Finding Their Hearts

Emma returned to the table nonchalantly and sat down. She picked up her lemonade and sipped it, waiting for the unexpected arrivals.

Both Roland and his father were eager to see Regina. Roland called her Aunt Regina and asked about her constantly since that night at Granny's. Robin was nervous when the taxi pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. Tink patted his hand. "You'll be fine," she assured him.

"I hope so," he held Roland's hand as they got out.

Tink sent a quick text to Emma to let her know they arrived.

Emma hid a smile. She prayed Regina would like the surprise.

Roland spotted Regina in the dining room, released his father's hand and ran in before Robin could catch him.

"Roland!" he called uselessly.

"Gina! Gina! We're here!"

Regina almost spilled her iced tea all over herself when she saw Roland running towards her. "Roland! What—how-?"

"We flew in a big metal bird!" He exclaimed.

She hugged him tightly. "You flew on a plane? With . . . with . . ." she almost couldn't get the words out.

"Hello Regina," Robin said softy when he approached the table.

"Robin," she whispered. "What . . .are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you...would you mind coming outside with me?"

She rose and said to Roland, "Go and say hi to Mr. Rumple and Belle, okay, while I talk to your daddy."


Roland ran over to Rumple and cried, "Mr. Rumple, guess what? Tink n' Daddy an' me, we flew high up in the sky in a big metal bird!"

"That's wonderful, Roland," Gold chuckled, picking up the boy and putting him on his lap. "Did you like it?"

"Uh huh. Do ya got any candy?" he asked. When he first came into Gold's shop, Rumple had given him strawberry Life Savers.

"I might," Rumple smiled, swiping a peppermint off the table.

"Where, Mr. Rumple?"

"You have to guess which hand." He held out his hands, both closed.

Roland pointed to his left hand. "In there?"

Rumple opened his hand. "No."

"Awww... There?" He pointed to Rumple's right hand.

The sorcerer opened his hand. "You got it!" He gave the little boy the peppermint.

"Thanks Mister Rumple!"

Rumple smiled. "You're welcome." He let the child lean back against him while he sucked the candy.

Roland gave Belle a sweet smile. "Hi, Mrs. Belle."

Belle laughed. "Hello, Roland." She thought the little boy was adorable and looked so natural curled up on her husband's lap, resting his slightly sticky fingers on Rumple's shirt.

Tink sat down next to Hook. "Long time no see, Captain."

"What're you doing here?"

"I decided to tag along for the ride. Having a good time in the Sunshine State."

"Brought the outlaw with you eh. Maybe now Emma won' t keep thinking she messed up Regina's life."

"You can't stop true love, Hook. All you can do is delay it for awhile. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. One way or another."

"For some...not others," he said bitterly.

Tink eyed him cautiously. "Perhaps . . . you've been looking in the wrong place."

"I'm not sure anymore."

The fairy leaned on the table. 'Why don't we get a drink and find out?"

"I'm all for that."

"Then let's get out of here, Captain."

He smiled. They stopped off at the CVS to pick up six packs and wine coolers.

Tink was stunned. "They sell that in here?"


Hook and Tink took their beers and wine coolers and went to sit on the beach by the hotel. "So how have you been keeping, Killian?"

"Not too well, love. Emma . . .Emma decided that we've moved too fast . . .and she wants to take a step back and . . think about things. I think she hasn't gotten over Neal yet."

Tink nodded. "Killian . . .sometimes you don't "get over" the death of someone you love. Especially if . . .it was her True Love."

"You believe that?"

"I do. More importantly, EMMA believes that. And so long as she still loves Neal . . .she can never love you. Not like you want. Not like you need."

Killian spread his hands. "So what do I do? I can't compete with a dead guy."

"No. Nor should you have to. Killian . . .Emma is right. You did kind of rush into things with her. I mean, when did you first start having feelings for her?"

