A/N: So like I said I would, this is the epilogue for the story "Out of Reach". It sets 10 years after the trial. I hope you enjoy it.


Ten Years Later (present time)

Sixteen years ago, Aria Montgomery walk into my life, fourteen years ago, Aria Montgomery slipped out of my life and ten years ago, Aria Montgomery came back in it hoping it would never end again. Now, sixteen years after laying my eyes on her for the first time, Aria Fitz is sleeping soundly in my embrace. I will never get tired of watching her sleep, she seems so peaceful and happy, I will never get tired of admiring her beautiful and flawless face. She is and always will be the most gorgeous women on earth for my concern.

*** Flashback ***

Eight Years Before

Tonight Aria and I are going out on a date in her favorite Italian/Vegan restaurant. We met seven years ago and I still can't believe how she ended up choosing me over all the guys chasing after her. Seven years after seeing her for the first time, I was still madly and deeply in love with her.

After paying the check, I took Aria on a walk in the heart of New York, Central Park. We walked hand in hand not wanting to let go of each other, like we needed the touch of each other to breath. We sat down on a rock giving us a great views of the city night light. After a while, I made Aria stand up and I kneeled down taking a violet velvet box out of my pocket in the same time.

"I took you out tonight in the most amazing city in the world because to me you are the most amazing person and women in the whole wide world. No one can compare to your beauty and intelligence. You are the reason I want to open my eyes in the morning, you are my reason to keep fighting for what I want, you are my reason for living. When we met seven years ago, I was in a dark place where emptiness filled my heart but you brought the light back inside filling my heart with your smile and love. Aria Hazel Montgomery, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?". As I spoke those last words, I opened the box reveling a diamond engagement ring with the engravement "Through darkness and light I'll always be yours –EF" .

Aria said yes in a heartbeat and kissed me like there would be no tomorrow.

*** End of Flashback ***

Present Time

I was lost in my thoughts, lying on the bed next to my sleeping wife when I heard little tipped toe from the end of the hallway coming towards our room. Two seconds later, the door was opened by the small hand of our three years old daughter Grace. She ran towards the bed jumping on it almost right on top of her mother. "Daddy, daddy, I want mommy to wake up so I could cuddle with her, pwease!" She whispered with a small smile on her adorable little face. "Honey, why don't you cuddle with me instead while mommy get some rest" I said back looking at Aria's baby bumps. "Okay daddy but don't do the tickle monster, he is a meany!" she said while getting into my embrace. We laid there quietly enjoying our daughter/father time when I closed my eyes taking me back into the past.

*** Flashback ***

Four Years Before

I opened up the door of the apartment we bought earlier in the year with Aria after a hard day of work at the publishing firm. I stepped in taking of my coat and shoes but Aria wasn't here to great me at the door like every single other day since she usually gets out of work earlier than me. I was surprised but not worried until I heard the sound of someone throwing up coming from the bathroom. I knocked on the door concerned about Aria's health. "Honey, can I come in"

"I'm fine don't worry, I'll be out in a minute" a second after I heard her throwing up again.

"From what I can hear, you don't sound fine at all. I'm coming in" I announced

Aria was on the bathroom floor with her hair in a messy bun and she was resting her heads on the toilet seat looking more pale than ever. Next to the sink, something caught my eyes but I didn't say anything. Aria stood up and washed her face, hands and teeth. Then she nervously turned on her right so she could face me and she gave me the small pen looking like object that was on the sink two second before. A positive pregnancy test was now resting in my hand.

"Is it…. Are you… am I going to … to … to be a father? Are you really pregnant?" I could barely ask Aria

"Hum…. Yes I have four other test to confirm this one. Are you mad? Please tell me you are not mad" Aria asked with a really worried tone

"Oh My God Aria, We are going to be parents" I said taking her in my arms and lifting her to turn in the air. We were jumping in the middle of the bathroom overexcited to become parents.

"I was so worried you were going to be mad. I love you so much Ezra" Aria said before locking her lips on mine

"I love you too" I said were we broke the kiss to take our breath.

*** End of Flashback ***

Present Time

I suddenly opened my eyes again as Grace was shaking me and saying with her three year old little girl voice "Daddy, don't go back to sweep, it's not the night you can't sweep anymowe! You and mommy are funny people you always want to sweep when it's not the night!" she made me laugh and I surprised her by taking her back in my embrace tickling her. Because of all the noise Grace and I were making from our tickle fight, Aria woke up.

"Good morning my awesome husband" she simply said giving me a kiss.

"Mommy, you are up!" Grace said with overexcitement

"Hi, baby" Aria said cuddling with Grace.

So here I was. I have the most astonishing wife I could have ever dreamt of. We have the cutest, smartest and most adorable little girl and a second child, we already love so much, in the way. My life is simply my definition of perfection.


A/N: I would like to thank everyone that reviewed from the first to the last chapter! Your comments always made me smile and proud to write story for you guys. I really love writing and being able to so it and share it with you is really awesome plus your comments were always amazing so thank you so much This is officially the end of this story it makes me kind of sad because I had a really great time writing this story. Plus it started out as a One Shot so making it into a full story was a great experience ! If you liked my writing or if you are Ezria fan or both, make sure to check out my other stories! I wrote another OS called "What If" and I am currently in the middle of a multi-chapter story called "Trying to Remember"! Even if it's the end I'd still like to hear what you thought of this chapter!

Thank you again you guys are amazing !

