his running part again.

"Okay, everyone in positions. We're going to go from the part where David says 'I will be right back' and then David, you are going to run around and enter the TARDIS and then we'll move on and do the castle dungeon scenes. Okay everyone, let's go!" Nick commanded. The actors and crew did what they were instructed and prepared to jump into the scene.

"Allons-y!" David yelled out enthusiastically with a bright smile. The crew gave quiet chuckles and then moved on with their work.


"I will be right back." He lied quickly then jolted off as fast as he could, reaching the TARDIS in record time. He opened the doors desperately then jumped in without moments notice, shutting the doors on his way in.

"Cut! Great work. Now let's move the equipment to the tower and film the dungeon scene. Let's go everyone! Pack up and move set!" Nick instructed then moved around to check everybody's progress. There was one thing he did notice that was a bit strange; David hadn't come out of the TARDIS yet. He went up to the blue box and knocked.

"David! It's time to get out now. We're moving sets. David?" He called but got no response. The director decided to waste no more time and pulled the doors open. But what the director got, was certainly not what he was expecting.

A body fell limp on top of him. David's limp body fell on top of him.

Everybody froze in what they were doing and then...chaos.

"David! Are you alright?"

"What! What happened to David?"

"Is he okay?"

"Did he hit his head?"

"Someone better ring Georgia!"

"Has anyone called a medic?"

"David can you hear me?"




And then suddenly...he jolted right up. Everyone startled.

"Oh thank god! David you gave us one hell of a scare! Quick, someone get a medic or a nurse! Anyone! He might still have a concussion or something." Nick ordered, trying to be at least civilised and calm. Everyone calmed down slightly but still were in an utter mess about the out of the blue situation.

"Hey, David. Are you alright? What the hell happened?" He asked, a bit ruffled and disoriented from catching the actor. David's face was blank and very confused. He looked around at all the people in front of him and then directed his attention back to the man questioning him. He finally spoke, but funnily enough, without his Scottish accent.

"Sorry, but you seem to have me at quite a disadvantage here. Who's this David? And how on..." David sniffed the air and looked around at his surroundings, "Earth? Yep. Earth. 21st century if I had to guess. Did I get here? Who are all you people?" He asked curiously but with a guarded mistrust shielding his eyes as he observed the unfamiliar faces crowding over him.

Everyone stared in a stupor, as if he had just came from the loony bin. An awkward silence stretched on with no one making any movement or any attempt to break the silence. Not until Moffat decided it was time for somebody to speak up.

"I think we're going to need a doctor. And quick." He spoke calmly.

But what he didn't know, and in fact what everyone else didn't know was that there was they didn't need a doctor. For you see, there was already one in the area, they just wouldn't be able to believe it. Couldn't see it. Couldn't see him. Because the problem was, was that it wasn't just a doctor that was with them...

It was the Doctor. Right in front of their eyes.

And it was from there, that things would start to get significantly more complicated.

Really complicated.