Disclaimer: I only own OC's. Anything having to do with Twilight does not. (This is the disclaimer for the entire story)

First Twilight Fic, came to me while looking at imprint stories, (which this is). Not everything will be perfectly 'by the book'. Might contain triggers for bullying, self-harm, ect. There is a reason why this one is rated T. I'm not sure how long this will be, unless I get good positive feedback this may be the only chapter. I am horrible with updating, it may take weeks. (I prefer reading then writing but sometimes the idea won't go away till I start writing. I'm also working on a book for fictionpress, so…)


Minerva didn't know what to do.

Matt had laid off her the past couple of weeks. She could walk around without total fear and terror, and take more time in between classes to get her books. She had thought she was safe. But life just loves to kick you in the-space-between-your-legs after you have recovered a bit. She had been scurrying through the hallways a bit slower than usual to get to lunch and she ran into someone.

It just had to be Paul.

This might not sound like the worst problem she could ever have to you, but to her, life is over.

It's not like she has a huge crush on him that she's had for years. Really, it's not! Paul just has a harmful habit of slamming her books (and sometimes her) on the ground or into a locker. He also has bullied her into sheer terror with his leader, Matt, and fellow sidekick Grant. Examples of other things he does include name calling (Minnie Mouse), spitballs, shoving, hair pulling, beatings, harassment and a couple broken bones. She avoids him the best she can. (Eating in the library for example, she is positive he will never go in there unless looking for her) But there is also nothing Minerva can do about it. She knows that if she tells, things will only get worse for her.

It was great news for her when he hadn't shown his face in the last couple of weeks. Matt and Grant didn't think it was as fun to bother her without him there. Everyone thought he had finally joined a gang in Seattle or was finally beaten up by someone for his loud mouth and temper that had gotten to him into so much trouble before. There was even a rumor that her, little 4'9" her, had finally gotten tired of her treatment, knifed him and buried him in the woods! All of them were proved false. If anything he seemed to be even taller, and even more intimidating then before. Minerva could hear hushed whisperings around her…

Oh no! Poor Mouse, it seems like he's back and better than ever.

She's screwed.

I heard he totally blew off Matt, he punched him in the face!

His temper's worse?!

I guess she DIDN'T kill him, you win the bet.

Look at that tattoo! He joined Sam's gang!

None of these comments made her feel better. She didn't even dare look up, just tried to make herself as small as possible. When nothing came, and she heard deep voices muffled talking (her head was as far between her shoulders as she could get with her fluffy scarf on) she risked a peek up.

A hand was on his shoulder, Jared Cameron saved her life.

It seemed like he was trying to talk Paul down, he looked down at her with his usual arrogant and mean smirk, and then something changed. Minerva didn't bother to wait and see what happened. She bolted and made a bee-line to the library and ate between the Geography and Dictionary/Thesarus shelves.

It didn't exactly feel good to be back. Teachers nagged about make-up work (which he would never do), the office wanted a written excuse of where he had been at for five weeks (Which they would never get), and he had to be extremely careful with his temper. Between the three wolves, he had taken the longest (and probably set a record) for how long it took him to control his phasing. He couldn't go back to hanging around Matt and Grant. And Paul couldn't even take out his anger on 'Minnie the Mouse'.

Something bumped him.

No, he definitely could. She had run into him. He was gone for a few weeks and she thought she was safe? Itsy-bitsy Minerva McTagart didn't know that meaning of the word. Jared's hand on his shoulder stopped him from flat out thrashing her, but he gave her 'the look'. One that she knew would lead to a world of pain. But with one look into her eyes, the world changed.

Gravity shifted and hiss anger went away, the raging feeling that phasing gave him totally disappeared. Nothing matter at the moment but her. Tiny little Minerva, who didn't seem to be able to hurt a fly. Always so shy and dainty, enough he could probably now pick her up with one arm. Her long, wavy, elegant, yet oh-so-thick midnight hair was swaying behind her and she turned around and got away from him as quickly as she could…


Then all of the horrible pain and guilt came tumbling down. He had hurt her. His imprint had been injured by him. Not accidently, but for years, on purpose. Matt had asked him, 7th year, who they should make miserable for the day. Picking the Mouse wasn't that hard of a choice. It was so easy, she was so frail. But she was his. And he had broken her bones. He could feel tears come to his eyes, and Jared lead him as quickly as possible to the woods. The principal didn't mind, he was an elder and knew what was going on.

"Dude, I knew we shouldn't have let you go back today. If a simple bump can set you off, you definitely need more time." Jared spoke quietly, almost as if to himself. Paul just sat down on a rotting log, thinking on autopilot. I hurt her. She fears me. I broke her. She's terrified of me. Over and over again till Sam arrived and recognized the look in his eyes. The same look whenever he thought about Emily's scar.

"Explain. Now" Sam's alpha tone helped him clear his mind, but Jared answered first. "The first half of the day was fine, easy. But on the way to lunch some girl-" "She is not some girl." Paul pinned Jared and spoke in a growl. "She's my girl." Jared shoved him off, looking very confused. "Anyway, Paul's girl ran right into him. He started shaking, and I took him outside, but he hasn't gone off. Until you got here he's just had this look on his face, like someone murdered his puppy and ate the heart." "Paul, show me what happened." They all stripped and phased.


'Ok, I see what happened, but why are you so torn up? I know with the fresh bond everything seems more important, but it was just a bump…' Sam's thoughts echoed in the pack mind. Paul snapped, 'Here is why I am so upset, oh mighty alpha!'

Paul, still buff, looks five or six years younger. In front of him is another tall, but skinner boy with black hair, with a short but muscular boy beside him. Being talked at by the front boy is an absolutely tiny girl. "Hey Minnie! Did Mickey up and leave you again? Poor little rat, looks half-starved. Want a knuckle-sandwich?" The boys proceeded to bully the fairer skinned girl into submission.

Paul, a freshman in highschool, starts the day off normally. Smash Minnie into a locker, see what Matt and Grant are up to, first period with Collins. Trip the Rat into a senior, second period with Mr. Anzevino, and so on. Taunt the pale-freak at lunch (or hunt her down in the library). And the list goes on.

How could she reject him! And be so cruel about it! It was maybe one year after the last memory and something about this one didn't make Sam or Jared feel any safer. A girl (her names not important, she moved after sophomore year) had been asked by Paul to La Push Homecoming Dance. And she already had a stormed off and who did he stumble upon? The little rodent. What she was doing outside the gym wasn't important. What was going to happen to her was…

'And that was the first time I sent her to the hospital…'

Sam and Jared didn't know what to say, or what to think. The fragile little girl Paul had imprinted on had been his number 1 victim for the past six years. They shifted back, after running most of the way to Emily's. Paul just sat outside. (Not only because of this but he allowed in because his quick temper had shredded the old living room) This past couple months, he had turned into a wolf, gotten worse anger issues, and learned that the person destined for him in this world was the girl whose life he had made a living hell for the past six years. Not five miles away, another person was going through the same confusion.

Minerva was finally back home. After another emotionally and mentally stress filled school day, she was more than ready to grab a snack and get to bed. Sadly she had homework and then had to go grocery shopping for Ingrid. Her Step-Mother worked the midnight shift at the local hospital and got her dinner from the leftovers of whatever she ate. They didn't see each other that much, which was very good for Minerva. When her father died, Ingrid blamed her for her father rushing home after work. Why wouldn't he be excited? It was her birthday…

She shook her head, chasing the thoughts away. First it was time for English homework on Robert Frost, then Physics. Then shopping, and finally sleep.