"On the way to Neverland. Aboard my ship. She was . . .she reminded me a lot of Milah. Independent, feisty, and that kind of thing. But she wasn't . . . as bitter as Milah, even after what she'd been through. She was like a ray of light . . .and I wanted . . .that. She loved her son, she came BACK for him, she did what Milah never did, and that kind of devotion . . .I'd never known it before. It awed me. I think I fell in love with her then."

Tink was quiet for a moment. "So you fell in love with Emma because she exhibited love, and loyalty, and devotion. Those are all good qualities but . . . you fell in love with a woman you never really knew. A woman who's heart was already given to another long ago."

"I guess that's one way of putting it. But I thought they were over!"

The fairy shook her head. "Like I said, Killian, you are never "over" your True Love. You can be separated from them, lost to them by death, but one way or another they always return. Always. Why do you think True Love is the most powerful magic there is? Because it creates a bond that cannot be broken. Not even by death."

He couldn't forget what he heard her say in the cave to free Neal from his cage. She wanted to think he was dead so that she could move on. He reminded the fairy of this.

"That cage unlocks with truths...if she didn't mean it, why did she say it?"

Unless it was some kind of magic to trick Pan into thinking they were all against each other...Only it didn't feel like a track to him. Did it, Jones? Or is that what you told yourself so that you thought you had a chance with her?

"A part of her did mean it . . . she was tired of grieving, of hurting, of never knowing . . . the pain of his loss . . .was immeasurable . . .and so she said what she wished were true . . .that she could know one way or another whether or not he was gone, so she could mourn properly. But that cave . . . does not always speak to the deepest secrets of your heart. And Emma is one who guards her heart dearly. Only one man has ever gotten past those walls. And dear Captain, that was not you."

"No...I guess it wasn't. There's still a lot she hasn't told me."

He sighed and was ready to take another drink when he stopped and set the bottle down. "And I need to quit trying to hide from the truth at the bottom of one of these."

"And you haven't told her." She said. "Yes, you do. For you can run from the truth, but you cannot hide. It will always find you," she quipped, than drank some of her berry wine cooler.

"Yeah...and I know that if there was some way to bring Neal back like he brought his father back, she'd do it."

"She would. For there are only three absolutes in magic—all magic comes with a price, True Love breaks all curses, and True Love never dies—it's just reborn anew."

He smiled. "I don't know why I never talked to you about this sooner. You always did have good advice for me, even in Neverland when I was that asshole Pan's errand boy."

She laughed. "You and I are more alike than you know. A disgraced exiled fairy and the rogue pirate forced to run errands for a boy who never chose to grow up."

His job then, though it made him sick to his stomach now to think about now was transporting the boys Pan's shadow abducted to Neverland. "He called it errands...I call it being an accessory to kidnapping." And one of those boys had been Neal...

"Now you do . . .but then . . .you accepted his terms," she reminded. "Why?"

"I liked the idea of time standing still, never growing old, being able to do whatever the hell I wanted...but after Neal...I didn't want to do it anymore. I could hear him screaming at me in my sleep at night. And then you told me it was time I found my own place in the realms but all I thought about then was how much I wanted Rumplestiltskin dead. And I still wonder why you refused my offer to go back."

He suspected it had something to do with her wanted to keep watch over the Lost Boys and when Neal came to them in the camp he also suspected she struck up a friendship with that particular Lost Boy.

"Because I was needed where I was. Those children needed me . . .Bae needed me . . . to keep hope alive in that jungle of darkness. And that was what I did best. It was what I was exiled for—for bringing help and hope to those with dark hearts . . . those the Blue Fairy had deemed irredeemable. But she was wrong. For if there is love still in one's heart, you can always be redeemed. But only if love is gone . . .or has never existed . . .is that one lost. And Regina was not, as has been proven since. But Blue . . .forgot that . .. and didn't want to be reminded of it either by an upstart youngling. And as I said before, I was needed there." Her face softened. "My poor children! For they became my sons in a way . . .even Bae, who used to wake at night screaming for his father to come and take him away, that he wanted to go home . . ."

