One Way or Another - Until the Ribbon Breaks

Peter and Ana shivered at the same time. Someone had just entered Neverland.

Curiosity got the best of her. When Ana noticed that Felix wasn't paying attention to her as he walked through the thick grass, cutting away at the dense branches.

Seeing this as her chance, she ducked behind a tree and waited until she could no longer hear his footsteps.

Springing back into action, she ran in the direction of the beach.

She arrived at the beach a few minutes later after stumbling her way through the forest.

Hopefully it isn't anyone important, she thought while wiping the sweat from her forehead.

One of the downsides of the island was how humid it got sometimes, and physical activity was not a good idea on days like this.

Remembering why she was here, she looked around inspecting the landscape. If someone had entered the island, they would most likely end up on the beach on this side of the island.

Her eyes widened when she noticed a large vessel coming her way in the distance.

The Jolly Roger.

Why is Hook coming back? she wondered. I helped him escape! He shouldn't be back!

As the ship got closer, she made her way closer to the water. She waited until it made its way over to the island and anchored itself not too far from the shore.

She saw figures lower a small rowboat from the side of the ship into the water, and two people climbing into the boat that was then being lowered by some deckhands.

One of the boat's occupants began rowing and the little boat quickly made its way towards her.

As they got closer, Ana noticed that the two men were indeed, Captain Hook and one of his first mates.

The two men arrived at the shore fairly quickly, and wasted no time jumping out and running towards her.

She made a confused face and shouted out, "What on earth are you doing back here?"

Hook didn't reply until he was standing right in front of her. He grabbed her arm roughly and said, "Coming back for you, of course! Now come on, we haven't got much ti-".

He was cut off when something (or someone) smacked into him from the side, knocking him and Ana down onto the sand.

The two looked up to see Peter standing over them with a cruel look in his eyes.

"What the hell is going on?" Ana shouted at the two.

"Get away from him, Ana," Peter warned her.

"Why?" she demanded back.

He shot her a look in response but she didn't budge as she and Hook got back onto their feet.

"She's coming with me, boy," Hook spat at him bitterly.

"If you so much as touch her again, you will be sorry," Peter replied curtly.

He began walking towards Ana, but Hook pushed her behind him and he drew his sword and pointed it towards Peter.

Peter looked at it and smiled.

"You think a little sword will help you?" he asked Hook mockingly.

Killian smiled back.

"Thankfully this isn't just a regular sword," the Captain replied.

Killian drew the sword back and before Peter could react, cut Peter's cheek with the blade of the sword.

Peter's hand flew to his face as warm blood started to run down his cheek.

Ana gasped and started to run to Peter, but Hook held her back with his free arm, trying not to harm him with his hook.

"Why did you do that?" she demanded, struggling to get away from him.

"Just watch…" he said, not taking his eyes off of Peter.

Peter's eyes widened in disbelief as he felt the squid ink starting to take effect. His hands started to glow a bright blue, slowly travelling up his arms and coating his entire body. He was paralyzed.

The pirate has outsmarted him. This was NOT good.

"What did you do?" asked Ana in a panic. She was so confused and started to feel dizzy.

"I am freeing you," Hook replied, sheathing his sword back in its holster. He then took out a small bottle that resembled a perfume bottle and sprayed it into Ana's face. "It's for your own good. You'll understand later," he told her.

She gasped and began blinking wildly, the potion quickly taking effect and making her feel ever more woozy.

Just as he began pushing Ana towards the shore, he noticed another figure appearing onto the beach from the thick foliage of the forest.

He moved faster, yelling at his mate to begin paddling away from the shore.

Ana, not having the ability to move her feet on her own, fell over forcing the pirate to quickly throw her over his shoulder and run towards the fleeing rowboat.

Felix ran to Peter, making sure that he was alright.

He turned towards the water to where Hook had already placed Ana in the boat, and has began paddling away.

Felix quickly made his way to the shore and swam after them, but the clothes he was wearing began slowly him down as they became heavy with water.

With a loud, frustrated yell, he made his way back towards the island before he drowned.

Killian and Ana made it back to the vessel and were heaved back onto the ship.

The crew cheered as Killian picked up an unconscious Ana and passed her off to other pirate who went to take her to the captain's quarters.

Hook wasted no time and yelled at the deckhands to get the ship moving.

He took hold of the wheel and began to sail the ship away from the island. He then threw his last remaining bean into the ocean and sailed his ship into the swirling whirlpool of a magic portal.

Felix made his way back to the shore, coughing up water and heaving his heavy body onto the sand.

He recovered quickly and walked back towards where Peter was still frozen in place.

The look of pure anguish he saw in Peter's eyes made him feel sympathy for his leader. Peter had just lost the one person who mattered more to him than Felix did.

They both watched as the ship disappeared into the portal, leaving behind nothing more than a ripple in the water.