A/N: I have realized that since Katara is the only water bender in the South Pole, there can be no healers. So, we are going tI pretend that they have herbs in the South Pole! That sort of makes sense. Maybe. Who cares.

...After Zuko escaped from the healer and Katara, and after the long argument with said water bender and his uncle, Aang told Zuko they were leaving for the North Pole. It didn't surprise Zuko. What did surprise him was their method of travel. When he saw Appa, he freaked out.

"I am not getting on that!" Zuko screamed.

"What are you afraid of heights?" Sokka quipped.



Katara watched with amusement and faint concern as Zuko was pushed up to Appa's saddle by Sokka and Iroh. Suprisingly, the old general seemed to have no problem with the promise of heights. He must have been used to it from the war balloons.

She watched as Zuko ran down the ice, being chased by Sokka and Aang, as Iroh watched cheerfully.

"I am not getting on that thing! Not even if you tie me up and give me a million gold pieces!" Zuko yelled at Sokka, who seemed slightly disheartened at Zuko's outburst. She watched for a few more minutes as Zuko ran around, then was was pushed up Appa's side. He then managed to push himself and Sokka back down to the ground. Just as Aang, Sokka and Iroh managed to catch him and pick him up to carry him into the saddle, Katara stood and stopped them.

"Zuko, really? Stop acting like a child and get in the saddle!" Katara told him, watching as he huffed and sulkily climbed into the saddle. Sokka stared at her in awe, and she smirked at him, remarking cheerfully,

"See Sokka, Zuko knows not to question a girl. Maybe you can learn from him!"

Sokka glared at her, and she heard Zuko grumble again, but she didn't really care. Katara climbed into Appa's saddle. Iroh was already up there, and Aang was getting on the bison's head. After Sokka climbed aboard, everyone one waved goodbye to the village. Katara even saw the little girl waving to Zuko, and if she wasn't mistaken, she saw him wave back. It was sort of cute.

Zuko constantly whined in the first half hour of their flight. He'd start to get nervous and Iroh would have to calm him down. Then Aang would forget and comment on a cloud, causing everyone to look at the water below them. Then Zuko would start hyperventilating again. He would sit, hugging his knees as he stared at his shoes, breathing heavily as he listened to Iroh's calming words. It was an endless and annoying cycle, and after a while Katara was sick of it.

"For the love of all the spirits Zuko! You're not going to fall off of Appa! So calm down!" Katara said, waving her hands exasperatedly. Zuko looked at her and shook his head. It was almost night by then, and there was no land in sight. Sokka and Iroh had already fallen asleep, and Zuko looked like he was about to join hem. Katara watched as he curled up on his side, waiting for him to fall asleep.

He looked so peaceful, with his eyes closed and the stress that all of they were feeling vanished from his face. She looked away from his sleeping form, and turned her gazed up to the stars. Her mind started to wander. Would there be masters at the North Pole? There had to be, they hadn't been attacked by the fire nation yet. When they got there, Katara could learn better techniques so she could teach Aang.

But what about Zuko? When Aang had asked him to teach firebending, the older boy hadn't sounded very exited. Katara had heard him say he wasn't very good at bending. So who would teach Zuko? Someone could teach Aang, and someone could teach Katara, but how could Zuko get better? Iroh could do it, but he also had already been doing that, and it didn't seem to be working.

Maybe when Katara became a better waterbender she could teach Zuko to use waterbending techniques in firebending? That could work, and he could use it to outsmart other fire benders! Katara smiled at the idea of Zuko trying to use fire as water, then she rolled over to get some sleep.

When Katara woke up, the only ones awake besides her were Zuko and Aang. She stayed silent, wanting to hear what they were talking about.

"We're going to pass the Southern Air Temple on the way, do you think we could stop there and see if there is anyone there?" Aang asked cheerfully.

"Um, sure, but Aang, are you sure you really want to see the temple after a hundred years?" Zuko replied nervously.

"Why wouldn't I? It was where I lived!" Aang exclaimed.

Zuko,looked around nervously. "Oh look, Katara's awake!" He said, trying to get out of the topic of the Air Temple.

"Hey Katara!" Aang said.

"Are you tired from staying up all night, Aang? I'm sure I could figure out how to steer Appa while you get some rest." Katara offered, seeing the boy yawning. He mumbled 'thanks' and went to get some sleep next to Sokka.

"I can help if you want." Zuko said.

"Unless you know how to steer an animal, go back to sleep." Katara told him. Zuko raised an eyebrow.

" You know, there's no water to paddle in in the fire nation, so I'm pretty sure I know how to do it." He said, smirking. He joined her on Appa's head in silence. She out a hand on his chest to steady him, but pulled back when he cringed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot! I guess the herbs the healer gave you didn't work too well." He just nodded and looked away.

They sat in silence for a while before she asked him,

"I know your father gave you the scar and banished you, but what happened to your mother?" He flinched when she said this, hesitating before he spoke.

"My mother, Ursa, disappeared when I was young. When my father dishonored Uncle after he lost his son, Fire Lord Azulon ordered Ozai to share the same grief Uncle did. He ordered Ozai to kill me. That night, my mother came to my room, and said goodbye. She told me to never forget who I am. She was never seen again. I can only assume my father had her killed after she left."

"Zuko, that's horrible!" Katara exclaimed, dropping the reins and pulling him into a hug. She was careful to not put pressure on His chest where Zhao hit him. She felt Zuko stiffen, not expecting the sudden contact. Eventually, she felt him relax and even hug her back a little. Katara glanced over Zuko's shoulder to see Aang glaring at Zuko's back. She shrugged it off, telling herself that he was mad they had woken him up or something.

When she released him, he looked away. "What happened to your mother is worse." He said, his face flushed. Katara grinned, smug that she could get him to blush so easily.

"How do you know about that?" She asked.

"Uncle was talking to your grandmother about it, and he told me yesterday after you left me with the healer.

Katra smiled at him. "Well, we know very little about each other besides our names and the sad stories about our mothers. How about you tell me more?"