The Choice Is Yours

Chapter 1 You Decide Amu

Note: This is story begins the last episode of Shugo Chara. Episode 127.

Next month, the guardians were going to be in middle school. They were still the same guardians, though and nothing much had changed in their life. The former Joker, Hinamori Amu, who was currently dating the King, Hotori Tadase, definitely didn't change at all. Or so people think.

She was lying on her bed doing nothing but being a lazy girl (which a lot of people can relate to). Her guardian characters, Ran, Miki, Su, and Dia knew that she needed to do something instead being in bed all day. It was nice out, so by rights, she should be going outside.

"Amu-chan, you can't just lie there all day." Ran said.

"That's right. Oh I know! Why don't you ask Tadase on a date?" Miki said smirking, knowing what her owner would say.

Amu blushed and got up. "N-no. Look...I just have a lot on my mind right now so I'm not in the mood." Then she uselessly lied back down again.

Just as she had lied back down, she heard and felt her phone vibrate. She picked it up and saw that she had received a message. Amu clicked the message open and noticed that it was from Tadase. She blushed slightly then started to read the message.

Good Morning Amu-chan! Knowing you, I bet you're just lying in bed. Why don't we go out and do something together?


Amu blinked and her guardian characters smiled. "Just respond to him!" Ran said.

Amu did what Ran said. Before sending the message, she read it to make sure it wasn't too weird or anything.

Hi Tadase-kun! Hehe...yeah. I stayed up until one because Ran, Miki, Su, and Dia kept me all night. And sure! Let's meet each other at the park in 20 minutes. See you then!


Amu sent the message and walked towards her closet. "Miki, do you think you could help me choose an outfit?" She asked her blue character.

Miki nodded, "Of course!" And right away, Miki had already found the perfect outfit.

Amu was wearing a purple and white striped under shirt that had no collar and began just under her shoulders. Over top of this she had a white top that had a strap around her neck. The top also had a black ribbon tied at the center and black frills at the arms. Amu finished off the outfit with a belt and pulled her hair up into her usual side ponytail. She looked at herself in the mirror then went off to the park.

Tadase was waiting for Amu at the front entrance of the park. He was wearing a navy blue t-shirt, a white jacket, jeans, and black shoes. He may have been wearing something simple, but of course, he looked cute either way.

Amu finally arrived and Tadase smiled. "Ohayo, Amu-chan!"

Amu blushed slightly, "O-ohayo." She said softly.

"Do you mind if we walk around here? I need to speak with you." Tadase said. He almost sounded serious, yet upset.

Amu stared at Tadase. What did he want to talk about? Nevertheless, Amu nodded and they started to walk. It was only a few minutes since they started walking. There was an awkward, uncomfortable silence around them. They stopped when they reached a bench.

"Let's rest for a bit." Tadase said.

Amu nodded in agreement. Again, there was that awkward silence around them. It made Amu nervous. Then Tadase started to speak, breaking the silence.

"Hey, Amu-chan, can you listen to me for a few minutes?" Tadase asked gently.

"What is it?" Amu responded, looking at Tadase curiously.

Tadase stared at the ground. "I really do love you Amu-chan. A whole lot. And since I love you…I want you to be happy…with whoever you want to be with."

Amu didn't understand what Tadase was saying, so she kept listening silently.

"Amu-chan, tell me...nothing really is going on between you and Ikuto-nissan, right?" Tadase said in a sad tone.

Amu was surprise he asked her that. Hadn't he asked something like this before? Amu didn't know how to answer. She wanted to be honest with Tadase. She felt like crying. She looked down at the ground as well.

"G-gomenasai, Tadase-kun. I need to be honest with you. I like Ikuto...but I also like you too. I don't know who to're both amazing. You both make my heart race so fast. I blush so much that my face turns into like a tomato. Haha... I'm sorry that I didn't tell you this." Amu said sadly.

Tears started to run down her face. She felt so bad for not telling Tadase. She'd liked Ikuto for a while now. But there was no going back now. She had already said it. Now she just had to wait for Tadase's response.

He took a deep breath and let it out. He didn't seem to be that surprise. He seemed like he already knew from the start. But he didn't know if he should cry, be upset, or get angry.

He looked up at Amu and spoke," Amu-chan, I know you like me. I know you also like Ikuto-nissan. Amu-chan, please answer this for me. Who do you think will make you happier?"

Amu looked back at Tadase. Who would make her happier? Amu didn't know how to answer.

"I...I don't know." And that's all she said.

Tadase looked into Amu's honey-golden eyes. He loved her. And so he finally made a decision to help her.

"Amu-chan, you can decide. Think about it. Think about whom you love the most. And if you choose Ikuto-nissan…then that's alright. All I want is that you're with the person you truly love. I don't want to put any pressure on you. Take all the time you need. I love you Amu-chan. I wish you happiness." Tadase smiled and kissed her cheek then left.

Amu didn't even blush when he kissed her. She was crying. She loved both Ikuto and Tadase. Why was this happening? How will she decide? She was so confused. She headed home. She opened the front door and found her parents having some play time with Ami.

"Oh, Amu-chan dear! How was your day with Tadase?" Her mother asked with a smile.

Amu didn't respond. She just ran to her room and locked the door behind her. Her parents looked at each other, wondering what was wrong.

Amu flopped onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. She had to decide who she loved better. Ikuto or Tadase? Who would make her happier? Her guardian characters looked at her with a worried look. They had been listening to the whole thing.

"Amu-chan...? Are you okay?" Dia asked.

"To be honest…I don't know." She said with a sigh. Then her phone started to ring.

Done with chapter 1! So this story is going to be a Tadamuto story (TadasexAmuxIkuto).

Ohayo - Good Morning

Gomenasai - So Sorry/Sorry

Bye! :D