"We got them all home, Tink…just not the one they had before and they seem happy."

"Yes. And that is a good thing. Though I still look in on them from time to time and make sure . . ."

He was actually enjoying being out there with Tinkerbell. It was just like old times and there were no ghosts between them. They had their spats on Neverland, mostly when he drank too much but she always listened to him with an open mind.

Tink found she liked being with him as well. He did not judge her for being a rebel and an outcast, and she found their shared history a pleasant one, for the most part.

"Oh? And to what are you referring?" she asked with an impish grin, picking up the bottle of wine cooler at her feet.

Killian laughed. "Oh, Regina didn't tell you? They were caught umm...having sex on the beach. Not something I'd expect them to do but it happened."

Tink burst out laughing. "How very . . . invigorating! And you know what they say about sorcerers, Captain."

"What?" He'd forgotten.

"That their staves are always ready, like a pirate's flag is always flying," she reminded him with a naughty wink.

Killian was laughing so hard he fell over. "Oh gods...you should tell him that one!"

"Awww come on...are they at it again!" he heard a voice say further down the beach.

"That's it...we're hauling them in!"

"Shit...Tink it's the cops!" Killian whispered urgently.

They needed to get the hell out of there before they too ended up being the subject of gossip for the whole day.

"Do you trust me?" she asked urgently.

"Yeah...hurry up!"

"Then get ready . . . to get small!" she cried and shrunk him to fairy size and then shrunk herself as well. She picked him up and they flew off into the air.

"Okay Gold...you and the wife got two minutes to get your clothes on and get moving or you're spending a night in jail!" Officer Nail shouted.

Tink giggled. Then she blew a minute amount of pixie dust at the officer, snickering as he started floating.

"What the hell?!"

Steele watched his mouth agape. "Okay...now I've seen it all or I need glasses."

"Quit laughing you dick! Get me down!"

Even Killian was cracking up. "We definitely have to tell Rumple THAT one! Something he'd do!"

Steele grabbed Nail's legs to try to pull him down and floated along with him. "Ohhhhh shiiiittttt!"

"How long's it take for that wear off?" Killian asked her.

"Half an hour," she replied.

By that time they could be anywhere but at least he and Tink hadn't gotten caught. She released the spell on them right before they got to the hotel, seeing Regina and Robin by the pool in deep conversation.

Not wanting to interrupt, they decided to spend the rest of the evening in the resort's lounge getting reacquainted.

"Then you don't . . .think I'm the Evil Queen any more? Or that Marian—your wife—belongs with you?" Regina asked.

"Too much has changed Regina. I realize that now. We've all changed, especially you."

In the past year even when she was being her most difficult, he knew it was just a mask to hide the pain she felt being parted from her son and to hide the pain from her lost love. He knew the feeling well, lived with it so long that it became second nature to him. When he met her, he finally thought he had the chance to move on and he was...they were. Roland grew to love her like a mother...before Marian's return he called her Mama Gina and would have stopped calling her that if Marian hadn't told him she didn't mind it.

"I don't see the Evil Queen. I see a mother willing to do whatever it takes to protect a child, even one she didn't give birth to. I see a brave woman willing to risk losing her heart to protect a town she built and the people in it, whether they are her friends or enemies. I see a woman who was told she was evil even when she faced someone whose crimes were worse than hers and PROVE she can change."

"Yes, but had Emma not brought her back…I would've had your wife executed and you would still carry the guilt over her death," Regina pointed out. "Like I do from so many others…"

"The fact that you feel remorse now says a lot, Regina. Do you think I haven't killed anyone being an outlaw? I have. You know I have. I didn't want to do it and deep down I don't think you did either. Your mother and your sister on the other hand…."

"They regretted nothing," she murmured. "When she was dying my mother tried to convince me she was finally satisfied with my life as it was…but I don't think so. It never would've been enough. Power was all she craved and she did anything to get it, even ripped out her own heart. Zelena was no better, willing to kill MY son, killing Rumple's son just so she can go back in time and be as miserable as I was because no matter how hard she tried, her fate would've been the same. When I was in Neverland, I said I had no regrets. I didn't then…for some things I still don't they got me Henry and I love him more than anything. I don't believe you can only have one True Love because Henry is that to me too."

