

In the aftermath of everything that happened, it's a wonder that the world kept turning as it always had. David couldn't remember anything so the Bureau was scrambling to find someone who could take his place. It turned out nobody had security clearance as high as David so the counsel was trying to figure out who to trust with the information. I was surprised to hear that Peter didn't remember anything either, Tobias told me the story but I almost didn't believe him. They were still trying to figure out what to do with the two of them. They still had all their basic brain functions but everything after that was gone. No matter what job they ended up doing, we knew that they probably wouldn't leave the Bureau, at least not for a long time.

After I woke up, Chris came to see me every few days and she kept me updated on everything that was going on. It took Chris a long time to find herself after losing Will, and she told me she wasn't sure if she could go back to Chicago after all the terrible things that happened. Too many memories of death and destruction were keeping her from happily going back. Right up until we left, she told me she wasn't sure what she would do or where she would go. I think she knew a lot sooner than she let on, but neither of us were very good at goodbyes. She knew she couldn't go, she also knew I couldn't stay. That's the terrible beauty of having a friend like her, we knew each other well, which meant we both saw the goodbye coming from miles away.

I found the most difficult part of waking up was that once I did, I still didn't know where I should be. By no means am I perfect, and I don't think anybody is, but I thought once this was all over I'd have some clue as to what I wanted. At least now I knew I would never be alone. I talked to Caleb too, he told me he didn't want to go back either. He still blamed himself for everything that happened with Jeanine. He insisted he had to stay behind too, finally use his brain to do something good. Caleb and I still weren't what we used to be, we never would be again, but he was still my brother and it was still difficult.

The day we decided to leave for home was hot. It was about a week after I spoke to Caleb and Christina, and a few days after we spoke to the counsel. They had agreed to open the wall because "I was proof that the Chicago experiment was a success" I think they knew I would find a way to open it either way. As long as they did it I didn't care. Christina and I both cried and she told me she would always have my back, even if we couldn't see each other. Caleb wasn't there to say goodbye, but I didn't expect him to be. I knew it was better for him to leave it where we already had.

"So, where to now?" Tobias asked

"I don't know. There are no more factions, no more leaders, everything we know has changed."

We decided to get on the train and ride until the beginning of the line. Once we got there, who knew? The important thing is that it doesn't matter. We have each other and we have the day after today.