Hey, I did some rewriting. Changed the plot a bit, made things a little bit more smoother and all that jazz.

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson.

Megan's POV

Hi! I am Megan Torres and this is the story of how I met my soulmate.

It all starts on the fourth best/worst day of my life. Well maybe not the worst. How about this. It all starts on the fourth best day of my life.

Hold on let me first tell you my name, . . . wait scratch that you already know my name. Sorry. My age, looks, and my mom's looks.

I am sixteen years old I have Dyslexia and ADHD. The ADHD is not so bad but my dyslexia is the absolute worst. They say it's doubly worse than normal. My mom also has ADHD and Dyslexia but hers are almost extinct compared to mine. Not fair. Anyway my mom's name is Lori Torres. She is five foot three. She has blonde hair that goes to her shoulders. She has ice blue eyes that makes me feel like I am looking into a glacier. She is very mischievous. I inherited that sorta. Now for me, I have black hair and sea blue eyes. My mom says I got that from my dad. I don't know my dad. He left when I was a baby. I remember two faint smiles one mischievous the other warm and soft. I am five foot one.

Anyway let me tell you my story. It all started when I was walking home with my mom and best friend Alexander Woods. We were just passing an alley when suddenly someone reached out and grabbed me, pulling me into the space between buildings.

Now I live in New York City so I know how to defend myself but this person was strong. They had a grip on my arms so I couldn't move.

"Mom! Help!" I yelled.

She came running into the alley with a sword drawn.

"Whoa! Where did you get that?" I asked. I know not the time but you can blame my ADHD.

"Let her go you vile piece of trash." She yelled.

She crouched looking for an opening.

"But why, dear?" said one.

"Now Stheno. And where is your sister."

"Right here, granddaughter of Hermes."

A snake haired lady lunged at my mom.

"Mom look out." I yelped. As the one behind me dug her claws into me.

She spun and sliced with the sword and the lady dissolved into dust.

The other one threw me into a wall and screamed "My sister!"

I slammed head first into the wall. The last thing I remember was the other lady dissolving into dust like her sister. Then everything went black. I had a weird dream

I was walking into a room. The room had a two cribs, a sun and sea themed mobile over one and a red and orange glass mobile over the other, two changing tables, basically it was a nursery for twins. On the wall was painted Marisol on the other was Leto. One of the babies was crying.

"Shhh," I soothed. "Mommy's here." I picked up a baby with honey blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She had one tooth breaking through her gums.

"Hey A come here. Look at this." I said quietly out the doorway. In walked a guy who I assumed was A. He had the same honey blond hair as the baby but his eyes were a more sky blue.

"What is it, love?" he asked. "How's our little sunshines?"

"She has her first tooth." I said with a smile.

"Really." he exclaimed.

The baby began to cry. The other one started up too.

"Look what you did." I pouted. "I just got them to sleep too."

I handed off the baby I was holding to him. He cooed at the baby.

I reached in the other crib and picked up a baby with black hair and blue eyes. "Hey, Mari." I crooned

I reached over and kissed the guy on the lips. "I love you."

I woke up when someone was spooning something down my throat. He stopped when I woke up. I had the lingering taste of strawberry shortcake in my mouth. It reminded me of the time my grandma brought home some strawberries from where she used to go during the summers and we made that tasty dessert. Yum.

The guy had the same hair as the guy in my dream but his eyes were different. "Who are you?" I asked. "Where's my mom?"

"The name is Will Solace. And your mom should be coming right now."

As soon as he said that the door opened and in walked my mom and a guy that was half horse. I remember my grandma telling me stories of Greek mythology. So this must be a centaur.

"Mom? Why is there a centaur in the room?" I asked. Then I remember my grandma talking about demigods and the greek gods. "Aw crap. Their real." I whined.

"Language young lady." My mom said in a serious voice that she only uses when I've gotten in trouble.

"My child what do you mean their real." asked the centaur.

"The greek myths. I'm a demigod right?" I asked.

The centaur looked startled. "How did you know." he asked.

"My Grandma told me stories." I said.

"Figures." he said quietly.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing." he said quickly.

"Well since you're up let's give you a tour."

"But I don't know your name?" I said confused.

"Chiron may I give my daughter the tour?" asked my mom.

"No, Lori. Let's let young Will here give it." He said in reply.

"Okay." she said to him to me she said, "Manners young lady. I love you Megan."

"Love you too."

Then she and Chiron walked out the door.