"I know that. There's no truer love than a parent's for their children. And you wanting to change, Henry had a lot to do with that."

"Yes he did," she admitted. "What about Marian? What is she going to do?"

"We've worked it out that she would stay at Granny's and see Roland when she wants to. She's still trying to adjust to this new world and we're all helping with that but I can't stay married to her, not when we're not the same people anymore and I love someone else…"

"You love me?" she whispered.

"I love you." he said firmly and pulled her into his arms. It was the first time they'd kissed since that night Marian returned and for a while she thought she would never be with him like this again but as she'd often heard, true love always finds a way.

"I love you…" She held him tightly, not wanting to let go this time or ever again. No matter what happened from that point on, no matter what life threw at her, she would never stop fighting for her happy ending too.

Henry and Robyn were eating their dinner on the outside patio at the Turtle, having a wonderful time, finding it easier to talk now that the grownups weren't around. Henry still hesitated to tell her about his special heritage, remembering from his experiences with Greg and Tamara that such knowledge could be dangerous in the hands of outsiders no matter how much he trusted them. He was hoping there would come a time when he could. He called his grandfather to pick them up two hours later, holding the car door open for her for the ride back to the hotel and opening it for her once they arrived, his grandfather nodding his approval.

"I'll ummm…see you tomorrow," she said to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before she walked away. He touched the spot on his cheek, wanting to never wash it again.

"Did you have a good time, Henry?" his grandfather asked as they were walking back into the hotel.

"The best," he said softly. "Thank you for all your help and advice, Grandpa."

Rumple smiled. "It was my pleasure, lad."

When they got back to Rumple and Belle's suite Emma was there with her and so was Neal…in human form. Emma had her arms around him and both women were in tears.

"Bae…? What's going on?"

"You did it, didn't you Dad? They accepted your deal?" Henry asked hopefully.

"What deal? Bae, what is everyone talking about?" Rumple panicked. As dozens of reasons raced through his mind, he struggled to breathe and felt his knees giving out. Belle rushed to his side and helped him sit down.

"It's all right, darling, everything's going to be all right now…" she soothed.


Neal kneeled beside him. "I made a deal with the Powers, Papa. I can be with all of you alive during the Solstices, your birthdays and two other days during the year. I've chosen Christmas and Thanksgiving as the other two."

"W…What? But…..how?"

"Don't you remember, Papa? It's happened before."

"Callista…." he whispered, now recalling the legend of the murdered bride who was granted the same exception to spend time with her beloved until she could be reunited with him in Paradise.

"I know it's not much, Papa, and you don't have to worry about it requiring a price because it doesn't."

"I don't care!" his father sobbed and threw his arms around him. "It's more than I could've hoped for…" His precious boy would be with him again and even if it were only a few days out of the year, it was enough. "Bae, Belle…..she's…she's having your brother or sister. Will one of those day be…?"

"It counts as a birthday Papa, so yes. I will be here when my little brother or sister is born," Neal replied with a smile. "Any chance you could change the date for your wedding to one of those days?"

Rumple chuckled. "You're becoming as sharp a dealmaker as I am. I'll try like hell to do so!" he vowed.

They managed to get the date for Rumple and Belle's wedding changed to Rumple's birthday, which was in late August and because all those closest to him had birthdays scattered throughout the year, Neal would be able to be with his family at least a dozen times throughout the year. They would be staying in Juno over the summer months or any time they needed to get away in a condo in Bay Colony, a beachfront community that was similar to a resort as it had its own pool and marina, a clubhouse, a fitness center, tennis and bocce courts, and an outdoor barbeque and bar. It was almost like the resort they were currently staying in.

