Hey yo! Welcome back everyone! How was y'all's summer? And like the three months of school? Well, I hope you're ready! I'm going to write the next three chapters, along with the final chapter! So, what'll happen next? Who knows? Well, let's begin. (Also, I'm really sorry!)

Disclaimer: I don't own Corpse Party nor the characters. So, carry on.

Chapter 10 - It's Now or Never

Kazuya had been running for a few minutes. Surely Kohako had given up on catching him and making him her boyfriend, right? Wrong. Kohako was sprinting and was hot on his trail. She was part of the track team, so she had the upper hand. However, the chase was soon coming to an end as Kazuya saw Naomi and well the rest. He focused more on Naomi, seen talking to the others. He was about to catch up to her when Kohako lunged and landed on top of him. He yelped but fell down with Kohako.

"What the he-mmph! Mmph! Mmmmm!" Kazuya mouth was covered by Kohako's hand.

"Now listen, you'll be quiet and we will walk all the way from this spot to my home with any suspicion alright? And I don't want to hear a sound from you, alright!?" Kohako threatened. Kazuya nodded. She let go of Kazuya's mouth, but he had screamed one last time before being covered again, this time with both a blindfold and something like a tissue paper to cover his mouth. However, Kazuya made a foolish mistake to inhale through his nose as the paper had a scent which knocked him out instantly.

Satoshi was only the one who noticed the event and tapped on Ayumi to talk to her.

"Hmm, what's up?" Ayumi asked.

"I just saw Kazuya with that girl and she knocked him out!" Satoshi said.

"What? With a rag or fists?" Ayumi questioned.

"A rag!" Satoshi answered.

"Oh no...oh no no..."


"He's going to be knocked out for an hour."

"Wait, isn't that a good thing? That means that I won't be able to push Kazuya! Not that I would..."

"But, something else that's not exactly perfect might happen."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, but we'll have to investigate."

Satoshi and Ayumi had gotten up and slowly walked over to the other side of the park. Naomi had looked at them weirdly and asked, "Where are you guys going?"

"Deeuuuuuhh...the playground...?" Ayumi slowly responded.

"Y-Yeah, we just wanna see how the playground is around here, " Satoshi responded.

"Cool, I'll come along too!" Naomi calmly said.

"Sounds fun, I'll join too!" Seiko said.

"You can't, because...you still have the breath of alcohol, Seiko has it on her hands, and plus there might be kids and they'll notice and they'll tell, and police and bye!"

Ayumi and Satoshi quickly ran away, leaving Naomi dumbfounded. Seiko decided to sneak away from the group and see what exactly the duo was up to.

Kohako carried Kazuya's body as if he was asleep. She quickly looked around and smiled to whoever looked at her and signaled that Kazuya was asleep.

"Just a few more steps, Kazu...just a few more," Kohako said to herself.

She was starting to breathe heavily and realized that she was getting tired. Despite being a great runner, she was not strong enough to carry a human body. She needed a place to rest and not a lot of places were open to her, as Kazuya wasn't going to be asleep for long.

However, something suddenly made Kohako stand up straight, despite Kazuya weighing her down.

"Kohako! What are carrying there?" Satoshi yelled.

Kohako looked behind her and saw Satoshi and Ayumi running after her. She knew them since the beginning of school, but they were just acquaintances. They must have seen her knock out Kazuya. They must have. She quickly looked at the two friends and waved goodbye. Then, she ran as far as she could. All she needed was to run to her home that was close to the park.

Satoshi noticed her boost of speed quickly enough to react and catch up. Ayumi lagged behind and quickly caught up.

Kohako was breathing heavily, looking at Kazuya, his beautiful green hair shining in the sun, his pearly white teeth, his dark blue eyes, she loved everything about this student. She loved him the first time he came to Kisaragi Academy.

Kohako was too much in her thoughts to realize that she was out of the park onto the road. She also didn't hear the sound of the car honking.

Suddenly, a screech, a yell, and a thump were heard.

"D...Do you think we should follow Ayumi and Satoshi?" Naomi asked Seiko. She still paused between her words, however, it was noticeable (even by text.)

"I don't really see why not. There's not many kids here, plus they ran by the entrance of the park...so I don't see any problems. Let's go!" Seiko cheerfully answered.

They decided to sneak around, to avoid the sight of their friends. They ran from bush-to-bush, tree-to-tree. Despite a few strange looks from other people, no one thought it was odd.

"There they are! Ayumi, and S...Satoshi...and Kazuya!?" Naomi yelled. She quickly covered her mouth. Naomi sat baffled by the scene. She saw Kazuya, unconscious, over Kohako's shoulder while she was running from Satoshi and Ayumi.

"What are they doing...?" Seiko asked.

Naomi wanted to stand up and call for them, but Seiko quickly pulled her down.

"What are YOU doing!?" Seiko quietly yelled.

"I just...I just want to know...what this whole thing was." Naomi asked. She began to cry a bit. However, she wiped away all tears that formed and sat thinking. That is until Seiko gasped.

"What!? What happened Seiko?" Naomi asked.

"K-K-Kohako...she w-w-was hit..."

This was all Seiko managed to say before Naomi stood up and ran towards the entrance of the park.


Kohako laid on the road, with Kazuya on the sidewalk. Naomi had a small breath of relief, but still, she approached Kohako, despite Ayumi and Satoshi noticing her.

"K...o...hako...are you still...alive?"

Kohako laid, barely moving. Naomi stood back. She smiled for a bit, but then quickly frowned.

Satoshi stood behind Naomi.


He realized soon that everything changed for him. Kazuya had taken Kohako's place in the future. He saved Kazuya, along with himself.

"Ha...ha..." Satoshi tried to laugh with a frown, however, it just turned to tears.

Perhaps, somewhere, he would have been in Kohako's place. He began to walk home leaving everyone behind.

He began to walk into the park as a shortcut. What would have happened if he stopped Kohako, or if he hadn't even noticed Kohako? How would that scene in his head even play out? Satoshi started to walk up the stairway, without even looking at his friends as he walked by them. He sighed. He didn't want to go through any of this anymore. Who started this? This...this whole thing of "guess what's gonna happen next?" Was it a sick joke to them? A prank?

Satoshi was too immersed in his thoughts, he didn't realize the girl in front running down.

"Ok, ok! I'll be right there! I'll go- oogh!"

The girl crashed into Satoshi. Satoshi tried to grab on to something, however, the rain made the handle too slippery for any safety. He suddenly found himself falling down several stairs, more pain being invited into his body. Seconds past before he lost conscious. Surely he hadn't survived. But, still, Naomi and Ayumi were able to find him after the girl panicked.

"No..." Ayumi began.

"Nooooo!" Naomi finished.

As the cold hard rain quickly splashed upon the heads of our friends, Kazuya stood afar, watching them.

"Hmph. Well, this is a surprise. Then again, when is life every laid out for you?"

Kazuya started to walk the other direction, past Kohako's body entering the ambulance, laughing a bit.

Perhaps this was the true ending.

Perhaps not.

We'll just have to find out, don't we?