His Abuse, Her Pain

Chapter 1

Pain; that's all Hermione knew. She didn't know the warmth or happiness of being in love. She just knew pain. Her and Ron's relationship had started off great. They were happy and very much in love. Then everything changed. She wasn't sure what happened to change their relationship. One day she came home and found him angry because she had worked late and didn't have dinner ready. That was the day the beatings started.

Eventually, she had been forced to quit her job at the Ministry, and stay home and take care of Ron. She tried every day to make him happy, but there was always something she did wrong. He would find faults in something just to hit her. She no longer went out in public, for fear of anyone seeing through her glamor charms and realizing what Ron was doing. Whenever their friends would come over, she would barely talk and, normally, keep herself busy so she didn't have to be near them. She didn't want them finding out about her and Ron's relationship. He would surely kill her if anyone found out about it.

She was fixing dinner for everyone when Ron walked into the kitchen. He walked behind her and took a small taste of the food. He immediately spit it out into the sink and looked at her angrily. She shrank away slightly as he swung his hand back. He slapped her across the face so hard that it sent her stumbling backwards a little.

"Dammit, Woman, you put too much Cayenne pepper in the spaghetti sauce!" he yelled.

"I'm sorry, Master (yes he forced her to call him Master when it was just them). I'll redo the sauce." She said trembling.

"You'd better and don't think you've escaped punishment. Harry and the others will be here soon and I don't want you getting blood in the food, nor do I want them seeing any marks." He said angrily.

"Yes, Master." She said and he waved his wand, placing a glamor charm on her face. He had taken her wand a few days ago and she didn't know when she would get it back.

"Now, get back to work on dinner!" he yelled.

"Yes, Master." She said.

She poured out the sauce and started again. She was careful not to add to much Cayenne pepper to it this time. She ground up some meat and added it in and set the sauce over the stove to heat up. She put the spaghetti in another pot and filled it with water, then set it on the stove to boil.

She had just placed the breadsticks in the oven, when there was a knock on the door. She wiped her hands on her apron and went to answer the door. She entered the living room and saw that Ron had already answered the door. She sighed softly and went back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

She pulled the bread out of the oven, sighing happily when she saw that she had cooked it perfectly and nothing had been burned. She then turned to the stove and turned the temperature of the burner, which had the sauce on it, down so that the sauce could simmer. She turned the other burner temperature down and fished out a piece of the spaghetti. She threw the noddle against the sink and smiled as it stuck.

"Okay so the food is done, as is the sauce." She smiled and put the spaghetti in one bowl and the sauce in the other. She brought the sauce out first and placed it on a hot mat. She brought the spaghetti out and placed its pot on a hot mat as well. She put the breadsticks into a wood bread-basket and brought them out and set them on the table. She set the table and poured water into the glasses.

She walked into the living room, where everyone was sitting and talking. No one noticed her at first and her eyes watered up. She missed sitting and talking with them. She used to always look forward to these dinners but now she dreaded them. All she did was cook or clean, while they all sat around and talked. She cleared her throat and made her presence known.

"Dinner is served." She said in a soft voice.

"Thank you, Dear." Ron said getting up and walking by her. He kissed her bruised cheek and she winced slightly.

She watched everyone sit down, then she went back to the kitchen to clean the dishes. She heard laughter and sighed as she cleaned. No one ever noticed her absence and it hurt to see that she was easily forgotten about. She bit back tears as she cleaned.

Unbeknownst to her, her absence was noted by two people. They watched her walk into the kitchen then looked at each other and nodded. Draco stood up and followed everyone to the table, while Blaise left to "go use the bathroom". Instead of using the bathroom, he went to the kitchen. He watched Hermione clean and heard her sniffle.

"You need to eat, Cara." He said making his presence known, causing her to jump and turn to look at him.

"Blaise, is there something you need?"

"No, but you need to eat."

"I'll eat later, Blaise. I have to clean right now." She said turning back to the dishes.

"Does he force you to?" Blaise asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"I've seen the way you look at him. You're afraid of him."

"Terrified is more like it", A voice said as arms wrapped around her. The person's scent filled her nose and she knew who it was immediately.

"Draco, stop. I'm not afraid of Ron. I love him."

"Yes, but does he love you?" Blaise asked.

"Of course he does!" Hermione retorted, just as Ron walked into the kitchen.

"Hermione, I was just wondering when…", but he cut off as he saw the scene before him. Draco still had his arms around Hermione and Blaise was leaning against the other doorway to the kitchen, "What's going on?"

"Nothing, Ron. They were just coming in her to talk and Draco was joking around."

"I see. Well I'll go sit back down." Ron said, walking off.

"We had better return, Drake." Blaise said.

"Yeah. If you ever need help, Hermione, come to us." Draco said and with that they left.