Departure day was a difficult one for all of them, especially Henry who hated having to leave Robyn behind. "I'll still be here when you come back in August," she promised. "Til then I'll talk to you on Skype and email you."

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too. You're a great guy, Henry Mills Gold."

"You're a great girl, Robyn."

"Henry, lad…it's time to go," Rumple announced.

He started walking toward the car when he heard Robyn calling his name. "Henry, wait a minute!"

As soon as he turned around, Robyn's arms were around him and she was kissing him, his first kiss….and hopefully not the last. At first he wasn't sure what to do but instinct took over and he was kissing her back.

"Your boy's becoming a man, ladies…his first kiss," Rumple said softly from behind Henry's mothers, both of them in tears. Yes, their boy was growing up fast, too fast for their liking but at least now he no longer had to worry about insane fairy tale people coming out of the woodwork to try to harm him…not as long as they were around and so was his father in a way.

The young lovers broke their kiss and gazed into each other's eyes. "Wow!" Robyn breathed. "I never thought finally kissing a boy would be so….so…"

"Magical?" Henry asked. "I feel the same way."

"Yeah. I know it sounds crazy but….it really did!"

He touched her cheek gently. "If you believe it, it was," he said softly. "I really gotta go. Bye Robyn…"

"Bye Henry…"

The young girl held back her tears until their car was out of sight. In the car, Henry gazed longingly out the window.

"You WILL see her again," Belle said gently, patting his hand, having said something similar to his grandfather before Rumple departed for Neverland to rescue him. He smiled. If there was one thing he'd learned about his family it was that they always found each other somehow.

~ A Nautical Wedding ~

Months later

Rumple stood before the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse with his son at his side as his best man, both of them in royal blue Armani suits with white roses on their lapels. Ruby was Belle's matron of honor; Henry and Robyn were the ring bearers, as Henry had told Robyn about his unusual family and his ghostly father and she was fine with it, in fact she thought it was awesomely cool. Emma, Snow, Regina and Ariel were bridesmaids in royal blue chiffon dresses with David, Robin, Eric and Archie as groomsmen. He was as nervous as he was that night at the wishing well when Maurice came up the hill holding Belle's hand. His bride was a beautiful sight in a white strapless satin and lace wedding gown with a sweetheart neckline. In her hands she held a bouquet of white roses. Rumple took her hand in his and together they turned to face the minister.

"The bride and groom have decided to speak their own vows," he announced to the crowd. "You may begin when you're ready."

Belle decided to speak first. "When we stood together like this before, I didn't say what I truly wanted to say to you and now I will. You often asked me why I love, you, why I stand by your side and this is why: you are a man willing to do whatever it takes to protect the ones you love, endure a year of imprisonment and torture…even give your life. I vow that I will always love you, always be there to support you no matter what life throws at us, no matter how far apart we are because without you…I feel like half of me is missing and it only returns when you return to me."

Rumple took a deep breath before he began. "There aren't enough words for me to describe what you mean to me. You made me believe in love again, made me believe that true love was possible, even for someone like me and I promise you that I will spend the rest of my life being the husband you deserve. No matter how far apart we are, or what tries to come between us, I'll always find my way back home…back to you…where I belong."

"Do you have the rings?" the minister asked the two teenagers. Henry handed Rumple his ring while Robyn handed Belle hers. Rumple lifted his bride's hand in his and slid her wedding ring back on her finger, kissing her fingertips as she slid his ring onto his hand and clasped it in her free one.

"By the power vested in me by the state of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Rumple didn't wait to ask for permission to kiss his bride. He gathered her into his arms and kissed her passionately. "I love you," he whispered.

"And I love you, Rumple."

Neal came up to them with Emma at his side and embraced them. "Happy Birthday, Papa."

"You being here is the best birthday present I could ever have," Rumple murmured.

Though Neal would have to leave once the clock struck midnight, he would always be watching over them and it would only be two months until he returned again, this time for Emma's birthday. She found her Tallahassee at last, just not in a way she'd expected and true love never died…it was reborn anew…for all of them.